I'm gonna regret this aren't I?

I'm gonna regret this aren't I?

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yes, but a huge margin
t. someone who unsubbed 4-5 months ago

oh god why would you do that

If I line up some podcasts or coast to coast am episodes and just level from 1 to Max as slow and inefficient as possible...

Only way to play WoW nowadays.

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stop, atleast wait until 8.2 is out. right now it's still Ion's cancer vision of BFA

I wish I could do this in XIV but literally the only way to level in that game is running instances

My roommate still plays wow and he doesn't even enjoy it, pretty sure the only reason he plays is to avoid talking to his gf.

play ascenion wow instead
no regrets

Don't listen to all these faggots, its a fun game, its not what it used to be but anyone who calls bfa shit is blinded by nostalgia, hopefully they'll shut the fuck up when classic comes out.

Go have fun, it won't last long but do try and make the most of it. Only do a single month though

[streamer] said bfa bad, don't play it. [streamer] is hyped af for classic, you should wait for that

It is shit especially I'd rather play Africa in space or the China simulator again

Just because the game is in a bad spot overall doesn't mean you can't get some enjoyment from it.
You'll get bored eventually, but so what? Just quit when you do.

>quit bfa because resto shaman was completely trash in m+
>thinking of coming back, maybe play a holy paladin
>read that they're trash in m+
thanks ion

God why are most of the Cata revamed zones such utter garbage.

Cata as a whole was a garbage expansion.


The only way to play WoW for sure.
It still plays very well, responsive and simple.
As long as you don't get too invested in the endgame it's an okay game to waste time on

It's weird to think that the game has been in it's post-Cata state longer than it's original. Cata killed WoW for me.

Classic had zones that felt distinct and actually in a world.

Cata made each zone just a new area to have a pop culture reference. That Rambo knockoff in redridge or the CSI shit in westfall. Got a small laugh when I first saw it. Straight up contempt ever since.

>Pay to play

Zones no longer have their own story.
Everything is about the cataclysm fucking up everything and the twilight's hammer showing up.
Or they are a bunch of joke references.

>tfw M Avatar broke my guild's back so hard that when we got M KJ we only did one attempt before no one showed up again ever
>tfw only play once every 4-6 months now and have become the LFR shitter

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literaly dog shit

only if you are retarded lmao

Yes best way is to just grab the boost becasue everything before max in ff is literal dogshit

i am literally living this now. Mythic Jaina broke my guild, no one has shown up for a week and there was the "we regret to inform everyone" post in our discord.

RIP. 8.2 looks okay-ish

>M KJ progression
I still have nightmares of that. We had a mw monk and a priest die every fucking time to the ping pong portion of fight.

I literally just did this same thing last week. Paid for the month in gold so I'm not out any real money and I stopped playing within 2 days because it was so fucking boring.

Retail is beyond gone and anyone still playing just needs to take 5 days away from the game and they'll easily kick the itch

>only play once every 4-6 months now and have become the LFR shitter

While LFR is obviously braindead and easier than even regular instances, it's still neat to see the potential mechanics and designs

I felt like playing the other day. But I installed the PTR, saw that my class was literally the same trash as in 8.0, did a couple of laps around dalaran, and uninstalled it.

couldnt agree more. the friends i played with quit this expansion during BFD and none of them even want to play after a week. its an addiction

I recently leveled a new character 1-60 as rogue and had fun to be honest

This but XtremeRealityCheck on jewtube

Because someone was so assblasted about being spawncamped in the Barrens, they had to see it cut in half.

>Pay to keep paying to play

>playing retail instead of private server

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It's so fucking bad. In every single aspect. Everything was done to give illusion of content and things to do and it's all so lazy and half assed. It's a joke and it's really embarrassing to play at this point.
Wait until you see warfronts. God fucking damn just you wait.

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>played wod for two months
>played legion for two months
>played bfa for one month
why do i even buy these

Do you need to ask???

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You are searching for something that isn't there anymore

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Rope is cheaper than a sub.

Is there any good mop p.server?

Yeah, I did. played for two months from 1-120 on a fresh account. Played end-game a bit, leveled some alts, grinded rep, unlocked all heirlooms with gold alone in just a few days (gold earned through playing normally) played some allied races, and unsubbed when I realized how fucking soulless it really is.

>Played WoD until it ended
>Played Legion until it ended
>Probably going to play BfA until it ends
I actually liked Legion.

Yeah, progression feels awful it throws loot at you everywhere yet is still somehow frustrating.

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I hated Legion because the Legendary system was bullshit and ToS just made me quit the game.

reconsider user

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Oh, fuck right off.
I gave the game a fair shake right before Daz and it was complete shit.
It's still fun to level in if you like that kind of thing but the endgame is dogshit. Azerite is shit. The ways the game inflates playtime just to keep you subbed are shit. Nothing feels rewarding anymore. Just RNG locked behind RNG locked behind timegating locked behind timegating.
Fucking miserable game.

Don't be fooled, ESO is just as bad.

Mythic Tomb of Sargeras was the worst raid ever made and nothing anybody says can change my mind.

Just stop playing if you don’t like it.

Pretty simple

ah fuck off ion, your game is shit, and your pigs arent selling


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Yea Forums hates it though. Never play anything Yea Forums hates.

>tfw been playing 3x wotlk private server all weekend
feels fucking GOOD mans

I saw the upcoming patch is going to be adding a spider tank mount. I've wanted one of those since Ulduar when you could steal them from the trash leading up to mimiron. Why'd it take them 11 fucking years to add one in and why did they pick the expac that finally made me quit to do it?

>ESO 34K viewers

>Asmongold 34K viewers


His opinion holds merit because...?

>30k viewbots

random from youtube said wow bad so wow very bad

I was there was a setting between heroic and mythic. Heroic isn't hard and anyone who isn't completely retarded can do it. Mythic isn't bad for some bosses and is really just slightly above heroic difficulty, but then for other bosses its impossible to do before the nerfs unless you are in the top percentile.

It's pretty relaxing to play as long as you don't demand constant thrilling engagement. I like to level alts on both factions and just socialize with casual play. Whenever I try to get into raiding or high end dungeons/pvp it becomes too stressful and I find it most fun when I avoid going too much into that.

At least it doesn't have a monthly sub requirement so content padding for sub time isn't as much of an issue.
You can literally just buy the game and own it, and that's it.
I know a lot of people that only still play WoW because they bought gametime in advance and don't want to "waste" their money so they play it anyway even if they feel the game is declining, hoping it will get better.

because its good to see blizzard being beaten down by the only guy that they shat over the last months with BFA being garbage, and its keeping WoW subs up

even if he's an ass
also this thread is full of Clow blizzard employees so for all of you niggers and furry trannies defending this game:

and have a nice day

Sunken cost fallacy is the only reason people still play WoW.

>paying some prediabetic balding NEET to play your game
Is Bethesda in a legit competition with EA for worst game company?

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You could also just try and play the game and see how shit it's become.

Your money. Waste it however you want. Be sure to show us the uninstall picture with a sorry in the text or better yet "I should have listened."

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>Those retards who fell for the boat meme because "I was gonna sub anyway"
>They end up quitting anyway because of how shitty the expansion is
I don't feel even a little bit bad for them

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>Not playing now and farming gold so you have a lifetime Classic WoW sub.

One of the reasons I dropped this game is nobody wants to socialize out in the world anymore. Most people level through dungeons in full looms+enchants and if you do see someone questing in the world they're either in
looms passing time waiting for DF queue to pop or don't want to socialize because they want to hit max as fast as possible.
Not that there's really a problem with looms, but it's just that most in the world seem to care more about reaching max fast so they can grind end-game timegated rewards instead of the leveling experience itself.

Only times I've had fun in dungeons leveling is when someone in the group leaves and the party actually has to work hard and communicate to do well, but this is rare and only happens when a replacement isn't found + the rest of the group doesn't immediately leave and re-queue.

I kinda want to do this , just level a paladin and run old instances and raids. How are paladins in BfA?

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>tfw you'll be bitching out hunters for multishotting sheep again this summer

but i'm not poor

>Literally referring to planned gear obsolescence as "seasons"
>People still sub and watch their gear, time, and effort go to shit in literal months
Just fucking incredible

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Nigga this isn't WoD or Legion where you can log on and have gold thrown at you, the only thing that makes money anymore are +10 carries. Everything else is severely gimped because of Blizzard attempting a gold deflation to dial back the inflation the last two expansions brought.

I will come back to the game the day these fucking jews make the challenge mode armor account wide across all classes. So, never.

Is there not a feature in WoW where if you own the gear from the previous season, you can exchange it for currency to help unlock the new gear faster? Higher ilevel gear giving more progress towards unlocking it earlier?

Thanks for playing my game, friend.

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Yea I really miss how the game used to push people towards socializing. Right when I logged in my first character I leveled with another noob I saw because the mobs were actually sort of strong. Around level 40 I found out he lived in the same town as me and we became roommates later on it was pretty cool. Tons of other friends who I still keep in touch with from classic-wrath because we would just go on wholesome adventures together and chat because the world wasn't a race to endgame.

>Lawyertits McFuckass says seasonal gear is justified because raid gear went obsolete too back in the day
Vanilla raid gear also didn't have forge rerolls.
Also, I wore 2pc T1 to my Vanilla KT kill. Your move, Ion.

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ESO is shit. Its only up there because that kiddie streamer shroud is playing it

Fucking how? By lvl 25 i was ready to kill my self its the most boring trekking from a to b i have ever done in a mmo and having to go back to do some story made it even worse imo

>Asmongold plays it 20k+ viewers
>Shroud plays it 20k+ viewers

Kek imagine 2 streamers are the only thing that keeps your game relevant for a day

Don't know if I should play on a wrath or mop server while waiting for classic ..

Aren't you heavily punished for not being subscribed, sort of like The Old Republic?

only if you want to be a crafter reall though subbing gets you ALL the dungeon packs and side stories like clockwork so its honestly more beneficial to sub to eso for the time you pplay than buy everything piecemeal

>the only thing keeping wow alive is a transmog addicted social media whore

>OSRS 10.4k
>RS3 855
What went wrong?

>FF14 5k players


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People have been shitting on this game since BC. Why would anyone ever believe when people say it's shit now? It's been shit since BC.


>all of Wildcard gaming just got 6 month bans and the GM got a 2 year ban live on stream

Worth if I can get BFA for ~30 bucks and pay for game time with in game gold?

BFA is a legit downgrade in every shape and form compared to Legion. You have way less of everything and levelling actually takes away from you instead of giving new things.

both of those numbers are surprising because they are higher than 0. runescape was boring enough on its own, i cant imagine sitting and watching someone else level fishing or whatever for hours.

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>try to play
>remember when we removed talents because everyone just went on elitistjerks to get their optimal talent
>figuring out meta folk like to play, we figured we should just remove talents and add these new talents, that people just go on wowhead to choose
>also figuring out that a lot of spells ruined your set rotation, we removed those, now the rotation you need to perform for hours does not have any situational skill! cool isnt it? were even adding flashy lights on procs or only work when it procs so you never have to think of when to use them to be optimal!
>pffft removing spells is the way forward, i mean everyone was calling us heroes when we removed spell ranks

I kinda, really fucking want to make a dark iron dwarf

i do that plus have porn and a twitch stream playing. WoW is made for this.

Because everything post TBC sucks

they destroyed my main spec. no content will fix the game if my spec doesn't work

Enjoy levelling up to 120, then doing months of WQs, just to have some dwarves with a skin colour. Then, if you want the unique armor, you have to level one fresh to 110 without any shortcuts.


>return to the Waking Sands

>not playing on tauri
>not playing the second best xpac

>Bought BfA and sub time off g2a for $38
>Dropped within the 2nd hour because it was just more of legion's stupidity of grinding for the sake of grinding and rep lockouts
>Leveling just barely as fast as it used to because REASONS
Oh well i learned another lesson glad it was quicker this time.

I too was almost tempted on the free weekend but I resisted. Then Blizzard came again with the same offer they present you now. Oh my brother, by the ancestors we hold dear. Hold fast. Do not succumb. We will lose everything.

I've grinded for much dumber shit in WoW. You're almost selling me on it at this point

i subbed yesterday and im having a lot of fun currently. but im doing nothing but open world pvp in warmode. its really fun during incursions. its a but frustrating at times since i have shit gear at around ilvl 385. everyone else seems to be at 410+. doesnt helpt that pvp gearing is really slow compared to m+ or raiding. but im having a blast.
just today i was dicking around with my warlock just trying to pick some herbs when a rogue decided to attack me. then i proceeded to fuck him up good and corpse camped him until he called in for friends. luckily a disc priest rolled around and decided to stick around for a bit and we went 2v4 for a few rounds whe the priest priest dying once but i coudl battle rez him. after wards i got angry messages from what i presume to be the rogue on an alt about how affliction warlocks are fucking unfair and and op and i should go and fuck myself.
it feels like its 2007 again.

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The noise you just heard was a monkey paw curling into itself.
t.1100 days played who quit because of BFA

The leveling is terrible, since blizz wants to sell boosts.

Imagine being this big of a bootlicking retard.
>It's just like 2007 goys!

Dont you idiot Blizzard is finally getting the fucking hint. RESIST MORON.

7th legion is the easiest bfa rep to get, idk what hes whining about. takes a couple weeks maybe.

hey man im having a bunch of fun. it really feels like the olden times. i was skeptical about warmode but it makes a lot of sense to just get rid of servers and zone people so every part of the world feels alive. pvp is really about the only thing i do in wow. to me its really fun just dicking around and slapping people.

Where's that image of a blizzdrone eating shit? That's applicable to you.

Well, that's basically nothing. I...I think I'm gonna do it

Cata was what created neo-wow

Mythic raiding is fun.
roleplaying is also fun.

Nothing else is really worth logging in for. I wish the game had more casual content. I just wanna see more people running around.

This shit even ruins the already-pretty-garbage Post-Cata dungeons, you end up getting some fucking tryhard tank that pulls half the instance in one go because he just NEEDS to speedrun Razorfen Downs, doesn't even bother holding aggro, keeps running forwards, cloth DPS left alone to deal with mobs, wipe, he ragequits, and good fucking luck finding a tank in less than half an hour.
I decided to accept one of those random next-to-zero-raid-achievement guilds that mass invite on lower level areas just to try and find people to socialise with. But no, never more than 5 online at once and the other 4 are too busy farming Kul Tiras world quests or some shit and have the social capabilities of a rock.
At least Outlands is still nice to level through.