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but srsly though, i have 40 bucks onn my switch eshop, willing to add up to ten more.
i want:
Dragons Dogma -- 40
Katana zero --15
shovel knight --25
friends of ringo ishikawa --10 (I THINK)
what should i get?

Go for Dragon's Dogma.

I'm pretty sure DD is $30. I'd say go with that and Katana Zero if you're willing to add $5.


Dragons dogma if you want a nice open world hack and slash with different types of play styles and character custimaztion

katana zero if you want to play a aesthetic pleasing hotline miami side scroller

shovel knight if you want to play a nice comfy platformer varying across 3 different stories (dunno of king knights thing is out but i doubt it)

the fuck is ringo ishikawa

>games with broken combat systems

i really wanna try this game, and i think im gonna do it. it is 30 looks like. Katana zero looks really good, but i heard F.O.R.I. is like a river city ransom game for the modern age, and that sounds cool as fuck

see, thing is i wanna play ALL of those. they all sound cool AF.
RINGO is a brawler rpg thing i think

>anons with broken anuses

wolves hunt in packs, arisen.

assume i can go for two, DD and what else?

What are you talking about, the combat is the one good aspect of this game.

FUCK the thief mission

seriously how the fuck do you catch him as a ranger?
I keep knocking him down with arrows and run up to him but r2 misses every time

does this game pick up pace cause it feels really slow

just shoot with arrows and make sure your in front of him so you can grab him

When does DD get good? Just did the hydra head escort quest meme.

literally right after the escort mission

early game it's hard to get a pace going if you've never played before. It should pick up a lot within a couple of hours

He won't die if you hit him, so just blindside the fucker with an attack.


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My pick would be Katana Zero to go along with Dragon's Dogma.

I'd say Katana Zero, but if you're willing to pay the extra and have never played it before, Shovel Knight is great.

You talking about the kid who runs around Cassardis at night? I literally just run in front of him and grab him. Hell last play through I caught him trying to open a door so I dashed up and grabbed him.

I loved everything about DD except the classes. Many of them were boring (warrior), and the best way to play is almost always boring. MK spams cannons, melee should just climb on shit, etc

i really want to try katana zero, but i really haven't heard positive shit about it
i have literally never touched shovel knight. maybe two minutes of looking at the teaser screen



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how do I get into dragon's dogma

Then definitely go Shovel Knight. I honestly think it's one of those games everyone should play at least once

>that moment when you knew you were the dangan

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First time playing this game and am getting burnt out because i think im doing everything wrong

>can i make weapons or just by from that merchant in the main city and upgrade them?
>is there any efficient fast travel besides picking up that teleport totem and tqking it with you as you explore the map?
>am i fucking up if ive changed my class 3 times by level 30?

1- Start game, pick mage, speedrun until escort mission
2- Start escort mission, kick ox a few times to make him move faster, heal him with spell, kick again, repeat until mission is over
3- Congratulations, you just completed the boring part of the game
4- Once you hit lvl 10 (you should be there by this time), go to inn, retrieve monocle, change classes from mage to whatever you want
5- Sell monocle, get mad $$$, buy equipment for your new vocation and your pawn
6- Enjoy the rest of the game, change your and your pawn's class whenever you want to see which one(s) you like, there is no penalty

Also i just finished up killing the griffin in that bell tower

Im level 30 - and had to run past the groups of bandits on my way to the tower because they are too stronk. Am i underleveled or undergeared?

Also my pawn is a sorcerer and does way more damage than me (magic archer) does that seem right?

>i really want to try katana zero, but i really haven't heard positive shit about it
This thread might help you:

Reminder that warrior class long sword fags are brainlets and shegoat is the worst waifu

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I just bought this game but I got my heart ripped out by a dragon instantly. What did I do wrong?

Anybody who says the vocations are boring either looked up a guide on optimal play or doesn't like the combat. Aside from Mage all the others have more than enough skills and augments to mix and match and fit your style of play. Why use magic cannons when you can sky dash into fuckers, or riposte for lots of damage? This is a game where you can light yourself on fire and hurl yourself an anything you come across. Be adventurous.
>calling Warrior boring in any capacity
Please tell me that's a joke.

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tried to protect

1- you get weapons by buying them, finding them on chests, every weapon can be upgraded for the first time using just money, later you need materials. Killing a dragonkin with at least 1 upgrade on weapon/gear has a change of dragonforging (super upgrading) your equipment (you can farm this)
The best equipment is gotten by deafeating the "last" boss, playing the postgame location and bosses, and the DLC area (bitterblack isle)

only way to fastravel is to use portycrystals and eternal (or not) ferrystone. You find multiple portycrystals in the game and can place them anywhere you want. On ng+ you can buy as many as you like, only 8(?) can be placed in the world at a time, putting them in key locations you can speedrun the game in like 3 hours

change vocations as often as you like, you CANNOT fuck up your stats.
Its actually better to switch because gaining profficiency as a vocation unlocks passive abilities (+ATK, +MAGIC, +HP, +STAMINA, etc) that you can use on other classes

This guy posted good tips but I suggest one change. 1 - Start game, pick Strider (rogue), speedrun until escort.
2 - Grab a mage pawn who heals. Use the kicks to make the ox hurry and get yourself hit a little and stand so that the ox benefits too.
3 - Stay Strider until level 10, which you should be getting to around reaching the main city. Strider gets the most stamina per level and the first 10 level are the most stats per level you get for leveling up. It's a tiny thing but it can be very helpful to have that extra stamina.
4 - Enjoy.

Appreciate the reply

those bandits are notoriously annoying
i dont know what the fuck is up with them
I always run past them

Sorcerers are very powerful, hitting critical spots on enemies is probably the reason hes making so much damage

Weapons are bought, found in chests, or occasionally boss drops.
You'll eventually be able to set up to 10 portable crystals to warp to. I think you can get 5 in your first playthrough, so set 4 in important places, and carry one with you.
And no, changing classes is fine.

dangan is just japanese for bullet/missile/gunshot

Dire gouge breaks this game. Prove me wrong.

Glad to hear its a common thing - i cant believe how tough those fuckers were and thought that the quest was too out of my depth

R8 my majima Arisen
could only get the eyepatch on the left eye :(

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The bandits near the witchwood? If so there are some very high level bandits there. It's worth mentioning that they retreat from the roads at night.

looks great 10/10

>Am i underleveled or undergeared?
Both! Anything beyond Cassardis all the way through to the path that takes you to Gran Soren gets powerful fast. There's a quest to go to Witch Wood very early on that fucks up most new players if they come across it because you'll only be level 7-8 while the bandits there are well above that. Starting a fresh game on hard mode is even worse because 90% of the game can one shot you at the very start, but the trade off is you level up a lot faster and enemies drop 10k constantly, even the beginning goblins, so you can upkeep your weapons and armors a lot easier.

>Also my pawn is a sorcerer and does way more damage than me (magic archer) does that seem right?
To me it does. Since my pawn doesn't fluctuate between vocations as often it gets better stats than I would. Augments increase this even further. See pic related to know what stats boost upon leveling up. If your pawn has been a sorcerer for a while then they'll definitely have a higher magic stat than you.

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Ignore aughtists
The difference stats make is miniscule
Those bandits in the narrow path to bluemoon tower ALWAYS fuck EVERYONE up

'tis weak to fire

>change vocations as often as you like, you CANNOT fuck up your stats.

You really don't want to spend 50 levels as a sorcerer and then change to warrior, or anything along those lines. You don't have to care about min/maxing like an autist but you can, in fact, make your stats a lot less effective than they otherwise would be by changing from one vocation to one of a couple others for extended periods of time. The way the damage scaling works can mean 300 attack/magic points can make an enemy that would otherwise be frustrating not so much.

>The difference stats make is miniscule
No, its really not

Post YFW

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Ignore what? I'm just stating facts. If the other user wants to use that chart that's on him. Nowhere am I implying it matters, but that's usually how things go.

>warrior is boring

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>magick archer favorite class
>worst stat gains

Of course I'd usually just switch classes right before a level up to get whichever stat pumps I wanted

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Is it possible to marry someone? I just got the 20 wakestones in the everfall but I want to marry Madeleine if possible.

If you’re there, then you missed your chance because whoever the dragon kidnapped is who you’re married to. Do it next playthrough.

Not the one you're replying to, but I'd say that's false because I distinctly remember getting Aelinore as my beloved since I wanted to see if she had unique dialogue, but later on when my Arisen woke up on the beach that fucking Jewess Madeleine showed up instead. This was Dark Arisen mind you also.

Oh well it was Madeline, so I'm fine. Another question though, is it possible to be a faggot?

I hate how it's basically just a still image. A song like that deserves a Monster Hunter-tier opening cinematic.

The game's romance system doesn't give a fuck. Other than a handful of specific story npcs like the Duke, you can hook up with almost anyone. Be it a man, a woman, and elderly person, or a child.

He runs on a set route, observe and wait ahead of him. Then, sprint into him to stagger him and grab him.

>tfw no monk class
i love fisting some fuckers

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Nice, time for some shota x shota
love in my next run.

What, is the new house you bought for Pip before it gets destroyed going to be your love nest?

In Bitterblack there's gear and some rings that increase your unarmed attack power. Go grab those, stack some conquer peripats and go to town.

I can't seem to enjoy this game.
I feel the combat is clunky, the pawns are annoying and the world just feels bland.
How do I enjoy it? Should I just call it quits and drop it?

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What the FUCK is a dangan though?

I'll probably go for Pip, how many other shotas are there?

a bullet a believe

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Japanese for "bullet"
Dangan Ronpa = Bullet Rebuttal

stop playing mage for a starter

He’s the only named one I can recall, I think there are a couple in Cassardis.
Did you buy your Secret of Metamorphosis yet?

Secret of Metamorphosis? What's that? Also where's all of the lewd male armors other than the short shorts?

>I feel the combat is clunky
You'll have to explain this one.
>the pawns are annoying
They can be turned off indefinitely in the options menu.
>the world just feels bland
Because literally all the good shit happens after you leave the capital for the first time and you can start encountering random griffons as you travel the roads.

Keep playing because it gets better X hours in is a poor argument for any game, but in regards to Dragon's Dogma that's just the unavoidable truth. The game doesn't truly bear its fangs until after you reach Gran Soren and you're allowed to go wherever you want and do whatever you please and it takes hours to get to the point if it's your first time playing.

>Keep playing because it gets better X hours in is a poor argument for any game, but in regards to Dragon's Dogma that's just the unavoidable truth.
Whatever, Kiwami 2 will be released in 2 days and I only got this game to play so let's give it yet another try.
I'm playing as warrior btw not sure if they're good

It allows you to edit your arisen and pawn’s appearance whenever you want. It’s accessed from the main menu once you buy it from the Rift guy at the Encampment. It costs 10,000 RC.

>The wind is pushin meeeee
Fuck yeah budday
but then suddenly Dark Arisen

cross loamless plains, and watered blight

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Ah, that's good to know, thanks.

Hey guys, I want to get this but have been putting it off. Should I get this game? What does it do well? Why is it fun? Should I get it on PC or the switch?

I just completed three of the four tasks you get when you're first invited to the wyrm hunt and I'm level 45 with three maxed vocations. Playing Hard Mode was a good idea.

>be me, lvl 80 MK on hard mode
>see cyclops
>thunder affinity
>place great cannon
>place another great cannon right next to it
>place ruinous sigil beneath them
>cyclops steps on it
>health drains so fast pawns say "It falls! Strike now!" followed immediately by "Are you unharmed, master?"
God I love this vocation

Warrior is stunted but there is fun to be had with it.
Strong as fuck
Feels satisfying to smash people down
Gives you an augment to greatly increase your strength which can be used on any other vocation

Short range
Very limited options
Only three skills at a time while every other vocation gets six

Warrior is very basic, but there can be finesse added to it funnily enough as you start mowing things down before your pawns can get a chance to act.

Make sure you look into DD before you hop into it.
It's a must buy for sure, but if you arent clear on some things you'll feel like you got fucked like many other babies on this site.
This is an open world game with next to no story, limited fast travel, no quest markers of any kind, and one town.
The tradeoff is god tier gameplay, god tier character growth system, god tier monsters, god tier rng loot system, and an ELDER GOD TIER postgame.
If yourone of the faggots that can't go without the first part then just stay away -- I don't want you to be a part of it.

>go through the expensive process of neutralizing my ranger pawn's inclination, then buying and using the inclination elixirs
>1 Utilitarian, 3 Mitigator, 5 Challenger
>rest at the inn to update her
>your pawn has returned from helping others
>her inclinations are now Nexus and Guardian
jesus christ

I really hope they get weird with the classes in DD2 like they did with the MMO. There's some good shit in there.

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>He doesn't know

>Suddenly being rereleased again and bringing more attention to it on different platforms out of nowhere
>A fucking Netflix show for some reason
>Capcom literally said it was a choice between DMC5 or DD2.
>DMC5 was stupid successful, but let's just drop the other idea we had for no reason lol
I'm not sure what else you want

>90% of female pawns in the rift use either voice 4 or voice 6
>the other 10% use comically deep voices
If there's ever a sequel I want more voice variety, and I want people to actually use it

>Have Ps4
>Have switch

I understand the switch version is newer, but I dont go to portable often. That being said, is the pawn rental system for the Ps4 still active or is it ded? Like if I go buy it now, and set up my pawn, am I looking at him getting rented frequently or is advertising the only way to have him rented.

>A fucking Netflix show for some reason
At least the diversity won't feel as forced as in Castlevania this time.

It's never going to happen.
Itsuno said he'd love to do DD2 but he never ever said it was going to be made acter DMC5.
We only know he had the choice for either to happen and knowing Capcom they're kicking Itsuno to the curb soon.

I kinda want this on the switch but i looked up the wiki and it seems like there's 20 enemies total not in the dlc dungeon?

Is that it? Seems kinda...empty?

That actually sounds really good. Can you go more indepth about the god tier gameplay, loot, and postgame?

>the enemy variety meme after BOTW came out

I was just replaying it a few months ago and it was still up and active. My pawn would get rented out like four or five times over a couple of days. I just wish more people tried to make good characters and not loli waifus in silk lingerie. You know how hard it is to find male casters just to even out your party a little bit so it doesn't look like some harem isekai?

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One thing I like about the Switch is the ability to suspend play. You can press a button to stop playing and put the Switch down, and then pick it up later and be playing in seconds exactly where you left off. It's great for a game like Dragon's Dogma. My Pawn has only been used about four times since launch, though.

I mean does it matter to the game much?

Do they gain different attacks? Are there variants?

>Hey I really want to make one of these two things
>Oh the one we chose to make was really successful
>Too bad we can't just make the other thing I wanted to make because fuckin I don't know

It really is quite similar to BotW in many ways.

>He says this then gets sniped by 3 orc mages and then drop kicked by an ogre

Enemy variety is the biggest joke complaint and I've been seeing this mentioned on a lot of games recently, not just DD. The variety is fine, the fun is the combat itself. It's like some people can only fight one type of enemy once before becoming instantly bored. Video games are repetitive by nature, especially Japanese ones.

You must be completely new to the franchise if you think Capcom is consistent with their choices on what to fund. Take a look at their history instead of meme texting what you already said, pleb.

Yeah while I appreciate the games ability to let you do those things, I am not about it. I like the idea of making like a Mentor/Mentee relationship or two brothers or best friends.

Unfortunately, its very hard to make a guy like that stick out from the other Pawns, especially the bimbo ones.

There are base game varients, post game super tier varients, and Bitter Black varients. You're going to get your ass handed to you if you go into it thinking it's like BOTW at all, just saying.

That's okay, the overworld is small even by last gen's standards. While the game lacks in enemy variety it makes up for it with how you interact with them in combat. Things like ogres getting sick if the eat males instead of females, being able to freeze a drake's mouth so it can't breath flames, and so one is what makes Dragon's Dogma stand out despite its flaws.

Their stronger cousins show up in post game along with more boss monsters to tango with and stronger reskins.

How do i kill the grim reaper

If you need to ask you'll never do it, pleb.

Ringo is a pretty good game. It's kind of like shenmue and river city ransom had a baby. Don't go in expecting a pure beat-em up

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Someone made a compilation picture of all the neat little gameplay details that ended up selling me on the game. Among things you already mentioned but
>If youre character is smaller, your lantern will go out in water
>Being smaller harpies will throw you around like paper
>If you make your guy a brick wall, enemies struggle to move you.

Its really an incredible title.

>A few strong men
>A sea of dipshits and perverts

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Contain ur autismo fgt i bet u only play this game to fap yo ur shitty pawns

Get a life, nerd.

If only unarmed was viable

>It was a joint cherry-blossom viewing of the DMC 5 team and the new project team

>a few strong men
>in a sea of BABIES

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this game feels sluggish

That's the thing about Dragon's Dogma. Sure it looks run of the mill in terms of appearance, but when it comes to combat and the possibilities it excels above all else.

Setting yourself on fire is a good trick.

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Is there any way stop NPCs from running away from you? I killed a few that I want to talk to and they have respawned but now are scared of me.

heres better lighting

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>not having a hacked switch

>not just standing really close to it with your pawns so that they'd open it on a whim

Are stam gains worth going ranger for a while?

I did that on purpose.

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Blast arrows

So how does new game plus work? I continued from my completed save, but I kinda want to do hardmode, but I can't set the game to hard unless I start a hard mode save.

Are you retarded? Just start ng+ and then hard mode.

Oh, is that how it works? I thought it made a new save. I'm retarded!

man that cut looks awkward, should have left it as is

During one of his appearances on the bridge over the water with all the undead, Go ranger with tenfold shot, And unload blast arrows into him, Knocking him down into the brine. You miss out on the loot but get shittons of XP. You can also use the ricochet skill magick archer has in a tight corridor and absolutely buttfuck him