Check out Star Citizen

Check out Star Citizen.

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>$10,000 paytowin dlc and they haven't even actually made a game yet

>video games

I have fun checking it out each time an update drops

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Is there missions and shit for me to shoot?

I will say, the art design of the game is probably my favorite part

Yeah. But you have to pray that your ship doesn't randomly explode or that you don't die for no reason when walking around.

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A couple screenshots I took the other day during the PTU

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Featuring future hot dog stand technology

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where's the gameplay tho

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what do you actually do

I mean I don't mind pay to win but fucking thousands of dollars lmao, It's pretty clear to the demographic they want.

Alright last one. Arccorp is a pretty cool landing zone, it's nice to see it fleshed out since the first time they showed it off.

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Also of 300 million and this is all they have to accomplish you can expect the game to be finished in another 2 decades.

But by then we will already have those games thanks to Spacial OS or AWS Amazon server tech.

Really hard to get any with substance during the fly free event. Too many people straining the servers, causing a shitton of lag.
Fly around. Do missions that vary between collecting garbage, deliver cargo, kill criminals in space, that kind of stuff.

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I hate all these bars, they make the world seem smaller than it already is. There's a guarantee you won't be able to go out of them too.