Yea Forums do you actually have a reason to hate Fortnite outside of MUH ZOOMERS or are you just a bunch of 30 year old...

Yea Forums do you actually have a reason to hate Fortnite outside of MUH ZOOMERS or are you just a bunch of 30 year old faggots mad that you're past your prime?

Attached: 8704d4d5ffd1c315ac8e2c805a585764.jpg (1920x1080, 483K)

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Battle Royale is a shit game mode regardless of whatever game does it
Gameplay is imba as fuck and boring
Epic is a retarded company that cannot into community relations
Jackie Chan

>>Trying to kill a motherfucker but wind up foiled by his ability to instantly build walls in your face
Based on some of the shit I've read outlining this exact scenario I have all the reason in the world to never bother with this shit. Epic being bought out by chinks and desperately trying to force their shitty launcher down peoples throats is just the icing on the cake at this point.

I think battle royale is a boring genre

Attached: 51-DuUuXQW.gif (400x225, 2.47M)

The games as a service trend produces content that pushes people to play and buy as much as possible, and takes up much more dev time. I also don't find battle royale to be very fun in solo.

It's boring. Gameplay is extremely repetitive

Building doesn't mesh with the rest of the game at all, and their cycle of constant updates is supposedly totally fucking their competitive audience and lots of people are quitting. I heard also that the prevalence of streamerfags means that there's no meta outside of just copying what they do so nothing interesting happens in it either.

The game is way past its prime and was just a fad

I don't hate or like it, a game can exist and be successful without having to suck its dick or shit on it.

i am 34 and have played since it came out. AMA?

This is the only based opinion itt. Everyone else sounds like a fag trying to fit in

Yes, steam drones hating on epic

I don't play online games. I especially don't play free online games. I definitely don't play games with microtransactions. All of these things together all but guarantee the experience will be a mix of boring, frustrating, and ultimately a waste of time. I don't hate it. I just don't care about it.

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I have played it and I liked it
Sadly I can’t play it anymore because of my job

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Radical centrists can fucking die

I liked the single-player but it was too grindy. Had some serous potential. Then they abandoned it for the BR mode. That's why I hate it.

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I don't like it because games are either hide in a shack for 20 minutes and then shoot someone in the back to win, or run around in the open and play autism builder the moment someone else sees you
Any other way of playing just gets you killed

yeah I like StW a lot. In need of some serious help though. BR mode I play a lot of weekends though with bros.

StW has a lot of potential though but I think the permantly messed it up with their mobile tier leveling and other stuff.

It's an awful game mode and design. It doesn't reward the best players, it rewards the scummiest players like most modern multiplayer games.

The way they tell a story and change the world midmatches is impressive even if you hate the game.

Attached: fortnite-tilted.jpg (1600x900, 276K)

I like being able to build bridges to traverse the landscape and being able to destroy everything, but I dislike building during firefights. I think it'd be a lot more fun if fresh buildings started with 1hp instead of half or whatever, but I also realize that would completely kill the skill ceiling of the game.

The Endgame LTM was fun because no one built anything/

>Paragon died because of this

I'm still mad

>start shooting someone
>he builds a 30 story tower within 0.2 seconds

legitimately how do people find this fun? I'm not even a boomer either. I've heard a few retards say building takes 'skill' but if you want a shooting game that takes skill why not play CS?

Lmao Yea Forumsirgins need to get good

I've never played the game but building quickly and efficiently does take skill. Shooting also takes skill. You're probably not going to win often unless you can reliably do both.

Their business practises are outright predatory.
Game itself is just dull though.

The gameplay loop is exactly the same fucking shit. Constantly. Over and over. 80% of time you're literally just running through open ground. The engagements are all the same shit, every fucking fight you have already fought the exact same shit a thousand times over and it's ALWAYS some variation of oh noes someone is shooting at me through open ground, oh nowie I'm shooting at someone through open ground and they built a fuckshack, or oh yay I'm trying to bait someone around a corner with thirdperson camera.

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its not fun


fartnite is gay

video games

Attached: StW stats.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

>The Endgame LTM was fun because no one built anything/
>not a BR
>no infight building
gee who would've thought

>most of each match is spent running in the open, searching for loot, gathering resources
>updates reek of throwing darts to see what sticks
>gunplay is awful
>balance is terrible
>Epic is very slow to rebalance guns; they'd rather add feel good shit like thank the bus driver
>over time they're pushing store only skins harder and harder

It's not an awful game, but there's plenty to dislike.

The controls are clunky (you need too many buttons to do too little things) and the shooting is literally random. Otherwise is pretty okay.

The gameplay looks jank.

building sucks

I do find it pretty funny that if the OP image isn't some picture of the wrong game mode, it's always a picture of a really old season.

Nobody is doing what fortnite is doing with updates. They are doing shit like blowing up the world and teleporting everyone into a different dimension midmatch for one off events. They could have had every player vote for the weapon they wanted to return on the main screen instead players physically enter a vault and have to free the weapon from a crystal. They spent months testing universal object health using smaller events like everyone trying to destroy some rocks with millions of health just for this event.

yea i dont like shooters. pretty simple