With Devil May Cry coming to Switch, what reason does anyone have to go back to other platforms?

With Devil May Cry coming to Switch, what reason does anyone have to go back to other platforms?

Attached: Devil May Cry V.jpg (306x165, 6K)

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Is DMC 5 better than Bayonetta 2? That’s the question you should be asking.

For the record it isn't.

I think its fair to say that Bayonetta is better than DMC ever was at this stage.

Mainly that any of the games can be played in hardware that won't melt into hot slag from trying to run them.


Name one game that can't run on Switch.

You fucking can't.

because other platforms can actually run games



Anything at an acceptable resolution and framerate.

Attached: 1553886834769.png (324x331, 180K)

Mortal Kombat 11?


Mortal Kombat 11, the biggest multiplat release this year, released on Switch. ;)

>He actually believes this

All of those games could easily run on Switch.

I would not be surprised if Bayonetta 3 looks and plays better than DMC5.

In what point?
Oh also, only reply if you have arguments and balls

DMC fans are the original Dark Souls fans. They want to parade around and act as if they are hard for being able to beat a fucking video game.

Yes. If I had to make like some big dumb list it would look like

DMC 3 > DMCV > Bayo 2 > DMC = Bayo 1 = DMC IV SE > DmC > DMC2

Not true, I started doing that for contra and ninja gaiden on nes, like 12 years earlier faggot.

no shit


Will this be the HD collection version or the PS2 version? If it's still the HD one then fuck that


>he thinks bayo3 will look like anything other than LITERALLY THE SAME as 1 and 2
oh no no nonono

i feel sorry for bayofags, they future don't seem so bright

Attached: DTY79YDU8AAbQRV.jpg (750x631, 93K)

Attached: 1540514145008.png (800x800, 619K)

That tweet is fake. Bayo is casual as fuck compared to DMC but fake tweets aren't the way to prove it.

>That tweet is fake

FF XV non-pocket edition

>Mortal Kombat 11, the biggest multiplat release this year, released on Switch. ;)

Yeah but the Switch is a port of the PS2 version
