RIP Riot
RIP Riot
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Where's Burch?
god i hate white people
i hope they all get fired
none of those creatures in that image are white
>hire a bunch of socialists
>surprised when they act like socialists
Whiter than you, Bubba
These fucking people have less self-awareness than dogs.
We gotta unionize
>riot games
am i supposed to know who these people are?
They're the devs behind a game that had genuinely brought more pain in the world than happiness.
>sit in protest
Not like they need that many people to make cosmetics.
>“The fact that this action went so well—there were people on the mic, everyone was so excited, there were so many people sharing their stories—I think that’s gonna inspire a lot of other people at companies to realize they have a lot of power over the conditions at their workplaces,” Robin told Kotaku. “This is going to be a tremendous example for people to know that they can make their conditions better.”
lol, they want this to spread like wildfire in the vidya industry
Did you forget the large period of time where League of Legends was the most popular game?
Of all the stories of overworking to the point of physical harm but the straw that broke the camels back was precived sexism? That sends a terrible message. Work people to the bone but don’t you dare call them the wrong pronoun
inb4 it turns out these people are all HR, community managers, or beta orbiters
What the hell do you expect when you let a crypto-religious cell into your company?
they made LoL? of course they're gonna be shit human beings jej
game devs get paid extremely well.
they deserve to be fired.
Keep worshipping wahmyn goyim.
>100 hour weeks reported during the MK11 development
The priorities of these people are all over the place.
>they deserve to be fired.
Riot is telling managers not to take any action:
>The company’s management is allowing its employees to participate and has urged managers to be accommodating and understanding. In an email to Kotaku this morning, a Riot representative added, “We respect Rioters who choose to walkout today and will not tolerate retaliation of any kind as a result of participating (or not).”
>and the next day 150 job posting were available
only in a perfect world sadly
How incompetent of a company do you have to be to have your employees protest, is it that hard to try not to fuck people over?
How about the one with the hat, to the right in front of the dude with the white shirt, looks white to me.
That's the thing. Working conditions don't matter when it's smelly male codemonkeys or artists. What matters is RESPEC for proud womyn in the marketing departments.
Wait, I thought Riot was intended to be the bastion of equality and fighting internet and irl bullies. How did this happen?
stop bumping this shit, nobody cares about their fake outrage over nonexistent sexism, don't give them eyes or ears SJW scum
>they made LoL?
The people who actually made the game are gone or neutered. The people walking out are just using the name riot games.
riot has like 2k+ employees, also there's nothing these people can do legally, they signed away their ability to do so
fired a long ass time ago
>start hiring women and minorities
>they start eating you from the inside
Do these people not realize they're working for chinks? They'll be immediately replaced easily
No, there would be 0. These people are working jobs they can afford to cut.
Cucked company, cucked "workers". Perfect balance.
Nothing of value was lost.
Indeed, good goy, the only way to true capitalist paradise is to accept your fate and be an obedient worker. It warms my heart to see that cattle that knows its place still exist.
How is this RIP? All riot needs to do now is to fire these people and they'll have a company free of tedious socjus morons.
I hate this fucking image so much jesus christ
I don't get what's really bad about this situation. Like I mean if they want to unionize that's their right. I don't entirely get what the whole thing is about but it doesn't seem like a big deal.
The fuck even is forced arbitration?
>nonexistent sexism
It definitely exists, there's no point in trying to pretend it doesn't just because you don't like these fags.
CRINGE jojo tranny
>forced arbitration
>these big companies should just be forced to let any of their employees sue them with no repercussions at any time!
literally every fucking company in the US that doesn't hire union labor has forced arbitration clauses in their employment contracts, move to a socialist country if you don't like it
>hire twitter activists
>surprised when your company gets overrun by activist mob
im actually surprised these corporations havent noticed this by now
>they want this to spread like wildfire in the vidya industry
I hope it does. White western socialists are the sole reason why so many games politically posture now. Outsourcing to a bunch of horny and racist chinks and poos might actually be an improvement
>Riot will die in your lifetime
That better?
I have no fucking clue what happend or is happening but I can guarantee that this shit was started by a diversity hire snowflake with a loudmouth who doesnt even play videogames
Blizzard knew that and got rid of them. Now Riot's gonna do the same
The SJW phase is over
Sexism is a good thing though, it's what allows me to have videogames chock full of sexy girls in skimpy clothes. Lack of sexism leads to a lack of that stuff, hence I am very much in favor of sexism.
by fired employee with an axe to grind.
I'm pretty sure not a single one of those people is actually needed by the company.
Whats wrong with the palestian tweet? Are you an offended kike?
No. It has only just begun.
>all these underage amerimutts feeling angry when others don't completely bend over for their wageslave masters
It's scary how badly the dirty mutts have been conditioned into accepting getting fucked over. Really pathetic. It would be best for western world simply to just exterminate every american bag of shit from the face of the earth.
Tranny? Sure is a bit of a leap in logic there, but what else should I expect from dumb, vile, underage amerimutts?
Why do they still want to work there
>you MUST believe it exists, because I WANT it
If there's a dispute with the company, the employee can't legally take it to court.
you have never heard of League of Legends? This and Fortnite are literally the biggest games on PC.
why does riot need 150 employees lol
>mfw Riot fires them all and outsources it to China or whatever
I guarantee NONE of those 150 contribute so much to the company that it'd be impossible to move forward without them
In what world do you live in where South America, Canada, Australia, Africa and Europe aren't being completely fucked over?
to read all the chatlogs and ban people
I thought that said forced abortion and was very confused
What? I don't even understand what you meant by this. Acknowledging something exists means I want it to exist?
they never wanted to work. They want the money, and the love and obedience of fans who buy the products and believe everybody who works there is a saint.
>diversity and inclusion programs
This is the problem. You wouldn't hire a catholic priest to ensure your business adheres to God's Word. How did we get to a place where it's normal for these people to have entire departments spawned to accommodate them?
I'm curious if it's mostly social media based positions
>Im latino and i live in the US
you're a bigger problem than them, you dipshit
if you hate white people so much how about you fuck on over back to mexico, you wetback nigger?
>what would happen in a real industry
>all these diversity hires and HR money sinks would start losing their jobs
>what will actually happen in the video game industry
>the programmers/developers who do the real work will willingly enslave themselves to all these retards demands while the president/CEO/board sacrifice nothing and continue to rake in cash until the entire thing inevitably crashes under the burden of a bloated and worthless workforce
This has been coming for a long time now. The beginning of the end. Not that people care about LoL anymore.
>forced arbitration
What the fuck does that even mean?
The fact that they didn't mind those 150 people leaving their jobs says a lot.
fucking this
let all devs and studios just get code from overseas with chink made chink infested spyware
or let the industry crash already.
The one that isn't inside some delusional beta-loser's schizoid dreams? Just because you are unemployable and unattractive to women doesn't mean that there is something wrong with the world. It just means that evolutionary dead ends and general weaklings still get culled from burdening the species.
when did the gamer gators shoot up a school?
Thats all automatic though.
couldn't you just have written your usual
>have sex
>forced arbitration
What happened in the last 6 years?
You need 1 person to draw art for a new champion
You need .5 person to program them into the game
You need another .5 person to come up with patch notes
But you forgot about needing 147 people to be not-white or women to post on twitter or something
Almost all of them are white. Im latino and i live in the US, all other of latinos i know hate communism with a passion. Every single communist i met has been a gringo. I had a teacher that was a fat white blonde women that made us read retarded chicano communist poetry in college that she thought we would like because we were all hispanic.
All this socialist bullshit comes from gringos. Don't pin that shit on us when all commies are largely white.
What are you spergs even mad about? People were sexually assaulted at Riot.
its always video games developers.
Here comes the aeroplane! Zoom, zoom zoom! Mouth wide open~
This is what happens when you hire lefty. This is why we need brutal capitalism.
>God I hate (((white))) people
I can understand
Lol anchor baby.
Oh, sorry, I thought this was a discussion board. I'll be sure to shut up and google it and post a Twitter screencap for (You)s instead.
Honestly if this was a dev strike I’d support it but the fact that HR is drawing lines in the sand makes me angry
>Employees walk out for all of TWO WHOLE HOURS
>Over internal office politics
Stop giving them attention you fucking retards.
>"Sexist Culture" in the headline so people will dismiss the very real Forced Arbitration issue
They did the same thing when some European game devs were trying to unionize.
I'm not sure if it's being done maliciously or accidentally.
I don't understand 'trans rights' or fucking any 'X rights' people keep spouting, what fucking rights are we keeping from these people in America? They can work, they can own property, they can marry, there is literally nothing legally stopping a minority from doing whatever the fuck they want.
Basically if any shady shit happens you can't go to a lawyer and instead talk to an "unbiased third party" that also happens to be hired by the company.
Honestly, it's a totally fair thing to protest about though in this case its context is for stupid reasons.
>hire a bunch of women/minorities to sit around and do nothing
>they complain about not enough free gibs
>"sexist culture"
women get treated better in first world white countries than anywhere else on the planet
entitled white cunts
>nooooo it's not white people i swear
Commies are almost always white. Even worse SJW type commies that are largely white. At least old school commies acted like men.
Unlike you, I am not running on NPC protocols, fucking subhuman trash. Not even gonna pretend you will ever get better. Trash like you is nothing but burden to progress of life, and the faster you die off, the better.
Those who read the article all wanted a piece of the cake and ended up ruining everything.
While the "final straw" is retarded, forced arbitration is some of the scummiest and shadiest shit a company can force you to do.
Can you like, shut up please? Thanks.
>latinos hate communism
yet 95% vote left you lying beaner spic scum
I still have no ideas what the fuck it means
They get called mean names though!
It's when you give up your legal rights to sue a company and instead the company gets to appoint an arbitrator that tells you to suck the corporate cock like a good little wage slave.
As a fellow polack dev myself, i see this as good.
They gonna hire more ruskies and polacks and we don't fuck around, half the price, none of the drama.
>Palestinian with family in Gaza
>Trans mens rights
Wait just one fucking minute there
>Tfw this only effects companies with an over abundance of SJWs
The day of reckoning for commiefornians has begun
Being a democrat doesn't make one a communist.
The vast, VAAAST majority of your race still votes Democrat who are all just socialists in disguise (with several of them being completely honest and blunt socialists).
Speak to your own damn choir on the evils of socialism and communism if you want to make a difference.
N-no, fuck off you liberal scum. You fucking women-lover.
there is no bigger problem on this earth than a white leftist
Good, since you aren't contributing anything to a discussion if you don't even know what it's about.
hey fuccboi I'm not I'm willing to bet money you're projecting. I work 50 hours a week so where the fuck are you pulling your facts from dumbass?
>Protest having to do your job by not doing your job
Well, at least they're consistent.
Voting democrat brings commies and socialists into positions of state power.
As of 2019 it does, unfortunately.
it does these days.
you chucklefucks have pushed away even fucking Rob Schneider away from the dem party. A fucking JEW.
Wow, that's fucking shitty. I've never heard of this, thankfully, as it's never been enforced anywhere I've worked before. Is it common?
Kill yourself.
Companies are still better then a powerful government. Companies still rely on their product/service to be at least good and people to buy it. Government is forced upon you
>Various Pollsters
This has as much as clout as those eugenic information graphs /pol/ posts.
>hiring women
ummmm yikes
I'd like to believe that this is 100% the fault of sjws, but you just know that there are some greedy kikes in the background exploiting once they found out how big esports are.
Just fire them all for insubordination and slander.
I swear to god if Riot Games bend their knee to them then I dont even know what to say that hypocrisy. They wont reason for the consumer but they'll do so for their own employees which really says alot about how mindless people are today.
'bro culture' (men acting like men around other men) and one socially retarded guy humping an employee isn't evidence of a pervasive culture of sexism within the company
uuhhhhhhhh the can't go into the legally wrong bathroom
my sides, user
Yes it does. Just like being a Republican makes you a fascist.
American education poisons the mind, user.
this is just the LA office, literally >west coast
omg ikr? stupid huwhite male needs to just
It's pretty common with massive corporations who can afford that sort of thing.
Just work for small businesses; if you have working hands someone will hire you.
Sack them all and hire non retards.
Yes yes goyim, now rise up against these sjw er I mean sexist companies. Don't with the je- I mean whites
> not working
> white culture
Looking a little dark there.
This picture is shit anyway but mostly true until some companies possess a monopoly, like comcast, they own the vast majority of the PHYSICAL SPACE to put the wires, so it's impossible to compete against them in a capitalistic fashion. In fact on top of my head internet companies might be the worst for that reason
Saving it for future use
That is PR speak they will be looking to sack these fools asap.
The government is answerable to the people.
Companies are answerable to no one.
You can be the most hated corporation in the world and still be profitable.
Yeah dude, white people like Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Ehrenberg, damn those white people for creating and pioneering Marxism and Communism. Oh wait, all of those were Jews.
Being a communist is better than being a far-right white.
She deleted that tweet when others asked the same question but it doesn't make it any less of a concern that white supremacists and neo nazis are completely capable of it
mostly true referring to what you said* I was not clear at all
means they make you sign a thing that says "i will not take the company to court over X issue" or maybe it's over any issue, not sure.
Do they seriously think they'll give them their right to sue when they're showing them en-masse that they want to sue?
It's about respect. Whether it's about pronouns or good old fashioned office shenanigans, why would you work your ass off for someone who doesn't even respect you?
And this is why you dont hire millennials.
Trust me jews want this too, why bother paying first world babies when you can pay pajeet or chong a fourth of the price
>all the /pol/tards ITT pretending the walkout wasn't a success
>Riot games
>they just protest politely
if ANYONE in charge had any sense they'd fucking fire every single one of them and just hire up another 150+ people. there are no shortage of hungry fucks looking for a job at a place like this that would be eternally more grateful.
Lmao that's right! property damage is totally the best option here.
Here, have its brother for your collection.
being a natsoc is far better than being dead
are you a dumb faggot that doesnt know what millennials are? sounds like it, mid 20s nigger
I get the feeling you are kidding but a lot of people think that.....
>being a democrat makes you a commie
>being a republican makes you fascist
How the fuck did our education system such fundamental basics of political thinking.
Being an extremist piece of shit is the worst, regardless of the leaning.
the progressive journalist mafia would rake them over the coals more than they already have. they've already had to do 'training' and hire a 'diversity officer' to save face, anything more and they'll start going after riot's sponsors
How do all these fucking children have careers
Monopolies in a free market are extremely rare. The only times they show up are when they get involved in government legislation and can bend laws to serve them. Case in point; the internet companies you just mentioned. Most of them are descended from telephone companies in the 50's/60's who lobbied in favor of legislation that destroyed smaller companies.
>get bought by a Chinese company
>get worked like a Chinese slave
Doesn't this company originate from China? what gives I thought they came down on this type of stuff brutally?
You can be a communist, but not for very long.
>being commie is better than being...
So do you not hire anyone then? What the fuck is this post
It basically your employer using scare-tactics in an attempt to prevent you from using public legal system during disputes. Meaning that if your schizo co-worker or boss decides to key your car hood and jizz in your lunch, they can dock your pay if you want to take that to court instead of resolving the situation in-house.
Yes, Conservatism sucks. But being a National Socialist, which is not far right but Third Position, is the best thing you could be in life. That is if you love your people and want the best for them.
THEY DONT WANT TO PAY YOU. All this refugee bullshit? It's just them flooding 1st world countries with people to inflate the supply of labor so that the supply outweighs the demand and everyone has to work for DIMES.
The worst part is that everyone in the "elite" is in on it! Right? Left? It doesn't matter! They want to pay all of us NOTHING. our children will be slaves!
It was shit like farting in each other's faces and sack tapping. It was like a giant frat
You hire retired literal boomers obviously.
>natsoc are commies
god damn do boomers actually post on Yea Forums
So why do you guys think this is stupid? So some girls get sexually harassed.. Then they deserve a walkout so why are you guys against this? I don't get it.
It's because there is an unironic underground communist movement happening literally right now
>but it doesn't make it any less of a concern that white supremacists and neo nazis are completely capable of it
How does it feel to be the most braindead person on all of Yea Forums? Embarrassing?
Any human is capable of shooting a gun.
that wouldn't really do much if there were no one a part of said mafia controlling the company. they get bad PR in the eyes of progressive faggots, to which there are not really a whole lot of. people will still play their games.
Corporations are the government you daft fuck
It's not super common but it's slowly becoming so.
The thing about forced arbitration is that in many places/states forcing it is not legal however some companies will make you try to sign a contract for it which legally speaking they can't force you to but will downplay it.
The two biggest reasons these contracts get signed is because companies fool employees who don't know better through long over bearing contract agreements with tons of legalize and/or the employee fully knows they have no chance of winning a legal battle with a company.
Fun Fact: 95% of all Civil cases never go to trial because of contracts like this or if they do get sued companies will pay multiple lawyers to stall until the person who brings up the case can no longer feasibly pay for an actual trial and settle with what they can get.
All of those people look like pure white burgers. Not much diversity in that paste
Both of them are fascists who just want to steal your money to fund pet projects that serve their own interests.
If you're a democrat it's muh medicare, if you're a republican it's muh military, both of them are worthless and self-serving.
>inb4 lul horseshoe theory
Anything is better than being dead, you death-worshipping naziboo degenerate.
so nothing then. cool thanks.
There's a fuck ton of boomers, but unfortunately most of them conform to this or work in indie market.
No wonder their game is complete trash
How come ONLY game companies that are "woke" are called out for sexism?
Look at all those nu-males
Tencent won't put them down until the game starts losing money. The game is way down compared to three years ago, but it still prints money, so Tencent lets the white socialists have their fun
Fuck commies but forced arbitration is complete garbo. It should be made illegal.
In the future everyone will be employed by a small number of megacorporations. They will all have the same policy that you must sign away your rights in order to work there. You will have no choice but to agree because otherwise you will be homeless. This is the world libertarians want.
It's not even "forced", you just go to the EEOC and file a charge and you're done and dusted if they decide the company fucked up. There's no reason to ever go to arbitration except in very specific situations and you generally want to do that anyway since it saves you time and money.
>THEY DONT WANT TO PAY YOU. All this refugee bullshit? It's just them flooding 1st world countries with people to inflate the supply of labor so that the supply outweighs the demand and everyone has to work for DIMES.
Not the only reason, war is lucrative after all. Globalization will only bring one thing: perpetual conflict in the name of profit.
I would just fire them and hire a bunch of new college students who need jobs.
You mean to tell me that california isn't a democratic shithole?
government answers to the people through a very inefficient and convoluted process designed to be meticulous and stifle change
companies only exist off revenue, be it products sold or investing into the economy. they cannot exist without providing something people want
There are literally no trannies in Palestine. They wouldn’t last long even if there were.
live by the sword, die by the sword
They're the type to create non-sense positions to fill with unskilled workers, who in turn do as they do
it sounds kind of fucked but people are saying it's not 100% binding and some things the courts can just override if it's not good enough, even if it's a signed arbitration contract
most of the physical shit is third person projection of a bitter faggot not liking what friends do together at the workplace.
Impossible user, the vast majority of non retards went to non-gaming tech companies that actually pay well, give good benefits and have reasonable work hours.
The little bit of non-retards who decided to stick it out in game development went to Nintendo, Sony, Rockstar or stayed in the indie scene.
Sorry user but you're stuck with the riffraff.
Woah 150 people that contributed nothing left. What a terrible loss.
>only boomer programmers on vidja
Thats how you get colonial marines
sure buddy
Do other Chinese companies even exist besides Tencent?
Hell, does the Chinese government even exist or is it all just a ploy by Tencent?
Sexism against who? The West has made women extremely comfortable. Society caters to their every whim. Men gave up alcohol for women for a while, and that's what they use to make marriage tolerable. When soccer moms and cat ladies demand censorship of sex and violence, they get it. Even today's empowered female expects the man to be the breadwinner.
And with that said, American men haven't got more to worry about than they've always had. Get a job, don't be a criminal. They just whine more because they've gotten lazier and more cowardly. Scared of women, scared of bigger men.
Hardly anyone is getting fucked over because of their sex in America. You can do nearly whatever you want to.
this shit is so gay video games are so gay
Propaganda thread.
The irony is by taking such a public stance on this they emboldened their workforce to begin behaving in this manner, its really quite hilarious because im 90% sure the public stance made was for publicity, the fact that whoever signed off on that decision didnt have the foresight to see their own employees might start chiming in when they came out and declared themselves the most sjw friendly company in the world is such delicious karma i think it gave me diabeetus
if you hire woke faggots you end up with more complaints because sexism isnt a properly defined term.
look up what microaggressions are. its absolutely retarded. literally only exists to create victims and start blaming others.
So glad the gaming media circus latched onto league, blizz and battle royals whilst collecting tuning out on valve shit. Being ignored is much better than the reporting they do on these games. As much as I don't care for league, it living after the media gang bang would be satisfying.
SJW company hires nothing but SJWs and gets eaten out by it's own. I don't know why this is supposed to surprise anyone. Literally the exact same thing is happening to Netherrealm right now
Riot is owned by Tencent. I hope the chinks make an example of them
Why even hire women, if this is the shit they do?
When Atari was oppressing developers and telling them that they were no better than the trash collectors at the office, you know what they did? They formed Activision.
I guess if you're an untalented prick with a sense of entitlement, you just sit around and bitch rather than striking off on your own. I'm guessing these people aren't the guts of the company that actually make the fucking games.
>they cannot exist without providing something people want
What a farce. This is the Information Age, the age of social engineering and manipulation of the collective consciousness.
Create products people want? Corporations create the people they want.
Feel like companies should sneak in a question about Socialism on every application and in every interview to weed out which one's to not hire.
If only it wasn't illegal
>You need 1 person to draw art for a new champion
No, nigga.
hi david how is octacon doing?
How can you tell? Their women wear trash bags that cover every inch of their body, you really think some of those "wives" arent delicious boi puccis?
>That is if you love your people and want the best for them.
All people?
If you support the state at all you are the problem.
made by gearbox. you piece of lying fat shit.
That's literally what's starting to happen, companies are just not hiring women at all.
You know what, I hope it does too. These companies will probably be a hell of a lot more carefully with their hiring practices when there’s the constant hanging threat of your employees randomly staging a walkout over some perceived slight. A lot fewer bluehairs and soibois.
They'll all be back tomorrow. They don't have the spine to seriously protect or strike.
They'll then get the punishment they deserve, having to continue working at Riot in the horrible environment they created.
neolib here
Unionizing for games is not sustainable for the big companies. So yeah. it's good for "us"
Same with the healthcare bullshit.
Good opportunity to fire them all
I know my fellow average worker! Only us real men keep slav-working away without the pesky right to sue if we are exploited! Now make sure to show up to your cage at 6am sharp and no pee breaks this time.
lmaoooo u think white people give a fuck about minority QQ
there is nothing wrong with socialism
the person you're replying to is almost certainly white
This is why you just blame Jews (and you have a side effect of being right)
t. socialist
100 million deaths kys
Here, have a black variant
There isn't but there's a time and a place.
It's best for your own people that some of your own people are out of society too. Like violent criminals, just throw them in a work camp.
I guarantee all 150 are in glorified HR positions and don't even work on the fucking game
>everyone is distracted by the sexism thing and almost no one in the thread is discussing forced arbitration
Yesssss, good wagies. Give us your rights. Anyone who wants to sue us is a commie. Your salary has been replaced by lootboxes redeemable in the company store.
>Once the Jews are gone CEO kun will finally notice me!
Gearbox is boomer central. Look it up
How many deaths has capitalism brought?
You're not fooling anyone
>Whats wrong with the palestian tweet?
because 9/10 times western p*li's claim to have family in Gaza and they don't. It's irritating. They're just milking our situation for attention.
t. actual pali in fucking gaza
the old atari people were also most likely more knowledgeable about making games in general.
right now its so segmented and specialized that you have dedicated faggots for every minor shit like UI designers, or guys just in charge of special effects.
That picture doesn't look diverse enough, it's true.
“CEO kun” will be gone in that example
well if meritocracy made a comeback barely any women would ever get hired and games wouldnt be poorly designed social justice garbage
Who are they protesting against exactly, their employer? Is Riot that bad? I dont get it. How the fuck do you protest a culture and then still insist on living there, cant be that bad if you are so oppressed you are actually supported when you make a protest and stop doing your job, you dont know what forced arbitration and sexism is.
How is it that there's a company that's allegedly sexist and discriminatory for its own employees and full of toxicity
And there's a company that ENFORCES respect of women and minorities in its customers and bans the shit out of toxicity
and it's the same company?
How does that even work? How do you get both? I don't understand.
If you mean this in the sense that it existing helps you weed out tards, then I agree.
Have you read the thread? Half these retards don't even know what forced arbitration is.
I'm taking about real white people, sorry. Not 80% soi 20% """white"""
>people want an union so they can get even less money
The real redpill is to just not have your company in California. Thankfully most rational dev teams already realize this while woke devs just keep congregating their
best weight loss program thats for sure.
Pretty much. They're hatred for nu-males have blinded them of the greater evil of extremely Jewish practices.
Except not hiring dangerhairs or sheboons now is pretty much the same as racially discriminating, you'll get the same net effect in that the worthless sack of shit you refused to hire will scream on its twitter and rally its twittermob about how it didn't get hired solely because it was an empowered transwomyn and totally not because it was a fucking potential liability for costly medical bills and workplace drama.
>“It is incredibly disheartening to hear, for the first time, that some of the former chicks who worked for us felt uncomfortable while rising and grinding at Riot,” Beck said at a press conference, “but it is simply false that this was a systematized effort made by the bros in management.”
>“The only system we have is hell week for new hires to make sure they aren’t little bitches,” he continued, trying to fist-bump a reporter in the front row.
>The League of Legends developers are now trying to push back on the various news stories documenting rampant misogyny that allegedly included unwanted sexual comments, management passing over qualified female candidates for promotions, and “Guys Wear Suits While The Girls Cook Us Dinner” Fridays.
Like I believe that
>They aren't white because I say so
Pretty sure that's the same logic /int/ uses when they explain they aren't black.
Nigga Riot is owned by Tencent
post proof nigger.
>lootboxes redeemable in the company store.
>Tfw you open the same set of skins for your cage and no wage tokens
>Taking marching orders from some fat dyke roastie with a megaphone.
Yeah that's a big yikes.
The modern wave of progressivism LITERALLY coincided with occupy Wall Street and the recession.
All these “woke” movements are funded by corporate interests and serve as a distraction from their own tyranny
The western video game industry did this to themselves. Let it all burn.
none. it's improved countless lives everywhere it's implemented. everywhere every other system is implemented it fails or is not as good as capitalism. you are attributing human greed to capitalism, look at communist history to see plenty of greed, greed is not a product of capitalism, and the poor are getting richer, while venezuelans starve after only 10 years of implementing socialist policies
Is this picture true or is something made for propaganda?
1. That's not Che Guvera, that's Mao Zedong
2. There hasn't even been over 1 trillion people in existence, how the FUCK could he have killed 900 trillion people?
3. As far as we know, there wasn't a "minimum wage" set up in China when it was under Mao, plus I doubt he would have such a high minimum wage at that time.
Your image is retarded and so are you.
What about fascism?
This is why you keep a company privately owned and produce product.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
>“Guys Wear Suits While The Girls Cook Us Dinner” Fridays.
Fuckin' what
There is nothing wrong with fascism, it has just never been implemented correctly.
Honestly I cant wait for Millennials to shrivel up and disappear from the world.
They're singehandedly the most entitled generation the world has ever seen.
because you see, toxic masculinity is an ENDEMIC ISSUE in our society and ALL MEN are to blame for it, we are MORONS and PIGS on the inside and we need to prostrate ourselves to the church of social justice to be cleansed of our ORIGINAL SIN
Actually I just masturbate for that.
>The protest has been fairly successful, and Riot has even asked upper management to clear meeting schedules so that the employees were able to attend. The League of Legends developer will not “tolerate retaliation of any kind as a result of participating”. However, Riot still plans to maintain its current policies while in active litigation.
what now lads
so whats the ETA for mass firings?
a poling suggested that a lot of them think life is harder than it's even been.
>t. mom and dad bought my first iphone when I was 12
If she's a dyke then how can she be a roastie?
This. Nothing wrong with capitalism either, but there is such thing as too much of a good thing.
>they're singehandedly the most entitled generation the world has ever seen.
>not boomers
CEO kun is Jewish though
But then who would be there to make 300x your salary for "company leadership"?
The whole thing lasted 2 hours
I'd love to see a graph showing the jobs of these guys, i bet 95% of them were something like "community engagement"
>forced arbitration
atleast boomers could wake up on Monday
>greed is not a product of capitalism
nice one
They know they're just going to come back to work tomorrow
everywhere capitalism is implemented, death rates drop, poor people get richer, quality of life increases. socialism causes the opposite to happen
Bruh... Do you have legitimate autism?
Congratulations, you have autism.
People will forget about it after a week.
Still doesn't make forced arbitration bullshit.
People have the right to go to court, even large mouthed self-hating weirdo's with addictions to soi.
>asking a googleable question when it was already asked and answered in thread
If you arent going to even read the thread youre posting in, them youre as useless as the niggers striking at Riot.
It's harder than the boomers had it. Gen x will ride the boomer wave, but millenials came too late and are going to be more poor than their parents.
>we totally "support you"
>but we're not going to do shit
>in a week everyone will forget about you and nothing will change
>but hey, at least we're not firing you for protesting
>are we not merciful?
If there's one thing I like about China it's their complete dismissal of SJW bullshit.
>Your image is retarded
>and so are you
inb4 I was only pretending durr
autists are the best form of entertainment. thank you user
>social security
Boomers made the best video games.
timestamp and flag or GTFO
today as in may sixth or today as in you suck faggot dick and won't specify?
>over 150 blackberry employees walk out to protest something nobody cares about
5 years too late for anybody to give a solitary fuck about riot
whats with the shitty facial hair
>the progressive diversity squad goes on strike
>Riot literally encourages them to walk out
from internal reports sitting in the parking lot for a few hours changes the amount of work they get done in a day zero
I've delt with the work outsourced to China. It won't make anything better. It will barely make anything functional.
Greed is a natural human trait. Even injuns who lived in communist tribal society’s has greedy members.
Riot can't afford to send a message to other dev teams so they'll likely budge to their complains and demands.
Guess who isn't in charge of most of the company, but IS in charge of community management?
it's not. greed invented capitalism
Its called bait you dip.
>I have no idea how geopolitics work
Both systems have brought that, not only communism you ignorant cunt.
Because respect doesn't pay the bills, you fucking goon.
The capitalist system is the one most congruent with human nature. The problem with these more "developed" forms of government is that they like to pretend that humans have evolved past their violent, tribal nature when it simply isn't true.
Yes both are shit but capitalism is better because we get a middle class at least.
>communism directly causes every death to anyone related to it
>with capitalism it suddenly becomes greed that causes anything bad
I never said communism didn't come with greed as well.
didn't Riot get bought by the Chinese?
>useless entitled SJW westerners all receive pink slips and all development will now be done by cheap, shitty slave dev ranches the chinks operate
SJW's are marxist at core, china is communist, they have more in common than you think. the way leftists behave in society mirrors the social credit system, the idea of every person having a 'score' or a value to them, and those with bad scores are exorcised from the group and ignored
I absolutely love this.
>Sure we will go into idle mode while you dumbshits stand around outside for Kotaku to write about.
>See you tomorrow for work.
Riot is fucking smarter than I thought. Those commies will think they won something and nothing bad will really happen to Riot in the end or change. I seriously and taking a note on this i'm quite impressed a large company was able to structure itself around this little hiccup.
I'm sure that you'll get an hones answer in Yea Forums.
>sexist culture
How can this be something 25% of the company would walk out for? Is the project manager Al Bundy?
>but capitalism is better because we get a middle class at least
Meh, fair enough, I guess mediocrity is the sweet spot then. Still I'm glad I didn't die of hunger in a gulag.
Capitalism is a system designed to abuse the greed in people to keep much worse system out of circulation.
"you can be a king if you get enough money" says this system, yet hopefully no one gets enough money to actually pull that off, and even if it does, it beats the hell out of "you can be kind if you kill all those people".
This means one of two things
>Riot Games are huge hypocrites, proving that they only do LGBTQBRAAP+ stuff for brownie points
>Riot devs manage to find sexism even in safe spaces, proving you can never please libtards
Which would lead to the more hilarious outcome?
It's true. I only know of the first 12 paki/bangladesh sex gangs though. 2-3 more might have been discovered. But yes, quite a bit of rape. Didn't you hear about that one girl walking home at night who got raped by THREE different arab strangers?
I mean, capitalism is more of a system that is meant to use people's inherent greed and translate that to something more productive and ultimately good to society as a whole. They do something neat to get peoples cash which in turn feeds into the economy. It's selfishness meant to reward everyone.
The problem is well, it's fucking greed. Of course people are going to do their best to cheat the system. It's far from perfect but it's a better system then one that pretends greed and corruption isn't a part of humanity and chooses to ignore that believing whoever are the people in charge will remain totally pure.
>communism doesn't come with greed
Okay buddy. You're fuckin cooked if you honestly believe what you are typing.
>Those commies
You mean Tencent? The literal commies?
Capitalism is an alien intelligence from outside of time. It encourages greed to hasten its intrusion into our world.
The only reason we exist at all is to summon it.
How does this work when they return tomorrow not protesting? Does Riot just act like nothing happened? Do they get a write up? If I were Riot I'd have them all on a list and begin hiring replacements. Once the slot has been trained and filled I would let anyone who participated in this go.
>the idea of every person having a 'score' or a value to them
That is way more akin to a dystopian capitalist society where companies rule over everything.
>walk out
so they didn't quit or anything?
they just stopped working to complain about nonissues for a bit?
>how dare the wagie peasants have the legal right to sue us
>we should make lawsuits illegal
>this is what commies actually believe
Yes but SJW scores are based on virtue signaling and enabling delusions. Chinks see right through it.
They all want more money and are attaching themselves to the movement in hopes it happens
Learn to read you fucking retard.
>>these big companies should just be forced to let any of their employees sue them with no repercussions at any time!
What's wrong with this, bootlicker?
Forced arbitation is not a non-issue. Stop being distracted.
>devs finally showing some spine against their employers
Most large corporations have this now.
They force you to sign a contract saying you can't legally sue them for any reason. And that all future issues will be resolved by an "arbiter" that is paid to always side with the corporation.
Not him, but I will answer:
Plenty of my roastie friends are fairweather dykes, or "lipstick dykes" as they like to call them. The difference between them and a regular dyke is that they're hot and very fuckable but have bad luck with men because they're always "monkey-branching" (shopping around for better offers from males). Once they get their heart broken by Chad, they may resort to trying to "be a lesbian" for a while until eventually they find a normie or sub-Chad to set up shop with in their late 20s.
>move to a socialist country if you don't like it
Fuck off bootlicker piece of shit.
No company should be allowed to get away with sexist behavior! Not only is it illegal but it is unethical! Good on you RIOT team for standing against this.
>P-please give my post more attention! Re-read it!
No. You've already shown how much of a fucking inbred you are. Not reading any more of your shit. Have your last (You).
this, soft faggots
Capitalism operates on financial capital, not "social score" you absolute retard
>Do they get a write up?
Oh no, not a write up! This isn't fucking high school, child. You can't punish the entire work force without something being wrong upstairs.
Why are commies incapable of debate yet they seem obsessed with arguing with people anyway
>yes daddy please fuck my ass I don't deserve rights
Doesn't this mean RIOT just got a lot better?
Should I get back to League?
Do as I say not as I do
a capitalist gives no shits about your social score if you have cash and want to buy something that he's selling
I bet the sexual harassment allegation was another bullshit lie from a roastie
but do the still have their jobs?
fucking kek
I don't see anyone in that picture who looks like that.
Not him but I really hope you are just pretending to be retarded and illiterate.
Don't hire SJWs next time LOL.
You know, in my company we get an employee event like going to a barcade for half the day or 4th of july carnival or shit like that on a paid work day to de-stress. Rioters instead of having a fun day decided to protest. I think they burned a perfectly good event day being mad instead.
lefty union faggots are fucking dumb
>hurr durr employees should have the right to arbitrarily demand more salary and less hours if they want to!
I'm not talking about with what kind of persons a hot girl sleeps with, I'm saying those are two contradicting definitions and in general that kind of faggots are the ones who warp the meaning of words until they turn into nothing more than generic insults.
By the way, I'm aware of the irony of me saying this and using the word faggot as a generic insult to that fucker.
tl;df fuck you and fuck him
The cash is the social score, low IQ troglodyte.
you misunderstand
Funny enough yes and yes. China is making communism work (barely) by allowing a looser grip on the market and being quite proficient with trade. From a business standpoint I don't have too much to complain about Tencent outside of it literally be China Inc. Obviously having commies in everyone's backyard is a bad thing and the anti-china position we have hopefully will stay post Trump but I doubt it highly. I was referring to base layer commies, the walk out employees. The ones that wouldn't really be able to adapt if they actually got their socialist ways put through.
>licking the corporate boot while the SAME BOOT is on your neck
I thought all you libertarians were for personal rights?
no, it's not
I didn't say anything about unions...
Do Californians ever actually work? I don't even think Hollywood produces anything, it's all outsourced to other states and countries.
Pretty based to be honest
>yeah in my company they throw us scraps once a year but a-at least we're not fighting for our rights and benefits haha
In a different timeline this is an outdoor meeting to brainstorm ideas for a high quality and fun game.
Greed is an inherent part of humanity and to ignore it is to ignore the evil and corruption of rulers. This is why communism is incapable of functioning and socialism is just as likely to fall into corruption as capitalist driven nations and when it does it's usually worse.
>Bluepilled user who literally just saw the clickbait that corrupt journalists want you to think instead of realizing the bigger picture
The Onions is just being used as a distraction m8.
Forced Arbitration is no meme.
Given how leftist Riot already is, they'll keep hiring SJWs but they'll be losing more money then usual thanks to caving into the demands of their own "loyal" workers. Natural selection at work to put in more simply
>they're not true white reeee
Shut the fuck up, honky.
>Not him
Sure bud. If you wanted another (You) then you could have asked.
I love it when everyone in a work walkout or protest getting fired. It's an assholeish thing to take glee in but I love seeing smug, self-righteous pricks eat shit.
The cash is a product of supply and demand, dipshit. It doesn't care if you're a nice guy.
>I can't be bothered to have reading comprehension to a small sentence.
Must be nice being a high school dropout and learning about politics in a taiwanese basket-weaving board.
A little bit, actually.
I agree fuck the 8 hour work day and the minimum wage! Let's go back to having kids run between the textile machines during our 12 hour shifts!
This is what happens when you let girls in groups
>Capitalism operates on financial capital
>derp that's not a value its freeeduuuum
Kill yourself you bootlicker.
China has evolved far too much from the system of communism that they no longer even consider themselves commies.
They're there own authoritarian thing that's not quite capitalist and not quite socialist.
>Employees walk out to protest forced arbitration and sexist culture
If they can't handle sexist and arbitration culture in gaming industry, get the fuck out of the industry and mind your own business.
but legally you can't "give up" your rights and the protection of the law. just because you sign a paper doesn't suddenly makes it legal for you to commit crimes or become the victim of a crime.
'Social score' doesn't even imply it's a positive or negative score, tard. Money applies rather well to the concept; if you have money, your social status is good regardless of your ethics, morals, etc.
>Must be nice being a high school dropout and learning about politics in a taiwanese basket-weaving board.
>taiwanese basket-weaving board.
Not sure if joking. This is a website dedicated to Japanese culture you dumb newfag.
You seem to think buzzwords are a one-shot used to summarize a person. Well, I assure you, they're not.
I accurately described the roastie dyke and you have elected to remain in your bubble.
Also, these "words" are shitty buzz words and basically mean nothing beyond the fleeting cultural trappings you associate with them.
I agree. At the historical timescale commies do nothing but temporarily consolidate power and resources for their corrupt leaders.
Nothing is more corrupting than the belief that you're doing the right thing.
Neither does the chinese score system. That shit is actually a warped version of the capitalist 'if you don't have money you're worthless'.
Except that it's... you know, not about money, which is even worse.
>over 150
Not even 50 in the pic
>people bitch about not having a union
>get a union
>yay now the union is force my employer to pay me more!
>oh shit my hours got cut in half / i got fired
>"company fires many employees, this is why we need to give unions even more power to counter the evil capitalists!"
this is what it looks like to me, change my mind
Most big corporations have forced arbitration. They can't just change jobs.
And if you think it's that easy to switch industries you've clearly never had a real job yourself.
Typical SJW shit. Forced arbitration is actually shitty. But leave it to them to tack on "sexist culture" just for some virtual signaling while detracting from the real issue at hand.
Does anyone in this thread know what they mean by sexist culture at Riot?
Riot Games was never a good company
they're largely the reason for the invasion of SJW culture in the gaming space
>monetary value is the same as moral value
You get lost on your way to r/Communism?
>I don't know how language works.
Yeah, I realized that in your previous post.
virtue signalers then to be hypocrites
>china is communist
It's socialist. There were precisely zero communist countries over the course of human history.
>while detracting from the real issue at hand.
Which is?...
>I fucking hate women how dare they speak up against a man
>arbitration culture
>A whole culture
>Around arbitration
You actually don't know what arbitration means do you.
No and honestly I don't care since the forced arbitration bit is actually pretty fucked.
>social credit score = 0
>can't buy bus ticket
>bank won't serve you
>can't get a job
>can't get a decent place
>this is somehow equivalent to you being too lazy to work and get some cash which you can use to buy all of the above, without issue
Sure, if you want to, give another one, but know that the original posts stated that both capitalism and communism come with greed, im sure you agree with that, right?
>>oh shit my hours got cut in half / i got fired
>not seizing the workplace and stopping all production/services until your boss stops being a bitch
How's the bottom of the boot taste, user?
The HR drone is the most effective parasite on the planet
>get hired, often due to diversity quotas
>once hired, begin hiring/daisy-chaining your own kind up the bureaucratic ladder, ensuring a completely infested host
>once in power, begin pushing to fire programmers, artists, etc. because they made a "that's what she said" joke or because you don't like their political views, personality, cologne, whatever
>replace them with incompetent people
>company implodes as it loses its competent people
>before implosion, vote yourself a pay raise and then jump ship to another company
>repeat the cycle
"accuse your enemies of what you are guilty of"
>monetary value is the same as moral value
That's exactly what I'm making fun of, you retarded baboon.
f-forced arbitration...
member when shitaku accused them of sexist bro-culture for asking "what's your favorite blackwing lair trinket?" in interviews, because you can't ask gaming questions at a gaming company, going woke is a fucking mistake
Of course I agree that capitalism and communism come with greed. The other guy is a dumbfuck commie that thinks that communism doesn't come with greed.
I'm literally on the side of the protest fag.
had to take a few minutes to remember what game they made
>24/7 rotating roster
>on call all hours you're not rostered - just in case
>if you refuse a late-notice bonus shift, you WILL be fired
>btw we can only guarantee 12 hours per week
>if we catch you working another job you WILL be fired
Here at FUNcorp we value Team Players with a Can Do attitude! :^)
>One fucking game
>Thats hardly even updated, just patch notes, a few added skins, and every once a while a rework
>Over 150 employees.
What the fuck. I genuinely believe the user that said they all are reading reports and banning people.
This isn't a matter of linguistics, as much as you'd like it to be. Meme words in Yea Forums are in a hyperbolic time chamber of evolution and quickly shed their meanings when they're hammered to death by the retard horde.
Furthermore, the colloquial meanings themselves are often twisted from linguistics. Cuck and s-o-y have been skewed from lingsta ding meaning.
Do youack self awareness?
then we get union rubber rooms where the only remaining employees who aren't fired literally get paid $20/hr to sit in a room with no phone or tv simply because there is no work for them
If you want to be willfully retarded I don't care just move to a shit hole like China so you can work the assembly lines there without having to worry about nasty collective action making your working conditions better and pressuring to get you paid more.
Switching careers and switching industry is different. A career developer who worked in the video game industry could easily get a job developing software in the logistics, medical, or financial industries. Switching careers is hard, but that is kind of the point of a career -- its something you put time into.
Forced arbitration is bullshit, but I don't feel bad for them because they signed the employment agreement. I prefer working in smaller companies and not corporations for a lot of reasons, bullshit like that is one of them.
Roterham, Telford, Newcastle... pretty much every bigger english city has one of those rings. It's gotten so bad and obvious that even the msm started to properly report on it despite them trying to ignore it to their best abilities once Rotherham broke and only one fucking tabloid in all of the UK reported on it initially. Shit's fucked and the worst part, those who should protect everyone from it, are mostly in on it, be it politicians, social workers or the police. They're too fucking scared to investigate it since they could be labeld racists due to the offenders being all from the same region. When Rotherham came out stories followed how the few soicial workers and policemen who did want to do somehting against it were send to diversity training.
They'll get unironically sued out of existence.
ITT a bunch of "debate me" losers trying to validate themselves through a game they don't care about & a company they know nothing about
Yea Forums has gotten extremely sad.
>diversity quotas
What kind of insane business would do this? Choosing to hire not based on talent, cucking yourself out of better work for your dollar, cucking yourself out of better products and cucking yourself out of more sales (due to better products)?
Riot, are in a riot
*linguistic, *you lack
Call me a dumbass but I never really heard what arbitration means. Hell I never learned or heard that word ever throughout grade school and college.
How is it virtue signalling? How is it hypocrisy?
after Jimmy Savile news broke out the UK just pretty much doubles down on ignoring children sex crimes
It's Riot user, given their hiring habits you'd think it would at least be 50%
If you're 22 and under, you're a zoomer. All the people at riot at millenials.
I mean, I dont know the exact numbers, but arent like thousands of hundreds, perhaps millions playing LoL? I would think that 150 employees to moderate all or some part of that makes sense.
Again, it's not based on supplying goods or services. Cash is not based on an arbitrary committee judgment of your personality.
>we are fighting against all forms of bigotry, sexism, racism
>you cant be racist against whites they have perceived power
based game devs finna rise up
I don't neeed to be a dumb socialist to fight for my work rights, once again socialist are trying to steal our fight for our rights.
That's what happens when you fill your head with memes in a shallow culture war about video games.
Genuinely what did he mean by this
>now i keep making stuff up because my job is a hellhole i can't change from within
Tsk tsk.
Worker's rights were a mistake.
They should work harder to fund my NEETbux.
Jew do you think does the hiring?
It's only huwhitoids getting raped. They deserve it because of the british empire.
>racial justice
>racial guilt
>racial punishment
It depends. They still reported on Telford since there were over 1000 victims. It seems more that they try to play the numbers game where they only report on it if it's big enough to avoid another rotherham scandal.
are you telling me Riot started a Riot
It's also a massively popular game played by millions, but I'm sure you play a lot of video games and care about them.
if any company has employees to spare, it's riot games. They hired a fucking shitload of people a few years back and basically werent turning down anyone who wanted to work there.
Jesus. That's a lot of social media managers
What are you even fucking talking about? I said social scores don't apply to "dystopian capitalism." What point are you even making?
I can go all day retard
>why does its skin look rubber
>why does it shave its facial hair to outline its mouth
>why does it look like it has lip injections
>why do its ears go straight at the ends like paper rolled into a half tube
>why are its eyes so black, beady and soulless
i dont like this picture
>regular credit score = 0
>can't get a car without paying up the ass for a 10th hand piece of shit 99 corolla
>can't getting a loan without a loan shark threatening you snap your legs like a twig
>can't get a house because kek le bubble
I never said it was the same, I said it was WORSE, jesus fucking christ.
Are you the same retard who believes that chinese Che Guevara killed 500 trillion people?
Visited mexico with my ex (she had family there), shitty commie bollocks spray painted on every other wall. Always a Che or a fist. Can't speak for the ones in yank land but it's common in the home country.
If Riot isn't giving them a chance in the first place, what's wrong with demanding it anyway?
>th-they'll be fired!!!
Like you care, bad faith cuck.
This. SJWs are nothing but terrorists and big corporations need to stop hiring these terrorist scum.
Did it ever occur to women that we were keeping them out of the workplace for their own good?
This is so fucking stupid. So much time and energy is put into a cause that does literally nothing.
Keep going, user. I'm having a blast.
God, I love this sort of shit just because I can sit back and watch the shit unfold.
I can already imagine those shitters getting removed from the spot because they're under Chinese robocops.
I guess you've never had a job or maybe its a differing language issue. Some jobs use point systems like when you are late or call off. Some call it an infraction or those things a write up on your employee record.
>ignores 2 other links
Someones a scared little bitch
sit in the corner and think about what you've done
Texas is suffering from this heavily. Illegal Mexicans are pouring into the state and getting jobs with companies who agree to pay them minimum wage as long as they keep a 'don't ask don't tell' policy about them being illegal. Blue collar jobs are a joke now.
>Fun Fact: 95%
Don't say "fact" and then lie right after. Either look up the real stats or don't call your made up shit a fact.
That's semantics, even to them. They know racial hatred exists towards white people, but "racism" is narrowing the scope to, as they see it, helping people who need help more.
That doesn't answer either question and doesn't have anything to do with the post that started this.
This post shows an ignorance of "how can they be sexist if they hired women" as if sexism begins and ends at being hired.
On the one hand, I think Riot did this to themselves and fully deserve what they reap. I also despise how much corporations are getting away with these days, and I think that companies need to be blunted on the nose when they try shit like forced arbitration.
On the other hand, I don't want SJW retards to be empowered in other companies and start pushing hyper-leftist agendas at an accelerated pace. But then again, maybe I do so that the video game industry can crash faster.
This is a hard one.
It's almost like there was a long con to raise up a generation of people to want to be creatives and developers to give this industry a fuck-ton of disposable labor.
Looks like he went under the knife to look more like an elf, possibly Link? Either he is a $0Y nintendo boy, or really into d&d. Possibly both but that would cause a virginity singularity and would grant him an immense amount of magical prowess.
Why are you so hung up on personality? What do you think the word social means in this context? Social scores won't care about that shit, just how socially successful you are (money, fame, clout, kin).
Youre a fucking retarded child you asked for an example of virtue signaling than being a hypocrite then you just tried to defend it as "semantics". kys
Not him but the game industry by default has forfeited hiring based on talent years ago. I make +80k and you couldn't get me to work in that nonsensical industry. Unless you're an industry veteran the indie scene is the way to go otherwise you're selling yourself short and accepting a raw deal.
this kind of stupid takes effort. good job
Keep hiring diversity bullshit
corporatism isn't going anywhere, we can deal with that later. leftism is peaking in recent years and is a priority to deal with it before any more young people take the bait
>blah blah blah amerimutt
That's all I see in your post
Yes, I'm ignoring fucking because the number is so ridiculously minuscule it might as well not matter.
First of all, fuck Companies second this is literally the most incorrect reason to protest for in this specific fucking industry.
Honestly Fuck these retarded purple hair fat ugly bitches
>Cash is society you idiot
What the fuck are you talking about
>no argument
>Companies still rely on their product/service to be at least good and people to buy it
You actually believe this?
Alright hold up
Disregarding EVERYTHING
There's about just under 200 people in this pic? Maintaining a game that came out in 2009? Why the hell are there so many people there?
And since they live in LA you know they're getting paid almost 6 figure salaries. I thought the chinese had shit like this under control, where the hell is Tencent
Theres an old ass interview with sweeny who says that a lot of devs "grew up together on the job and now old" or something like that. I would link it but google gives me retarded links to revent articles about his twitter
>cash doesn't determine your place in society
Thanks for proving how fucking stupid this board can be.
To add unto your statements, I think what people need to understand is that socialism is more of a high risk-high reward system.
If everything goes according to plan then the wealth and prosperity should spread to as wide of a net of the population as possible and benefit the most amount of people in a society.
If it fails then it benefits the LEAST amount of people and it devolves into a full dictatorship and all benefits goes to the fewest amount of people in a society.
Capitalism is the safe option. Even if we end up reaching Deus Ex level of corruption at the end of the day capitalism can only work when people are actually buying shit and those people are going to benefit even if it's not as much as the large corporations. Capitalism does not help spread as wide a margin of happiness as socialism but it does mean that the middle class will exist in one form or another, even if the disparity between the low, middle and rich becomes disgustingly skewed. Under capitalism it'll never be a true utopia for everyone but it also won't go full dystopia ever unless some really extreme factors come into play.
Honestly I don't blame you. American education is fucked being for too focused on standardized testing then actual life skills and despite what politicians think this has a far more negative effect in the long term.
It also doesn't help that only 8% of the education system finances come from the federal government and everything else comes from property tax so if you live in a shitty neighborhood the state essentially tells you to go fuck yourself.
t.American school teacher.
>forced arbitration
What does that even mean?
I actually had to google it, I thought it was like 150 people out of like 250 people working at riot.
There are fucking 2500 people working at Riot. Fucking why? They make one game and have such for a decade, why do they need that many people.
thanks for nothing
>im going to ignore
Well atleast you'll admit youre willing to be an ignorant dumb fuck
This. Unions are a joke.
>Social scores won't care about that shit, just how socially successful you are (money, fame, clout, kin).
kek, if you so much as like a facebook comment that contains wrongthink that will be considered in your social score. it will be a complex algorithm determining it, probably some sort of horrible fusion of government and facebook designing it. wrong politics, wrong language, wrong opinion? that's a -10 for you
>2500 people working at Riot
Google it
Maybe it's some kind of money laundering scheme.
Close. This is literally like mandrama
>mangina is raised play little girl simulators
>to fulfill his life long dream he accepts miserable conditions, overtime, no healthcare
It's not 1:1 because mandrama doesn't have all that affirmative action, based on the riot games pic.
>the biggest investments of your life vs basic needs and amenities
>you can't build capital without credit
>having your finances in order vs making a bunch of soulless power tripping chink bureaucrats like you
You are a retard. These things are nothing alike.
It's definitely gone on long enough, and based on the way things have been going in for the past year I'd say that most people have had just about enough of it.
This faggot bullshit that people have been tolerating and promoting for the past decade has finally managed to heat the inevitable peak; the point where it pisses everyone off, even the Jews who were quite pleased with how profitable it seemed.
The bubble is about to burst, user.
>corporatism isn't going anywhere, we can deal with that later.
Nice try mr. schekelstein
i meant that's what they're saying to the teachers stepping out of line
This is something that's everywhere in the business world. They hire hundreds of people do to completely useless bullshit jobs, usually for no other reason than because a competitor has the position.
>be SJW company
>hire SJW employees
>SJW employees do SJW things
>How did we get to a place where it's normal for these people to have entire departments spawned to accommodate them?
Because the Right are massive pussies who let it happen in fear of being called bad names.