When did you get a job and quit vidya?

When did you get a job and quit vidya?

Attached: get a job NEET.jpg (1240x1043, 377K)

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vidya is okay but mommy and daddy aren't gonna pay for your shit forever

>won the greatest lottery
Now start in on that Wil Wheaton life on easy mode shit you faggot

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The sad part is, the videogame industry literally has to sign batshit insane contracts like that nowadays. Even though everyone knows the former three to seven year development times are now competed in half of that, people still sign on to multiple years of crunch time, for 1/3rd of the pay they deserve.

Senior programmers in the industry must have retired years ago, because there's no way older programmers would tolerate this shit.

>Boomer pledge

fuck you

Attached: seething wojak.png (633x758, 16K)

>I believe that all people are created equal

Hard yikes, dawg.


Attached: eternal boomer.jpg (1024x567, 122K)