When did you get a job and quit vidya?
When did you get a job and quit vidya?
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vidya is okay but mommy and daddy aren't gonna pay for your shit forever
>won the greatest lottery
Now start in on that Wil Wheaton life on easy mode shit you faggot
The sad part is, the videogame industry literally has to sign batshit insane contracts like that nowadays. Even though everyone knows the former three to seven year development times are now competed in half of that, people still sign on to multiple years of crunch time, for 1/3rd of the pay they deserve.
Senior programmers in the industry must have retired years ago, because there's no way older programmers would tolerate this shit.
>Boomer pledge
fuck you
>I believe that all people are created equal
Hard yikes, dawg.
How can you be proud of slaving your life away so that your boss can drive expensive cars and have four luxury vacations a year?
If this site wasn't used as a tool of the far-right, it would still be the best site on the internet.
Oy vey, delet this at once goyim
imagine going back in time and making slaves sign this lmao
It was the opposite for me. I've quit my job, been jobless for like 4 months, and have been playing vidya and coasting on my savings. All of my money is pretty much gone though, I only got $2,000 left.
someone post the image collage that some boomer put up in the work place with shit like "i wish i could work harder without overtime"
>implying I didn't get one to feed my vidya addiction
I've had a job since i finished school 10 years ago, i still play vidya but i get bored of games very easily now, only games i can play for extended periods of time is hardcore stuff like Escape From Tarkov.
I'll never understand how people here end up with such shit jobs.
Have you considered piracy?
Increasing population and improved automation = people are considered lucky to have a full time minimum wage job.
>i get bored of games very easily now
You're in the same boat I'm in. When you get old, every game seems like soulless rehash of an older game/previous sequel.
Better sign up for welfare
Only for stuff that's really hard to get in physical, but I'm a pretty hard physicalfag to be honest.
emulation on the other hand is nice
Sounds like the same crock of shit people spout in advanced age to justify decades of misery and a lack of meaningful achievements beyond making someone else rich(er).
So based and redpilled.
funny how automation increases desperation. There must be a better way to distribute resources
The idea is you work really hard for a year or two for someone else, then you go on your own work hard for another year or two and then you are the boss driving luxury cars and taking four vacations a year.
>labors hard to make his boss extra money
>gets triggered when someone says happy holidays to him instead of merry christmas
>donates at least 10% of his income to his local church cult
big yike.
kill all boomers
I work 58 hours a week. 5-3 on weekdays and 7-3 on Saturday. I still get time for vidya and it helps because I don't have as much time to get burned out on it.
>working to send money to Israel
Living and any excuses defending it are just one big cope
>lol just work hard
This isn't how life works
>7. I will die before 30 due to an early suicide brought on by years of isolation and depression
They could always work in skilled labor jobs. Being a cnc operator was pretty easy.
>starting at 5
How do people do this?
I start at 8 and even then it feels too early to work.
Cringed and bluepilled
Take a fucking shower.
As opposed to a late suicide after years of being a wage slave?
the fact that this site triggers gays like you is what makes me believe this is the best on the internet
Lmao good luck with that. There are systems in place to keep poor people poor and rick people rich. Otherwise everyone would be rich. You'll see once you stop being a teenager.
Sorry, based jews still own the internet.
I wish I was a stupid NIGGER so I could get easy welfare
That seems like something I would enjoy. How's the pay and what was required to get into it?
I work 2 jobs and I'm saving $800/per month in cash
>then you go on your own work hard for another year or two and then you are the boss
That's assuming you've got decent business sense and don't fuck it up. Otherwise figure 5 years of 80+ hour weeks, a failed business and a mountain of debt/headache. And even if you don't fuck up, you're still going to be taking on all the shit your previous bosses had to deal with, until your business has grown enough for you to hire people to deal with it. Then you've got to stress over making sure those people aren't going to screw you for profit and fun the first chance they get.
Meanwhile, some wage slave code monkey is still making six figures while working 30 hours a week and not giving a single fuck.
someones noided 24/7
there's absolutely nothing glamorous about being a NEET despite what these misleading infographics say.
the reality is everyone needs a balance of productivity and leisure in their lives. I'm a NEET right now and it fucking sucks not having anyone to talk to or something to accomplish each day. I can't even enjoy weekends in the same way because every day is exactly the same.
it's a cancerous way to live and you'll see it my way if you ever have to do it for an extended period of time.
>Blue collar pledge
>All people created equal
>want to quit my shit job, but don't want to disappoint my parents
>mfw I have a shift tomorrow
this. Hedonism is seriously the worst way to exist in life
>Pepe G.
What does the G stand for?
commies seething
im sorry to hear that bro
That's right, goyim. it's fun being a self hating white race traitor.
Man I'm kind of glad I'm still living back home now since I can save up at least $1,000 a month despite only making $15/hr.
I can get why people shit on neets for being useless but I never got looking down on people who live with parents if they're working.
work and recreation is a false dichotomy created by governments to tax peoples' time and existence
there is nothing inherently valuable about 'productivity' because you cannot quantify currency as quality of life
As someone who's unironically made it. I can 100% say, number 3 is bullshit.
There ARE bad jobs, and there ARE bad managers. As someone who has been over worked, and underpaid by managers I can 100% say this shit is true.
I used to wake up at 4 AM to work on Sewer Lines and would get paid minimum wage to do it, all while working 12 hour shifts under a manager who wanted 4 hours of work done in 2.
Having been exposed to a ton of bad jobs, saying there aren't bad jobs is inherently false. I agree with everything else, besides the latter half of number 7, because volunteering for shit tasks isn't how you improve. It's how you show shitty bosses that your the only one willing to do shit tasks, so you'll do them 24/7 with no breaks.
Depends on the state. But entry lvl here is about 13-17 depending on how well you market yourself. Some basic labor experience would help but most places don't mind training people who know nothing about the industry. Also get some really nice comfortable shoes because you're gonna be standing around for the majority of the time waiting for the machine to finish it's job.
funny my neet bux gives me 600 per month
Gotta agree, I was out of work for nearly 2 months last year and I pretty much did nothing every day to the point where my sleep schedule got fucked.
after bills?
>after bills
Usually I start at 7 but its optional overtime so I'll take the money
Nice hands, you sissy
I get paid for 8 hours but I only actually do about 4 hours of real work. It's pretty great.
People must do it. "How" is the wrong way to ask the question.
Sad nigga hours.
I get $651 a month, but they pay the bills and also $200 for rent so its more like $851. The $651 goes to food, internet and whatever other games.
Except I also volunteer and help for free because nobody can except anything from free labor
he said he SAVED 800/mo
lol no, tinfoil retard. doing nothing all day will poison your mind.
>but I never got looking down on people who live with parents if they're working.
it used to be relevant because back then you'd have to be a complete fuckup to not be able to make it on your own. Nowadays, I get it.
This pretty much people take the "the value of hard work" and abuse it to turn people into min wage working slaves never give your boss more than what you are paid to do and do a damn good job at it so they wil pay you for more.
I go in every workday at 7, i'm just used to it, i guess. I go to bed at a decent hour.
You make like 5 dollars per hour?
Fair enough, I think I'm just confused since I'm not a morning person at all and feel a bit exhausted from my 45 minute drive in the morning.
Just because you don't have any self-discipline, doesn't mean others lack it.
You can use free time to improve yourself and enjoy life.
fags. Being NEET is awesome. I miss it. Vidya, fap, anime, movies, shitposting,etc and I made sure to go outside for hikes, run,etc 3 times a week. It's how I would live if I was retired, only I would prefer to be near ocean so I can fish on the beach.
Only change in my life having a job is now I spend 9 hours away from home at a job doing boring shit with boring normalfags who like sports and beer.
That's because you havent found anything productive to do with your life. I'm a neet who lives with his parents, and I spend a good 5 hours every day just writing or reading. I go and volunteer once or twice a month and workout five times a week. I have friends wageslaving away at their 9-5s who are far more depressed to me, and the best part is they're workign too much to even have time to see a therapist.
my mind was poisoned before i started doing nothing all day but nice try wagie
You should have been putting in work toward getting a non-shit job. I remember when I quit my crappy retail job over the phone a few hours before my shift like 5 years ago because I couldn't stand the thought of spending another second there. To the point that I was commonly having day dreams about shooting the place up.
Then it turned out that the only places the would give the time of day with such a huge gap in work history were equally shitty jobs.
Based, taxation is theft
I've been a NEET for around a year multiple times and life is just as shit when I'm working or doing nothing. Being a NEET and having no social interactions are also two completely different things you moron
Show me one real neet that's actually improved themselves by being neets.
I make that in half a week lmao
i tell people this all the time dont VOLUNTEER for shit or suck up to the boss it wont get you anything except make him shove extra work on you since he sees your a pushover
I understand that. Morning commutes must suck when they're that long. I live in a small town and my work place is only about a 10 minute drive. It helps that I love driving too
Every single ounce of talent in the 80s-2000's that accelerated games to become the singe best media format ever conceived by humans has bitterly left the industry due to intense competition and the glut of normes flooding the consumer space. We are in a neo-renaissance, where AAA companies have to re-learn how to make MMOs, how to re-learn how to make arcade FPSs fun, have to re-learn how to make good stories and good mechanics. Its so fucking depressing to see year after year, a new game being announced making extremely obvious and amateur mistakes, as if the last 30 years in this industry just never happened.
they don't exist and anyone saying otherwise in this thread is larping as usual
Wow, it's literally a pledge to be capitalism's cuck wage slave and never get ahead. You think the people at the top of corporations follow those rules?
I know one that's constantly educating himself through books and the internet.
you're in denial if you think being a NEET for a long period of time is healthy in any way
>"I'll just be a painter or something! I'll finally learn guitar! I'll have time to workout twice a day!"
lies that you tell yourselves. Being a NEET stunts yourself
>improved themselves
by whose definition
theres more to life than your one particular idea of health
Your body doesn't care when you sleep, as long as you get enough rest. My job starts at 4:00-4:30 most days and earlier during the busy season. It's easy to adapt.
>I deploy debt, and do all I can to avoid it
I agree. We should vote in a president who will take a stand against debt. Maybe a president who'll nationalise the federal reserve, or at least make congress able to issue their own currency, so this government can have money without also having debt.
how do people even work?
>cant go to the gym
>cant learn to play a instrument
>cant learn to draw
are people really this brainwashed?
>10 minute drive in a small town
Sounds comfy.
I only hate my commute because everyone in and near the city drive live fucking idiots and never use turn signals so I waste all my dopamine on keeping attentive to their shitty driving. Doesn't help that they never pave the damn potholes here, I wish I could just do my job in the suburbs since I genuinely enjoy it.
My hobby is plumbing so I went to work at a plumbing company.
Have I won?
Still on the road, user?
>work for a living
>none of this applies to me
I'm not sure how to feel.
I'd also say that 9 is a bit bullshit too. If you are tired from work, you can't really learn that well, sometimes you can't get to a class to learn something because of conflicting schedules.
>library cards are free
Maybe the library is shit/outdated. Also you won't have qualifications which are important especially if you don't have any experiences
8 also assumes there are a bunch of good jobs just lying around. I mean I get working in a shitty job while trying to find a good one, but it makes it sound easy.
6 also sounds like a job where the company expects you to bring your own shit like hazard suits
people have bills, fuck stick.
refusing to grow as a person or do anything to apply yourself is the logic of an infantile person -- soon to become depressed and more than likely take up some HARD coping mechanisms like alcoholism, drug abuse and other addictions
>decide to quit college
>figure I'll have enough free time to really buckle down and learn-
>10 years have passed
>haven't completed a single goal I set for myself
I have no schedule. I have no goals. I have no fucking sense of time so I can't tell when I'm wasting it. My parents are brain dead and have nothing interesting to say and never gave me any good advice beyond the generic "work hard and fly right" BS. They're massively depressed and can't tell. I'm not depressed I'm just frustrated. Getting even a part time job is becoming impossible in my city. I don't regret leaving college, but letting myself become a NEET is tantamount to being a druggie. I barely think most days and I'm desperately trying to claw my way back to normalcy.
Unironically this
When I first walked into my job, I told my boss when he asked me what makes me special, I said, "I'll work not a minute early, and not a minute later. But when i'm here you'll get 100% of my effort". He fuckin shook my hand at hired me right there.
You give it your all when your there and not a minute over or early then when your scheduled unless you get OT pay
You can easily do all three of those things while working 40-45 hours a week. Working is aids though
>couldn't even hit the first milestone
>hobby is plumbing
how can plumbing be a hobby?
>You should have been putting in work toward getting a non-shit job
I did, but it turns out nobody needs a programmer without formal experience near me.
fuck I'm a best man at 25. Should I kill myself Yea Forums?
You gave us your gross estimate first without mentioning bills? i assumed u worked in a dead ass world where you make 10 bucks an hour
But I do all of that and work except I don't draw. I ride dirtbikes instead.
I've literally never done any of these. I guess I've kissed a girl, but we didn't like eachother, we were just practicing. I don't know what its like to make out with someone who wants to fuck you.
2011, grew tired of living on my parents and moved out.
Got a job doing retail till I quit and started selling cars.
Life is good Anons.
I got a job out of college because of my uncle, but I don't think I'll ever be able to move out with the salary I'm making. I didn't make any friends or connections in four years of college, so I'm not going anywhere. I'm also terrified of talking to chicks after years of horrible experiences.
At least video games are effective at reducing stress. Ocarina of Time is so fucking good.
I was a best man at 17
Last month. I also have time for vidya because I get paid money to sit on my ass at night. Personally, I call it "Outdoor Paid Neetdom", brought to you by Nepotismâ„¢.
>grow as a person
subjective again
>separating alcoholism from drug abuse and other addictions because the rulership brained it into him
avg wagie
good luck getting savings for a business in 1 year
Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean you can't be productive.
You assume that being a NEET means doing nothing all day.
No dumb dumb, I work a full time job at 40 hours and then have a quick weekend job at a vet for about 15 hours in which I save 100% of, while also being able to maintain,
I have done none of those things.
I'm glad I don't work in an office anymore, fuck dealing with older corporate people.
Because fixing broken stuff is fun.
the same way welding is my hobby
That doesn’t even make sense since a majority of successful people do hard drugs and alchohol constantly
To be fair, 6 is more pertinent to the trades then any other jobs. Like with Carpentry, just because your saw follows OSHA standards doesnt mean you won't lob off your finger. Just because your wearing a welding helmet doesnt mean sparks won't go down your shirt, just because your safety straps are on correctly doesn't mean you won't fuck up one day.
Most trades do expect you to bring your own tools, but all of them will unironically give you the tools you need in shit like trade school or community colleges.
Because he has a scat fetish
This was just taken from a survey of people over 50's wishful thinking, i remember when it was published
shut up idiot
Dude I have to drive an hour and 5 minutes to work but I'm moving in about a month so I only have to put up with it a little while longer
This is the shittiest roadmap I have ever seen
Here's yours.
Me neither, my social life and work life is pretty great to me.
>nothing happens for 21 years of your life
>then you retire and wait to die
Why are employees so entitled expecting me to work for free?
I like how in high school they never tell you that networking is a huge part of finding a job you want when your doing any kind of career project.
Then why don't you fix yourself?
Out of touch with reality media is hilarious
this is me except I'm the retard who rear ended someone
Time is a product of human creation, an Illusion . . .
I don't want to get married until my mid to late 30's or something, I've kind of abstained from dating again until I get myself into shape.
This feels like a guide for my friends in Indiana who got married out of college and just work to maintain those families.
>You assume that being a NEET means doing nothing all day.
because 9 times out of 10, it's what realistically happens
stay in denial then retard. idc. I warned you. you will see that I'm right as you get older and hopefully wiser
yes, everyone can have an addiction. what's your point? if you have fuck all to do all day and your life is in ruins, what are you going to do? I'll tell you: COPE. cope with anything and everything you can
1. Meh, subjective
2. See 1
3. Absolutely false. There's little to no upwards mobility from most jobs, there's plenty of shitty work environments that pay garbage, just utter corporate cocksucking
4. Any job can be done with passion, but passion isn't a switch you can toggle whenever you want to waste your mental energies on menial work for little pay, utterly retarded
5. Uncontrolled debt is bad, controlled debt is better than eating shit in a tent because muh wageslave list
6. While partially true, it's just handwaving the fact companies have shitty and dangerous work conditions, retarded
7.Utter wageslave propaganda. Grind yourself to nothing so you can POSSIBLY get another dollar and hour years later. Retarded beyond comparison.
8. More propaganda. Stick the corporate cock in your mouth and shut up, really big brain play.
9. How is anyone supposed to educate themselves if 24/7 studying for 4 years gets you one small degree, and you're working 24/7 because of #7? Retarded.
10. Dude just stop being autistic, and b urself :^)
11. Meh
12. Work your butt off until you're physically disabled or mentally burned out, what a great life you've lived.
As a wageslave, this list makes me boil. No one wants to work 40+ hours a week, corporate cock suckers should get the axe.
I’m there with you had 2 shitty relationships and I just break down around women think I might actually need to see someone for this
This guy is the embodiment of the faggot appearance with his faggy curled fingers and his ¦:^] facial expression. This guy will probably end up on Megans Law some day
Driving test at TWENTY?
What country is this from?
None of my close friends are close to marriage and I turn 27 this year.
This, when you volunteer for the shittiest tasks and work for no extra pay (or in some cases, no pay), all you're really demonstrating is that yourself and your time have little to no value to yourself.
The idea that you should be GRATEFUL to waste every moment of your time doing the worst tasks for people who don't care is no only ridiculous on multiple levels, it's self destructive.
I agree, my neeting would just devolve into playing vidya for 16+ hours per day, at which point it isnt even fun anymore
hey same also im almost 30 and still alive
Fair enough, nothing wrong with that.
Good for you!
would you play a game about being a neet
>tfw i'm only 25 and I already achieved my dream job
>tfw i'm 3 years away from moving into my own place
>tfw life is going excellently for me right now
Feels good to be successful bros
>stay in denial
t. wagie that has to distract himself from his existential dread by 'working'
In the few jobs and people I've met, they always have tools at work and at home.
But I understand (and agree) to what you said. There is a reason why new meat get a security briefing (as well as experienced employees on the regular)
This is unironically one of the reasons Americans rank so low on the happiness index
>finally get job as night time security guard, want to move out because salary allows me to do so
>parents offer to make me stay at home if I help them with the bills
>help them with bills, save up a LOT of money for the future, and buy all the vidya I need
>also play at work because literally nothing happens
sometimes I just like to bask in the comfyness of it all
>tfw love my job
>would rather off myself than be a neet again or live by this pledge
>still have time to play 6-8 hours of vidya per day on workdays, even more on weekends
life is great
God I hate this mentality of if I suck enough dick one day I'll be the one getting my dick sucked.
Most importantly
>has 2 kids and a wife
>is a manager
>bought a second car
>can afford to move houses twice
>Makes UNDER 40k a year
I unironically came here to post this, those are the same two parts of that little manifesto I have issues with because I have worked under bad managers and bosses, people who genuinely enter a position and make the entire operation worse just by having that position.
And number 7 is there just to make you management's bitch, it can go fuck itself.
This. Human brain is not wired to be NEET all the time.
t. former NEET for 6 years
>tfw want to be a voice actor but it's not a viable way of making a living
>tfw no idea how to even start up a portfolio for that shit if I wanted to start
An uncommon saying:
A prostitute will never suck enough dick to be a pimp.
Reminds me of Incase
I'm overworked and underpaid get fucked librulz B)
>comfy night security job
Living the fucking dream my dude. Good for you
mike rowe is a phony faggot that went straight from having mommy and daddy pay for his college to cushy television roles with absolutely no jobs in between. he's a faggot who deserves to be pushed against a wall and shot
get a manager first. Preferably a GOOD one. Do vocal excersizes, go to classes at college, figure out your acting range. After that, your Manager will get you shit he thinks your right for. No good manager will ever get you a role that he thinks you'd be bad at, because 90% of them work off commission and take a portion of your paycheck. But it's worth it to get into the gig
t. VA for commercials and several vidya games
Based. youtu.be
>the system is fucking me but I support people who use it to fuck me every day
Did you know that comparatively salaries and wages are at the same level just after WW2.
You're getting paid the same amount as people after a fucking WORLD WAR because wages have been stagnant for so long and debt has FUCKED you so hard. Meanwhile executives are taking home salaries larger than any other time in history and their wealth is only growing.
Start reaching out to indies hit games and ask them if you can do some voice work for them pro bono
Just go to bed early
I do shift work and when im having weeks which start 6 am im already laying in bed at 8 pm, since i dont like to rush things in the morning and wake up like 4:15 am
I am a NEET you illiterate faggot.
what qualifications do i need for a gig like this
no you're not
you're a wagie between jobs
Yeah lady I'm glad that you too can accept that, despite working the same amount of hours and taking on the same amount of mental stress to simply survive, that some fucker hoarding billions of dollars should be allowed to keep it forever, all while paying no taxes and doing next to nothing to help people.
For a security guard? Have an open carry or gun ownership license. Literally just apply.
>because 9 times out of 10, it's what realistically happens
You're just used to a lifestyle corporations have been pushing to get.
Some NEETs are too sick, others just feel like shit because of the shit they think society expects from them so they derive into doing nothing and devolve into depressive faggots who do nothing.
They do not know how to be productive or improve themselves on their own
How much does it cost to have a manager?
I don't make a lot at work currently but I'll do anything I can to make this work.
Been a NEET from 21-28. Life is fucking hell but all the jobs here are shit, its impossible to get a full time job and rent is way to fucking high to live on your own even if you make $15 an hour. I've been considering taking online school for IT from a decent school near by. Although I would have to go in occasionally for some exercises. Has anyone here done online school?
There shouldn't be the word "hit" in there I'm sorry my phone keyboard is fucking up because I'm posting at work
Imagine unironically agreeing with a man who has literally never worked a blue collar job in his life. Mike Rowe is a cunt
>failed to get an internship yet again
>another summer where I either feel like killing myself after lounging around the house for weeks on end, or finding another labor temp job
Just kill me now.
Reminder that Mike Rowe comes from a wealthy family and never had to work a hard day in his life, he was a theater kid who acted like a blue collar schmuck and performed other people's jobs for one day, mostly letting them do all the heavy lifting. His job now is basically shilling for corporations and giving talks about how unions are bad and safety protocols are bullshit and you should work hard to make your boss money because that's what a real American does.
>im getting ass fucked by life but its ok those other people prob worked real hard!
what do you call this happy sheep?
Aside from the unwarranted self-importance required to create this photo, she's got a good head on her shoulders.
>first holiday with friends before i had a job
>moved out before i bought a car
>first child before i bought a house
>was best man before all of these
lmao americans
git gud
Getting a little late isn't it, you should really think about heading to bed soon don't you think?
You've got to get up bright and early after all
whatever faggot. tired of you moving goalposts and being an idiot. if you want to kill yourself, be my guest. I'm doing replying to (you)
I currently work a bar in my city's stadium on events while studying Civil & Environmental Engineering and playing vidya comfortably
While smoking weed
>taxation only goes to all these people I don't like
>and also me because the SSI disability I'm fraudulently receiving comes from taxes as well
also fucking lol at single moms, like half of fucking Yea Forums doesn't have divorced parents
>I work 50+ hours per week and get paid for 40
Literally getting cucked for your money you worked for, rich people making the middle class shoot down
>be on hunt for job
>tfw learned what MLMs actually are
jesus christ, it was like walking into a fucking religious cult, showing videos with local celebrities, "parties" and "motivational" videos, that shit made me sick to my stomach
I have a job, and I play vidya while doing my job.
Don't forget to stall your suicide thoughts tomorrow afternoon ;^)
It's all relative
Jokes on you I work seconds
You can go out of your way to help a job but the job will never go out of its way to help you.
it's only 6:38pm
A good one? A couple thousand a month. But it's unironically worth it considering you'll make that back 10 fold with the gigs he'll get you.
Don't be afraid to change managers either, but meet them, tell them you have NO idea what your doing, and ask them how to get you hired.
But like I said before that, 100% go to college and do acting classes and find our your vocal ranges and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE
>Civil & Environmental Engineering
High fucking five, we're at the bottom of the engineering totem pole but we're still better than everybody not on it
stay mad wagie
I can honestly respect all those bullet points except number 3. Dipshit hasn't been around enough to know what an abusive environment a corporate slavedriver can make. Did he just forget China was a thing?
The USA has been in a war for quite some time, dumbo.
>Meanwhile executives are taking home salaries larger than any other time in history and their wealth is only growing.
Though luck, try to get rid of it if you think you'll be able to.
Even if you manage that, you can bet your ass, I'll be leaving to another country.
Im phoneposting from night shift which ends in slightly over hour desu
That's fucking it my dude
It's not a bad lifestyle desu. I wagecucked for two years, got multiple promotions, regularly drinking and splurging still, then said fuck it after around 18k saved, quit and went to Japan then hopped around Europe, went back to school and now I'm working again a couple years later. It's amazing what you can do when you're not a retard who has a mortgage, child and new car. Ive become a chef, traveled the world, tried every drug, learned a new language and just got back from spring break in Japan with zero debt on my credit card. Only halfway through my twenties.
Based but only 5 and 6 are accurate