Name some games

Name some games.

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Contra, until you beat it and turn into a gamer.

Gone Home

Ninja gaiden

is ninja garden or contra harder?

Ninja gaiden
Or contra if you don’t put in the code

which do you recommend

Probably contra even though I think NG is a better game.

My sister just walked in on me fapping. Games for this feel?

Ninja Gaiden for the cool ninja elements
Contra is more run and gun

You're already playing

Visual Novels

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what is this image

Be happy, at least your sister didnt walk into you fapping to tiles.

Ace Attorney

Basically the stuff my mom and sister play once a while
My mom likes Bejeweled and similar, my sister played some the sims.

Post your favourite tiles RIGHT NOW

Games for non gamers?
Most AAA titles, story focused experiences especially

Animal Crossing, any Sony movie shit (since they play themselves), Telltale garbage.

FNAF, Bendy and the Dick Machine and basically any other nu-youtube let's player bait games.

I liike hidden picture games as long as the music and art is nice
There is something abou games with no tension where you can just leave the screen unpaused and go to the toilet

the fuckin awkward cringe

t. zoomer

Sorry user but hidden objects games are for women

Skyrim, Breath of the Wild, Overwatch, Battlefield 2, Hearthstone, Super Mario Odyssey, The Last of Us.

you joke but contra would be a really good starting point given the simplicity and quick restarting.

Pokemon Go.

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