Take any game genre

>Take any game genre
>Add a Lust mechanic/system
>It's instantly 100% better
Wow! More developers should do this.

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Lewdest Labyrinth was pretty good. Being short actually paid off for it since it didn't have enough depth to keep anyone interested for more than a few hours.

Actually the designer could have expanded the system more to justify lengthening the campaign
I have at least 3 things he could have done
I suspect the length is more because he didn't want to get stuck in development hell

>only way to get sex scenes is to lose
what's the point? why do so many porn games do this? Sex scenes should be a reward for playing well, not a punishment for losing.

This is only the case if the MC is female.

Not in the case of rape.

because for those games, that's what makes sense
it's like when dungeon designers put a little item or treasure chest in dead ends

>It's instantly 99.999% less marketable

>Lust Mechanic
Makes sense for enemies, but not for the player character. The player knows when they're horny. It's as dumb as a "sanity" mechanic in a game. Inflict that emotion onto the player rather than interrupt them with a gimmicky shorthand.

Why not let the girl dominate the monsters?

Because most normies don't know what powerbottoming is.

thats boring

That will only work in a game where the MC is a pregnant adventurer who needs to make her way to the bottom floor of a labyrinth filled with various kinds of little boy monsters and she can add up to three shota monsters to her party as she goes along

The sorts of people who buy these types of games feel frustration from the idea of dominant females.

i guess they could add some mechanic allowing you to just let the monsters fuck you to get passed them, but it'd have to come with some kinda downside
what are some games that turn the player insane?
also it's justified when aphrodisiac stuff is involved and it can be hot when the girl is having trouble trying not to give into her promiscuous desires

This is why a real-time combat porn game is always the most powerful, as you must resist fapping in order to win

Because that's a shit fetish. If it's not rape its boring trash.

This so fucking much, it drives me absolutely insane. Any porn game that punishes you for wanting to see the porn is poorly designed. I'm not playing the game for the game I'm playing to jack off

>various kinds of little boy monsters and she can add up to three shota monsters to her party as she goes along
>trying not to give into her promiscuous desires
make a porn game that's exactly that. you play as a girl who wants to do the right thing like any hero and she travels with 2 or 3 little boys but she has to not give into her desire to rape them or its Game Over. lots of ecchi scenes of her perving on the boys i.e hugs the last too long to squeeze them between her boobs and trying to peep on them bathing. Much like Monster Girl Quest the little boy monsters can try to tempt to protagonist to have sex with them but if she gives in she loses her mind and becomes a monster with an endless drive for sex also resulting in a game over.

She could still fail and end up getting raped instead.

Not sure why she would need to be pregnant but that would be a fun take on monster collection either way. Different monsters would have different requirements and whatnot. Could be cool.

>Not sure why she would need to be pregnant
The reason she's tackling that specific dungeon to reach the bottom is because she is pregnant

>monster rape
I just don't get the appeal

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This, cant they just replace all the monsters with Tyrone? it'll give me far more motivation not to lose and get raped.

There was one game that I liked where you were the villain controlling the monsters that raped other girls

Shotas are disgusting.

>crummy monster rape? they should explore the labyrinth to fetch a pail of water!

It's all about BEING the female
You are making up non-issues on your mind

You're disgusting
the point is a sexy-ass woman unable to resist getting used by little boys

me neither
I like consensual monster sex

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>Game sells itself on being a breeding sim
>Promises pregnancy as main of its main draws
>The "pregnancy" happens off screen because the kid is born in an alternate universe and poofs into existence fully grown

>Hey squid man, will you slime inside my pussy?

why does it have to be little boys, what makes that sexier than her unable to resist being used by adults

also most /ss/ has the older lady seducing the shota, not the other way around

Fuck off meowie.

It depends on the artist
bad artists just don't understand how to make virile monsters or good-looking tentacles that actually look like they can hold up a person in mid-air

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> tfw Beauty and the Beast fetish for a pure-hearted waifu who falls in love with a monster searching for his own humanity

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it's partly an age gap things
and because adult men are ugly most of the time

>No, Spongebob, I will not slime inside your ostia.

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>and because adult men are ugly most of the time
>but shotas aren't
I think this is called pedophilia.

are you dumb? no it isn't
It's just more aesthetically pleasing
like if you think Hello Kitty is cute, it doesn't mean you want to fuck Hello Kitty

> Hello Kitty is cute
> it doesn't mean you want to fuck Hello Kitty

Speak for yourself, pussy hater

But its anime, I've never seen an unintentional unattractive adult male even masculine.

I see it but it gets boring when its rape where are my monsters getting dominated where are my monsters women raping dudes. just something to spice it up

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I've been playing these games for decades
the safest type of "adult" males are students

this, but female monster and male human

I just called the Sanrio police, you're gonna go to jail buddy

why did your post make me laugh so much

>It's just more aesthetically pleasing
It's not. Shotas are disgusting. I feel physically revolted whenever I see a shotacon work.

What games? are you playing ones that are intentionally making the males ugly (since that's a common theme)? i could name a lot of anime characters who are both young-middle aged adult and that i wouldn't mind being fucked by if i were a girl.

We were all shotas though

I think our tastes just differ. And it's more complex than just the attractiveness of the male characters which makes shota x woman scenes more appealing to me

yeah and the only people who wanted to see us fucking grown women were pedophiles

But I self-insert as the monster...

No user, just no.

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there you go, Happy now?

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>let my characters lust go up
>get so high that character keeps dropping her weapons and automatically tries to surrender and let be raped by enemies
>alternatively I can control men with high levels of lust with the promise of free sex

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It's better when its a Male MC raping the monster girls.

It doesn't make anything better if it's just a bar that does nothing. Also your game looks like shit, fuck off.

>it'll give me far more motivation not to lose and get raped.
Holy shit my sides. But jokes aside, the point is to have the cute girl get raped. And after you jerk off you put slightly more effort in actually winning.

The problem is not even that.
The problem is that most people who make games like that forgot to include a fucking SURRENDER option.
I lost count of the hentai games I played where I have to wait for a weak ass monster to beat me up for 10 minutes when I just wanna see the sex scene of that monster.


>hasn't played the game
>makes some wild bullshit assumption just to stir shit up
no, you fuck off

I don't think the character has a name

Yeah, that works

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It’s a fetish thing. I want the girl to be a sub, and losing is for the weak. It also lets you choose when to focus on the gameplay or the sex - when you want to fap, take the loss.

The object of the game is to maintain MC's purity, you absolute degenerate.

>Mr. Thanos, I'm Avengers

> You don't get to bring whites

Haha wouldn't it be funny if Thanos was instead some hot evil purple MILF? Ha-haha!

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Is the game good?

Aside from the MC being a girl and not a shota you just described Shota x Monsters.

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>In all my years of conquest, domination, subjugation, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, Peter, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little body... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.

Any place where I can download this game? The itch.io page is dead.

We're not gays

Gimme your porn gaem recs Yea Forums

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Violent Semen Inferno: The Maiden Rape Assault

Angry Birds

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>playable female monstergirl character
>get stronger as you rape human shotas
>need to break into the nearby capital city to find shotas to rape
>3 or so "tiers" of shotas corresponding to poverty levels, where the more wealthy are in the inner parts of the city, requiring higher levels to fight your way past the guards
>optional stealth mechanic to bypass guards (to an extent) to reach wealthier shotas worth more exp

Where's my game, devs?

>mfw i've always wanted to see a h-game parody of alice:madness returns
>it will never be a reality

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What anime is this from?

I played this and found out I really don't care about little boys, whew. Kinda glad, but I feel bad for the lack of games for shotafags.

Google Image Search gets you an immediate result

>Sengoku Rance
>Bunny Black
>Monster Girl Quest
>Kamidori Alchemy Meister

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Apart from these, what are some good, solid RPGs with H content where you play as a male protag who isn't a complete bitch?

That's rare nowadays. Google image search is pretty shit for anime/manga searches recently

There's no greater feeling than trying out a new degenerate fetish and knowing that it does nothing for you. The opposite is true when it unlocks something you didn't want to know about.

Because that game is for gay shotafags
games for straight shotafags are better

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I fucking hate this generation.

this game was really frustrating until i learned you could click again to attack. at first i was landing the girls nearby monsters and letting them hit each other.


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The new game is looking great so far

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I know, but it works for this one. I usually give reverse GIS a quick click just in case I get lucky.

Me too, but I figured that out by accident early enough after a few rounds in the first location

Meh, I usually go straight for yandex
iqdb isn't much better, from what I've seen

Not him but anything I recommend, you probably wouldn't be able to play anymore

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Think you're getting into ultra niche or untranslated territory. I'm guessing you've played everything on the previous poster's list.

Off the top of my head, there should be Big Bang Age and one more by Alicesoft (that game that has a "Gold Edition") that are translated. Also at least 1 more Eushully game (where the MC looks effeminate though - didn't play it). I didn't play more than 10 minutes of Big Bang Age because it felt horribly outdated, but the BBA MC is definitely a chad.

If anyone is peeping this list, definitely go for Kamidori, Sengoku Rance, and MGQ. They're a cut above everything else.

Honourable mention to Koihime Musou which isn't listed. That game's got great art and some really hot girls.

>Inflict that emotion onto the player

Based retard.

Kamidori is too good a game, I got actively annoyed at the H-scenes for interrupting my crafting and strategy-ing.

Is this one good?
Or I just pirate them all?

anyone remember dungeons and prisoners? i forgot the fucking name until i went searching for the dev just now.

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Crafting is Kamidori was so much fun. Are there any non-H games that are similar? Western or Japanese.

> muscular female protagonist fucking up other women


Crafting was a bitch back when I played it before the English translation
MTL only helped so much

Atelier and Ar Tonelico games have a lot of crafting. Mana Khemia makes crafting integral to leveling up.

if you want to support the translators and the storefront to make more hentai games available in english
there's plenty of great high-budget stuff you guys are missing out on if you only limit yourselves to english translated games and doujin games
Like this one is practically Hentai Yugioh GX

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That sucks. I hope you didn't miss out on some of the unique costumes you could craft.

I'm brainlet so I can never ever play card games

but they're one of the easiest to understand untranslated

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Japs have fucking shit taste. Most games I check on dlsite are NTR or monster rape.

Did some digging for a few more titles.

This was actually pretty good and decent fun the first couple of routes, but I remember it getting repetitive going through the motions for so many different girls. Still, some hot scenes that are worth playing the game through at least once for.

This was decent fun, but I never got too engaged in the characters, so I didn't play that far. Of all the games I'd like to replay or try again, this is at the top of that list. I think it deserves a chance.

Another game I stalled without completing. Maybe it was because of the stupid looking characters. Maybe it was because combat was shit. I honestly can't remember.

Oops, and in compiling this list I forgot that you asked for RPGs. Duel Savior is a fighting game, but still worth playing. The fights are piss easy once you figure out a couple broken combos.

>being a little boy is 10 times worse than being a sexual molester
I guess I'm a feminist now, we need to ban these assault boys

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How the heck is this a hentai game? I'm not even sure if I want to know.

Thank you, Have you played Eiyu Senki or Ikusa Megami? I've been looking at them, Eiyu Senki sounds fun as fuck and exactly what I want after Sengoku Rance.

You should stop thinking with your dick


I beat this one for the onee-san. Lun-Lun was great too though.

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Here's a Smash Bros-type H-game that I played years and years ago but I doubt there's a download available for it anymore
I really had fun with it

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They put little boys in jail if adult women have sex with them, look it up.


You ever watched any series of Yugioh, any episode where the MC just beat a hot girl and said to yourself, man what if he gets to fuck any girl he beats?

That's basically it. You also get to fuck a few of the cards.

MC enrolls in this dueling school because his dad disappeared after entering a tournament and he thinks he'll find info by climbing the ranks here.

Here's the trailer so you can understand better:


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dick is destiny

> You ever watched any series of Yugioh, any episode where the MC just beat a hot girl and said to yourself, man what if he gets to fuck any girl he beats?

I'm in my late 20s with a hardcore ryona fetish but that thought honestly never crossed my mind. Guess I never saw the show that way.

I think I get the premise of the game though. If I was more into TCGs I'd probably find it more appealing.

Males are evil and women are weak. Come on, user, you should have learned that by now. You're not being a very good feminist!

Eiyuu Senki - that's the title I couldn't remember. No, I never played it, but it does look good. I've heard good things about it too. Ikusa Megami looks too dated for me.

Shit, everyone forgot to mention Violated Hero.
I think I burned out on H-games before I played it, so I didn't get more than a quarter of the way through it, but I remember a top tier scene with 2 fairies no bigger than your dick.

it's kind of a Conan thing applied to card games or other activities where you defeat an uppity hot girl to dominate her and send her a message that she is now subject to your mercy and your whims.
Basically it should be a normal thought for any of us men with testosterone or libido

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I like the game, the 2D art and textures clash with each other though

That's just the limitation of what budget he had to work with. I'm pretty sure the art could have been much much better as well if he had more funds

>tfw your bondage fetish makes for a shit game
Any other fetishes that wouldn't work in a game?

I only know what dev that has implimented my fart fetish perfectly but its never been done again and not even he did it again after the game he did it in. i was so amazed i was like a monkey looking at a banana peeler.

I should really play this.
That venus fly trap boy is unbearably cute.

>Kinda glad, but I feel bad for the lack of games for shotafags.
it's suffering

tfw I got into shota by going "huh, I guess I should check it out" entirely out of the blue
that was nearly like 15 years ago, god damn

>liking sluts

The games that do this are often for rape and/or ryona.

all women are sluts in waiting

Not in fiction.

Its ok user, you and i both know mcgees alice is going to attract too much edge for a good h game.

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