This gonna be great

This gonna be great

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It's gonna be great

I find it ironic that there are people out there that refused to buy Farcry 5: New Dawn ($19.99 a month after release), yet are excited over this game.

That's gonna be great

How long ago did Far Cry 5 come out when New Dawn came out and how long ago did Rage come out when Rage 2 comes out?

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whens doom?

The span of Rage vs Rage 2 is so long that most zoomers didn't even know the first game existed.

It looks far more interesting to me in every way. They're both open world and? FC is boring real world stuff every game. The gameplay can be good but the setting loses me.

What was the point of reviving the rage ip? They already bastardized fallout into something thats more or less indistinguishable, with a similar wacky post apocalyptic setting and looter shooter mechanics.

If they slapped the name fallout and the fallout coat of paint on the same game would they not sell more copies?

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Not after Fallout 76 and they want the Borderlands audience which is what they were pandering to with the first Rage too.

id didn't do anything to/with Fallout.

They are nothing alike. Rage isn't a looter shooter

Rage is nothing like BL.

The tone, aesthetics, vehicles, and """humor""" are identical.

It's Mad Max, not BL.

Mom's gonna FREAK

Borderlands is a Mad Max ripoff, so same result.

Except BL is not even post apocalyptic.

It is in spirit, the characters live and behave like it is. For all intents and purposes, it is.

>dude pink lmao
The gameplay looks nothing alike you dumb pile of dogshit

I pre-ordered it. I just want a greasy open world shooter to listen to podcasts and play. There's no games out. For $37 after gcu and $10 rebate it's not a bad deal. So fucking bored

Days Gone is a pretty comfy open world shooter that lends itself well to listening to other shit at the same time since it's pretty mindless action

Honestly too drab for me right now but I'll play it sometime. I want some vibrance and not a guy mourning his dead wife