Tfw you realise there hasn't been a single good western game in years

>tfw you realise there hasn't been a single good western game in years

Attached: 1555317479969.jpg (1080x1350, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this isnt even wrong. western game devs are killing the industry as best they can.

Unironically clean your room.

western retards still lap that shit up though

Titanfall 2

how many years and what was the game

Days Gone. Fuck Sony though.

Attached: Days-Gone-Rager.jpg (1710x900, 769K)

Eh, doom 2016 was pretty good

Rec threads go on newfriends.

bitch should be cooking, not near a PC... about the OP, gaming is dead since mid 2000s faggot.

Years is an understatement. It's been nearly two decades maybe since the last decent Western game

God I wish I were an attractive woman

Just put it in the context of east vs west and I'm sure you will find plenty of faggots coming out the wood works defending ea and ubishit

The only western game I bought in years was Cuphead.

This thread is not gonna get deleted or moved because mods are part of the yellow fever raid groups.

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>God I wish I were an attractive woman
shut up you degenerate homo, also leave

what about cuphead?

No one is stopping you. Make you daddy proud.

I think Stardew Valley was the last good western game I played. Can't even remember the last good AAA western game.

>this mentally ill fuck is still at it
Get help or just kill yourself

This guy gets it.


You have a containment board, stay in it.

How many of these count as western games?

Attached: GOTY 2012-2019.jpg (1344x1320, 302K)

Chimps on a blimp
My cool indie game


>le indie pixelshit sidecroller
kill yourself

>Get help or just kill yourself
Applies to you more than anyone else because you've been continuously spamming photoshopped pictures of asians with plastic surgeries on multiple boards for many years. Fucking kill yourself, incel.

Why is Jade Raymond in her messy garage?


kill yellow fever incels, nothing of value will be lost

>3 years arent years
I agree with you

Shes cute , as for the games I am sure there have been a few , but I agree there seems to be a decline Here is that chicks Instagram , if you can get over her Women in tech stuff shes alright

On PC...

Attached: 20190504125618_1.jpg (1920x1080, 952K)

What type of shitskin is this? OP has yellow fever but he posted a pic of some halfbreed mutt instead of a bug.mutt LOL

Fake as fuck. It's her BF taking all the photos. She has no idea wtf she's doing in there.

>western jrpg
oh the irony

>spamming the same shit
>replying to yourself
You're seriously fucked in the head.

Dragons Dogma does WRPG better than most other WRPGs I've played.

>dismissing hollow knight because it's a sidescrolling indie title
maybe halo is more your style, chubbo

>tfw you realize a video game hasn't brought you joy in years but you're too depressed/lazy to find another hobby

Not on Yea Forums apparently

Undertale was years ago.

>Fake as fuck. It's her BF taking all the photos. She has no idea wtf she's doing in there
what a fucking poser, she should be punished for being such a shitter attention whore

>liking asian “””””””””””women””””””””””””

Titanfall 2 was kino but that was literal years ago maybe some indie shit was good but triple AAA industry sucks

Attached: B2095660-145C-48A6-80CE-9BB309FECF4B.png (299x274, 170K)

>Hollow knight
When did leddit learn how to post images

Holy shit this screams PC only

that's a man isn't it

no chance in hell that's a man if it is then I guess I'm a homo

>tat on finger

Even if it's a woman she's probably gone through so much cock she's got a gaping roast beef maw. Still would though.

>that's a man isn't it
probably , yes

i think you're the one needing to have sex here pal


she has that lind of face that just screams daddy issues, dated a 30something yeard old when she was 18, acts more responsible and adultlike than she actually is, has zero creativity and just copies shit off pinterest.

imagine the aroma


NuDoom was pretty good.

literally, reddit tier.

Yep. Game is excellent!

why would you EVER play on consoles

So you can play more than pixelshit indies every year?
At least upgrade your PC if those are seriously the best games you played those years. Only FTL is remotely acceptable to have on a list like that. It's embarrassing to have garbage like Terraria ranked so highly.

One of the best multiplayer games ever.

Attached: GTAOnline_14321_Stromberg.jpg (1920x1080, 795K)


Attached: DUSKER.png (1920x1080, 60K)

DOOM Eternal on the way though

Spider-man [PS4]


7/10 game with 10/10 music

who dat

Attached: awallpaper.png (1920x1080, 129K)

Attached: DuskNightmare.png (1920x1080, 3.05M)

Dusk is my goty tho

Attached: KillIntruder.png (1920x1080, 907K)

Attached: DuskWallpaper4Fun2.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

>what is Cuphead

Attached: DuskWallpaper3.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

It's actually more like a job.

Prey (2017)

No you don't, I just play for fun and own everything.

terraria is a fucking amazing game you shit taste console nigger

>console nigger
The game's on pretty much every console too, don't know what point you're trying to make there. You should explain why you think it's good.

West makes better indie games while east makes better AAA games

This hurts the rice farmer

>who dat
seedon't waste your time

good western games exist

Attached: Sherlock-Holmes-The-Devils-Daughter.jpg (1163x1600, 313K)

The world will become a better place if you kill yourself. Less bugs are better.

if ACK had yellow fever, he'd be you


Terraria on console is terrible and although it's better then mobile it's still absolute fucking garbage.
Also who gives a shit about the latest and greatest when almost all of them are shitty movie games and roller coasters.

Attached: 1557068112594.jpg (379x374, 18K)

most of those games are good but whoever made that image is an enormous faggot.

Very true. Unfortunately I hate anime games, but there have at least been some good Japanese non-anime games.

Prey was the last truly great western game

>shin megami tensei
PC fags “exclusives” our just mega autist or indie shit

The pc has more exclusives. Most games on here don't work well with a joystick anyways.
For example strategy games play better on pc then they do on console for the simple fact of you having access to a mouse.

Attached: BhQLgzP.png (643x167, 68K)

and it was far from good

There are many non anime games tho

Can't think of a single AAA western game I liked recently... does XCOM 2 count?