halo more like who-lo
i feel bad for halo fans. i loved odst and reach so it's sad they haven't made a single good game since then
>feeling bad for what is one of the most obnoxious fanbases in the history of gaming
only ones who are nearly as bad are smashtards. Halokids got what was coming to them
>falling for the meme opinion
W-we're going home, remember bro?
I'm going to play through the remastered, revitalized, and legendary campaigns from my childhood one by one with my bros. Then I'm going to hop online whichever of those masterpieces I fancy at the time and pop some noob skulls for an unholy number of hours. Stay mad little zoomy.
probably gonna get an announcement at E3
Fucking this. I'm gonna get together with so many old friends and now I can play the campaigns with friends that have always wanted to.
we're /coming home/
Despite having shit taste I don't think Halofags, Codfags and other casuals can be classified by any measure as obnoxious.
They generally play other games besides their choice of FOTM shooter (even if those other games are 2k and madden), they care about gameplay above other elements like politics, they won't be assholes because you like other games, and theyre generally well adjusted in real life.
They both have better fanbases Battlefield.
SWAT DMR is based tho
>playing halo rn
feels good boys
>Bloom in a one hit kill game mode
>Bloom in any game mode ever for that matter
I'm also playing Halo 5 right now.
>tfw you never stopped playing Halo and still play MCC regularly and a bunch of fags who abandoned the franchise for a decade are coming out of the woodworks because they suddenly care again now
Where the fuck you been faggots?
Games already made and finished years ago the stupid assholes take like a fucking year to adapt it to PC. Fuck them these games will never be released on PC.
I never played any Halo games, being that I never owned and Xbox. I'm just curious to try them out see what the fuss is all about.
4 was shit, I was sick of paying for online and I was introduced to PC gaming.
Playing halo 2 vista.
I don't play on console anymore m8. I love dewrito though.
I wanted to play MCC but I wasn't going to buy a dead console just for that. That just ain't smart.
My friends are all on PC and I let my sister have my xbox. I just don't want to buy any of the new games and reward a shit product being put out.
Yeah bro. Home. We made it bro.
5 had a terrible campaign and ruined my waifu so I quit.
all halo games are great, no matter how hard you trying to be a popular 4channeler with your cringeworthy meme opinions, all halo games will stay great.
I moved over to PC years ago and learning to play shooters with thumbsticks again is proving to be a real bitch
I've always cared and play custom edition regularly still but didn't want to shill out to microsoft for a jewbox one
I don't think you were very active on online forums during the mid-late 2000s, halofags were extreme cancer who are only more tolerable now after being humbled by modern halo and other shooters taking over halo's popularity
Playing the PC versions of CE and 2 with all the other spics, gamepad aiming is for fags
They're a small group, they're just loud as fuck.
All except Reach
playing on pc instead of shitbox
including especially reach
Reach sucked
Based. Im stopping at H3. Thats my personal fav when it comes to multiplayer tbqhfamalam
Soon halochads, soon.
After the 360 I jumped on the PC gaming train. I never bought an X1 so I missed all the 343 halos.
Xbox One doesn't interest me, especially once it started losing exclusives.
Simple. I had an Xbox and a 360. I do not own nor do I plan on owning an Xbox 1.
titanfall 1 and 2 .using a mech to stomp on noobs and then kicking them at lightning speed after a wallrun should they dare to respawn.
I'm not paying for Live on the 360 for the sake of one series and I'm certainly not buying a Bone. I've gone back to the campaigns a few times over the last years though. Hope I can get back to the multiplayer over this summer.
I just play Infection on H5 all day
Reach was based.
Screaming reach sux with your 10 other r/halo autists wont stop reach from becoming the most popular game on the MCC.
Halo was never good
I still play Halo CE-4 nonstop when it comes to campaigns, I would play Halo 5 if I had it, I don't want an Xbox One but I plan to get the strongest next gen Xbox which is when I will get Halo 5 to play catch up and then get Infinite alongside it, I have no plans to get MCC, no point.
Xbox mil grau is a Halo fan... The guy is a lunatic
Swap 2 and Reach and we are in agreement
you fags have no idea what Halo is brining to the table
Xbro Skeleton army will rise from ground and besiege Yea Forums with a fury
This. Halo losing its FPS crown was the best thing to happen to the fanbase.
fucking kek
2 is objectively outdated to todays standards, im judging it from todays eyes so its on the right spot.
>doesn't fit with the game or lore in canon
>slowest movement speed in the series to date
>lowest jump height in the series to date
>poor level design and mission structure
>terrible, uninteresting story
>bland characters
>bland colors
>film grain
>gameplay that fights the player's controls
>terrible multiplayer
>worst maps in the series
>an autistic, assblasted art director was the project lead
>didn't listen to Marty during development
>is the only Halo game that feels like the odd one out
It was the most unbased bluepilled Halo game ever made by man and in terms infected Bungie's next franchise since they didn't learn shit from it.
Doom and Wolf was never good.
FPS was never good.
This but the 3 babbies are still the most annoying faggots in the fanbase on the level of Superfags. The fact that they somehow think Infinite won't have sprint is laughfable.
>muh loud minority
Clearly they aren't judging by Xbox One's sales
>All of this worthless opinion shit
Again you and your circle of autists dont mean shit. Also ignoring the 343 games when you stated it feels like an oddball
It's over 40 million, they're a minority.
The ones on online forums were really only a small portion of halofags. Keep in mind how big these games are.
I bought MCC at launch, but the chuds at 343 released a broken to hell piece of crap and sat on their asses for FOUR YEARS before bothering to lift a finger to actually fix it for real. Then after Halo 5 sucked nuts i sold my Xbone because it literally has only 2 games that aren't otherwise on PC
343's games weren't shit in every category and I don't really care how mad this makes Yea Forums.
it was probably his first halo .he uses the reddit excuse because he is browsing that shitty site himself.
Makes sense
It was outsold by PS4 by 2:1, not a minority
>343's games weren't shit in every category
In which were they not?
Go on, expose yourself as the pleb you are by saying halo 4 story and 5 MP.
I'm not a zoomer I'm just pic related.
I postponed my suicide for mcc on PC.
Who the fuck cares, many Xbox guys buy Halo and with that 40 million number, a lot of people brought Halo 5 whether you like it or not.
Why does the meme use the fucking Nu-Gaylo armor?
halo turned CODish and dont you dare deny that fact
>Who the fuck cares
Motherfucker you obviously do. You're the one who brought up sales numbers and that is the worst hill you could choose to die on when defending Xbox and Halo, lmao
Yes because those are the areas Reach fucked up at, literally Reach had nothing good about it.
This is the closest you're going to get to a source on that. No VGChartz bullshit.
same could be said of any fan-base, sample sizes exist
I don't honestly, what you think Hao needs 80 million people to sell somewhere close to 14 million?
Most halo fans are just halo 3 baby's who bought into the 360 hype. So they are either are on the onionstation or the pc gaymin now
>hear about MCC on pc
>sign up
>all of my bungie.net stats got saved
Where does time go?
>literally Reach had nothing good about it.
armor customization, covenant being alien again, Marty music, the most balanced sandbox since CE, forge, firefight.
Those are all positives ontop of a pretty solid game, meanwhile 343 shit is just COD ripoffs that removed gametypes, weapons and vehicles
This, they never mattered, it's why most of the time they're not listened to like Nintendo with Super Metroid fags.
Those look like the vgchartz numbers tho
that was sick
>armor customization
Halo 3 did that better.
>covenant being alien again
Covenant were shit in Reach and just felt like something to shoot at instead of being important, Halo CE already did that and did it far better.
>Marty music
Marty was at his best with Halo 1-ODST.
>the most balanced sandbox since CE
OH NONONONONO! CE was the most balanced and then Halo 5 happened.
Sorry to tell you this but Halo 5 has a better Forge
ODST was how to do Firefight the Reach team ruined what the ODST team created and turned it into shit.
Reach was a shit Halo game.
Is it not sad that we're all waiting for the worst halo game?
I don't. Just fucking move on
t.halo fan
Those numbers came in way before the VGChartz numbers.
>an expansion pack that didn't offer much
>the worst game in the entire series
I feel sorrier for you.
Reach had a decent forge kit but the monochrome gray/silver textures are unforgivable. I would take 3's forge any day.
My 360 died and I never bothered to get a new Xbawks. I was sick of paying for XBL anyway.
I only play on PC now.
Halo 3 is literally the best in the franchise.
"muh halo 3 bobies"
Nope. I played every Halo game on launch, and you're all just a bunch of mad zoomers.
>Covenant were shit in Reach and just felt like something to shoot at instead of being important
What the fuck am i reading? Its not any different from the others, theyre enemies youre supposed to shoot at and there was a story explaining why.
>hes a 5 zoomer
>ODST was how to do Firefight the Reach team ruined what the ODST team created and turned it into shit.
Please explain
>Sorry to tell you this but Halo 5 has a better Forge
Last time i checked that shit of a game didnt even have forge
Halo Reach is awful, its easily the worst and most uninspired trash that ever came out of Bungie and Microsoft Game Studios.
>others zoomers
>doesn't know about the Kino that is halo 5 forge.
Hating on h5 is the most zoomer opinion can have. Kys
t. boomzoomdoomyoomxoomcoomvoomwoomqoomloompoomkooom
>What the fuck am i reading? Its not any different from the others, theyre enemies youre supposed to shoot at and there was a story explaining why.
Halo CE-ODST Covenant felt important, Reach Covenant just felt like they were there.
Halo 5 hs a better sandbox than Halo DMR+Reticle Bloom game.
>Please explain
Are you serious? ODST wasn't arcade garbage, you fucking Reach zoomer. Can't believe this needed explanation.
>Last time i checked that shit of a game didnt even have forge
dude white boxes with red stripes on them lmao
>Halo CE-ODST Covenant felt important, Reach Covenant just felt like they were there.
What a worthless opinion
>Halo 5 hs a better sandbox than Halo DMR+Reticle Bloom game.
Yeah no, every weapon functions as a reskinned BR or pistol, its shit and your inner cod kid fell for it.
>Are you serious? ODST wasn't arcade garbage, you fucking Reach zoomer. Can't believe this needed explanation.
Just ignore the settings then retard.
Rope 5baby
They are testing each possible combination of PC parts ever made (10 to the power of 244.754.782) so they can all tell you they fucked your mom proper without crashing
Why are Reach babbies the most defensive fans in the fanbase?
>halo is bad because it has autoaim
>you shouldnt be using a controller use a keyboard and mouse
>doom is good because it has autoaim
>you cant expect people to aim accurately when all they had is a keyboard
And yet neither Halo 4 nor 5 has matched its AI tactics yet.
only 343dogs hate on reach because of their own inferiority complex, trilogychads dont even care.
Have you actually played Reach recently? Its not as good as you remember.
Halo reach was good compared to modern games and 343shit.
You were simply spoiled by the OT quality
>Halo Reach was good compared to 343shit
Worse campaign than 4
Worse multiplayer than 5
The game is almost a decade old but still holds up better than halo 5
Blood fags BTFO
You really showed me with that low res screenshot.
Wrong on both shit taste zoomer.
Chief corana drama felt like rejected straight to TV movie script, not halo. Also shitty level design that has you pressing buttons every room
H*lo 5 was not halo.
You think "youre just old" is any better?
Since you were clearly a child when Reach came out, let me break it down for you
>Chief Cortana Drama, not Halo
You mean like the entirety of Halo 3 where everything that happened was a vehicle to get back to High Charity and save Cortana? Feel free to tell me how Halo 3 isnt Halo.
>Shitty level design that has you pressing buttons every room
And you think Reach was better for this? You think its levels were well designed? Did you forget that you had to run Oni Sword Base three times? Did you forget having to slog through New Alexandria, a vast city where exploration was met with empty room after empty room? Do you honestly think forced Firefight sections are "good level design"? Fuck you're stupid
>Halo 5 is not Halo
Id rather cut off my fingers than listen to what you zoomer faggots think Halo is. Your opinion doesnt mean shit, child
>"youre just old"
Where did i say that? You're not old, you're a fucking zoomer. You were 8 when Reach launched and it blew your mind because all these "cool" characters had super epic moments where they sacrificed themselves, that totally means a good plot right? Especially the sacrifice with the super cool edgy one with the skull on his visor.
more like gaylo 5 haha
>halo 5 isn't halo
>but a game that had load outs and game breaking abilities is
Bungiecucks are delusional. No wonders like Destiny raked in so much money with a fan base this stupid
I'm one of those trilogychads and I hate Reach, the only ones that like Reach are the people that started with it and ones who only defend Bungie because they're not 343, Reach was the most hated Halo game on release.
I don't get the meme, is halo dead? Are the fanboys not going home after all?
Reach had the worst everything though.
As a Halo fan I'm not a fan of Halo 4 and 5's art direction but Reach fans like you really have no room to talk.
>Halo 5 isn't Halo
Last I checked, Reach was the only Halo game without Halo on the title screen.
you're retarded.
Reach isnt my favorite im only defending it because you would rather shit on it exclusively instead of 343 shit.
5babies like yourself are so in denial about reach being the foundation of your beloved "new" gameplay .
You calling me a zoomer without realizing it is comedic.
>You mean like the entirety of Halo 3 where everything that happened was a vehicle to get back to High Charity and save Cortana? Feel free to tell me how Halo 3 isnt Halo.
The actual storytelling, cutscenes and dialogue are not comparable you stupid retard.
>And you think Reach was better for this?
Yes, it had better everything compared to 4, but weaker than OT
looks like he never got that chicken dinner huh
>muh halo trademark = instabuy
Based consumerist retard, no wonder 343 hasnt gone bankrupt.
>As a Halo fan I'm not a fan of Halo 4 and 5's art direction but Reach fans like you really have no room to talk.
Depends on what you love about halo, personally i never gave a shit about comp shit since 2002 but loved the covenant designs and combat loop of CE, reachs covenant took inspiration from CE so they sit right at home with me. If you started with 3 and only played fat kid youre on the same place with reachfags
>Reach was the most hated Halo game on release.
4, 5 even 2
Youre clearly a 3baby
Looks like Reach took a small amount of inspiration from CE and then took the rest from Call of Duty.
>Based consumerist retard, no wonder 343 hasnt gone bankrupt.
Reach plays like a slog.
>OT, no sprint, true halo, loved by all.
>Reach, partially sprint, loved and hated by players of halo for different reasons.
>343 shit, 100% sprint, literally hated by every halo player except for the ones reach spawned and new babies
You cannot refute this
Reach took surface-level inspiration from CE(visible health bar, scoped pistol), but that's it.
2 got hate but most still played it, 4 got hate and most left the mp but many people enjoyed the campaign, 5 got hate but many people enjoyed the gameplay and multiplayer while the campaign was disliked heavily. Reach was hated for both the campaign and multiplayer and only loved by people who started with it or were never really Halo fans, to begin with.
>you would rather shit on it exclusively instead of 343 shit
Id happily shit on 4's Multiplayer/Forge and 5's Campaign but thats not news, they're objectively unredeemable dogshit (With the exception of 4's Modded Custom Games and Ricochet)
You however, you're just a mindless fucking drone. You've got no individual thought you just copy paste the same shit over and over. You'll be the first to claim 3 as the greatest but the only thing you remember of 3 is playing your shitty fucking custom games with your elementary school friends.
You are, in every meaning of the word, a fucking zoomer.
>The actual storytelling, cutscenes and dialogue are not comparable you stupid retard.
Im comparing them, therefor they are. 4 is objectively worse than 3 but you bitching about "HURR CHIEF CHASING CORTANA BAD :(" as a plot point legitimately makes you retarded.
>Yes, it had better everything compared to 4
No, it didnt, you retarded cunt. Chief fighting against the bureaucrats in the post-covenant war UNSC to protect his AI, the AI that was with him when he saved the fucking universe multiple times is OBJECTIVELY a better story than Reach's abomination of a "retelling" of Fall Of Reach. Lasky, a single character, is objectively better than 90% of Noble Team (Exception being Jorge, not because of "Tell em to make it count" but because he was the ONLY character that got fleshed out)
You are legitimately retarded, you've got no opinions of your own.
Well thought out response you fucking retard.
>tfw halo mcc coming to pc is one of the few things fending off suicide
Why can't it be the way it used to be bros?
>reach players enjoy 4/5
Have you not seen this thread? Reach zoomers are seething over 4/5
Wait so it wasn't a coincidence they release the master Chief collection they released the all Digital Xbox One S thing?
I wish it took the entirety of Halo CE.
This is actually a great point, what's even more funny enough is that if they were to get there hands on a competitive game that had a ranking system compared to the Autism politics they will outrank them.
I wish Halo 2 did too.
I agree with you.
There has never been a good FPS that ended in 3.
honest question, how hard was it to switch over to kb/m originally? i'm building my first gaming dedicated pc and as an autist it's kind of intimidating
Not hard, just play CE or 2 on PC and get your bearings.
>waahhh the older kids bully me so now i bully my little brother
This is your reason for hating reach, so immature and retarded.
Get off Yea Forums stupid kid.
What went wrong?
I really liked the sleek black look they had in 2, the render there doesnt do it justice
>Halo 3
That's ODST though but what really went wrong was first Reach and then Halo 4 and beyond.
>Posting 3 compared to 4
How about you post Reach compared to 4, you dumb zoomer faggot?
>You'll be the first to claim 3 as the greatest but the only thing you remember of 3 is playing your shitty fucking custom games with your elementary school friends.
You are, in every meaning of the word, a fucking zoomer.
Holy shit the assblasted projections because everyone doesnt like your shitty game.
I just stated my opinion of 3babies aswell earlier >muuuh story in a video game
Fuck off zoomer, go read a real book
Use google stupid invasive codfaggot
I liked 2 the best because it was just normal fatigues with some armor on top of it.
>halofags being elitist
OT chads hate 343 even more, reach zoomers just dislike the gay kenneth scott artstyle.
Imagine something, worse like being elitist about a story in a video game.
>refutes no arguments
Thanks for conceding that you're a dumb fucking zoomer that cannot think for themselves
>muh story in a video game
You literally cried "it had better everything compared to 4" when you're objectively fucking wrong, zoomer.
Why do you think you can talk about Multiplayer though? Crying about 5's multiplayer proves you're a skill less faggot. Do you think its just coincidence that all of the old guard MLG teams came back for 5? Even without competing, actually just playing and streaming the game for no profit? Not like competitive Halo 5 had much profit anyway, the highest prize pool was a million.
Id like to hear your retarded zoomer excuse for why they all came back.
You mean the MCC that was broken for several years? Kill yourself for willingly eating shit xbox faggot. Cancer killing vidya.
Halo was pretty good honestly, I think I still have my old CE disc around my house somewhere.
i would be playing halo all the time if it wernt for xbox live. I have like 4 games installed on my xbox for the last 3 years and i dont want to pay just for 2 games
>Crying about 5's multiplayer proves you're a skill less faggot.
lol youtube.com
>hes also a compfag ontop of being a lorecuck
Fuck off from video games please.
>you're objectively fucking wrong
Opinion of someone that is a fan of the most hated games of the series. Toplel
Not him but every Halo has aim assist, retard.
>Bullet magnetism was only in Halo 5
Thank you for proving you know absolutely nothing about Halo at all
>hurr ur a lorefag
>hurr ur a compfag
Why the fuck do you even play? If you arent playing for the campaign and you arent playing for the multiplayer, why the fuck do you even exist? Holy fuck you're retarded you've got no reason for breathing you should probably just stop
>Opinion of someone that is a fan of the most hated games of the series.
What was that quote? About the flies and the shit? I think you know where im going with this.
You're a fucking zoomer that literally cannot think for themselves, you should honestly just kill yourself you fucking drone.
Why do SJW studios like 343 use their 5'2 onions boy of the month employee as a model reference for height and posture? Are they literally terrified of hiring a professional 6'2 stunt actor for being too high T?
>calling 343 an SJW studio when you have Bungie hiring trannies
Modern Bungie doesn't make Halo you fucking retard.
Even less trustworthy than VGChartz
I play for halo and dont want the game being designed around the shitty advanced lore like 4 or have another shitty ""competitive"" game like 5.
Not seeing 5's excessive magnetism is a sign of you being braindead.
Honestly i think youre the one sho should kill themselves, then 343 will have one less whale paypig pumping them with req point microtransactions
Modern Bungie made Reach.
There was nothing wrong with Halo 5 being designed to be competitive. Problems only arose when that was the only thing they designed for.
Go buy more pizza skins and rainbow armor 343drones
It's not our fault we can spot a guy that started with Reach from a mile away.
>Halo 5 isn't Halo
>But Reach is
This will never not annoy me
Reach was good because it btfo MLG fags.
Why do Halo fags only ever want to bicker about Reach and 5? Why cant we talk about the good ones?
>I play for Halo
>I dont play for the amazing campaigns
>I dont play for the great multiplayer
Again, you just proved that you're fucking stupid and have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
>Halo 5's magnetism is "excessive"
Its on par with every other games magnetism, you dumb ape cunt
>then 343 will have one less whale paypig pumping them with req point microtransactions
Never spent a cent on REQs, better luck next time though. The next thing you're going to cry is "HURR WARZONE P2W"
>Pizza Skin Bad
>Heart Attack Good
>Stinky Cloud Good
>Reach was good because it btfo MLG fags.
More like it was bad because it btfo of anyone that enjoyed Halo's gameplay
I wouldn't buy an xbone if you paid me bru
I remember that ""Comp"" match livestream when a player was sniped when his whole character was behind a wall, how can anyone say 5 is hard? Its sweaty but its easy as fuck to topscore as a new player, just like a COD game.
Reach looks like halo, sounds like halo, plays like halo.
Deal with it
>muh armor lock
fuck off, you seriously didnt die to that dumb shit.
t. couldn't adapt
Thank you, im gonna use that any time someone complains that Halo 5's multiplayer isnt Halo
>I remember that ""Comp"" match livestream when a player was sniped when his whole character was behind a wall
I won't defend sniping, but sniping has only been hard in CE & 3.
> but its easy as fuck to topscore as a new player
Because the game tries to match you with players of equal skill.
>reach plays like halo
>I dont play for the amazing campaigns
>I dont play for the great multiplayer
Which no 343 game has had yet.
>Its on par with every other games magnetism, you dumb ape cunt
I wish 5tards actually played the older games before speaking about them
>Never spent a cent on REQs, better luck next time though. The next thing you're going to cry is "HURR WARZONE P2W"
Which it is.
Kill yourself drone.
>Reach looks like halo, plays like halo
You're actually retarded if you think Halo 5 babies the player any more than previous games. Either that, or you like to talk about games you've never played.
>Reach looks like halo, sounds like halo, plays like halo.
Halo 5 doesn't have loadouts, so by default its more "HALO" than Reach
Deal with it
Are you dumb? We are talking about Reach, not 5.
>come back to thread 2 hours later after getting a blowjob then playing some games
>nerds still arguing about the same old shit
>Halo 5 doesn't have loadouts,
WTF is warzone?
Then reach is also more halo than 5 because you can play infection which has no loadouts.
>Which no 343 game has had yet
5 had great multiplayer, 4 had a better campaign that Reach
>I wish 5tards actually played the older games before speaking about them
Have you actually ever played a Halo game? Considering you dont play the games for the campaign or the multiplayer im actually convinced you've never actually played any of the games.
>Which it is
t.mindless drone
If it was "Pay2Win", wouldnt Standard Weapon be lower than Power Weapon? Wouldnt i only be able to get kills with all of those REQ weapons i paid a gorillion dollars for and not the standard BR's that you spawn with?
>one playlist in 5 has loadouts
>every playlist but 1 in reach has loadouts
Please explain how Reach plays like Halo.
Its literally one 343shill hating on reach because he has nothing better to do than hate on a 10 year old game that has been abandoned.
Heres the breakdown of what "Standard Weapon" actually means, mind you that there are NO Warzone attachments that provide extra damage
Why is this Reach fans only defense?
>Please explain how Reach plays like Halo.
Are you retarded, reach is traditional halo plus one ability you can choose to use.
Remove AA's and its traditional halo, and you can remove them unlike 4.
>reach is traditional halo plus one ability you can choose to use.
Since when was Bloom part of traditional Halo?
>you can remove them unlike 4
You can disable sprint in 4?
>sword block
>no bleedthrough
>remove them unlike 4
Good thing you can turn them off in 5.
You 343shills are lucky tonight you only got 65 posters and with only like 4 remaining.
You fuckers would get torn apart by literally everyone from spewing the bile you have been doing the last hour.
Not through menus, you need to mod a gametype to disable it.
why is the Halo 2 BR its own weapon?
Reach was not traditional Halo.
based Gaylo dudebros
Different burst timings from the Halo 5 one.
Hahahahahahahaha literally no response, trying to pawn it off to other people.
Guess what retard? They're all as braindamaged as you. What are they gonna do? Post the webm of how "Halo 5's sprint is slower than 3's walk" despite 5's maps being bigger and completely ignoring Sprint->Slide->Jump->Thrust movement?
None of you faggots have any individual thought, you just spew the same uneducated nonsense over and over again
imagine actually being a "halo purist"
you're a purist for a dumbed down arena shooter made for console retards, congrats, it's like being a purist for the special olympics
Do both of them see use in the same matches simultaneously? Never played Halo past 2 and this is confusing me
I didnt read your post, just saying.
If tired of your retardation, even if 343 does something objectively bad you brain damaged fuckers will spin it and say its good in your head until you believe it.
Some maps have it as a pickup. I'm not sure if any maps have both at the same time. The Halo 2 BR also has the classic scope overlay instead of the ADS animation.
Oh fuck off. Even the biggest Halo 5 fan accept that the campaign wasn't good, meanwhile Reach fan think EVERYTHING about Reach is perfect and will call you a shill or saying otherwise.
I still haven't forgiven M$oft for killing OG Xbox Live. Classic Halo 2 online was the absolute best time I've had playing a multiplayer video game.
By the same player? Its been a while since i played Warzone, i think you can have both on you at the same time but its better to go BR/Magnum
By other players? Yeah. Halo 2 BR is a loadout weapon you get through REQ's, its functionally the same but has its original sound/better model/different burst timings. Basically every loadout weapon (pretty much all of them are listed ) have different attachments that add different things like scopes, suppressors, bayonets that increase melee range. None of them add any damage though so its never pay to outgun someone.
>even if 343 does something objectively bad
You mean the campaign? That literally nobody defends?
You bring me something "objectively bad" and ill agree with you, you bring me something you dislike because you're a fucking child and im going to call you a child and laugh in your face.
This is all in Warzone though, the large scale PVPVE mode. All of the weapons are in Forge/Arena(Traditional Multiplayer) but they have to be picked up off the ground.
post kino designs
>armor is reflective
>does not reflect the muzzle flash
>2 pizza skins have been deposited to your account
>microtransactions good
>game unlocks bad
It unironically takes less time to grind out the unlocks in Halo 5 than it does Reach.
>me no want to earn anything
>baby want mommy to pay for toy instead
I didn't pay for any of it and it still took me less time than unlocking everything in Reach.
>game unlocks bad
Where did i ever say that?
Check out this hayabusa wearing faggot
That is one ugly armor.
t.seething that you could never earn it even if you tried
This is what all my friends retarded little brother's warhammer figures look like because he thought using wood paint would save money
But you are a shill.
t. seething that you could never earn it even if you tried
Probably not I don't play 343i Halo but it really does look like his eldar army caked under a quarter inch of solid paint
And yet you'll never have the status of someone that has it. No "Every Achievement" guide is going to get you it, cant just watch a youtube tutorial.
Someone’s mad he can’t git gud.
Your memetext is you reacting to reach, dumb shill.
That sounds about right, my only comment is that it looks like my friends retarded brother painted, and it does. He ended up going to jail for fucking with underage kids online so I guess that's your status in my eyes.
>dude shill lmao
And braindead fuckers like you will praise Reach till the end of time as if it wasn't bad.
absolutely seething
Better than 4 and 5.
And that is all that matters to BTFO you.
But it wasn't
Explain how.
It really, really, really fucking bothers me that people actively are defending 4 and 5 on here. 5 multi is still bad. Doesn't matter that it does some things better than reach. 4 is absolutely a fucking disaster in every single regard, and the fucking faggot who is trying to compare the pursuit of cortana in 3, to 4, is an irredeemable retard and should immediately kill himself. The way the characters are portrayed, the story is written, and the pacing of the games are absolutely incomparable. I genuinely cant imagine being this contrarian, holy shit.
No, play the halo games first.
Yeah it was
there's like so many hours in a day considering we spend around 8 hours of working and 6+ hours of sleeping.
So were supposed to like fit Halo in that whole timeline what the fuck lmao
>if they were to get there hands on a competitive game
Halo 3 had ranked matches that were really fun because if you lost enough you would go down in rank.
I did. Now tell me your reasoning.
It still to this day bothers me that people defend Reach, Halo 4 and 5 had something going for them, Reach didn't, the only ones defending it now are kids that grew up with it and guys that have to defend Bungie even if a game they made was bad because they're not 343, they even go as far to defend Destiny 1 and 2.
>that one guy that had to play as this ugly piece of shit
>Yeah it was
No, it wasn't
Only a fool honestly believes that a Halo game has absolutely nothing going for it.
everyone i knew who wore did so just for dick jokes
Reach had a terrible campaign and multiplayer, every FPS Halo game does something better than Reach.
Reach actually looks and sounds like a Halo game, for starters, and it has by far the best UI design in the series. Just getting that out of the way.
I also recall Reach's armor abilities were more fun to use but were shitty to play against. Halo 4 and 5 had this problem go both ways instead; they are neither fun to use nor play against.
I know bro. these fanboys are crazy
Did you read the thread? Its more reminiscent of halo in general and make some good evolutions but also mistakes. But i think the good overwrote the bad for reach.
It was enjoyable for a time.
I can say 100% that HW and the mobile games have nothing in it for me, but im not everyone.
H5 too aswell because i never enjoyed twitch styled shooters.
>Reach actually looks like a Halo game
I don't remember Halo being so drab and depressing.
>b-but it's SUPPOSED to look that way
>I don't remember Halo being so drab and depressing.
Halo 2
343 is shit, MCC was a broken piece of shit and the anniversary/remasters were shit (mostly sound design, fuck the new sounds)
I just want Bungie's titles on PC, I don't care about anything else from the franchise.
Not sure if you we're referring to me, but reach is better than both 4 and 5, despite being hands down the worst bungie halo. 4 is a atep down in every way, and 5 only has better forge and multi. The only reason Im even a little excited for Reach is because it's better than 343 trash.
Nothing will ever compare with playing Halo CE's co-op campaign for the first time. There isn't a single game that's scratched the military sci-fi itch better.
Reach may sound like a Halo game but it sure as hell doesn't look like one, having the best UI means shit if everything else sucks, also, Armor Abilities sucked but somehow Halo 4 even did those better even if they still sucked.
Reach introduced a criminally-underutilized gametype scripting engine.
>I can say 100% that HW and the mobile games have nothing in it for me
Fair enough, I was speaking for the FPS titles because everything else is just a side game.
One things for sure: Halo's books are Elder God tier compared to other video game books. I recently had to quick the witcher books they were so bad, and decided to read Fall of Reach again. It's so fucking good holy shit.
Halo 2 had shitty lighting and texture work, but it still had plenty of bright sections. Reach looks like a Gears of War game by comparison.
Not him but Halo 2 was pretty colorful unless you played the PC and MCC versions.
But it's not, Reach was the worst Halo game in the series.
>Its more reminiscent of halo in general and make some good evolutions but also mistakes. But i think the good overwrote the bad for reach.
Okay, but how? You could say this exact phrase for every game.
Halo 2 worse than 3.
Corridor simulator
Elevator simulator
dude button combos
Cliff hanger ending
bad miranda voice actor
>he didn't beat legendary solo
Halo 3 is worse than 2.
Corridor simulator
Backtracking simulator
dude equipment
dude scarabs
Knockoff Elites
Kill the main enemy in a cutscene
bad writing
>Kill the main enemy in a cutscene
Is this how 343lets cope when OT chads make fun of them for the TWO QTE endings in a row?
>implying anyone wants that piece of shit
Uhh no you cant, reach looks like halo while the 343 stuff doesnt.
>reach looks like halo
Brown and motion blur doesn't look like Halo.
I left my 360 to my siblings when I moved away after graduating.
So, Scarabs?
The Prophet fight was fun
I wish I would fit in as well as you guys. You're just so cool and have the correct Yea Forums-certified opinions.
the scarab sections in halo 3 were light years ahead of whatever halo 2 was.
They really weren't.
halo designs with a filter on look more halo than 343 shit.
>slow moving one hit kill molasses game is based
you jsut admitted to being an inept pleb
Majority of people would agree with me, including bungie.
>it sure as hell doesn't look like one
It does, and it looks more like a Halo game than 4 and 5 ever have.
>having the best UI means shit if everything else sucks
>everything else sucks
The progression system, forge, theater, and armor customization are all blatant upgrades of Halo 3's in one way or another.
On the contrary, you just use braindead reasons to bring it down when there are legitimate flaws with the game that are easy to call upon instead, like Bloom and Loadouts.
>Halo 2 scarab dies in a cutscene
>Halo 3 lets you kill 4 scarabs
Are you implying Bungie ever had any idea what they were doing?
>grinding for literal years to unlock things instead of completing achievements or challenges
>can only view films by yourself
>blatant upgrades
>in one way or another
I left as soon as the Xbox One turned out to be garbage, along with the fact that Halo 4 left me very disappointed, and I missed out on nothing with Halo 5.
The extended lore really fucked over the game's story, even if it's somewhat cool. Everyone and their grandmother becoming a Spartan is the dumbest shit ever devised when the thrill of the original trilogy was that you were the last Spartan alive (until retconned) and the only chance humanity had.
Oh, and the new art sucks so much cock that it's unbelievable. It's like looking at Bayformers after watching Transformers G1. Whatever retard at 343 thought that was a good idea needs to make like Don Mattrick and leave.
Regardless, it's time to finish the fight. Also, bring back Sergeant Johnson as Chief's AI in Infinite.
They obviously did. Thats why Halo 2 (before it got consolized) and 3 were put together so well.
The only thing someone would grind for was the skull helmet or the last helmet effect/Firefight voice.
>halo was never good to begin with and bungie sucked from say one
Where did this meme come from?
Incorrect. Most stayed for the custom games. The population remained consistently large for 3 or so years following it's release. People played the game.
Say what you will about Reach.
But the soundtrack is real kino.
Reach's Theater mode is a straight downgrade, as is the progression system and credits.
>>halo was never good to begin with and bungie sucked from say one
Who said this? All of the good to ever come from Halo was either a complete accident, or put together by someone who left shortly after. Reach is what happens when you give Bungie time.
Butthurt 343fags who don't want to admit the franchise has been run into the ground.
I cant believe I'll be playing Reach in 2019
Butthurt 343fags.
Bungie knew 100% what they were doing and how it was going to be done, the problem was Microsoft.
They had to scrap almost all of Halo 2 because of Microsoft.
Halo success mainly stems from MS keeping Bungie in line.
>Halo 1-3 were damn near perfect
>Microsoft let Bungie have freedom
>Makes Reach and ODST
>Left MS and made an ever worse games with Destiny 1 and 2
MS was the only reason why Halo came out good.
>as is the progression system and credits.
It is not. You can buy the pieces you want and there are 5x more of them. It was far more varied and offered me far more experiences in Multiplayer.
>You can buy the pieces you want
And there was no sort of accomplishment for your unlocks, just the amount of time sunk into the game. It fucked up social play as well; no reason to end a game quickly because you can't work on commendations and your game bonus won't be as large.
Are you brain dead. Marty O'Donnel is the brain behind Halo being so successful. Microsoft had free reign to do what they want with Halo and as you can see Halo 4, 5 and MCC were complete tripe.
Halo 5 sold less than CE.
>Halo 5 sold less than CE.
Nigger are you fucking retarded?
Playing Halo on _____PC_____
Xbone and H5 are filthy trash and should be nuked.
Halo Wars didn't get enough love desu
Yea its almost like RTS dont sell on Console.
Well, Its not what the fans asked for.
>And there was no sort of accomplishment for your unlocks
I played longer than you and I have a black visor and tons of better looking shit. That's my accomplishment, and since Reach has 5x more armor choices and more ranks, the difference is larger and larger as you go. Feels good.
Except you saw the same robot arm on every player.
>A turd is valuable if it's labeled a premium item
No, you're still getting shit.
It was actually Microsoft's idea to make ODST. Honestly, if that game wasn't rushed, it would have been uber kino as opposed to just being good.
You're fucking retarded, your game isn't going to sell another 5 million copies after its debut.
If they're lucky maybe another million but even then it performed so badly that they're willing to crawl back to Marty O'Donnel and replace the stupid unoriginal artstyle with the Bungie era artstyle to reel us back in.
>Fanmade "Halogen" got nuked by MS so it wouldn't compete with Halo Wars
>Ensemble had designed a relatively complex RTS, not unlike what you'd find on PC, then MS had them scrap it all and restart so they could make the game more accessible to people who don't play RTS by dumbing down the controls, simplifying gameplay and removing any form of micromanagement.
I liked Haaw waaw, but it screams of wasted potential. They should have made a PC-oriented release and then ported to the 360.
This is true.
Cope, bitch
>Halo 5 sold 5 million copies 3 months after release back in 2015
>It has never sold a single copy since that initial 3 months
Like I said, are you fucking retarded?
Neither does but at least 343 got the color and brightness right.
>On the contrary, you just use braindead reasons to bring it down when there are legitimate flaws with the game that are easy to call upon instead, like Bloom and Loadouts.
Reach plays like shit, in general
I never said that you double nigger. Read my post again 343shill.
Let's blame Microsoft, like you blame Activision, who you gonna blame when Bungie fucks up again?
>Reach plays like shit, in general
It controls largely better than Halo 4 and 5
It really doesn't. Everything is so stiff and heavy. They nerfed players hard to make room for abilities.
Microsoft is at fault here, and Halo Reach is proof of that.
Stop this
>It controls largely better than Halo 4 and 5
Halo Reach is clearly the game Bungie always intended to make. Almost everything about it can be traced back to previous additions.
Reach was all Bungie and their shit management, don't put that garbage on Microsoft.
343cucks are here
Halo Thread ruined.
i decided not to buy an xbone and 4 convinced me that the new games wouldnt be for me. ive played halo 2 all the way through at least once per year for like 6 years
rip proximity chat
You are the one that needs to learn how to fucking read.
>CE sold more than Halo 5
Halo 5 sold 5 million in 3 months, so you have to be saying that Halo 5 hasn't sold 500k copies in almost 4 years.
Kill yourself, retard.
They did everything Microsoft told them to do, Sprint, Loadouts, gritty and overdesigned character creation with ammo belts. Its almost like they were trying to mimic something.
Halo 4 controlled exactly like Reach with more floaty Sprint and constant stuttering
Halo 5 has had numerous patches to aiming and deadzones and it still feels really fucking delayed. Bungie was just better at tuning controls.
Sprint was planned for Halo 2.
And it didn't make it in for a reason you imbecile. Bungie hated unoriginality and its so obvious Microsoft forced them into submission.
>And it didn't make it in for a reason you imbecile.
They couldn't figure out how to work it into Halo's gameplay, then they did for Reach and added it in finally.
>Speed Halo at 144fps
I wonder if they get paid to shill the same shitty arguments for the astroturd halo 5 was
commando was literally a giant mushroom head
>They couldn't figure out how to work it into Halo's gameplay
This is exactly what I was eluding to.
>then they did for Reach and added it in finally.
2 games later?
Well if it wasn't for 343 shitting up everything I think I would have been more interested.
Yes. What better way to introduce something so polarizing than with your recharging Halo 3 equipment?
Serious mental gymnastics you're doing there.
the hate against Reach in modern day is so bizarre, since standards have all but plummeted to their lowest levels ever but somehow simultaneously it's now cool to hate high quality games from the past too
>Reachfags love to shit on Halo 4 and Halo 5
>When Halo 4 is Reach done right
I don't get their retardation.
Yea Forums is always full of contrarian cool kids.
Today I will remind them
Humans = Forerunners
343i = Trash
343 Guilty Spark literally calls you a forerunner at the end of Halo 3.
>Halo Combat Evolved
>(343 Guilty Spark) "Last time, you asked me, if it was my choice, would I do it? Having had considerable time to ponder your query, my answer has not changed. "
>Only Humans are allowed to access Forerunner Facilities, technology and weaponry
>Only Humans can activate the rings
>The prophet of truth knows this but deliberately ignores the idea and genocides Humanity because of it
>penitent tangent (another oracle) also calls you a reclaimer
>A few throw away terminals make the insinuation that Humans and Forerunner are too different races
>343shills try to use this to shit up the lore with their crap
>armorlock chad
It wouldn't be the first time an idea was kept on ice until years later. Reach had wildlife too, something cut from CE and not seen until then.
>it's now cool to hate high quality games
Underage detected. From day one, Reach has always got shitted on. Its not until a few years ago were a resurgence of people are now claiming that they always loved Reach
overrated normalfag shit from 9 years ago is still normalfag shit
the only "shitting" i saw on reach back then was whining about ability pickups /sprint
Halo 5 was dogshit that barely held my interest for a couple of months.
I played MCC for 3 years after launch before I quit because the servers and UI sucked.
In other words, eat my chode.
It's a pretty obvious sign that someone wasn't around before Reach when they claim the hate for it is new.
>When Halo 4 is Reach done right
Elaborate. Keep the memes and buzzwords to a minimum
>No BR
>Terrible maps
>Retarded grind
>Removal of Rank playlist
I remember playing Reach back when it released and dropped it because it the graphics and artstyle were so shit. Im only here for OT and ODST.
Too busy playing it to shitpost about it back then
Halo 4 had
>Better MP maps
>Better and more emotional campaign
>Better balance for the spartan abilities while so getting rid of Armor lock
>Gameplay felt more refined
Believe me when I say that I have no love for Halo 4, but I would play that any day over Reach.
you know I never understood why they decided to have 6 main characters if they couldn't even flesh out one. Everyone died pathetic deaths that never phased me.
Me and my buddies were fucking dying of laughter when Kat got sniped.
The scene was so fucking stupid
Absolutely shit taste.
>gonna play mcc
>never gonna swap to the new good graphics
who else?
>Better and more emotional campaign
holy frickin based
arby n' the chief is still machinima kino, prove me wrong fags
>Better and more emotional campaign
yeah man, like master chief has a human side and shit, and he gets upset over cortana, and then she dies :'( and then master chief is sad and then you see his face at the end WHOA :O
Halo 2 was GOAT. Best FPS I've played.
Halo 4 and 5 happened and knowing the series had no future made me lose interest in it. Now it's been long enough that I'm interested in revisiting 1-3 just as I revisit any classic game after a long enough break, MCC on PC just happens to be the perfect opportunity to do so.
I always thought so too after playing CE but then I tried 2 and it was actually pretty good
>wont stop reach from becoming the most popular game on the MCC.
And? It still sucks. Fortnite has 100x the players MCC will have but that doesn't mean that Fortnite is the better game.
He's not wrong, the only difference between Halo Reach and Halo 4 are the characters and plots.
It doesnt matter how good your multiplayer game is if nobody wants to play it
>master chief has a human side and shit, and he gets upset over cortana, and then she dies :'( and then master chief is sad and then you see his face at the end WHOA :O
Do you forget how he was fucking destroyed when Johnson died? Chief has showed emotions throughout the entire series. Even at the beginning of Halo 2, he and Johnson are Banting with one another.
>that giant disgusting machinima.com logo they felt they needed to plaster on every video
>machinima.com isn't even a fucking thing anymore
what a shame
Rewatch that scene and understand what makes it better than 4.
Humans being forerunners was a much more interesting concept then forerunners being these ugly gay monsters like the didact (awful, awful villain/character by the way).
I think Yea Forums hates Crowbcat now but this video about Bungie vs. 343 is still perfect
Chief barely had time to mourn his best friend because the Halo was about to blow up.
Cortana's death happens after Chief already spent the entire game trying to save her and after defeating the Didact thinking it would save her.
this shit right here bois
I finally started getting into ebooks and the first thing I did was get as many Halo books as possible
They describe the story better, characters have more dialogue, and it doesn't feel like you're playing some Michael Bay shit
tldr read a book
first two witcher books are bretty good
Nope, Jetpacks were planned for CE, Sprint for Halo 2. Microsoft had nothing to do with Halo: Reach that was all Bungie, Microsoft fucked up Halo 4 and 5 though.
Halo 4 and 5 have faster movement speeds and higher jump height with the fall damage in Halo 4 being more forgiven and even Elites don't kill with one hit on Heroic.
It was a terrible overrated Halo game it deserved all the hate it got.
>premium item
No paying for that, shitter. You wont be able to get mommys credit card for it.
You had to earn that shit by being good at the game, no youtube "heres all the skull locations" bullshit.
I don't get it myself.
Chief would have never shown outright emotion to Johnson's death, his silence speaks for him.
No self reflection staring out a window with shit like
>am I a human or just a piece of military hardware? whoa 2 deep
Chief's character in Bungie's hands and 343's hands are drastically different.
I get what 343 were going for; Cortana going rampant and how it'd affect Chief were greatly discussed by fans during the Bungie era. It had potential, but the end result was shit.
there's literally nothing wrong with it though, when you play it it's still a full complete game and story with nothing chopped out to sell you as DLC, it didn't crash constantly, the online worked, and the writing of the campaign (while not as good as the originals) was still leaps and bounds better written and researched than anything that came AFTER it. it's seriously not a bad game at all, i'm confused how you all have absurdly high standards for old games but zero standards for modern games
society really makes no sense
You fucking underages.
Whats to gain from being this pessimistic? none of that shit ever made it in because it wasn't Halo and Bungie knew that.
Not him, I laughed myself, bitch finally shut the hell up.
>there's literally nothing wrong with it though, its just overall worse in every way to the previous games
>using the Yea Forums is one person arguement
>with nothing chopped out to sell you as DLC
The game launched with barely any maps.
>Master Chief is willing to put everyone in danger because he had a wet dream about cortana
343 was a mistake
dumbest shit i've seen all week
Yes, the Halo CE-ODST team knew that, but the Reach team being led by Marcus Lehto apparently didn't. Bungie arrogantly called Reach, that piece of shit, their best game.
Everything was wrong with it. From the campaign, the multiplayer, to the maps, to even the gameplay, THE GAMEPLAY!
>Marcus Lehto
Hes a faggot and he ruined Reach's story. Now he's a self employeed indie shitter.
Yup, I will never forgive that asshole, he should have stayed an art director.
>having an Xbox post 2010
>playing Halo post Bungie
>playing Reach
>playing FPS on a console
I played the campaign and a few hours of MP and quickly *didn't* play Reach.
It lost the charm.
Halo was made for a console.
>as if it ever had it to begin with.
>theyre generally well adjusted in real life
yeah and PEOPLE LIKE THAT AREN'T ALLOWED HERE you have to be a VIRGIN and NOT SHOWER to belong on Yea Forums and if you EVER act like a normal human being you ARE A FUCKING NORMIE
I like Halo Reach purely because it took a huge steaming shit on the absolutely terrible and convoluted EU.
>play a basedtch or a onionstation
voiceless and emotionless protags have always been a shit meme and I'm glad they're dying out
think halo 5 campaign wwould've been good if it was longer and had a better story.design wise,it beat the wide open field design that halo 4 had
and they'res people who seriously prefer halo reachs forge to halo 5's forge? has no one seen the crazy shit that forge can do?
>t. enjoyed FO4
>implying JC Denton and Commander Shepherd aren't great
>implying they're on par with Master Chief
The connect really did XBOX in didn't it? even if Halo Reach was pretty bad incomparison to the rest of the franchise it was literally the last subpar game to ever come out of microsoft.
It was complete shit too, glad Xbox is making a come back though.