Games that have a special place in your heart

Games that have a special place in your heart.

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unironically skyrim

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thank you for reminding me about this game

>bought on my phone
>never updates it again
yeah go fuck yourself too

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The remake was alright, but I'll always have a soft spot for the originals.

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Is it that good? I've been thinking about getting it for the switch. Pretty torn between that and Vesperia.

Pokemon G/S/C, Snap, and the Stadium games
Animal Crossing on the Gamecube

Replay it at least once a year.

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It has a lot of flaws (kind of odd pacing, somewhat stilted writing, doesn't look too great) but it's the kind of game that does so many things so fucking well that the flaws just don't matter when you're actually playing it.

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is that game good?


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Mandatory playthrough once a year.

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Knew what it was before I even opened it. You're alright user.

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