Are they right Yea Forums? Or is BOTW being overrated?

Are they right Yea Forums? Or is BOTW being overrated?

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THIS. So much this. BOTW changed how games as whole will be treated from now on, especially similar open world RPGs. It just sets a new benchmark in quality, writing, controls, puzzles, everything. Bethesda and Square are going to have to change their boring old formulas if they want to keep up.

It perhaps doesn't deserve to be rated quite as highly as it has been, but Yea Forums endlessly seething about it for the past two years straight is vastly disproportionate to that.

it's an excellent game and fresh for the open-world format, so yes theyre right

i dont think youve played very many adventure games

They're right. There's stuff in BotW that makes nearly every other game feel downright primitive.

I've played it for about 80 hours so yeah i'm inclined to agree. It does the wanderlust in me some good, satisfying until i go do some real wandering.

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unironically a 5/10 game. boring, repetitive, no real items, no real dungeons, copy pasted puzzles over and over, you always know what your reward is for completing a quest, ganon is a non-character, bosses are boring and all look alike, cross dressing bullshit, literally like 4 songs in the whole game and NONE when just wandering the world.

i could go on.

i'm so sick of this thread

i'm so sick of Yea Forums

goodbye Yea Forumsros, this time for good

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I've played it for more than 150 hours and it's fucking garbage

nice bait, user

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I played a lot of open world games. BOTW interaction is what make it a whole different experience from games like the witcher3. Even RDR2 feels sterile compared to interactions posibilities of BOTW.

>playing 150 hours of a game
>is garbage
You are beyond retarded.

It kinda just stole ideas from a bunch of games

and a lot of games stole ideas from zelda series, so...

Why has there been a rise in BotW shitposting again? We've had at least 5 different threads since yesterday.

Every 3D game copied Zelda, Resident Evil, Mario, Final Fantasy or Metroid

BotW is snoyims favorite shitpost.

It's been like this since release for 2 FUCKING years

>play Smash for over 600 hours until I got good
>realized that I wasn't even enjoying it and that I actually hate it.
>will never get that time back


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no there was nothing to do anymore after around 30 hours of gameplay except if you like copy pasted puzzles, also ganon was terrible

I played it for a while, sold my Wii U and am currently watching an LP of it while I draw. It's so entertaining to me to see someone else take a wildly different course than I did, and Hyrule is so big that the LPer is going to places I never saw when I played the game. I dunno much about other open world games, but I played Dragon's Dogma after BOTW and felt really limited in terms of exploration and things i could do in comparison.

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at least botw is a good sign irl that you're talking to a normie or hardcore nintendo-only fag
but yes its below average as a game and a poor zelda

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It's okay. Like a 7/10. Just too much empty space, a good template for a future Zelda game though.

literally who, and why should i give a shit