The rope is tied, goodbye

The rope is tied, goodbye

Attached: images (48).jpg (480x640, 26K)

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you were dead weight anyway

>killing yourself when immortality and virtual reality is just a few decades away from happening

Permanent solution to a temporary problem

cya tomorrow

see you tomorrow

You won't be missed wojakfag

QUick question, are you a tranny ?

If not, please reconsider
If yes, atta girl(male)

I hope you fail at suicide it just like you failed at life

Attached: 1363601691658.jpg (421x608, 47K)

Sounds ideal retard

the rope needs to be untied to sail dummy

if 5 survives

Depending on your outlook yes.

If 0 he actually does it


See you on the other side user

it's the video i hoped it was when i moused over

Permanent solution to all problems, and all future problems.
See you tomorrow, live stream it if you're serious.

stop being an attention whore and just shitpost with us user.

Attached: staring.jpg (1024x862, 96K)


have sex

Attached: homosexual.jpg (398x376, 37K)

I hope things work out better on the other side, comrade.

What's the best way to kys?

Attached: 7Xoy3Um.png (613x183, 25K)

47 and you actually livestream it right the fuck now you faggotron

Don't do it nigger

Stream it you whiny faggot

I heard a bullet to the brain works wonders, but there's a chance you might fuck the shot up and end up a vegetable that your family will have to deal with for the rest of their lives.

just use 2 guns lol

Attached: 1539719092557.png (600x600, 484K)

Shotgun to head is the quickest, most painless and typically highest success rate.

The only thing nicer I suppose would be dying in your sleep peacefully.

Seriously though anons seek help, there will always be someone who can listen.

wish you would step back from that ledge my friend

Do you like your family ? Exit bag is painless and mostly clean

If you hate your family shotgun moutwash , so they have to do the cleanup.

Don't Dew it.

Attached: Pope Dewritos.png (500x903, 599K)

tie a noose around your neck with a really long rope and jump off a building with your hand superglued to your head so you decapitate yourself but you hold your head until you explode on the sidewalk

Exit bag is about as good. Since helium is a rapidly diminishing ressource now's the time.