Saltwater crocodile in Gamestop.
Saltwater crocodile in Gamestop
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>knocks over the games
clumsy croc
Holy shit, is this real?
That looks more like a gharial
Australian* Gamestop
This looks like a shoop. I can tell because of the pixels.
I don't see any pixels.
Oh shit oh FUCK
It's a false ghavial
What games does he play?
Fuck off Dad
No that's Naked Snake
Of course
Did you guys knew there were hoofed crocodiles roaming the land during the eocene?
I don't come to Yea Forums to learn shit user
If you're in a thread about crocodiles then it's likely that you are interested in crocodiles, I think.
Why else would you click in a thread about corcoriles?
crocodiles can't live in saltwater, that's fake
There were some funky crocs back in the day.
>In the Xbox section because it's as salty as his natural habitat
What's your favourite Yea Forums crocodile?
>walk into gamestop
>step on the gamestop croc
>spaghetti falls out of my pockets as it death rolls me
fucking gamestop
That's a fresh water crocodile.
I really miss the kremlings
Nigga if I could learn from Yea Forums I would. FUCK CROCODILES AND ALLIGATORS
I don't know many but here's another one by Rare
That can't be a saltwater croc, the jaws are way too narrow. Or maybe I remember it wrong.
>hisses at customers
>see you later, aligator
you're right, it looks more like a false gharial
how the fuck do you know so much about crocodiles
I used to watch the Brady Barr show on NG when I was a kid.
American crocodile is the coolest, it looks like it has a skull for a fake
And they are often found in open sea too. Probably the reason why they aren't extinct.
I think there are only three species of crocodiles in the Americas, that one, Orinoco and Cuban. The American crocodile is the only one not threatened.
not for a while crocodile
actually it's an alligator
>Swims away from the safety of the group
Why would it do this?
>lame water lizards get cooler with updates while T-Rexs get worse
God has a fucking bias, these nurfs are retarded.
you forgot the nile crocs hanging out in florida
>why yes, I would like a copy of MK11 for the switch
its being pushed by the current of the river
>safety of the group
What the fuck are you going to do against a crocodile in the water? Even sharks cant fight them.
Got a video for you too.
it's basically a bullette
t. croc
You aint fooling me!
>crocodile is so efficient it doesnt change for millions of years and remains an apex predator
>tyrannosaurus is too big, shrinks, gets feathers, turns into nuggets and has its eggs eaten
The Chad Croc
Is there any reptile that doesn't exist in Florida?
>gets feathers
>t rexes evolved into birds
Please read a book, and have sex
Hillary Clinton
Vector or K. Rool
Same. They really were a motley crew, and maybe with K. Fool's return to form, we may see them again
Can I have sex with the book?
One day we'll have hippo fuckers, it'll be after many deaths but some legend will emerge victorious.
>river horse
does anyone actually call hippos this?
>deadliest animal in africa
pretty sure it's the deadliest in the world
>tfw Colombia has a hippo problem.
crocodiles are cool.
Mosquitoes are the deadliest in the world.
kotor 2 by the look of it
Yea Forums is a scally board
hippos are cancer
Scalies are worse. They think they've found some loop hole to exempt them from the stereotypes and are almost always gfurs, which are the worst, whiniest kind of furry in existence due to double 'persecution'.
The best are birdbros. Never met a birdbro who wasn't a nice guy to be around.
Alligators are cooler desu
your monitor must be running at 60fps, which the human eye cannot see
They kill other furries with props?
I like alligators because they have the broad snouts that basically makes them look like giant lizard puppies.
t. seething furfag
I like both.
That's not fair, Hippos are completely broken and easily define S-tier as the ban list it effectively is. Crocs are only low A-tier because of their limited environmental effectiveness (of course supported by their chosen environment being something all other classes need to drink from for their daily quests).
Wrong. I'm actually into female dragons. What now, cockfag?
You're forgetting the Morelet's crocodile in Mexico
I'm more into kobolds
Did it try to eat the croc?
Before he died Steve Irwin found out they can drift for like hundreds of miles in the ocean to travel.
I think it was just being territorial. It just wanted it to leave.
Hippos arent carnivores
Neither are horses, but they can and have eaten meat.
>user fucks with noobs in classic Blasted Lands
poor guy
His fence climbing days are over.
Why did so many cool animals have to go extinct.
Post more K. Rool
The couldnt compete or adapt fast enough. Its how things be.
They weren't cool enough
Wasn't it the opposite for some? There were some carnivores that were so good that they ate all the local prey and starved themselves?
>enemies can climb fences
Well, can't be all that good if they were stupid enough to starve themselves to extinction, right?
yes because I already watched that video
pretty sure that's what happened to the megalodon.
likely, our romanticized idea of an "ultimate predator" can't fair against ecological pressures the adequate predator can
it's hard being the perfect killing machine during a 100 year drought
wouldn't that be an eb games?
Whatever that is, it's hot.
>Walk through a group of black people in the ghetto
>Wtf why why did I get mugged?
>tfw live in florida and have to dodge these fuckers all the time heading to work on the road
Thank god for CC in FL.
it's statistically impossible for a predator to achieve that, the moment the supply gets low, stress and competition within the specie start to jugulate the issue. You'd need a literal blitzkrieg to happen, like when you introduce a predator yourself in a small environment, like an island, but that wouldn't be natural to begin with, you'd create an "initial imbalance" that would be impossible with the natural rules.
Because it's not survival of the fittest.
It's survival of the most mediocre.
haha look at him fall. why are cats so clumsy lol
It's called individualism. A pleb like you wouldn't understand.
Ayy lmao, we got those beasts here in tampa and I see them on the golf course all the time when I go with my old man. They don't fuck around, apparently one of them went after some boomer on a golf cart and ripped off the front end.
Are you retarded? Alligators aren't aggressive at all, you just wait for them to walk past. You are unironically more likely to get accosted by a goose.
>You stupid fucks can swim as a group
>A chad like me can do it all by himself!
>Guys help! A croc is in the water!
Hippos help crocodiles thrive. A river full of hippos is a river with healthy crocodiles.
I'll read a book while we have sex.
This, geese are cocks.
I fucking love this channel
the only reason American Alligators are even around is because they are a livestock animal. Gators are shit
10 years of abuse and the croc finally got the dog.
Japanese bird cooking spaghetti.
t. goose
I want to kick a goose square in the chest and then grab it by its head and swing its body around like a flail.
Very good user, birds are related to crocodiles.
The stove isn't even on, what a fucking idiot.
Quiet you fucking nerd
Actually it seems they're all a little bit on but there's no flame. That bird is going to die.
Fuck off back to /an/ faggot. Over here on Yea Forums we respect geese.
By the way you actually did murder a goose, you made a thread with a pic. Don't pretend you haven't done it yet.
But why would he play a game where he murders his own kind?
unless you mean anthr*s, then fuck you
Yeah I mean what other cool crocodile characters even is there?
i love post like this
Jesus fucking christ that's one unsafe road.
Why don't they put fences to prevent gators from going to the middle of the road?
That looks like an electric oven. Stinky bird probably doesn't even have the oven plugged in.
interior crocodile alligator
Crocs eat hippos.
It's just like bideo game :D
Lundby doesn't make electric ovens, my boy.
Mweep Mweep
i drive a chevrolet movie theatre
Cause that's fucking retarded and they shouldn't be crossing them in the first place. Also the retard in the truck should've slowed down.
dumb gooseposter
it's japanese
they like things raw
what a terrible road
There's no pasta in the pot. Bird is going to starve.
Tokyo Jungle with the Crocodile DLC.
It's even worse when the water rises.
Beep Beep.
diet maybe
not something bald eagles would know anything about
I think your dog has autism.
So people just go and crash against gators all the time? I wonder what's the death rate on that road.
I just want Capcom to fuse this guy and Lagiacrus somehow and give us a giant crocodile monster already. No, Nibselsnarf doesn't count.
Imagine if this bad boy was alive today.
is gator any good? there's a redneck biker bar near me that I played music at one time that sells fried gator, been thinking about going back to try it some time.
Pretty sure it's a rare occurrence, over here in FL we have to stop for them if they cross the roads.
yeah how the fuck do you not see the fat fucking gator on the road? even if it was a blown out truck tire that's not something to just plow into
they already made the Tetsu/Zimzam frame work with the Fanged Wyverns in World. If anything it would be better off as something like an aquatic themed Odie, Sarco instead of a Leviathan.
it basically has the same proportions anyway
I have 2
I'd recommend it, it's like eating chicken but cooler
How nice of that pig to help that croc, swim!
Drivers are fucking stupid in florida.
A crocodile?
I told you this place bites!
305 here can confirm, boomers and cubans are the worst drivers.
Floridians are naturally stupid in general.
it runs like a beaver
t. snowbird boomer
>t. Florida Man
No actually
>t. non-Floridian patrician north-easterner
And so are the animals, I almost hit a crane the other day.
>living in the salt belt
Enjoy your rust.
This one, the australian freshy and that one small caiman in South America are the only crocos that can gallop on land and I find them incredibly fascinating.
Too bad this one is going extinct.
don't Gators become stupidly docile and retarded if the water is cold enough? I heard a rumor
>living in Florida
Enjoy your bathsalts.
Good thing florida is a /k/ state and allows me to cc.
Enjoy getting robbed by a nigger in the inner city.
>/k/ state
So is mine, but I don't have to worry about my neighbor biting my face off thinking he's a dog unlike your state.
And this was its predator.
is he okay?
Think again, Cletus.
aussies are a special breed
You mean like this?
They're cold blooded, all cold blooded creatures become lethargic with cold temperatures
*muffled sobbing*
As a former jew yorker I have to say this is mostly true, every other day someone was getting robbed by a basketball american on NY1 news. If it isn't that then it's usually a murder. I hated that you can't own assualt weapons or CC in the boroughs which is one of the reasons I left that shithole.
No there were no crocodiphormes like that one past the triassic.
Nigger please, try living in philly.
>new york
Try living in DC or growing up in or around Baltimore
Try Detroit
It's basically an ANCAP paradise at this point, police don't even venture into parts of the city.
Chicago is worse.
Basically every fucking city is bad, no need for a pissing contest
That's why you move to a small town in a flyover state.
The Georgia Aquarium has albino crocs. Cool as shit.
Yeah, that's what GameStop really looks like.
I wanted to say that instead because literally everyone I know who's from Shitcago has said that but I don't have any firsthand experience with it.
It's all good fun user.
Chances are they're right.
portland's alright
Interior Crocodile Alligator
t. wasp
wasp propaganda
I'm nuking a nest full of your brethrens first thing in the morning. What are you going to do about it, wasp?
nice try fag but I 'm hip to this trick
for those of you who don't know, if you put a croc or an alligator in a freezer it pacifies them for hours. op obviously used this trick to safely photograph this saltwater crocodile inside a gamestop. nobody was ever in any danger
>grew up in the ghetto south
>white trash USA
>Gator country
>family, and most of our neighbors owned at least one pet gator
>when I was 11 one of my daily chores was feeding our 2 adult gators
>state government started getting on our asses because one of the local gators ate someones dog
>we ended up releasing our gators
fuck man. I'm gonna miss those guys. How long do they live in the wild? I wonder if they're still alive like, 14 years later
Wasps are fucking niggers, if a bee tries to land on me and I wave it away, it stays gone
dumbass wasps keep coming back until you kill them
iirc there's a female in Germany who's like 80
>does anyone actually call hippos this?
Hippopotamus means "River Horse" in Greek.
This, wasp genocide when?
boner why
the tour guide got fired over this even though hogs are shitty invasive pests in the southern usa
fucking liberals
there was no abuse here
it's stupid reptile brain is like an off switch, if something comes charging at it loud and fast it will flee no matter what if the switch gets triggered
the dog was older and not as loud at that point at the switch didn't flip
the owner is a fucking retard
what do you mean by that?
You wouldn't think they were cool if they were still around and commonplace.
if you stick your finger in their asshole they'll let go of you and leave you alone
colombian drug lords let their pets lose into the wild and now they have a small population of them causing terror
clearly another diversity hire
>the owner is a fucking retard
and this how I was able to laugh at the vid. my love of dogs was overcome by my hatred of stupid people and I was like "good."
99% of all the species that existed on Earth are extinct. Animals die off and are constantly replaced throughout the history.
Crocs eat baby hippos and only if they know they can get away with it.
Because we can't have nice things.
fucken gamestop
The same reason that people do
Its fun
No dude, crocs eat dead hippos. These two animals have a symbiotic relationship.
Crocos eat the dead hippos, they clean the rivers of carcasses, the hippos are free of disease.
Hippos are cannibalistic and eat corpses too. They're like pigs and will eat anything.
how do they know if they can get away with it? judgement call on wether or not the mother ever really wanted to be a parent in the first place? like do they go after the kids of hippos that dress inappropriately for their age and have a lot of tattoos?
No they do not.
look at that smug fucks
I got desperate for a summer job and applied to GameStop. me anons.
That's not a smug face, that's a "fuck me already" face
>got fired
why? Hogs are worth less than flies on shit
This is the only time ill get to autistically complain about something so minuscule but why are hippos never portrayed correctly in childrens media? Like all of the other predators are usually portrayed as huge assholes or at least its implied they are killers but hippos are always just fat and goofy or whatever. It seems like a good way to raise a generation of people that will just get killed by a hippo if they ever see one in the wild.
Yes they do. Hippos have been recorded eating dead baby hippos and animal carcasses.
angry women and liberal fags got him fired for getting the pig killed
so are tour guides
get these deplorable hippofags out of my thread
Not only that's retarded the thing you just said, crocodiles outnumber them about 1 to 10 and they have the strongest gastric acids in the animal kingdom, perfect to digest every single bit of a carcass. So they're the perfect river cleaners.
Happy crocs+ happy hippos=peace the among river beasts.
>so fuckhuge and menacing they nicknamed him goliath
Why are gators such chads?
I was three years old when my parents and I moved into my uncle's old trailer after my uncle moved next door. My uncle left one of those huge old timey TVs with the little screen and the big wooden cabinet in my room, and on top of that he left his iguana in a terrarium so small it could barely move or turn around. This thing was easily bigger than I was and it would stare at me all day until I got scared and cried to my dad. One day he had enough and told my uncle if he didn't come get it he was going to "return" it to the pet store in town.
I remember watching my dad load this thing into the trunk of his car terrarium and all, then watching from my car seat as he hauled it into and back out of the pet shop. They wouldn't take it and neither would my uncle. So when we got home, my dad just walked over to the edge of the woods and tossed the iguana out like he was bailing water. This was September in Illinois. Never saw that iguana again.
It's estimated they can live up to 100 years, they're probably just living as someone else's pet now.
They don't actively do that unless they absolutely must to. They still prefer vegetables and calling them anything other than herbivores is wrong.
i tried
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. This is why river niggers should stick together
I kind of miss ytmnd, but for what it was, it's honestly a miracle it remained in the internet zetigeist for as long as it did
Imagine actually having this strong of an opinion about fucking alligators
holy shit
people will too, learned that at walmart
Why would a Colombian drug lord keep a hippo as a pet? To execute people with Jabba the Hutt style?
>tfw still no scaly GF
>tfw everyone thinks it's male
>tfw got flashed by it's cloaca at the end
Sit on me
he had a lot of exotic animals as a sort of "zoo"
drug lord stuff, I guess. But the hippos are gonna continue to be a problem unless something more gets done...
Crazy florida drivers
>and they shouldn't be crossing them in the first place
Why haven't you gone down there to tell all the alligators that they're not allowed to cross roads?
I fucking love crocodiles. And gators. Theyre so fucking efficient.
>Start watching a bunch of their videos, learn some cool facts
>Also learn you can induce artificial evolution in a matter of generations by taking careful advantage of viruses
It wanted the croc to FUCK OFF from it's turf
>Fuck off we're full
Back the fuck off!?
Mweep mweep mweep mweep mweep
Crocs are as related to birds as they are to mammals.
Crocodilians are more closely related to dinosaurs and birds than they are to any other group of animals.
You don't survive for 200 million years with a relatively unchanged design if it's not efficient.
absolutely fucking based
is that a false false gharial?
Good boy, come inside and get a treat
chumps chomps :D:D:D:D
user... males have a cloaca too..
what an absolutely based thread
Post more webms, I wanna see nature happen
Customer service in this store is annoying. They always come up to me and ask if I'm looking for anything in particular. No fuck off.
Sacrificed himself for the group.
I don't have enough reptiles, just birds and fish
That's amazing.
You can tell the guy in the golf cart was about to pet it sympathetically then realized that would be too dangeeous.
lmao birds eternally btfod
Is Gustave still alive?
Sup florida-bro
I use that final move all the time and yet I never get a "yes".
>The backup dancers all hunched over in suspense
What even are birds?
Based snek bro.
I miss that show.
He self inserts as the first enemy and just suicides juicy monkeys into himself over and over again then jacks off on the game over screen
Can't unhear
We have triumphed
you said it yourself; backup dancers. they're all gay, just wingman for the only hetro
Sitting ducks was a good show
where's the japanese pasta cooking bird edit
I think that show gave me my love of gators
The fact it got a game amazed me.
The fact it's pretty fucking fun amazed me more
beastars is just a sitting ducks ripoff desu
so majestic
Animals are fucking weird I don't trust nature for a single goddamn second.
Thirsty boy
trash pandas represent
Don't worry, gator is in his favorite anime isekai now.
post more birds
Fuck off goose
*slurp* *slurp* *slurp* *slurp* *slurp* *slurp*
best croc
Agreed on the not harm part as long as you don't move or do something that provokes them. On the other hand wasps, bees and bumblebees for some retarded reason fly into my room in the morning and buzz left and right. Good thing I never had a hornet. Now these guys make wasps look like saints.
Are adult male healthy elephants the ultimate chad animal?
*Floridan gamestop
Silly cat
aww gee. guess I'll go back to molesting kids. good thing there are no signs stopping me from doing that
holy shit I had no idea that an asteroid strike could turn an entire species fucking gay
Any games where I can play a crocodile?
What about this is Japanese?
Out fucking skilled
What always amazes me about Alligator and Crocodile is how they have one of the most powerful biting forces of any animal on earth but because so much of their jaw muscle is designated to just closing them and keeping them shut, you could put a rubber band around their snout and they wouldn't be able to open their mouths
Blew the younger me when I found that out as well. It's cool.
I thought "saurus" meant lizard
I took a picture with a croc on the beach, as you say, it had it's mouth tied with a rubber band.
Haha holy shit, fucking skitz cunt
Mating dances are so fucking bizarre. What if a male was totally shitty and sucked at getting food and couldn't defend his territory for shit, but he were good at dancing? Would you fuck him anyway just because he danced really good? Makes no sense to me
>all these people saying hippos and crocs get along or whatever the fuck
Sexual selection is one hell of a drug
If that happens in Russia, the Russian drivers would have fucking driven over it. Of course Russian Federation do not have wild crocodiles up north
hippos get along with nothing
they're either in the mood to murder any living thing nearby or they just dont feel like it at the moment
that's a very weird puppy
And how did the shitty no-food bird make it to adulthood? Food stamps? If it's lived to mating age it's a success, if it's great at attracting mates it's a huge success. Things don't just keep on existing for no reason if they suck at life, present company excluded.
The only reason the crocodile doesn't eat it is because it isn't hungry and the thing isn't aggressive towards it.
Just because it can feed itself doesn't mean it can feed itself well or feed itself, a mate, and eventual kids. Maybe it goes hungry for long periods of time.
pitbull in a tutu.jpg
Then it’s going to look like a scrawny raggedy piece of shit and nothing will mate with it
was he nuzzling her or pecking her eyes out during that mount? just goes absolutely spastic
>a fuck up never managed to get a mate
It does
min/maxxed to the extreme
>lmao why would I so many muscles opening my mouth?
hippos are so fucking scary
saw this one video where they were on a motorboat, and a hippo was following them in the water, it was so fucking fast in water to it's crazy
Quack! Stay away from my babies!
meanwhile the other four gulls are swallowing the ducklings whole
>imagine if t rex did some crazy performance to breed
i like to think they did a little number with maracas
Something like this?
what a fucking chad
how much exp do crocs give these days anyway
All of Hyrule's water goes through my balls!
fuck you Aesop