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*Squeak* you!!!

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That's not very Toony!


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>Ruff Ruff, RuRuRuff


Are you toon enough?

How do you think modern Disney would handle a new Toontown game?

Is this game still up? Should I finally give it a try after all these years?

Disney's servers died years ago, Rewritten is still going and actually released a new event recently

according to Jesse Schell in a live Q&A, he has been in negotiations with Disney for years but I don't think Disney is giving him meaningful replies about the IP. Schell Games would have the IP to even just develop for, but Disney doesn't know anything but mobile video games because its the only thing that has worked for them because they don't have to market those.
Toontown Rewritten for original, Toontown Corporate Clash for completely redone game with no players

I picked Trap instead of Drop, but it's a bitch to train so far

when it comes to Toontown, traps are not gay

underrated mmo tbqh

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>people entering and leaving the lift into the cog buildings to try and trap some poor sucker in one solo

Kind of wish boarding groups weren't added, just because elevator shenanigans in bosses are hilarious

probably like whatever club penguin island was

Wah wah, wah wahwah wah

eeee yooouuuu

Is Corporate Clash really that dead? I haven't played in a while and was thinking about going back.

it might have 100 or 200. it's fine but I don't like how they made it grindier than TTO.

Yeah I remember the grind getting pretty bad since I stopped around Acorn Acres. It was still a lot of fun though. At least there's always ol' reliable Rewritten if I need some comfy nostalgia.

Who the FUCK is playing Crash Cashbot?

Attached: 2019-05-06 20_56_14-Toontown Rewritten.png (1912x1040, 2.81M)

is there any chance toontown rewritten could get on steam, it'd be so nice if that game got a huge injection of players, maybe it'd even get popular with v and we could have some fun times I know it won't though

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No. At one point a no-name private server went on Greenlight, which thankfully got shut down because I imagine Disney would have gone ham

>not going ToonUp-less like a true chad and letting your team do all the healing

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>playing a nig- I mean monkey

I am. Honestly it sucks that the only recent major updates are this and the Silly Meter, I'm still waiting for Field Offices and the new Bossbot tower.

>there would always be a lurebro on the team for the dropchads
shit was rad

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Yeah, the pace of updates is painfully slow. But at least they're all generally high quality. And the QoL updates are all fantastic so far.

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>mfw someone busted out the pink slip

Describe to me your perfect sequel to Toontown and how development starting in 2019 would make it so much better than the initial pre-2000 development hardware restrictions of those days

Same game except combat is grimdark looter shooter with squirt guns

what like a diablo clone?

i know you

Around mice, think twice.

Who here comfy Rabbit masterrace? Fuck dogniggers, duckcucks and catfags.

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What did he mean by this

What is the best body effect and why is it invisible?