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I don't get it

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Aliens but the comics all take place on earth, which is fucking stupid.

This guy kind of ran out of ideas. The whole point of these comics was that people have weird behavior that would seem strange to aliens.

Now it's just "this is a thing people do, let's use a thesaurus to make it sound like they're weirdos."

Aliens are tryin to learn how to be people. The whole series shines a light on the retardation of mankind via social media, cats, television, and social outings along with a bunch of other shit too. It’s quite smart if you think about it

Fuck off

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truely thought provocking

It was cute when it was all "Ha ha, this is something we do that can be shown off strange." now it's just """"relatable""""

I legitimately liked the first few comics of this, but the joke died last and hard shortly after and is still going....

Might as well post it now and get it out of the way

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Im gonna do it Yea Forums
Im gonna turn the page

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Pretty much, it went from
>I'l explode some grains

I disagree. This is the first comic from these people that I've seen before and I immediately picked up on the intended message

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Corn is a grain though

I found that one funny as well

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What do you think corn is?

This is fucking retarded, is this guy really that fucking dense that he thinks tidiness would be a strange concept to an advanced species?

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>people with dark skin are stupid

im about to blow your FUCKING mind

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literal reddit comic

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God these comics suck ass. Every single one is "what if big vocabulary".

>travel on an expedition to cross through the north pole on the "edge of the world"
>emerge on water, sail back to familiar landmasses
>think you've just went around the regular spherical world we're all taught is real
>in reality you've traveled to another parallel Earth
>you'll never know the difference

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whoa... that was really deep...

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This was peak Strange Planet. Even his aliens look soulless now..

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This would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that aging actually improves the taste of wine

tfw no friend to watch TV with

so its like the rick and morty of webcomics?

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some pokefaggot really got butthurt enough over the pail of water to make this

really makes you think

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What the fuck was the dog kicking part supposed to symbolize? What fucking retard wrote this? You know when the newsprint became a thing people were apparently saying that nobody would ever bother looking up anymore. I have to wonder if this type of horse shit is what goes through the weaker minds of the elderly tech illiterate. I can't think of any purpose to this shit other than to just be pretentious.

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Post the one where she gets gangbanged.

Why does everything equal anger to you? That's not healthy, user. You should get some help.

>tfw my brother was my only friend and he married and had children

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Why would you go up to the hill for a crummy pail of water?

Friendly reminder that leftists hate him because he endorsed a pro life rally once


the first panel got a small chuckle out of me

I don't know where you guys get the idea that the subject is supposed to be a mockery or strange. It's just an everyday occurence described in an incredibly dry way for comedic effect. Nobody is making a case for or against tidiness.

Woah... Really gets the noggin joggin...

Attached: Mmmhhhh...png (680x680, 401K)

Why I am so thirsty?

>Yea Forums losers don't find anything funny

wow, what a surprise.

This gets me. Fucking cats.

Everything doesn't equal anger but those water edits were made in a total, blood-simple babyfit. Your defensive reply only confirms that

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that's what blows my mind. The things he said weren't radical at all, and yet he is absolutely VILIFIED. I don't fucking understand people

Imagine thinking you're so smart that you treat anything containing social commentary with disdain
Imagine being so cynical that any sincere attempt at humor is "cringe" to you
Imagine thinking you're above everything because you're such a detached, cool 20-something who's totally got it all figured out

>loser thinks his opinion matters
Wow, what a surprise.

Well can you post some examples of it not being retarded at least
Wow, people do things for reasons that are not readily apparent, amazing insight into human culture

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>I can't think of any purpose to this shit other than to just be pretentious.
By God I think you've got it

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It's supposed to be mildly silly. You're looking in the wrong places for "amazing insight."


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>*mundane humor*
>as a board pertaining to video games, this angers me greatly

I am OLD and I will DIE soon but there are things happening in the world that I do not understand so therefore I should simply demonize it

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Please, for the love of god, someone post this. Please tell me a dog gets under the table and knots here in the middle of the party.

I find these all chuckleworthy
Please post more

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If comics are supposed to be funny or mentally engaging, but it fails to do either, what does that mean?

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Nah, it seems to me that these simple edits somehow angered you and you responded by projecting it onto those edits. Maybe they didn't even make you mad. Maybe there's just something in your life right now that isn't making you happy. Care to talk about it?

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I got to 24 seconds. Personal best.

means you're a cunt

You're easily amused

You might be jaded or autistic. 50/50 really.


>one more hydration cylinder
So asking someone to bring you water is strange now? Fuck outta here

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That's subjective you bumbling faggot

Dude what if explosions to locomotate ourselves and use positive and negative charges to calculate and blast photons at pannels so we can share pictures all around the world while our ancestors thag made the technomogy had higher hopes ayylmao

I think these are funny

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It means they're mildly silly, which is what they set out to do.

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user I can tell you're probably too far gone but unironically take your own advice

this has to be the most normie thing I have ever seen so far


You're easily gay, faggot :)

Do you have to think everything is intended to mock you? Fool.

But that post said this is supposed to be smart, I'm trying to find the smart part
Also it basically repeats the same joke over and over and over

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I guess I'm jaded then.
This is some shit "humor" here.
>I shall verbosely mention something humans do on a daily basis
Haha so funny

LOL so quirky

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>just catch the orb

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>small brains can't understand the concept of "aliens explaining mundane scenarios with verbose and awkward phrasing"

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Ok that one got me.

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>imagine being

I don't

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You take that back

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I think this is the most pure Strange Planet.

He's anti abortion so you can all go back to thinking he's "based" (a term conceived and popularized by a black guy)

NO. CLEARLY, it's meant to MOCK us and I DO NOT LIKE IT

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This would be a great weapon for recurring threads

>it's quite smart if you think about it
No it isn't. It's junior high tier levels of insight into shit. It fucking sucks mega dong and so do you.

i've noticed the people these posts mock tend to also be the ones who post "whoa so deep xd'

> (a term conceived and popularized by a black guy)
your point being?

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you are a very sad person

What did he mean by this

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I just think the pail of water strip is funny user. Don't always assume that everything is out of anger.

keep going OP I like these

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needs more wojak

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So this alien comic is just an unfunny third rock from the sun?

Ok nigger

>game in question didn't sell at all


There's something about posting ironically with a Colbert reaction image that just gets me.

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This one got me

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>third rock from the sun
>american humour

These alien comics are cute but I feel like it's just a matter of time before it turns into political commentary, y'know? Nothing against them, it just seems like that kind of comic.

The dude is anti-infanticide so he's based as hell.



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A loli manko thread died for this

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>just catch the orb
This was probably one of the few out of many lines in the comic that was actually funny due to how it's phrased, and I can see an alien saying that.

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Artist is a self admitted democrat christcuck.

Why did I laugh


The only decent one.

Also the marketing, including the cover, heavily emphasized her ass.

Am I having a stroke? I'm still on Yea Forums right?

This post tells me your life is more of a joke than any webcomic punch line

Really makes me think.


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And no one wants to point it out because it'd out themselves as having browsed reddit. This site's obsession with that place is exactly why this shit happens. Fucking morons.

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It was his life, and he lived it ;_;

Whoa, my brain...

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i completely missed it

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*crowd gasps*

>I heard shouting and longed for inclusion

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The joke here is that none of these comics have a punchline

They may or may not amuse me, thanks for sharing information about existence of these drawings.

Even Reddit has turned on the comic.

No, we like it because the author is a staunch pro-life magapede like us

Wouldn’t you know the difference immediately? Even if the geography was identical, none of the people or events would have been.

And nothing of value was lost.
Get that shit tier lolis out of here.
Lolis should be smug and confident.

Attached: fingertips.jpg (960x960, 101K)

>tom and jerry kids
Opinion discarded.

The joke here is that you gargle cocks for 10c a john because you're such a raging homo


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I actually had a really shitty day today, so this one kinda got me

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Thing game?
Thing twitter?
Thing same.
Why no thing?

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>tfw your man who is supposed to block other men but also occasionally run and catch the orb fails to catch the orb

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its not even nighttime

Dobson is beating a dead horse. Find some new material man.

Woah sick burn dude, you fucking got me
Too bad it didn't make the comics funny

>An entire webcomic where the joke is the exact same thing every fucking time
who the fuck reads that shit


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>imagine pleasant nonsense

I feel this on an intimate level.

What if it's an exact parallel earth down to the most minute detail except for one tiny thing? You don't even know what it is, but your whole life you feel something unnerving about everyone but you can't pin it down. Like living on a planet full of skinwalkers.

Can he do one about lolicons?
>This female lacks sexual characteristics
>She almost looks like a boy
>Very hot
>I will proclaim the third letter in the alphabet

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How do we defeat this Majestic-12 AI?