What does Yea Forums think of God Hand?
What does Yea Forums think of God Hand?
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Most people here didn't really play it
I think I'll go fap to the 'sudden' surge of Olivia porn
hey hey people
Too hard for me.
It's fun but it's not really a good game.
>no HD remake
It hurts.
>e-celeb makes video about game
>Yea Forums floods catalog with threads about game
like clockwork, at least this e-celeb has good taste i guess
is the link for all the emulater stuff still on seththeenchs video or did it get taken down yet
Someone post the ancient comic
doubt it will get taken down
how will would it run i have gtx 1070 a amd fx 3850 and 16 gb of ram
Gives heavenly handjobs.
nigga I don't fucking know
Overrated meme shit
God Hand is great, emulated it quite recently and enjoyed the hell out of it.
Won't lie, I had to use save states to beat some of the harder parts of the game on my second playthrough on hard mode. Constant level die with no way to lower is fucking brutal.
It's a fun game with a ton of personality but honestly the personality is all you'll be playing for, the gameplay is honestly unpolished and janky and without the difficulty would be nothing special.
So while I like it I can't claim it's a masterpiece or even great, it's just kinda good, compared with games like DMC3/5 and NGB it doesn't even remotely stack up.
I've never heard of him until now, but he made a video about God Hand, and commissioned a bunch of hentai artists to make porn of it. And considering the pitiful amount of God Hand porn that existed before, it basically doubled in size. Fucking based.
Lurk more
I love it!
>All the comments on the video are people using greentext an calling him based
why cant people keep that shit on this website, it looks so fucking autistic
>DMC5 sells well
>Capcom realises people like action games again
>Capcom realises people like sequels to old action game franchises
>GOD HAND 2 Soon
You've got a point about the greentext, but you realize "based" didn't originate on Yea Forums, right?
>>Capcom realises people like action games again
is that why they ended all development on DMC 5 and all plans for DLC are pretty much over?
yea ik Lil b the Based God
>e-celeb makes videos pandering to Yea Forums
this board is fucking retarded
DMC5 sadly sold only medium well despite being the best game in its genre.
Meanwhile Sekiro gets viral memed (or Activision just blitzed the shit out of bribe money to everyone) and becomes one of the most successful games of the year despite sucking ass.
>despite sucking ass.
it wasnt even bad, at least it didnt have gameplay like fucking V, slow ass fucking summoner piece of shit.
What exactly are you complaining about? Someone made a video that appealed to us, and we like him for it. How is this a negative in any way?
>He commissioned InCase
based and dickpilled
We usually circle jerk until about 150 posts and then it dies. Still some of my favorite threads.
Greentext is older than Yea Forums, zoomer. Look up email quoting.
>all the niggers who are going to unironically seethe in these coming days because some mediocre and small jewtube channel brought attention to this game, mainly by commissioning porn of it
Oh god I love it
Both games have sold over 2 million
do you think those people posting in that comment section are email quoting or trying to greentext exactly like on Yea Forums? fuck off retard
>despite sucking ass.
Say what you want about Sekiro but it deserves its success WAY more than any of the Soulsborne games.
Is there a single go to technique setup all the good players go for?
my main concern is that if lots of attention is brought to it and Capcom decide to make a God Hand 2 instead of a HD remaster, it will end up being watered down trash that people will praise and pretend to like
Kiddo, that's how you quote on reddit too. It's the gold standard for quoting since long before you were born.
If you want to cheese, get a hard hitstun (has the bigger particle effect and launches better/does more damage) and repeatedly use the duck and neutral X kick to spam them into a wall
shit works wonders
you want fast multihitting combo moves in the middle of your combo such as Sugar Gene, and then end with a fast hitting move as well, however you want to start the combo with a right and left jab so that if an enemy guards you can combo break in time, Watch Moike Kobe
>t's the gold standard for quoting since long before you were born.
so what were " and " used for? im pretty sure those were the gold standard of quoting literally everywhere
>Kiddo, that's how you quote on reddit too
Yeah I bet you know all about that.
Idk let me watch the Sseth video first so I form my opinion
Why do sad loser nerds care when normies find their games? I've played godhand since it first came out. Tiger Joe is my bitch.
I don't fucking care of normies play the game. It's good for it to get attention.
I learned it on Yea Forums.
Actually most of the people on the planet have no idea what "" means.
I specifically meant internet quoting.
>I learned it on Yea Forums.
uh huh sure.
Anybody who isn't ecstatic about more people getting to know about it is definitely not a fan of the game and only wants to complain
Yea Forums has been the only place for over a decade where you could find people to talk to about it, everywhere else it was completely fucking unknown and normalfags i tried introducing it to always dissed it for the graphics
Actual hobby gamers are rare even on Yea Forums.
Most Yea Forums-users like to look at youtube videos and watch streamers and then get ttheir opinion that way. They are obsessed with story over gameplay and waste time over dumb gay shit like traps and waifus.
Basically don't be surprised Yea Forums is terrible for discussing good games.
>They are obsessed with story over gameplay
I'm sorry, i don't usually go in threads i recognize as being ground for shitposting
But let's not get too meta about this, i'm just glad we're getting God Hand threads that last more than 40 posts
That's the thing. They don't think they're shit-posting. They think they're having real conversations. You lick on a DMC thread promising gameplay discussion and it's just fujo and fags drooling over 3-d model crotches and terrible fan-art.
well you're wrong m8, wikihow.com
yea dude trust me you dont want that attention, you think its good now but it becomes cancer over time, idk if you were in those pre-hype DMC 5 threads, but they kept hyping up, then the fanbase pretty much dissolved and the real fans were left unsatisfied with no Vergil DLC, the secondaries played the game, enjoyed it then left, and the fujos are the only ones still making threads. Trust me you dont want attention from these people who dont really care about the game, believe me when i say that these people will dissapear when sSeth makes his new video
official meme game of Yea Forums not actually very good and the difficulty is blown way out of proportion if you learn the game at all, also too much meme humor that tries way too hard to be funny and random. It's one of capcom's worst PS2 games but Yea Forums has always had supremely shit taste and loves things that are bad to try and stand out as unique among a group of hiveminds.
Lol I'm a "Real fan" of DMC and I thought it was a great game and am grateful for the product and have heard such from other fans of the series. I think you just forget most of Yea Forums is tranny trendy shitposters who "got into videogames" because it's the only hobby full of sad enough nerds that will waste time engaging them over dumb autistic shit.
>You lick on a DMC thread promising gameplay discussion and it's just fujo and fags drooling over 3-d model crotches and terrible fan-art
Jeez, tell me about it. I tried to find someone that could help me figure out what setups to do with DSD's swordmaster swords for three threads straight and then dropped it since i either joined in with pics of V in various states of undress or i might as well have been invisible
Thing is, i hate discord but recognize it as the latest IRC substitute, which doesn't help since i've hated every one that came before it
>idk if you were in those pre-hype DMC 5 threads
Man, was i ever
See this pic? It's the one that started the whole dumb amazing thing
And come the fuck on, everyone knew from day fucking 0, at E3 2018, that A: Vergil was in the game, and B: He would be reserved for a special edition, forcing us all to double dip because we're masochists like that
>the real fans were left unsatisfied with no Vergil DLC
dude i literally couldn't care less about no vergil DLC, i'd rather have V DLC so he can have more than four fucking levels and they can improve his moveset a bit.
Or better yet, how about no DLC and instead we get fucking DD2 sooner?
>two threads with the God Hand cover today
Why is this happening? Did a streamer play this?
I'll talk strats with you if you need to know anything. I just sS his stage on DMD. Not an expert but learning new shit all the time I like to share.
>No dlc
Keep crying :')
alt right game reviewer Sseth Tzeentach made a video review and also comissioned a bunch of artists to make hentai of Olivia
>like clockwork
>i guess
>pic related
You are cancer, leave
he not wrong,
>no threads about game
>e-fag makes video about game
>zoom zoom faggots make multiple threads like they played the damn thing
fuck outta here, you're the cancer killing Yea Forums
Based and Truthpilled
have sex
I've been trying to get down cerberus JCs but i keep fucking up the timing for the bo staff poleswing. Am i supposed to have the enemy higher than me or am i simply fucking up the timing?
Also been practicing royal guard but the changes in 5 feel VERY WEIRD coming from 3. I get that it's supposed to be based on 4's, but i never played that
>V move DLC
My fucking man. I like V a lot but holy fuck he feels like he's missing an entire summon.
its both of you that need to fuck off tbf
>reeeee better scream have sex fucking reeee
triggered, thanks for the free win.
I was genuinely shocked when I found out Yea Forums had as much love for this game as it does.
I've always been a fan of absurd Japanese humor and Capcom games in general, so I was pretty hyped for this game when it came out. It was a lot of fun and was probably the most challenging game I actually managed to finish when I was a teenager.
I think this game is a perfect representation of what Yea Forums is all about, so that's why it's heralded as the absolute masterpiece that it is. I actually don't think there is anything bad about it except for the lack of a NG+. Even some of the bizarre flaws (like the walls of buildings disappearing) were implemented so that you could engage in the combat without having the camera fuck you in the ass.
It's good shit. Also, it's spawned amazing fan art like .
GOAT; 11/10
Ill be suprised if the retards figure out how to make the emulator work, lmao
I didn't even play it.
So, no. :)
Fucking yikes. It doesn't deserve shit.
says the guy who immediately replied with cope. also nice reddit spacing faggot
Chaos Legion was better than Memehand
>thread in the next few days
why is pcsx2 the worst emulator it's glitchy as hell and requires to much set up to get working properly
dilate tranny
>Chaos Legion
I can't help on RG very much because I don't use it really. With Trickster's new moves and Mustang/Ground Trick you never need to parry if your fingers are fast enough. I've even dodged dimension cut spamming ground trick lol.
However, for JC's with Swordmaster Special on KC I usually time to where Dante is about 3/4's through his first spin around the pole. That usually has him on top of the enemy's hurtbox enough to JC confidently. I definitely felt like there was a weird delay in the time, kind of like hitting max exceed on Nero's rising spin-slash.
He doesnt make videos that appeal to Yea Forums. He makes videos that pander to Yea Forums. Theres a difference.
rent free
>alt right
Because he makes gay and jew jokes?
I've played it and either I don't get it or enemies take forever to kill.
PCSX2 requires no more setup than most PS1 emulators or Dolphin.
Hell it's WAY more easy than fucking Mednafen or RetroArch
also PCSX2 is a fine emulator, fucking look at the state of N64 emulation for a real disaster.
There's actually zero difference in those two things aside from one has a negative connotation to it.
>gay jokes
>jew jokes
>refugee jokes
>Africa jokes
>the list goes on
I'm not even saying it's a bad thing but it's very obvious. He's even more up front about it than General Sam.
Shitty irrelevent meme games only liked by basement-dwelling incels online for fake hardc0re gamer cred.
See berserk, dark souls, and any hack and slash for the same fanbase.
Jokes don't make you alt-right.
Literally all he does is spew alt-right dog whistles. Yea Forums meme channels are fucking cancerous..
I was pleasantly surprised to be rewarded with porn for watching the vid
Packing his videos front to back with alt-right humor certainly doesn't point to him being NOT alt right. He's a step above General Sam but a step below Metokur and KiwiFarms.
Or he just likes to appear edgy like most of us.
>hurr bait
>I know, let me reply with a shitty image of a fish
Now post an image of your brand of sacrifice tatoo, you incel freak
>alt-right humor
I bet you think "Dog-whistle" is a real thing too. Lol.
See, these are the type of people who post on Yea Forums these days. No wonder it fucking sucks.
shut the fuck up retard
Sure, but acting like some kind of edgy stormfag reactionary brings in actual stormfaggots from reddit and stormfromt.
Stop normalizing this shit, you're the cancer killing Yea Forums.
dog whistles are real things, it's just that the presence of the internet and proliferation of information has made them mostly useless and irrelevant
>calling me reddit
>pretends to like shitty games you never played for fake internet incel gamer credit
They wouldn't get so much attention if you dumb spaghetti-brains would shut the fuck up and talk about games instead whining about them and validating them to people who think you're fucking obnoxious and dumb.
Sure it is.
Again, I find his humor really funny (except the Gothic 2 video that was the fucking worst) but he is very clearly Encyclopedia Dramatica levels of edgy right wing humor.
Nah, they wouldn't get attention if mouth-breathing retard centrists like yourself wouldn't LARP as neckbeard internent nazis. Fuck off
>Encyclopedia Dramatica
>edgy right wing
You're saying I was alt-right ten years ago when as a 12 years old?
Fucking retard.
>meanwhile 1488
Perfectly fine, I used to emulate God hand with a 770.
I'm not larping as anything. I just don't like speech police and sanctimonious faggots telling me how to act on the internet. You leave first, I was probably here before your dumb ass.
Also go see a shrink and get some meds.
>lists and obvious meme
I don't you know what word means.
Modern day ED (and modern day Yea Forums) are not what they were 11 years ago.
I guess i was doing it too early then, thanks for the tip, will try it next time i can
Funny you mentioned mustang, because i fucking hate it going off even when i try not to use it, but that's probably on me changing styles too slowly. Also dante getting trick up/down makes me scared for what they'll do to vergil to make it more distinct
Yea Forums used to have a lot of left-leaning hacktivists who hung out here as members of the decentralized anonymous but Yea Forums has slowly turned into a cesspool of right wing, racist, pedophile, neo-nazi furries. Back in the mid-late 2000's people used to post Nazi memes as a joke and then over time it stopped being a joke
Even if they were just trolling back in the day, it normalizes it for those that are actually serious and they take over.
Which is why people shouldn't let bigoted jokes slide as "just jokes", because it normalizes that shit for people that are serious and they gain a foothold in that community.
Yea Forums was always hot trash, but it's gotten a LOT worse over the years b/c of this
Same shit as 10 years ago. It's like a time capsule.
Get a fucking life, instead of sperging at others newfound interests and tastes on a mongolian cave painting of a forum, you schizoid tranny.
>members of the decentralized anonymous
kill yourself newfag
Anonymous never existed. It was a meme for any hacker doing stuff during raids.
Yea Forums used to harass religious organizations and white supremacists
hell they used to harass anyone as long as it was funny
now all they care about is TRIGGERING LIBS and mass organized nazism. 2016 was a mistake.
ED didn't so much move far right as the left moved way further left of what the ED users were. The site always existed to piss off overly sensitive pearl-clutchers, whether they were liberal snowflakes or christian soccer moms.
Besides the true extreme right that would have been on ED instead moved to KiwiFarms, probably because Ziegler made the website unusable dogshit for half a decade.
>mongolian cave painting of a forum
Doesn't even sound funny, incel. Did you steal this from that alt-right dork sseth's youtube comment section?
>newfound interests
>admitting you play shitty meme incelbait games because some neckbeard spewing shitty Yea Forums memes made an ebic funneh video about it
perfectly fucking fine
literally 99% of emulation problems are solvable by using different rendering, such as OpenGL
stop fucking around with options and just use presets for those that are retarded
BIOS changes may help
Ah, never mind. It was bait all along.
>newfound interests
so this will last a week or two before you get tired of the game
Mustang is too good. It has great invul frames. Check this out.
that art is fucking nasty
Oh, so I guess when you though it wasn't bait, ranting about your schizoid trans bogeyman is ok? Seek help, incel freak.
I don't care. Speech-policing retards like you are just the film-negative of actual alt-right CHUDs- ideologically stunted busybodies trying to ruin other people's fun for being different than you.
to be fair, there have been god hand threads before. though obviously this one is due to the sseth video.
who knows, maybe OP made this thread for the sole purpose of annoying people like you. i like how you know who released it yet you refuse to say his name
It'll last until sseths new vid
>So eceleb what did you spend your hard earned patreonbux on?
I-I got a new camcorder, and some other equipment t-thank you guys.
>And you Sseth?
I spent all of it commissioning porn.
Why is he so based?
>keep yourself safe
It does contrarian
While iframes are indeed nice i'd rather have my ass down on the ground to continue a combo instead of finding myself in the wrong spot, with the wrong style, equipping the wrong weapon for the situation i now find myself in. It basically forces me to run away to reset the encounter since it's usually the result of a mistake and i'm still not good enough to adapt from mistakes like that at the drop of a hat
At least skystar is still 100% busted
Although this makes me think about just how much you could do with the new shotgun slides and unlimited trickster dashes...probably less murderous on the fingers than guardflying i guess, but i feel the ispiration coming
Why would you skip 4
DESU I consider the shot-gun a bit of a meme. Rocket-stacking is not only higher damage and more DT but also lets you stay on the enemy. IMO the ground is the worst place to be for most encounters and you never have to touch it between resetting jumps off enemy step, gunslinger (Rocket stacking and E&I special), and various aerial normal moves from most of the newer weapons.
You say you aren't good enough but you will get there. Your muscle memory will pull out some amazing shit you didn't even think you had once you get it down.
I only use DSD, Balrog, Cavaliere, and Cerberus in that order. I only use two guns so that is pretty braindead for me and I can focus on my melee switching more closely. That and once you get switching to trickster on reaction down you will never be caught with your pants down with Ground Trick.
>Some literally who makes a video
>posts on Yea Forums about game increase
Figures. Fuck millennials and zoomers.
Proves Mikami was the best
RIP Mikami
You realize that neither greentexting or based started on Yea Forums, right?
The original release was controversial, to say the least, and i was easily swayed from purchasing it. After that it was just a series of missed opportunities (and sales), plus having basically every post-bayo platinum game to look forward to instead
Hey now, shotgun wallrapes are still my go-to when i just want one of the flying fuckers dead, and i'm willing to experiment with it otherwise
I'm still not good enough to stay in the air for more than two enemies, although cavaliere and balrog help immensly, but everything else about dante is just...too fucking much. They managed to add desyncronized inputs with shit like dr faust, cerberus lightning and DSD's summoned swords, i don't think this version of dante won't ever be topped in an action game as far as skill ceiling goes
Thanks for the chat btw, it was nice seeing someone sensible in the ocean of shit that is this thread