In retrospect, was it really BOTW really that bad Yea Forums?

In retrospect, was it really BOTW really that bad Yea Forums?

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It's a solid 7/10.

Its not any kinds of bad.

It would be a solid 6 out of 10 if it were released without the Zelda or Nintendo name.


BotW made nearly every other open world game seem dated and unplayable overnight.

It's the first well designed open word video game and one of the greatest video games ever made.

It's the best bad AAA title ever

No, but the music is one of its shortcomings.

Its always hysterical watching seething Yea Forumskids trying to invent new and fantastical reasons to hate this game.

Mostly because the ass-sting will never end. There has never been a game which has made this board more BTFO than BotW.

>shit soundtrack
>no challenge whatsoever if you don't place restrictions on yourself
>puzzles for toddlers
>the exact same shrine copied and pasted 30 times
>no dungeons, divine beasts should have been 10 times larger
>no proper boss fights if you play the game normally
>weapon durability
>like 4 different enemy types total

Still befuddles me as to why this game actually got as popular as it did, it's so incredibly average
I do think a sequel can fix most issues and actually be really good

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No, it would have been the actual best game ever if they simply did this
> 1. First half of the game takes place during the flashbacks, Link dies during the halfway point & the game time skips 100 years into the future
> 2. During the Post Time-Skip the original Divine Beasts turn into huge Traditional style Dungeons
> 3. All of the main items you had during the first half of the game are taken away & you unlock them from dungeons like any other Zelda
> 4. Lower the Weapon Breakage, have Weapons last much longer
> 5. More Enemy variety, there should be at least 40 different enemy types instead of just Bobgoblins, Talos & Hinox
> 6. Have Ganon be an actual character with tons of screen time like he was in Wind Waker
I have no idea how Nintendo can no longer design good Zelda games, they always fucking go 2 steps forward & 3 Steps backwards. All of the things Skyward Sword did wrong were fixed in this game but at the expense of completely failing everything SS did right

It's just average. And that's the problem, I guess. It took them so long to make that we were expecting a masterpiece. Not just a perfectly playable but otherwise generic and derivative open-world game. Nobody could call it a bad game. It's just unremarkable, when we expected groundbreaking.

Looking forward to Link's Awakening. Hope they port WW and Twilight Princess to Switch, also.

Extremely flawed game that benefited from bias towards Zeldas pedigree; but, it did, ultimately, deserve it's acclaimed reception.

I am worried that the Zelda team will ignore what valid criticism did exist and won't pull back on how overpowered the glider and climbing are within the context of traversal. They probably at least will deliver on dungeons/underworld/beasts/shrines/equivalent that are more immersive and interesting than the borderline cereal-box garbage in botw.

BOTW isn't bad by any stretch but it's "open world game with Zelda themes" rather than "Zelda game with open world themes". It'll make a good foundation for future Zelda games but the emphasis on "ZELDA games" is necessary.

>People played it so much that they can pinpoint its flaws and how to fix them when asked on the spot
Really says a lot about how this game did

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it's the best 3d zelda

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Yeah I really miss my Paraglider and shield surfing
Like Damn is Skyrim, Nier Automa, RDR 2 Watch dogs 2 and Persona 5 really that damn bad?
Come on 2B climb that walk you robotic bitch


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I wonder if AVGN did modern games he’s comments about BOTW

It's a masterpiece in game design

Not enough enemy types, didnt like the weapon system, game was designed for children were my main complaints. I cant really fault them for the last complaint, but it must be said on an adult board.

I do think you need to stop SEETHING you autistic faggot

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nice buzzwords friend i hope i didnt hurt your feelings talking about your favorite switch game !

t. underage faggot

I really wanted to like it. I tried pretty hard to force myself to like it. I don't buy into the seething Yea Forums rage without putting in the effort. That said, my experience of BOTW was entirely disappointing.
It plays more like a really well polished tech demo than anything; the plateau is impressive and engaging enough, but soon after departing it, you realize it's ten thousand miles of the same three things, all of which come in a few oft-repeated flavors; korok seeds, shrines, and mountains.

Yeah, you can climb the mountain over there. But why? There's no excitement, just yetanothershrine, with the same 3rd-grade tier 'puzzle' inside, all of which share the same texture set, all of which play out the same way, with samey-rewards.

Add to this that the combat is more or less designed to discourage you from actually bothering; the reward is often more disposable (and easily broken) weapons, which generally are underclassed to what you've got, or found elsewhere. So you learn early on to be discouraged from actually bothering with bokoblin camp #234896 because it's just a waste of resources to even play. Better spend another 5 minutes running through empty lands.

I legitimately tried to force myself to love this game and consistently felt like i was playing some kind of Open world RPG Tech demo for weather, environmental effects and low-fidelity exploration shenanigans, but it has no punch line. The 'bosses' are absurdly underwhelming, the total absence of traditional zelda dungeons is offensive to the franchise loyalists (divine beasts? wtf?? why only 4? why so absurdly short? where's the music? where's the sense of progress??????), among more issues.

Don't waste your time.

No, it's a tech demo that exists to be used as the formula for future Zelda games. The goal for BOTW was simply to perfect the fundamentals of the Original Zelda. Everything that was consistently weak in old 3D Zelda is a 10/10 in BOTW. All it's missing is Dungeons, Music & a coherent Story, something which Nintendo has been apart of the series for the last 30 years. Next year's BOTW sequel will probably be a genuine GOAT contender, on the same level as FF6, OOT, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Chrono Trigger & Super Metroid

It's the only good 3d Zelda game

I really don't trust any polls with BotW in them, there's a guy votebotting all of them.
Yes I'm serious.

I would kill to have 3 things

Legit Dungeons
Weapon combos
Fucking hookshot.

rent free

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I don't think "it's designed for children" is a valid excuse. Look at Mario games. Just beating the game is easy, but they usually put in a fair amount of post-game content that's a lot more challenging. The shrines were the PERFECT opportunity to really put in some strong optional content, but the vast vast majority of them are simple as shit.

>muh fake news
Grow up faggot

I wouldnt trust them even if there are no votebots m8. People have a tendency to exaggerate the quality of a game because its brand new and they’re caught in the initial hype.

>game was designed for children
Literally how? the game has barely any handholding compared to most mature and rated R games.

That poll was made over a year after the game released and the hype was already down

Is a solid 8/10,but it has its fair amount of flaws

-Weapon durability
-The world feels empty
-Lack of proper temples
- The Ganon boss fights sucked ass
-The enemy variety was a blunder, its just the same bunch of enemies recolored.

Where the fuck where the Iron Knuckles? Or the Like Likes? Or the Tek-Tikes? Or the fucking Deku?

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It's my favourite game just because of how much it broke Yea Forums

Take the open world, and add actual zelda dungeons instead of shrines. Make a frankenstein Zelda game out of the open world of BotW, the dungeons of Twilight Princess, and the pacing and subtlety of OoT's story.

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So basically just Wind Waker if Nintendo actually finished it?

>the dungeons of Twilight Princess

No thanks

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It takes the core concepts of itself and executes them very well.

It’s a well executed adventure game with some very interesting puzzles.

who said it was bad. why are we pretending the consensus is negative again?

>it's a botw fanboy with a persecution complex is mad that a minority of gamers didn't like his favorite game episode.
the most critical BotW threads still have at least 50% of the posts praising the game, that's better than what most games get on Yea Forums.

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It was excellently mechanically, and while there are quite a few aspects that lack substance, outright stating the game has nothing to do is bullshit. It has a ton of immersive sim elements to it as well which gets my dick rock hard.

Pretty much, user.

only Yea Forums complains about it because it's fucking Yea Forums