we're going home boys. lets post your favorite classic wow videos to get the hype going.
We're going home boys. lets post your favorite classic wow videos to get the hype going
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So since we know that /sit macro will not work for warriors. Does that mean Arms is the better leveling spec? Doesn't this mean the Druid tanks have the absolute best TPS now? Were the druidchad posts right all along?
Druids just make more single target threat period.
Mage here. I'm coming home. Get ready for drinks, portals, and CC's
i would say they are about equal now.
ya mon
Other than that not bad
>old good new bad
i also want to roll mage but im sure thats what almost everyone is going to roll
Are they? I was a mage until when I stopped playing during MoP and I always felt like a minority
Ragnaros and Onyxia are going to be on farm really fast. After playing MMO's for the last 15 years that content is nothing.
I’ve decided to play a warlock just don’t know what side.
For horde: orc warlock tailoring/enchanting with an undead rogue alt with herb/alchemy
For alliance: gnome warlock and dwarf paladin same professions
Yeah, fr*ckin' grandpas.
>takes selfie
>turns of warmode
>get banned for transphobia
doubt it, i really hate arms leveling
Patrician taste
For me
>Female Human Mage
>Male Undead Rogue
I want to have one on each side. I played Horde (Undead Mage) the whole time back in the day and want to see the Alliance perspective this time as my main with my alt being on Horde. I don't want to sink a ton of time into professions on my alt so I'll just do two gathering ones.
Lots of players, but lots of raid slots. Hunters have like 3x more players proportionate to the raid slots they get.
Pserver guilds are clearing Naxx day 1 or 2. Four Horsemen happening hours after release because people realize they need 8 tanks in advance, and they all need the +10 spell hit trinket, everyone knows to get frost resist gear in advance. These massive unexpected hurdles that require clearing past content again are side stepped entirely.
Not if the population follows private servers. Most popular classes are warrior, rogue and mage generally in that order. Hunters are really easy to level, but I think that most people know that there aren’t that many raid spots and they don’t scale that well with gear.
>play on henhouse private server
>remember how fucking cancerous rogues with prep are
>remember how dumb soulfire locks with succubus are (literally capable of doing 6k crits while you sit there prepping your asshole to die)
>realise how simplistic a lot of the raiding is
>quickly begin to lose interest in playing
Reminder that if you don't play with engineering you're gonna get cucked in PVP constantly.
>tfw if you don't outright kill a hunter thats shitting out damage onto you within 30s they can just scattershot feign death frost trap you and reset
what trinket is that? do guilds still do the 8 tank method instead of 4 or 5?
game is an unbalanced joke. the only thing i'll be rolling is an uninstall wizard. it's not possible to enjoy the pvp in this game if you give a single shit about balance as part of your fun.
Daily remind that vanilla was a compost heap and TBC was better in every conceivable way.
They're just sweaty and force a strict meta.
>Poop socking in WSG/AB for 18 hours a day (people just afk out when it's a premade anyway)
>Vanilla raids
>Unbalanced shitty WPvP
Oh yeah, It was so much better before arenas.
make a general already
I'm not saying Vanilla didn't have its flaws and yes the raiding was better in TBC but you weren't exactly forced to roll with PVP gear like you were in later expansions. What exactly was unbalanced in wpvp?
Have you ever been to /vg/? It ALWAYS degrades into some niggers making a discord server and plotting how best to ruin the general by circlejerking. They literally coordinate shitposting to make the thread as terrible as possible.
>hey guys this guy blew me the fuck out lets go harrass him!
It's such a terrible board. Why would we want to go there?
Devouring Plague does shit damage and doesn't heal that much, costs way too much mana and Inner Focusing DP is dumb as fuck when you can just use Mind Blast. Shadowguard scales really well, does more damage than DP and can proc Blackout.
Wow. Players really were bad back then.
Does Devouring Plague not proc blackout? Sounds kinda shit. In any case. Devouring Plague can be cleansed and Shadowguard dispelled so I wouldn't look into priest racials on horde side too hard. Just keep in mind spriests oom real fucking quick so berserking might not be the best idea not to mention it gives you nothing for channeling. Also consider WOTF gives you a charm/fear break which is nice against locks, priests and warriors.
Double paladin/shaman's stat as it accounts for both sides. Maybe someone has a census for just level 60, but it can't salvage that hunter plague. People have and always will roll hunter even when its a joke.
>implying the game isn't still going to have tons of retards
>Tauren is the least played race on chinkdale
I can't wait to corpse camp all of the vurtnefags who think they are hot shit.
Berserking can be clutch if you need to heal yourself or Rez someone.
You say Hunter is a joke but if they have the autism to they could kite you at 40 yards, pop off slows/stuns, wittle you down forcing you to heal up. Then they could scattershot feign death frost trap you for 20s, fuck off and heal to full with food and just keep rinsing and repeating.
It's an out of combat res though. Healing sure but if you're forced out of shadowform to start healing you're kinda in trouble. With how expensive Spriest is I can't imagine sustaining for very long after opening up with a bunch of shadow spells.
I'm tired of this "everyone clears naxx day 1 now" horseshit. It was one guild, with full consumes, who'd been sniping resist gear for over a year and poopsocking for a full goddamn quarter on their own PTR before its release.
Naxx has fucking bonkers numbers(and gear) and nearly everyone takes a good long while to clear it since you virtually need loot from it to clear it.
how would you do it with 4?
I don't know of any other viable strat. The top speedruns use 8 tanks.
nice classic wow thread you got here
would be a shame if it didn't have a release date
But it does. Summer 2019
can't you just mocking blow if shit goes south?
July 16th.
oh, perfect. let me schedule summer off of work then.
ok dudes i'm a neet now. should i hate women
Just recovered my battle.net account. Haven't used it since 2012. I assume I'll still need it. I'm ready for Classic. Take me home lord
that's bullshit speculation, and if true, why wouldn't they just SAY that out loud by now
jokes are supposed to be funny
try again
>needing to schedule off months in advance
What kind of shit job you working?
can't wait to help
>uhhh, nobody can do it, it's impossible, only the top elite robot people and its because of sniped resist gear!!!!
*drinks titan flask*
Hehe... Nice try, kid, maybe it'll take YOUR raid more than week. I hope you're ready to get farmed in PvP by boss weapon equipped warriors 5 hours after every new phase.
I dont get why people say pvp is unbalenced i mean like pretty much every major spec in the game is pvp capable. Sure paladins and druids are pretty bad but holy paladins are hard as hell to kill and not worth the honor for the time it takes to kill them and every druid can just entangling roots and run away or work with it
Still waiting on that PvP raid.
Early crit is still great, dead mobs don't hurt you bar dots and it means more rage. Piercing howl is still good if you need help escape bad situations and flurry is still nice.
>paladins and druids are pretty bad in pvp
Oh dear, we have a retard here lads.
what do i play while waiting for classic?
they just don't make decent video games anymore
>go all the way to naxx
>go to fight where you have to taunt dozens and dozens of times across multiple tanks/mobs
>don't get trinket that reduces risk by an order of magnitude
People talk about resist into dodge wiping raids because it isn't that uncommon when rolled 50 times.
Is there a beta for classic?
I'm going to roleplay as a self-hating forsaken rogue who only reluctantly fights for the Horde because no one else will tolerate his company.
I may have lost my humanity, but that doesn't mean I'll support the greenskins in their war against my former homeland.
is drakedog really kim jong un or was that just a rumor
Legion was actually the best WoW has ever been, you cannot refute this claim
yeah, check the release calendar. beta is summer 2019.
he was one of most beta looking dude i ever see.
I did enjoy my welfare legendarys.
Thread theme
fuck it I can't wait anymore. I'm hopping on private.
This is me right now. I can't fucking wait much longer. I don't want to jump on private because it will make classic that much better but I'm dying here.
just wait until summer 2019 bro
But bro I can't bri
nah, he was king jong dos
TBC was better than vanilla and wotlk wasn't good at all.
retard alert.
I'm more of a TBC fan myself but Vanilla is still good so I'll take it. Fuck Wrath babies though
It stings them because it's simply correct.
>tfw you will never run vanilla ZG again
Easily the highlight of WoW for me. That and Kara.
>tfw you will never run vanilla ZG again
But you will
Reminder that Classic WILL have the cash shop and wow token.
It's DOA. Chinkdale fucking won. Crogge won. Shena won.
or it could just be, you know, them trying to shill tokens for bfa+
i don't think they'll cash shop classic, the gold market doesn't work that way if you inject something like this. it would literally facefuck the economy.
bros ...
Yeah but you can't doompost that
Shena a cute.
you say that now, but don't forget that Ron Paul made spell batching real
It's gonna be free to play, right? They won't charge you for a 15 years old game, right?
$15 sub that covers retail and classic
So basically $15 for classic. Got it