Final Fantasy XIV

Where's the fucking benchmark???

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Other urls found in this thread:

Waiting on that rundown user.

End of may after the LL

isn't this from the guy that blackmail his female fc members and had them have sex with him?

first i've heard of it

That sounds like me. I like getting close to people and the emotionally manipulating them to get off. I pay attention to what they tell me about their life and stick it in a txt file and conjure something up. The best part is I have several lv70 alts, so there's no paper trail.

>100 things to do during your 30-minute lockout
sixty keks

>24 man's somehow even worse than launch day
The wowfugees have finally caught up, this sucks

hot tell me more

Okay. What the fuck is with Limsa?

Market board is right next to the Aetheryte, so it's the easiest to TP to just for shopping.
Higher density of people = more autism.

I go after the more vulnerable people, men and women both. I don't usually get off to them directly, unless they're attractive or completely drop their spaghetti. I mostly get off the the manipulation factor. Its pretty easy to get someone to tell you sexual facts about themselves if you make them feel like theyre special, rare, and you care about them.


It's where all the shit posters gather because there's an audience for their autism, kind of like Yea Forums
And if you're wondering why gather in Limsa in the first place it's because it has the best layout of the 3 main city states

I should add that I've been able to get money from people by doing this. About $1500-2000 all up.

>tfw this user would probably masturbate furiously to the shame and sadness I felt after participating in 2 gang bangs

I played WHM mostly and main tanks now. Why are you idiots so bad in this game? Almost all jobs on 70 + mentor and you fucks can't even dodge a fucking circle. I'm not even talking about endgame savage shit. Stop buying fucking boosts and learn your jobs ffs

I'm talking specifically in Sarg Aether.

Unless you can create a second general where dirty /xivg/ posters don't show up then gladly.

how the fuck do you get money from being a dick?

>it's the FATEs!
>it's the POTD!
>it's the wowfugees!
>it's the boosts!
When will you fags finally admit majority are just bad and you have to put up with them since DF is what it is

I'm not a dick when they send the money. And most of the time. they never realize what was going on.

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New era in japan so nips took holidays off instead of finishing hrothroe's.

thats the thing, they don't know that. they only see what he decides to show them

>specifically in Sarg
Oh, Sarg is just all fucked up, they tried to promote themselves as a "hardcore" raid server and got a bunch of refugees from Crystal fucking things up

>user spins tall tale for attention
>want to call bullshit
>see this
Jelly :(

so you target the mentally ill losers? Pretty based.

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>spend a 1000h in the game
>don't know basic shit
just make a macro that says you are a retard at the start of a pub and it's ok.

Jew'Dah has had an aetheryte five feet from the marketboard for years, Limsa is just a fucking meme because pirates.

>best layout
Sure, if you're a wizard who can phase through staircases and can fucking fly.

Lalafells need to be gassed

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I haven't paid a cent for anything in this game since 1.0. This covers my sub and expansions. If I want a MogStation item? Easy peasy. The only effort I have to put in is levelling characters. I have about nine lv70s across nine servers. I don't do this on my main. I take whatever item code they send me and use it on my main since all of my alts have two Fantasias each from character creation. I usually carry on one-three relationships at any given time.

I'm so close anons, then I can work on the drk mount

what do you think will be the GUN mount? Or the ShB tank mounts in general?

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And thats why I only give surface level details on the internet.

Uldah's board is 2 extra clicks and a loading screen away.

>time spent = skill
What you don't realize is that people are terrible at video games, no matter how long they take. The real problem is that modern (post-Wrath) MMOs feel compelled to make good players play with bad players. There are retards who have slow brains and will never learn. The only way to avoid them is to never use DF.

See, you're a smart one. It's almost immediately obvious who will spill the beans and who won't. And it can take as little as sitting next to someone, emote'ing, and sending them a /tell asking "Hi, how are you? ^^" and "I really like your glam!"

You sound like a bro and a generally awesome person to be around, as long as the friend knows how shady you are. Which data center do you play on?


Yes user, and retards should identify themselves at the start of a pull.

why do people play MNK? it is objectively awful and the least fun job in the game other than MCH

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holy fuck even Yea Forums posters are fucking creeps, is there a single normal person who plays this game?

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It isn't awful. Its actually quite good if you can hold a TK rotation.

I don't give a shit, go back to your general where you belong.

Creep how? This game lets me hold a part-time income on previously stated monetary gifts and gil selling alone.


Nah, not Meowie. I'm not depraved.

I mean, you are, just not in that way.

Based user, I disagree with what you do but I respect your hustle as long as you aren't a faggy trap poster.
Keep fighting the good fight.

It’s more like the vg posters came here to shit up the threads.

Meowie is too incompetent and mentally challenged to pull this off.

>take advantage of vulnerable people
>fighting the good fight

You also see it’s less posters but more posts.

All normal people have beaten O12S and quit until Shadowbringers.

The only people still playing are autistic kids and trannies.

Come back after the expac release for more normal people to discuss the game with.

how do you sell Gil without getting banned?

>launch day
>the pool of shitters is diluted by actual competent people that want to clear for tokens/alt gear/etc

>several months after
>the only people left behind are shitters

This has been the case since Labyrinth of the Ancients

>promise me, WoL

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>Teleporting directly to main cities
And risk being mistaken for a peasant?
Take the boat to Limsa from Costa del Sol like a patrician, extra clicks.

>not living at your own house
Who the fuck are you?

Please watch better shows, Yea Forums.

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I wouldn't call what I do depravity. Its more like opportunistic gain by way of social manipulation. Taking psychology and social-related courses really helps. Businesses do this too. Besides, I buy my friends gifts and whatnot with some of the money, so I'm not a complete asshole. I just lack morals online.

I watch good shows.

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I just want some glamour, why do I have to suffer like this because of their only one item a week bullshit

By selling the gil directly and communicating out-of-game. The benefit of this is if someone tries to upstage you, SE doesn't take out-of-game information as evidence. And if someone tries to upstage you ingame, they'll be caught for expressing interest in buying. I sell my gil for a flat 1.50/mil and pull about $30/week off AFK crafting.

You seem upset. Are you a vulnerable person? Because, I mean, nobody would honestly enjoy your presence without some sort of compensation.

>n-no I'm just a sociopath

>loli saves the day
Of course the weebs like this part.

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I want to suck on Miqo'te toes

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She's like 25.

Comparing you to soulless jewish businesses isn't doing yourself any favors user. Regardless, I would rather the thread return to being FFXIV related than this.

You should have got it months ago. It's not like you actually needed the 390 gear for stats.

Tell me about the sexual stuff

Do you not understand what the term loli means? I'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean child.

I'll give you a hint: I've called the FBI.

They removed lockouts so it's a free for all animal farm in there now

Is something bothering you? Would you like to come sit with me and talk about it? I love your glam btw ^^

Stop being a disgusting degenerate

>I pay attention to what they tell me about their life and stick it in a txt file
wow i'm not even mad that's impressive as fuck

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>You seem upset. Are you a vulnerable person? Because, I mean, nobody would honestly enjoy your presence without some sort of compensation.
Telling you now that's not going to work, any attempt to try and play dumb about what you're doing isn't going to work, any attempt to bait me isn't going to work, any attempt at a smug "I win" is going to make you look pathetic, any attempt at an "oh you're so smart for not falling for it" is going to make you look even more pathetic
I probably missed a few other options but you get the idea, don't get ass hurt when people call you a piece of shit when you act like a piece of shit



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You're still replying, which means he won.

>should have got it months ago.
I couldn't get all the sets I wanted from Orbonne because of the weekly lock

For what? Asking if your dumb ass knew what the term loli meant? Bet you get your panties in a bunch of someone calling you sir instead of ma'am.

I tried but I have no idea how to play MCH in Frontlines.
Amazingly though Immortal Lames (which I was on) clenched it by like 20 points, was pretty great to get 2k marks for a single win since it was roulette.

but pvp sucks and is dead
yoshi should just give everyone the gear or greatly nerf the requirements

>fields of goobers - shitter
call me when seal rock is back

What is it about MMO tranny autists that don't understand there's a /general/ for you retards. There's always a fucking WOW or FF14 in Yea Forums. Go to /vg/ we don't want you shitting up our board.

I enjoy pvp but I do agree everything is overpriced and discourages people from playing.

Rent free.

Usually just nudes, faking interest in someone, tailoring my "kinks" around their personality (I'm actually relatively asexual and don't tend to feel direct sexual attraction) and whatnot. Most of their stuff ends up being basic or low-quality. There was this girl that was really into dogs though.

>playing through Heavensward
Why is this guy such an insufferable cunt.

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>pvp is finally alive again because no more Garo gear in 6 months
I dont even care about it, most of its bulky and/or generic robes but thank God I dont have to wait 40 minutes for a single match

>how to play MCH in Frontlines.
>slow target
>over heat into a wildfire
>mash reload between each shot, squeeze a between the eyes in there as well
That's about it you can do your stun to force an overheat even if you aren't close to an enemy, between the eyes also does more damage on a stunned enemy but you don't want to get that close normally

its too late for me

Oh no, a smash or twitter thread died, whatever shall we do!?

I'm sorry, did your Underage Panty Quest thread with two replies get pushed off the board again?


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The /vg/ is full of avatar posting and rp fags. I'll take shitty threads on over that any day.

>wanting anything aside from the tank and DRG sets

Anyone seen the advice dude on aether? I've seen him pop on my server a couple of times.

>I tried but I have no idea how to play MCH in Frontlines.
Push people over the ledges.


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>don't get ass hurt when people call you a piece of shit when you act like a piece of shit
Yeah...I don't think he cares, user.

>taking advantage of retards so stupid they're easily manipulated by a chanposters and keeping their money out of the hands of chinks isn't fighting the good fight.

Based smooth brain.


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>people still giving the user obsessed with trannies (you)s

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>not wanting the Balthier set
The annoying thing is all I'm missing now is the tank chest piece but I've only seen the fucking thing drop once while I was running as a MCH, all the times I've run as a tank it's never shown up

I tried pvp for the first time just now, queueing for frontlines. I tried following my team around since that seemed like the smart thing to do when every other team was also moving as a group that would fuck any solo-going genius up the ass, but I can't say I really understood how things should work either. As a healer I could hardly dent any other players, and while heals were pretty potent at filling HP bars, if someone was getting focused they'd melt in seconds. Winning seemed like a crapshoot of who managed to beat up the ice the most while attempting to impotently intimidate the other teams into staying at their side of it.

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After finishing Paladin which tank should I work on next?

dark knight because it's the only tank that feels fun to play

but war is fun too

I wonder how many beta males exploitanon upset in this thread. I can count at least three.

it's also the only one that isn't viable for rading

I just don't get the hype about dark knight, aside from the story. Feels the least engaging.

nigga if i wanted to stroke my dick about my dps i'd just go back to black mage
stop you're making me cry
it's not for everybody and more or less is an aquired taste

Isn't viable for speedkills you mean, retard

>Been trying out BRD and MCH to get a feel for what DNC might be like
>Having fun with MCH
>Know the moment I hit 50 it's going to turn into absolute garbage
Why did Square do this? Isn't Wildfire, Turret Management, and Reload enough of a mechanic? Based on everything I've heard MCH ends up just ridiculous for no pay off at all.

>Still no tidus based DPS job.

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WHM has a attack that gives slow and AST has an attack that gives bind. Use these when possible to reduce your targets' mobility.

When your team is getting focused, that's the fun in healing. You need to save your big/OGCD heals for then. But it should also be tanks that are getting hit the most and they shouldn't melt so fast. If your DPS are taking up the frontlines of a battle for too long, they're being dipshits. At best, Melee DPS should be going in and out of the frontlines, hopefully staggering/limit breaking enemies then getting the fuck out. Ranged DPS shouldn't be anywhere the enemy. If they are, you're getting flanked and you need to back off.

Will NG+ reset shit other than the MSQ like the job or raid quests?

It's been in the game for literal years. Anyone who is worried about it going away has had ample opportunity to work towards it a leisurely pace.

can't wait for blitzball to get added. fucking jecht shotting people in the face all day.

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You're absolutely right. They butchered the class at the beginning of Stormblood, tried to fix it in 4.1ish. All they did was just make it worse and then they stopped trying.

>No one plays Chocobo Racing
>No one plays Lord of Verminion
>No one plays Mahjong
I can't wait for them to add another garbage minigame that dies in a week.

Every ff nerd will be lining up to play blitzball.

I would race more if it weren't for the fucking mario kart items. Fuck that choco meteor bullshit.

What the fuck

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A lot of people play mahjong, actually. You're working on bad info there since YOU haven't tried queueing.

Tell me more about the dog girl


Well which one is it.

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Can't wait to put Warrior in the trashcan for Gunbreaker.

Warrior for Unga Bunga easy mode leveling
Dark Knight for a good story but shitty leveling experience and not feeling complete until you hit 70 and then everything suddenly works together

WAR if you want to pull everything and do more damage than the average DF dps. DRK if you want to be a squishy piece of shit that depends on a good healer to pull more than a single pack at once.

Warrior feels like a tank past level 50 and DRK doesn’t feel like a tank at all.

DRK is less squishy the more he pulls though

>blaming the non-existant WoWfugees
user, this community is just ass. The skill floor is so fucking low that every expansion theyre going to keep "revamping" combat to close the gap between good players and bad players to no avail.
>thinking anyone who plays Theme Park MMOs are generally good players

Not while leveling.

>do more damage than the average DF dps.
>wars still believe this when even at their absolute best they don't even pull NIN numbers
>b-but muh cleaves

I played it for a while when I started, but it became pretty obvious that all its extra inputs were pointless busy work nobody else had to do.

I've beat BLM and SAMs as AST. You greatly overestimate the average DF player.

The positionals alone make it more fun to play than any other job. I don’t care if the rotation is garbo.

remember when they actually did though early HW and lots of dps whined?

gas yourself

>Balthier's pants actually have a butt
Someone on the dev team is getting rebellious.

mch is fun though, people just dont play it because theyre bad and bard is easier to get results out of. its similar to why you always see war mt pld ot and never drk mt pld ot except for the ultimate world firsts

No because it never happened

Benchmark leaked

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Warriors do the most damage in dungeons especially when there are big pulls there's no debate over this. Dark Knights might be tankier while in large groups but the damage you get from abyssal drain spam is actually kind of pathetic.

Nice seething. I'm still playing very chill after clearing O12S, leveling alt jobs, working on side stuff (hildibrand) and just overall hanging out without thinking about clears anymore.

>it’s replying to its own posts

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It was a ruff patch

That's an ugly looking bunny

>get around to xiv finally
>at the same time as all the wowfugees
Gross wowfags fuck off

I know Yea Forums has some autistic people, but holy shit the samefagging and degeneracy in this general is out of this world. Most people from here only clicked on this thread because they're some larping /vg/ tranny, and it shows, dead fucking game you worthless faggots

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>have PP account with money
>My faggot larp story must be true

kill yourself you fuckin tranny.

it did though because people couldnt figure out their hw rotations

Who is?

Its a tank user who cares

>Had a clear WoWfugee in a dungeon run earlier
It was a Conjurer who cast cure literally as often as possible, didn't use role actions, and didn't DPS at all. Shit was fucking surreal and the only reason I caught it is I've tried WoW's free trial and healers in that really HAVE to spam heal to actually keep people alive.

Damage helps everybody.

Why are the GMs so robotic? They literally can't deviate from their script. Are the Gil sellers in disguise?

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It's a new type of AI that major game companies are testing and training with human interaction. Please look forward to it replacing your legal system!

Sounds like your average PUG healer who just heal and stand around waiting for the tank to lose any bit of health. People really underestimate how retarded most players are.

>Warden of the Seven Hues
Now I've lost it

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No like
Literally they were healing while the tank was at max hp

>level roulette this morning
>get stuck in the mine
>sprout scholar as the healer
>spamming physick on me while the fairy is spamming embrace
>tell them to stop and dps, at this low level the fairy can handle all the healing by itself
>they get upset, start to rant about how they wanted to be a healer and not "a shitty ineffective hybrid" and how wow has much better class design and how "ridiculous these dungeons are, how are you supposed to know anything is coming without add ons" and so on
I saw something that said WoW lost like a tenth of its total player base in the past 2 weeks, I wish they didn't flood into our game

It doesn't help you stay alive

end of may

I recently ran into a healer who kept precasting regen. Is that something you can do safely in WoW or were they just new to MMOs?

BLM or SMN as my first caster? Or should I avoid leveling anything new until 5.0?

False, damage kills things faster and the faster something dies the less damage it will do to you

SMN so you can get SCH leveled for free

Warrior can only do big dick damage every 90 seconds
Dark Knight can do consistently good damage every pull, stop using Grit

SCH so you can get SMN leveled for free.

god DRK is the no fun tank, its terrible

I don't play healers because it makes me too fucking angry. As a tank or a DPS I can stay in my lane and work around other people being retarded most of the time but as a healer I have to fix all of their dumb mistakes and it actively cuts into the things I want to be doing. I wouldn't even call healing the hardest role, just the most frustrating.

BLM so you can out dps the SCH and SMN for free

Play DRK in dungeons, pull everything and laugh as you lifesteal infinite amounts of HP and MP from your enemies. It's by far the most fun tank to play in 4 man content.

To be fair FFXIV could benefit from a fuckton more group damage. Every healer I've spoken to says they don't even like to DPS and have the most fun in those clusterfuck moments when people take more damage than they should. It isn't like healers have some super complicated DPS rotation during their downtime, it's just apply your fucking dot then spam a ST spell or AoE.

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Had a good DRK in Arboretum Hard a while ago. Went in as WHM myself and was basically a third DPS, regen was enough for the most part. It was a male JP potato

DPSing was much more interesting with the old Cleric Stance but that was too hard for shitters to manage.

dude you are complaining about a conjurer the guy may be learning dont need to be triggered when someone is learning and dont play like a raider

Reminder that whoever likes the crafting and gathering system in this game is a literal jew that paid for their levels or a masochist.

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It was, you had to commit to it and was overall more rewarding and if you didn't have precognition to know when there were no periods of damage you could get fucked and wipe the party. Not to mention every healer had more abilities then due to role actions.

What damage can you even do as a whm? I'm only 33 and all I can do is throw some rocks, a quick aero, or usually I'll spam break in between cures

>It was a PLD who pulled with provoke and never used flash

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It's weird I can agree with you guys here but if I say my opinion in game I'm a retard.

>t. lazy poorfag

You'll get Holy later which is mass AoE damage + a stun which means it also acts as mitigation. And then Assize which is AoE damage, AoE healing, and restores your MP.

There's a difference between learning and what that guy was doing.
He completely ignored us when we tried to politely give him some tips and never said a word the entire run.

Last chance to transfer off crystal - do I go Sargatanas, Jenova, or Gilgamesh?

yes that sounds like someone new

sarg or gilg

That's why Yea Forums is the best place to discuss the game. Everywhere else is a fucking safe space haven for shitters to be shit and enable each other in their shittiness. I used to be shit at these types of games but someone had the balls to call me out on it and I'm a much better player now for it.

Having respect for your fellow man's time by playing well is something not commonly returned because people don't give a shit about self improvement even if everybody benefits from performance increase.

MMO trannies are the easiest marks.

Enough to contribute and keep yourself engaged while in an instace. Aero III for AoE DoT and Aero are considered separate DoTs so you can apply two to the same target if you've got the MP for it, Stone is monotonous but it hits like a truck and is the most MP-efficient of the three healers' main attacks.

Gilgamesh or Sarg. Sarg is the smaller of the two but not empty by a longshot either.

Until they take shield lob off the GCD, it actually makes more sense to pull with provoke at low levels and immediately follow up with a flash. Once you get circle of scorn it's not such an issue because you can use that but if you don't have circle of scorn and you run in throwing your shield then you will get to the trash pack and your GCD won't be back up yet for the flash.

Go to Primal, Aether doesn't want Crystal refugees

Jenova if you enjoy shitters, Sargatanas if you want a more "normal" server, Gilgamesh if you enjoy the server being empty six days out of the week

Fuck you I was originally Aether

All of the rapefugees currently traveling to Primal/Aether were Primal/Aether in the first place and got forcibly grafted onto Crystal, enjoy your countrymen returning and how shitty they really are while I laugh at you from Balmung's market-board

I doubt it, you're probably some Mateus nigger and they were never truly Aether after the balmung infection

>and they were never truly Aether after the balmung infection
So in order to be a truly aether server you need to be dead as fuck and boring with nobody in it and single people owning entire housing wards?

It was on tam tara hard

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Now you're getting it

>tfw you spend forever decorating your mansion but have nobody to show it to

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Sarg it is, cheers anons. I look forward to not wanting to kill myself as much in roulettes

>aether doesn't want trannies and gays when more than half of the data center already is

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I'll visit it if you're on Primal

aether is the datacenter for gays, crystal gets the cute trannyplayers

>tfw you encounter more people whining about trannies than the alleged trannies they whine about
really makes ya think

Aether unfortunately.

welcome to sarg my boi

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I randomly wandered into an empty house in Shirogane Ward 1 today and wondered how the fuck such a thing was even possible.

>tfw decorating you small house its a fucking chore

lucky little shit, i'm 3 days away from my 90 day character creation lock lifting

A lot of people buy homes but just don't want to put the effort into decorating them, or if they do you see similar themes everywhere like a million bookcases.

>browse PF
>See o9s learning party
>oh might be fun to help out
>check roles
>they have two ninjas and a bard and the last DPS slot is reserved exclusively for melee
what the actual fuck are these people doing

I found the sociopath

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My apartment was just a storage shed for seasonal items before they added storehouse even though.

Is it true that shadowbringers launches weeks before classic

I hope everyone is enjoying Shatter night.

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u jelly?
u gelatinous

>tfw all I do in shatter is play DRG and camp the ices on cliffs that are far away from my team's base because elusive jumping with your back to a cliff as DRG just teleports you to the bottom of it with no fall damage taken

Makes for easy escapes and baits. Even if I don't actually get any ice I'm being way more useful than the majority of my team by wasting the time of 2-3 people on the other ones.

Probably. Blizzard has been timing their releases to compete with FF14 for years now.


>reeee it can only be extremes even though all the big servers were on aether
Yeah you would fit right in on primal, I suggest ultros

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>wasting the time of bots

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>Stand next to big ice
>Press Flamethrower
>Highest damage dealt to both ice and players

>going to Sarg
Bad choice, Sarg and Adamantoise are the new "ugh, those guys" now that Balmung and Mateus are gone
Sarg in particular got loaded with bad players looking for carries because someone started to say it was a "raid server"

>still 18 days till the live letter


The absolute madmen
I wanted to give the expansion a try but since classic will be just around the corner I’ll skip it
Good luck with the expansion bros
Hope they dont fuck your main class and hopefully DRK doesn’t play like ass

>Adamantoise are the new "ugh, those guys"
For fuck's sake I've been a nobody from a nobody server since 2013 I don't deserve this

Blame the fucking turtle queen you guys have in your novice network, I was touring the servers and your novice network is just a colony of beta orbiters reinforcing the bad advice that a "female" player gives

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Well gilg is dead as fuck where else would i go

There's some dedicated posters suuuuuper super invested in the whole tranny meme, it's almost unnerving.

Is Leviathan or Ultros good?

Depends, where are you coming from

Reddit junior but ok if you can deal with that
/vg/ and resetera, lots of meme spouting faggots

Do I need to research dungeons I haven't completed before? Or should I just leave it to the tank? I usually play scholar.




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Only thing you need in dungeons is a little bit of common sense

Yes. It takes like 5 minutes.

Research dungeons? Are you a fucking retard? Nothing in there is going to challenge you

was there an ancient race of humans that existed pre-split and they were the ones that invented aetherytes?

Not if you have a functioning brain. Dungeons are braindead fucking easy and don't introduce mechanics you can't immediately figure out.
You're an actual faggot and you should stop playing the game.

It's alright, I would go there or Excalibur

>was there an ancient race of humans that existed pre-split
According to what the Ascians told Varis, yes. The split also fractured humanity into the various races of the world currently.
>and they were the ones that invented aetherytes?
Aetherytes are naturally occurring wherever there's an abundance of life, but the Allagans and then later the Sharlayans figured out how to make an artificial network.

Big pharmas do it. But I don't see people bitch about it. They even manipulated research so that it'll benefit them.

> gilg is fucking dead
Really? What happened?
I played on gilg since ARR up until they introduced eureka and server was always full

Go to Ultros

There are plenty of people there but it's a ghost town 6 days of the week.

Gilg is visiting every other server to shop off our market boards and generally loiter around, so the players are there but they won't go home

There aren't any dungeons where fucking up a """"""""""more complicated"""""""""" mechanic the first time will wipe you. As long as you have a non-zero amount of brain cells everything is easily understandable once you see it.

Isn't every server like that now

>world visit comes out
>oh boy I'm going to go see the exciting active servers
>literally all completely indistinguishable mirrors of each other with the same number of people standing in the exact same spots

Normal people don't even clear Savage.

Sounds like the result Yoshida would want.

Seems like a lot of hoops for fucking nothing.

I love ultros undercutters, don't even need to check other servers anymore

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how low is the raiding as a % of the game's population?

But what killed the server exactly, what made em mass transfer, did the main tranny rp community also moved or something like that

how do they breed if there are no boys?

Can't do a lot of bitching when they control everyone's lives through their medicines.
Have to suck it up and take the treatments instead of the cures they have but won't sell.

There are men, you just can't play as them

Nothing. It's always been quiet as fuck compared to other servers.

Eh, doom will probably kill the healer the first time, and possibly a second time when they discover not all dooms are handled the same way.

What's the new aether erp server

Depends on your definition.


>90% of pugs i get a tank who is overly ambitious and undergeared
>finally get a competent tank
>they're way better than everyone else in the group and make sure you know it
Early game dungeons were so comfy. Why does it get like this in the later game?

it was always like this even before world visit. If anything, stopping transfers to gilgamesh played a role

I'm a mass world visiter
Here's my review on Aether. Anyone want to add on?

Adamtoise - Okay, inoffensive
Cactuar - Residential shitposting server
Faerie - Gay
Gilgamesh - Raid Heavy, starting to turn a bit RPish....
Midgard - Okay, inoffensive, great hunting community
Jenova - shit players
Sarg - Retards, socially inept.
Siren - Okay, inoffensive.

gear is unsynced in most current level dungeons, so it makes a larger difference. there's also more buttons to press and everyone has their full kit, so the shitters and the good players have a larger gap

its worse for female hrothgars when you think of it.

Ultros is Yea Forums I recall 6 years ago that it was the go to Yea Forums NA server.

it is a blatant /vg/ sociopath tranny. the y shit over Yea Forums threads sometimes to fish for attention.

What a weak dodge. Is it that bad?

After Legacy disbanded Sarg lost its chance at being hardcore

Stop calling everyone and thing trannies. It makes you look obsessed with them.

No, it depends on your definition, and I'm not the user you were talking to before, so it's pretty unlikely I'm 'dodging' anything.

just say youre new at the start of the dungeon people will usually help you out

Some guy picked a fight with Sarg shout got and btfo. It was pretty funny.

XIV raid difficulty isn't friendly for normal people. You get a whole lot of 1 wipe = disband mentality.

>have pvp mount
>everyone starts following me, line starts breaking if i retreat for whatever reason
this is like pikmin or some shit, i love it

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help them with a vote kick perhaps

hes right though there are trannies everywhere in this game its really unfortunate

report them all, xiv moderation is extremely hugbox

I just had 4 wipes and we didn’t disband. It’s more like 2 or 3 wipes then a disband.

Which one? I have like 4 I switch between and it doesn't really make a difference. OG Gorilla is best btw.

Just stack on tank during mob pulls and then during boss fights just play around with moving your fairy. if fairy dies just swiftcast and re-summon and remember not to put it in that spot again. There's no dungeon where you need to really autistically break it down through wikis and gameplay vids. they're all piss easy provided your tank isn't a retard and you aren't a retard.

They didn't mass transfer away, stop being a tard

>Gilgamesh - Raid Heavy, starting to turn a bit RPish....
Many of those raiders are also erpfags that would do their lewd on alts. Now with the data center split I can imagine many of them can't be bothered with swapping data centers and so are just looking to get their rocks off on their main server.

I been playing this game for 6 years on and off and I haven’t seen any trannies or anyone talking about trannies other than you guys. Sure there are trannies but you have to go out of your way to find them.

what blessed server are you on?

Sounds like your average FFXIV healer, I don't understand how this differentiates a shitter from any game. Have you not dealt with PUGs when your static isn't online? They're legit retarded and overheal 100% of the time.

Min height fem auras are 90% trannies. According to Yea Forums.

gorilla and ads mount, usually happens when no one else has any of the mounts

The only two people i know irl who play the game are depressed tranny weirdos i met in college

Is Faerie really gay or are you meming?

Only up to a point, if you're above 50 and have learned basic shit like use aoe on large group or use your skills that help other then fuck you for being a retard that can't read or do basic math

gilgamesh always had a struggling rp scene, but Balmung and it being overcrowded never made it grow. I can see gilgamesh becoming an rp hub for aether

It's true and all male miqotes are females.

Not him but it's the unofficial LGBT+ server.

It is THE faggot server home to to the most amount of faggot FCs and the most faggot FC of all whose name is too cursed for me to say.

>Let the boss cleave me
If you are getting hit by cleaves as a non-tank you are 100% at fault, no matter if you are healer, ranged dps, or melee dps.

It's the unofficial LGBT server for obvious reasons.

>tfw max height fem raen
am I safe or am I doomed to become a discotranny?

user. Nearly everyone I met from there are gay. They aren't obnoxiously gay (most of the time), but they're still gay.

Unless the tank is moving the boss around a lot

>When you seen an amazingly skilled red mage in the wild

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That's probably because a PUG healer needs at least a few pulls to adjust to your group, so of course they're going to probably play it safe for a time.

Why are you even asking? You would know if you want to be female or not.

Can't hear you over that world first on both ultimates

>amazingly skilled
You mean they use their offglobals on cooldown? Crazy.

user... why are you posting my wife? And that aside DRK for story, aesthetics while warr is for actually being viable and for being coddled by the devs.

You can still avoid that. If that's the issue, should have said "Tanks that wont quit running around". Getting cleaved is avoidable pretty much at all times.

Careful, user, someone will get triggered and tell you Red Mage requires no skill even though it requires the same basic positioning and movement skills as 500 IQ jobs.

its called FAERIE, even they knew it was appropriate to make it an unofficial lgbtxyz server

When somebody posts le epic me-me's about how goddamned gay Balmung and Mateus are, the place they're really talking about is Faerie.

>people still spreading the meme that DRK isn't viable even after worldfirsting both Ultimates

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I wouldn't have to overheal if retards would just stand in my star.

>that slow ass tank that thinks he's a leader and gets mad when you move ahead of him
Sprint nigger, if you can keep up I'm pulling for you and then shade walking, you're there to be a punching bag
And I know some of you posting in this thread act like that because this game is the only place you can feel remotely in control of something

>he doesn’t know that there are insta cleave attacks

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>Amazingly skilled
Holy shit they use their OGCDs and don't overwrite their procs like brainlets?>t.seething red mage

/votekick ninja

bye faggot

does the early access period to shadowbringers cost nothing?
like if i dont have my sub active at the time can i play
cause i just noticed that early access starts on the 28th of june and the FFXV event ends on the 27th of may so i would have to buy another month in order to play shadowbringers EA

Someone sounds insecure
I bet you mash LB3 the second the bar fills and then die to mechanic while animation locked

Why is there barely any boss with cleaves in this game? It's such a basic RPG concept that encourages good player and boss positioning but they rarely add it and when they do it's obviously telegraphed with cast bars, like Agrias or Kefaust

I only remember the last boss of Pharos Sirius because all of her auto-attacks are cleaves

t. seething black mage unable to use cure with a whm off-job like his xi counterpart

Leveling DRK is a bitch when it gets all it’s tools it’s ok but until then it’s meh.

I'm saying dont be infront of the boss, retard. This game has a 3 second lag after a player moves before the enemies follows them. You have eyes, you can tell where the front of the boss is, and where it's heading. Don't act like I dont know how a cleave works because you're too lazy to move your eyes off your cooldowns.

No active sub, no play.

I unironically do this as a healer and sometimes melee DPS. If we're cruising through the dungeon you're fine to pull more. I'll first mention it in the chat but I'll just get ignored.

DPS do damage they don't heal you dipshit
Keep using that shitty heal while whining to Yoshi that RDM is not top dps

I can literally go into eureka right now as a BLM and heal with cure L and raise L.

Don't listen to these tards they're just trying to look cool. If you insist on playing healer first you especially need to look up the video because it's easy to get one-hit and if you die the whole group wipes.

Which server has the most bara GC?

>DPS do damage they don't heal you dipshit
But big-dick SMN can res, what's the difference now that RDM can and can do so far more efficiently?
>while whining to Yoshi that RDM is not top dps
Even OF goblins don't do this.
Any job can use Logos actions, though.

Are you retarded? There's nonstop variants of cleave. Dragons and so forth including adds. If you want nonstop aoe and cleave go do keeper of the lake besides.

Enjoy your queue

>brilliant light available to farm for nexus
>lagging like shit and can't do the shit
oh well, maybe another day.

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>guildhests supposed to teach how2play
>literally no other content in the game like the 8 man guildhest

I always do that when I'm healing. Usually they'll get the message but occasionally they get triggered and leave.

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Join a static.

And the majority of them are telegraphed, including in KotL. Dragon and Cyclop adds are some of the exceptions and barely get any use when it should be a norm.
Actually play the game before posting


Would be a shame if someone blocked you by starting combat and shade walking again

Guildhests should have been expanded upon and been the game's de facto tutorial for various mechanics, but I suppose the community was too dense and need every little thing spelled out to them in the Hall of the Novice.

What even goes on in Primal?

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Way too exhausted after work and college for that.

Report for griefing. Bye faggot.

Loads of people flocking to it because they're terrified of not being able to raid on Crystal. They're not good at raiding to begin with, expect them to expect carries

Don't get why people are triggered. Doesn't variety spike up the fun? There's really no reason to single pull if you're overgeared and not in leveling content.

Idk why you're surprised user.
Between the mouthbreathing retards and sensitive snowflakes this game doesn't cater to thought.

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Meant for

That's what disappointed me most about BLU. We could have got a ton of fun little puzzles that teach people how to do mechanics and play their role but now anything like that will be part of the carnivale.

>camera zooms to character's face
>dont you dare fucking nod again

>Tilts head

>*punches palm to show approval*

What would happen if the WoL actually spoke something? Like a voiced line.

>max height
you're a futa so yes

butthurt faggots that they cant self-insert easily anymore

"Nothing personal, Kid"
Mfw an alter ego speaks for the WoL like Fray.

>When you waste a pitch perfect/refulgent because the tank was dragging his feet.

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I'm eagerly awaiting the day when speech synthesis is sophisticated enough to the point where we don't need a handful of voice actors to record hours of dialog for a player created character, and we can customize our character's voice just as much as the rest of their bodies.

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They've already given WoL some clear canon personality traits, especially in the DRK questline. But even in the MSQ you can see the same traits that pop up in the DRK questline in your dialogue choices.
>Pick up the damn rocks.
>I'm going to kill your god. Even if I don't have to.

I don't see why this would need to be the case when whatever dialogue we'd get for the WoL would be a few lines at best. Overall voice work would probably be those few lines by at most a dozen voice actors with a varied range of voices.

Leveling through roulette is dull, you don't even get to use your newest abilities.

That's why you only do 1 roulette per day for the bonus.

Piss off, kupo.

>Ilberd just summoned Shinryu
>alliance leaders discussing what to do
>"Aw man I wonder what we should do about this primal..." as they all look at you
>WoL's expression sinks and visibly gets pissed off

Telegraphed cleave is still a cleave, it has the same function. It's more punishing in xiv and isn't a boring fucking passive.

Unfortunately because they decided the game absolutely needed a French and German client, that's an extra two dozen voice actors they'd have to bring on in addition to the Japanese and English ones. Even if the WoL only spoke 20 lines throughout the story of an expansion, I can see the already underfunded and understaffed XIV not wanting to deal with the hassle.

>WoL yet to answer Aymeric about what he wants to do after everything is over

And then what, run the one dungeon available to you at your level 10 times?

pretty sure you got a dialog choice in that scene for that question.

You guy's know he can just go into "Inspect Element" and modify those numbers on his screen? It doesn't actually chnage the money in his account, so fake and gay

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Just do one, you get faster queues and more xp by df queueing for the three highest leveling dungeons anyway.

It shouldn't take anywhere near that many with all the exp bonuses the game just hands you.

If you're a tank or healer, sure.

Roulette is only worthwhile as a DPS. If you're leveling a healer/tank, don't bother with it. And once you hit 60, I'd drop roulette entirely, even for DPS.

Things seemed to have changed since I last played. Is three highest the rule?

If you aren't in a hurry by far the easiest way to level is to strip naked and queue up for Alliance Roulette. You'll get LotA or CT 90% of the time and with the daily bonus it's worth like 1/3 of a level for 0 effort.

Whats the fastest way to level at 60 then?

I don't think it was ever efficient to do a particular roulette without the daily bonus.
I don't bother with three highest unless you're a DPS.

fastest way is always the dark dungeons

>it's a "No-AoE DPS, PLD does the most damage in the group, healer sticks regen on tank before he gets aggro" 25-minute-long dungeon run episode again

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Put up a PF and run the current dungeon.

that ruins the fun people that fall for modified paypal accounts probably fall for that screencap of the "wow Yea Forums would be boring without us console warriors am i right reddit" comment chain on r/Yea Forums

>several posts over the past couple weeks about how sarg limsa is bad now
fuck, it's gonna be weird when i log in at the start of shad and i don't know anyone
like i don't really know anyone here anyway but it's nice to see people you recognize

God damn right

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how do I play dark knight


The same as the other two tanks except you constantly mash Dark Arts.

Will someone play with me and or tell me how to change my character's name? I'm lonely and stupid. Just reinstalled, I want to into ffxiv b4 shadowbringer


Squadrons are good if you have those levelled too.

>Light Data Center Emergency Maintenance (May 7)

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any particular skill to use with da? or just all of them?

Imagine a nerfed warr, shittier paladin and in either case with less versatility... where you also press dark arts constantly and as such can slip up a lot more.

Famfrit I think

Pretty sure dragoons are power bottoms

Light DC fucked for anyone else? I just want to wrap up my khloe signs and get an hour's sleep before i need to do real life things.. or are there just americans or worse yet chaosfags around?


this was so obviously made by a tank player
>tranny brd and autism nin being top

>stop using Grit
I sincerely hope you are not telling people to stop using grit for trash in dungeons, because it was dungeons being talked about there. Bosses, fine, but do that on trash and you're a trash DRK that everyone hates because your health bar is going up and down like a jojo

They could already do this to a degree by reducing the number of voice actors and offering voice sliders like you find in Sims games. That would keep multilanguage support more manageable and avoid characters with wildly unsuited voices.
This is the Xenoblade X problem. Tons of dialogue choices but also tons of actors who would have had to read the lines.

Why is the EU DC always falling apart?

sorry pal, im on a different DC

is it just me or does summoner scale really poorly in lower level content?

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I don't mind rerolling, is there a Yea Forums guild?

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dont think so anymore and even if there was i'd say to avoid it like the plague.

>Naoki Yoshida: The First, where the Shadowbringers story will take place, does indeed show similarities to areas on the Source. This is due to the splitting of Hydaelyn into fourteen shards over 10,000 years ago—each of these separate worlds went down their own path with their own history. Naturally, their history and evolution would divulge from this point, and so
we did not repurpose any existing assets.
>and so we did not repurpose any existing assets.

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Yeah. Summoner is absolute shit in 50> stuff.

just posting to call you a big gay

damn where do I make friends that aren't faggots then

There is, but you should avoid it at all cost

Wouldn't mind a bara group

That's the WoW shitposters from their classic threads, check it out sometimes you can see them even admit it. These are the same guys that post misinformation about the game, simply because they don't want competition and they are pining for their nostalgia classic WoW.

NA has broken people. Europe has a broken datacentre. (Chaos does not count as european it's arabic) Cursed game.
>no sleep
>just want to hand in khloe's story
>get btfo by rng and then maintenence
I just needed one line. I've shuffled since midnight started in vain. I need to go work at 10 too. What the fuck is this curse.

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I'm going to marry that insufferable cunt

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if it were easy then the few non-faggots you find wouldn't be good friends

>Seems like a lot of hoops for fucking nothing.
More like one hoop for no effort. I push like 80+mil/mo through word of mouth.

theres one on ultros

>Alphinaud asks me to accompany him on a diplomatic mission to Ishgard
>asks me to request permission from Minfilia to go with him
>request permission
>from fucking Minfilia



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You can still turn it in and get a new one after reset.

Why would I go through that much effort? Its not like 1 grand is a lot of money.

I have yet to claim people saying they aren't viable, everything is viable. The problem with DRK is some core things with its layout, like how its fucking shit compared to the other two tanks when you sync down even one level because you miss a massively important ability that makes the entire thing work in a good way, or how its constantly spamming dark arts over and over and over.

shes doing the politics and management shit


SMN is uniquely terrible before it hits lv. 60 and I strongly advise you just level SCH with it, then figure out SMN's rotation to that point on a striking dummy.

Um, bro? She's the boss, you're just a lackey.

>Take 11/10 song
>Ruin it with a remix
Some artists should be banned from remixing songs they sing.

Just enjoy her ass-crack and midriff while you can.

Because she runs the organization you fucking tard.

Pray return to the Waking Sands

Followup because why not.

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You sure? I won't be missing out on a week's worth of loli scamming? If so, good.. though I did still waste my entire night and potentially ruin my day at work for it at least i didn't lose my trampstamp minigame too. If true thanks user.

I mean they pretty much are, Louisoix's part of the organization was the one that actually got things accomplished and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn are totally ineffective until they luck out and get the WoL. They'd probably be doing what Minfilia's tree-hugging circle was doing before the Calamity and sit around trying to figure out what the Echo is and what it does.

I know you can turn it in on Tuesday. I think you actually have 2 weeks to complete it before it expires but I'm not 100% sure.

I was out-dpsing the shit out of everyone on SMN pre-60 as someone who hasn't played many DPS jobs. 6 Festers at the start of a fight is no joke.

hey bro here's a magical version of a cell phone
but you know what? fucking report back to me in person. bitch.

Minfilia is a manager and nice public face for the organization, plus she has connections with important people all over the place through being F'lhaminn's daughter.

Linkshells can easily be compromised, so it's safer to talk in person.

The fuck is going on with the servers?

Just imagine you bang her everytime you see her.

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They do this purely to establish dominance

Has the XIV fanbase always been this gay?

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>What part of I'm out of fucking MP..."
Stupid bitch, learn to manage resource. I hate it when dumb healers, especially the ones who used to play DPS, don't know how to manage Mana/MP/etc. They think it's just about spamming heals as fast as possible until OOM, then absolve themselves of any fault for being shit at resource management. They're worse than dumb DPS standing on AoE.

>doing the politics and management shit
Alphinaud and Tataru are doing that, user. What the fuck. All she has been doing is crying about some shitters on an island that got Atlantis'd, and ordering me to take care of her fucking mother for her. This user is speaking the truth .

For fuck's sake, even Alisaie -who fucked off for the entirety of 2.0 and came back for Coils- did more productive shit than her.

Can't wait to see her get killed or whatever.

Pray go fuck yourself, I'm playing Cactpot.

But I would never cheat on my wife, Y'shtola.

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>Hien orders combatants who can teleport to immediately aid the alliance while the remainder will take a ship
>the scions continue to offer travel time as an all-purpose excuse

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>not getting off to being bossed by a sexy woman

>Alphinaud and Tataru are doing that, user. What the fuck.
Alphinaud literally showed up in Eorzea at the beginning of the story. He didn't take a leadership role until Minfilia was gone. And Tataru is the fucking treasurer you idiot. The most she's done is information gathering.
>All she has been doing is crying about some shitters on an island that got Atlantis'd


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>hates Minfilia for not doing heroics
>loves the blandest fucking cat in the game who literally has done nothing across three fucking expansions

Redpill me on MNK, I want my melezen in those revealing outfits

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Wait. Is the WoL the MC of a student council club with Minfilia as kaichou?

This. Got a landwhale to go on Skype and finger herself in front of me one time. Not because I fancied fatties but to get off on manipulating people and having power over them. Not really into blackmail as it's a beta's game. True alpha game is to make people willingly do what you want them to do. Also got decent looking ones (average) to do what I want them to do too. Haven't really encountered any 10/10s as back then, it's usually average or below who find themselves playing MMOs because almost all normies are only interested in Stacies. It's unfortunate they all live so far. Would've had a harem by now.

Fuck Riddle of Fire.

Kinda, yeah. Minfilia even used to be a gigantic angry cunt in 1.0. She became weak and ineffective after Louisoix's death softened her.

>getting off to a cunt that needed us to find her fucking mother to make such a simple decision as moving HQs
Eh... no.

All the worst players I run into now are from Siren, Jenova, and Midgardsormr.

Just got Machinist to 70

I'm enjoying it

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If you're going for revealing, you're going to end up using non-class glamours anyway because of the obsession with robes and buttcapes.

Pic related.
This. Lyse is much worse. Minfilia is at least cute if you've japanese voices on and has reasons for being as she is. Also she's got mordred's voice I can't hate her personally at least.

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i'm autistic. how do i do this? i'm usually able to get more out of people than i give them so i think i might be on the right track

PVP is you chasing after people in vain and slowly dying or the healer dying and you getting violated afterwards.
PVE is a lot of work for little reward similar to DRK.

monk gear is trash though

Alphinaud just showed up and started doing shit after going separate ways from his sister. Started playing the diplomacy game, got well-respected all across the realm, showing himself to be resourceful and proactive.
Tataru also has had more screentime doing stuff more remotely useful than Minfilia.

Minfilia, all up to Dreams of Ice which is where I'm at, hasn't done a single thing that actually shows me that she's a strong leader. She whines, self-doubts and bitches about fucking everything. As I said , we had to go fetch her fucking mother for her to actually do what she is supposed to do in the first place. What a joke of a leader.

I mean, it wouldn't bother me as much if I actually see her outside her office for a change. But nope, she gotta stay inside, using Louisoix's staff as a dildo while crying about his death.

>loves the blandest fucking cat in the game who literally has done nothing across three fucking expansions
Well, fuck.

but her anime tiddies

Most tedious job to play in the game. Not worth leveling unless you're one of those guys that always chooses the punching class.


They're fake. You can have them too if you buy her dress goy.

Minfilia's failure to follow on Louisoix's path is an intentional development of her character after 1.0, and one which she does get retribution for. Minfilia, much like the beastmen, has stopped relying on her own power and skills and looked to higher powers to solve her problems instead (Hydaelyn and you). And much like the beastmen, it's going to bite her in the ass. Minfilia is a frustrating character, but it's intentional. And even then she still does have use because of her connections and because she has instant respect from all the alliance leaders by virtue of Louisoix naming her as his successor.

Minfilias character arc in ARR assumes you know her story from 1.0, which is a dropped ball on the writers part
But don't worry, your dumb cat will do even less than Minfilia does in all of ARR, spend 99% of HW off camera, and then get stabbed with a sword right at the start of SB coming back only so she can fall immediately into a coma
For all the complaints about Minfilia doing nothing Yshtola is 10 times worse

NIN and SAM ability names confuse me and I gave up DRG because it was so boring, maybe I'll just stick to ranged. A melee DPS would be nice though.

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You should have played it during HW. MNK was weaker overall then but comfy as fuck.

baka gaijin. it's not that hard to learn the japanese names of skills.

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We need gayer!

I'll patiently wait for shit to blow up on her face then. What you said actually got me thinking user, it makes a lot of fucking sense and explains her behavior quite accurately. Thanks!

I read all that I could find about 1.0 as I didn't have the chance to play FFXIV first incarnation. Still, there are a lot of blanks and 2.0 didn't help at all. If I was supposed to feel anything positive towards Minfilia, it has eluded me.
Regarding the cat, once again I say: well, shit. Is there any decent grill worth shit in this game?

nin abilities are in english though

You don't need to learn the names of all the abilities in order to play SAM. I've played this job for nearly two years now and despite the fact that I use them constantly I still can't remember what half my abilities are called. I just remember them by their icon and what they do.

>Hissatsu: Kaiten
>Hissatsu: Gyoten
>Hissatsu: Yaten
>Hissatsu: Yaten
>Hissatsu: Kyuten
>Hissatsu: Seigan
>Hissatsu: Guren
And descriptions like
>Converts Setsu, Getsu, and Ka into Kenki

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What DoL job should I level alongside Weaver?

Haurchefant is best girl.

>Is there any decent grill worth shit in this game?

All of them.

I don't know a nice way to put this user but if you're too confused by NIN and SAM ability names to play them you're unironically too dumb to play monk and you'd be confused by postionals and people moving around instead. Maybe in the future you can try again in case you're not dumb but just have a weird mental block for different things.

"Attack does Y" "attack does X" "Ability regenerates resource" There you go brainlet user.

Anyone on Phoenix or the Light data centre that can't get in right now? Getting connection lost every time after the loading screen.

It always bothers me when perfectly normal words are left untranslated to make something feel exotic. Samurai skills are just normal words. Translate them. The WoL should know what they mean.

They're doing some emergency maintenance


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It's not like you need to know what the skills are called. Almost nobody calls them by their name, you have your DoT, your Slashing, your Atk Up, etc.
Setsu/Gets/Ka and Kenki are just your 2 resources, it doesn't matter what they are called. Replace them with whatever you want.
Nobody fucking cares what any of this garbage is called, nor should you.

If you play dubbed, no. Japanese voices show more emotion and make a lot of female characters enjoyable in one way or another (except Lyse) the english dub just feels either boring or borderline bitchy. Stormblood has a fair amount of good waifus, HW has.. honestly fewer but has good bros. Minfilia is frustrating but also cute though Waking Sands should be nuked. I'd name names but I'd spoil more than I'd want to.

I never saw the usual maintenance message, wish I'd known. Thanks

Positionals aren't hard, that's simple, it's just moving around. And the description has English words like "rear" and "flank", not "executes nip nong ching chong".

reminder that ramza canon fucked his sister in his own game so her fucking orran in this one is a gross misrepresentation

>i can HEAR the acting
oh lord

As long as a teen gets gregunannt I'm happy.

>HW has.. honestly fewer but has good bros
Heavensward is the brojob expansion and thank god for it.

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I play on Aether and Crystal (two different characters). Both of them are literally the fucking same, except one has Balmung and one has Gilgamesh.

Wait what

It's not meant to be the same story (in fact it is impossible for it to be), so who gives a shit?

I look forward to it.

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My wife.

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I always knew Ramuh was a cute girl under that beard.


Fair enough. I went with the dub since the script isn't a direct translation, it has some differences and shit. I'm in no way a decent Japanese speaker but I have a good ear, enough to tell me that sometimes things don't exactly match up, with bothers me a bit. Just plain old autism, user.

Reminder Y'shtola and Thancred have to be constantly written out of the story because they're the only otherwise permanently present NPCs that aren't helpless idiots or can just be ignored most of the time like Urianger but are too popular to kill off just to make room for lazy writing starring dipfuck teenagers and womanchildren. Kururu since whenever she showed up too.

Also as such reminder that Papalymo literally died for the sake of every terrible scene of Lyse being a retard.

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Stop being a waifu fag, all the best written characters are male

There's only one part of the story that was actually fucked in localization and that's Haurchefant. In the Japanese he's a huge fucking lecher and comes onto your character regardless of gender, asking you to join him in bed and model swimsuits and shit. The goofy pervert anime stereotype basically. The localization team got torn to shreds once people caught wind of it though and they've sworn not to do anything like it again. Haurchefant does still retain his pervy traits in English though, they're just subtly slipped into sidequests and seasonal events.

Thancred doesn't need to be written out because his biggest skill is espionage and information gathering. We don't need to see him.

Right literally nobody having any idea what the flying fuck Midgardsormr was saying in English never happened.

I'm gonna jizz every time Eternal Wind plays in Shad.

That's a case of the playerbase being fucked retarded, user. Literally everything Middy says in the Japanese script is in the English, but it's said in a more obtuse way because that's how the lore team wanted dragons to speak.

>torn to shreds
lol no
You have to look pretty hard to find anyone demanding Haurchefant act like a mincing stereotype.
>this debunked garbage
Fuck off back to plebbit.

>"If thou comest to harm, it will not be by /my/ hand..."
>reddit has no reading comprehension skills and somehow takes this as a threat
>this is the fault of localization

And yet most of that actually ends up being done by Tataru and Alphinaud and all you hear from Thancred is that he's off in bumfuckistan killing time between patches

No you are the reddits

Same. Some people can't understand why I'd prefer japanese when I can't read it or speak it for shit. Can still understand when people talk and the quality is better. I mean don't get me wrong, some voices are okay in english too but the localization is very, very liberal and overdoes scenes while trampling character development. It isn't really a dub since it's a localization but as said it misses the mark by a long shot.
It is it is. Hien is okay and all but HW was the biggest bro expansion. Waifu wife there's the mutt and Lucia I guess. Stormblood had more in that regard imo despite Lyse getting in the way.

At least he isn't as bad as Jacke.

Also Blake Ritson and Joe Dempsie > every squeaky Japanese woman trying to sound like a little girl.

It's because you're a stupid weeb faggot and no other reason.


Your second husbando and AU derplander.

>Character 1, first phase: Who the fuck are you.
Phase 2: "You know user.. you're not all bad."
Phase 3: "Good to go partner?"
Localization phase 1: Warrior of light? Hmph.
Phase 2: ^
Phase 3: Warrior of light we must go lest the wind ceaseth. Thal's balls thou art slow.

>your second husbando

Zenos is your whirlwind affair that didn't turn out well. He also sounds pretty good.

Go back to wow normalfag.
I fucked up my greentext but I left a rough example of how it goes. I went from hating several characters to finding them either okay or likable once I started using the japanese voices.

Blake Ritson is Aymeric, but honestly every fucking male actor in English is incredible. Aymeric, Arbert, Estinien, Zenos, Grynewaht, Varis, Solus. Gosetsu is nice sometimes but he wavers in and out of his 'Doman' accent a little too often.

lol fuck off you tryhard sack of shit. FF is as normalfag as JRPGs can possibly get.

And on that day as usual user posted some really fucking stupid shit revealing that his knowledge of Japanese voice acting comes exclusively from streaming Naruto.

You should learn to read before you accuse others of saying stupid things.