Alright faggots I want to get into SMT and I only have a PC, where do I start...

Alright faggots I want to get into SMT and I only have a PC, where do I start? I don't mind playing older games as long as they're not tedious borefests.

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Emulate nocturne, son of man
Then you can either mix it up with persona 3 or move to devil survivor 1 and 2

Nocturne is your best bet.
You can also play SMT IV on citra, but Nocturne is better on PC.

Play Soul Hackers

Is SMT4 any good? Is Apocalypse standalone or you need to play 4 first?

play 4 first, if you don't like that game then don't bother with apoc.

Emulate Nocturne. You need to mess around with tbe emulator a bit but it runs fine after that.

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Nocturnebros, was there ever a patch for Chronicles that combined the translation and the hardtype mod?

SMT IV is pretty good, it's a very soft rethread of SMT1 so you'll get a very good idea what the common themes and elements are of SMT.
SMT IV:A that takes place during one of the 3 routes in SMT IV, but alternates it from there.
So don't play that before SMT IV.
Also a tip for beginners don't invest in STR.
For some reason STR only increases the powers of your basic attacks which are pretty much useless, so invest into dex if you want to use physical skills.

>not playing it the way it was meant to be played

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I'm autistic and I'd like to start with older games, which one would you recommend?

Kind of , but IVA starts just when the neutral route starts, so if you really dont like the game by that point just drop it and go for IVA
The changes to the gameplay are so good they put IVA on a league on its own

The Forces of God will be watching over this thread. Do not act like such filth.

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Shin megami tensei 1 on snes
Oh, you can also try Kyuuyaku megami tensei, it's the remake of the first 2 megaten but for snes

>Oh, you can also try Kyuuyaku megami tensei, it's the remake of the first 2 megaten but for snes
Gotcha. So if I can't handle it I skip to 3 right?

Soul Hackers

Play soul hackers it's a saturn game, but it still holds up quite well and there is a port of it on the 3ds as well.
There is also strange journey which is a ds game, but it plays very similiar to the old games.
You can also just play SMT1 which is pretty easy due to nerve bullets stunning everythjng and only gets kinda tedious like most of the more archaic SNES RPGs.
I hoped that helped

Which version of Soul Hackers should I play? I don't have a 3DS so emulation is my only option.

Nocturne or Strange Journey are usually the go-to suggestions for newcomers.

Yes, that'd be Nocturne on PS2

The only version of Soul Hackers that is in English is the 3DS one

Only the 3DS version is in english, it's an enhanced port anyway so it's the best version either way

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if you have a good enough PC that can emulate 3DS then I recommend you try out SMT Strange Journey Redux with the Citra emulator.

SNES emulator and either 1, 2 or if...

As far as I know, every mainline SMT is playable on PC.

>Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
NES Game, released in Japan only. There is a translation online, but most NES emulators won't even boot it up. Grind-heavy mess and bullshit-hard enemy encounters. Skip this one.
>Megami Tensei II
NES Game, released in Japan only. As far as I know, no complete translation exists, so unless you can read Japanese then just skip this.
>Shin Megami Tensei
SNES Game, again Japan only. A complete translation exists, although you'll need to apply a separate patch so the game isn't a buggy piece of fuck with the incorrect terminology. The first few hours are pretty decent, but it eventually turns into an absolute slog with questionable design choices, especially near the end.
>Shin Megami Tensei II
SNES game, yet again only in Japan. No fix patch exists to correct the bad terminology, but at least this time you can obtain all the enemies. Enemies are absolutely fucking relentless in this one, and the recruiting system is even more difficult than before. Only play this if you're very good with the first SMT game.
>Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
PS2 game, first mainline game officially released in North America, although technically the fifth Megami Tensei game officially released outside Japan. No patch required, just pop it in whatever PS2 emulator you have and go for it. Much more playable than the previous entries, although some of the more bizarre design choices do show its age.


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>Shin Megami Tensei NINE
XBox Game, released in Japan only. Xbox emulation is so unbelievably rare, and absolutely no official translation of this exists. It's probably for the best too, since it's said this isn't a very good game due to its attempts at being an MMO... where the multiplayer was never officially released.
>Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
DS Game. From here on out, every mainline game has been released in North America. This one plays more like the first Megami Tensei, where the entire game is one big dungeon with multiple areas, each containing sidequests, story bits, and boss fights. This game will also have the potential to make you fucking mad with its increased difficulty compared to Nocturne. It certainly isn't a very fair game, but when you beat that boss that gave you a lot of shit you feel like an unstoppable god.
>Shin Megami Tensei IV
3DS Game. I don't know a lot about 3DS emulation, but as far as I know, this is fully playable on Citra along with its semi-sequel Apocalypse. There's certainly a lot more character interaction and story compared to the other games, but it's still your typical "Law vs. Chaos" circlejerk, just with a more interesting world. It's honestly a little too easy at point since many bosses can be absolutely annihilated with the correct setup. Just make sure you know exactly how to get the regular Neutral ending though. Give it a shot if you feel like the other games are way too scary for you.
>Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
3DS Game. If you don't care about IV's accessibility, then skip that and play this one instead. The mechanics are heavily refined, bosses are more balanced, and the story of IV is pretty much retconned with this entry. You may find its new Undertale-esque "Bonds or Massacre" story routes a bit cringeworthy though, and it's worse since they both lead to the true final boss.

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Now that OP got kore than enough satisfactory answers post them

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Wait, so is Kyuukaku Megami Tensei a remake of MT I and II or SMT I and II? I thought they were the same thing.

Kyuuyaku is a remake of MT1+2. They're pretty much the same game as the NES versions, but with retweaked enemy encounters and experience curves to make them far more playable. Now the first Megami Tensei can be comfortably beaten in the span of a day if you're determined enough. They also have a new bonus dungeon and a they're fully translated as well with no fix patch required. They're much better than the NES games.

Oh, then I'll have to play Kyuukaku and give SMT I and II a try before playing Nocturne. Thanks a lot for the help.

You dont know what you're doing son of man, every human who utters the 3 words is condemned to a life of chaos and shitposting on persoyna threads

there was an user who posted a few months ago with links to all the games

check the archives

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A man in a wheel chair is telling me to summon devilman from the devilman series
Should i do it?

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What 3 words?

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How do you fix the horrible blur in a lot of areas and when moving?

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Always do whatever the man in the wheelchair does, no matter what. Under no circumstances should you ever do anything that makes him stand up.

I love Press Turn!

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If you learn how to build a proper team comp this wouldnt be an issue. the best thing about press turn is that both you and the enemy are on the same playing field.

That team he had was actually pretty competent for that level. hat fucked him over was the random crit into ailments.
I watched that stream live, they were doing pretty well actually, Dante was pretty much already dead.

thats just bad rng, it's not press turn's fault.

How did they do against pleb filter matador?

I have a 3DS, should I just play SMTIV first? Are there any other titles/ports for the 3DS? If yes, in what order should I play those? Sorry I'm lost but do want to get into the series.

Pretty good actually, Nozuchi saved the day by eating turns.

Press Turn makes RNG mishaps have waaay too much impact. If that crit hadn't given the extra turn, Dante wouldn't have used the guns, which wouldn't have panic'd and they would have been able to finish the fight.
Sure the player takes advantage of situations like this way more often than the enemy ever does, but boy is it merciless when it does.

No? Press turn either gives you the massive advantage or the enemy. The Dante fight is retarded since Rebellion is a free crit with 2x damage on hard mode and you can't do anything about it, just hope the rng doesn't fuck you over.

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How do SMT IV and Strange Journey run on Citra?

It's not because of press turn, its because his whole party was confused.
I don't care if you have press turn or not, every party member getting a bad status ailment can fuck you up in any rpg.

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I think that's just how the game is, not a result of the emulation.

IV's a fine place to start, all the MegaTen games on DS and 3DS are worthwhile, at least of the ones I've played,which is all but DeSu 2 and PQ 1 and 2. If you haven't played Persona you mihgt not want to bother with PQ though, it is good as far as I know, but you'd be missing out on the fanservice and I imagine you're better off just playing Etrian Odyssey at that point.

There's a patch


Alright Yea Forums, after i finish Nocturne I need a new SMT to play. Ive already beaten 4 and 4A (P3, P5, and TMS as well).
Should I:
Finish SMT 1 (got up to Thor)
Play Soul Hackers
Play Strange Journey DS
Play Devil Survivor

Finish 1.

Play the remakes you dolt
SJR and DeSu overclocked

I already own SJ vanilla and Overclocked 1&2 and I'd rather not buy Redux unless it really adds a lot

Then you're fine, they're not that big a deal unless you get them for cheap. Play Soul Hackers.

Based son of man.

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