You wanna know why Nintendo has stopped caring about third parties when it comes to their consoles? This is why. Even games it can run, its get a single PS2 game out of 3. Unbelievable.
You wanna know why Nintendo has stopped caring about third parties when it comes to their consoles? This is why...
Yes. It's such a shame switchfags won't get the pleasure of experiencing masterpiece that is DMC2.
I beyond pity them because of it.
Nice ESL tier English op
Its not bad English. Only fucky part is the "its get" part.
I have literally not seen a single person excited for this
The only excitement i see is from Smashfags thinking it means he's in
If it's only 20 bucks, I'm fucking down for portable devil may cry
Look over your punctuation, it’s terrible
>paying 20 bucks for a game you can get for 5
You're part of the problem
>If it's only 20 bucks, I'm fucking down for portable devil may cry
That's a lot, I would pay $10
Not him but where can you get dmc 1 on PS4 for 5$?
Why the fuck is 3 not on the eshop? This is ridiculous. The Switch could even run 4 with ease, what the fuck?
Switch will never get 3. 2 will sell horribly and Capcom will believe Switch owners don't want DMC
You have to get the whole hd pack with all 3, no? You're kinda omitting that fact. Also, without the other silly ports, DmC 5 would never have been made, and I know this one won't fund another game, but why not port it to a system that would be really fun to play it on? 20 dollars is pretty standard for a newly released port of an older game. It sounds like you're just poor, user.
>Paying 20 dollars for a single game you can get 3 for, including that one
But more people would buy 3 for Switch than 1.
They're porting the games individually since Switch isn't a PS4/Xbone and they have to tweak shit. At least, I assume that's why. Did they finally fix Griffon's broken animations?
Just 1? I didn't even know you could get DMC1 anymore without it being tied to 2 and 3 in the HD collection.
It's just showing how soulful and based is the sixth generation.
>They're porting the games individually since Switch isn't a PS4/Xbone and they have to tweak shit.
May I remind you they are dumping 3 old Resident Evil games THE EXACT SAME DAY this month? There's no excuse here
tweak what exaclty?
The Nintendo markup
DMC was the only good one anyway. After Itsuno got a hold of the series he turned it into braindead combo wank.
Aspects of how it runs, since it's an entirely different beasts and the modern port is a bit lazy in places. Same deal as stuff like DS Remastered, just less extensive.
Also the modern ports have a bunch of errors.
If it was Capcom the HD collection would have been expensive as fuck on Steam and other consoles. It's only Switch that is getting this kind of treatment meaning it's Nintendo.
You honestly believe that Capcom would only charge $20 for this port?
Nintendo does not control the prices of third party games. This is all on Capcom
>only getting DMC1 port
>not even a remake
>not even getting the HD collection
You like this?
Funny how shit like this keeps happening only on a Nintendo system though huh?
People clearly don't remember Mass Effect on Wii U and large companies in general treating Nintendo like a red-headed stepchild when it's not necessary, though Mass Effect was EA being absolutely fucking assmad about Nintendo telling them to fuck off with the proposition of EA handling Nintendo's online services
That's probably why Nintendo does not care about third parties anymore. They've stopped distribution of Capcom's games because of shit like this
You really think Nintendo enjoys getting the short end of the stick?
Do you not remember the Dark Souls incident?
My god I remember the salt, it was amazing. They threatened to never put their sports games on Nintendo systems ever again. What petty little fucks.
>You wanna know
the name?
Devil may cry
Truth be told I enjoy Nintendo being almost an untouchable in the industry, it makes squabbles like "Apple will buy Nintendo one day" and EA vs. Nintendo hysterical.
Nintendo cultivated this enviroment with the Wii U, it is their fault that third parties don't trust their consoles and Nintendo have done nothing to show the Switch is anything different.
>Nintendo cultivated this enviroment with the Wii U,
Try the N64 which was hideous to develop for. The drought of third-parties first started there.
Amazing, not even the HD collection, why do switchfags put up with this shit?
I mean you're right, but it's also frustrating because companies keep flipflopping on whether they wanna put cool little side projects on their systems or fuck them sideways. It's been like 20 years since they were cunts to third parties and the systems now have wide enough audiences to support more than just bing bing and pokemon, give it a fucking rest already instead of being so spiteful.
Can't deny that. Their decision to stick with carts cost them a lot including FF7. Unfortunately I don't think anything will ever change because Nintendo quite frankly don't give a single fuck about any title that isn't made or funded by them.
>Nintendo cultivated this enviroment with the NES
"You can only publish a set number of games per year, and we decide what gets in and what you have to change."
>Nintendo fans get fucked over constantly by third parties
>be surprised when they stop buying your games
Capcom is just proving this by giving them a costly inferior deal compared to other consoles. Its third parties' fault.
Wii U flopped
Switch didn't
Why are third parties still pussyfooting?
It's confusing too because the Switch port of a given game tends to be the highest-selling of any platform it's available on, but it's probably more to do with the average large company not wanting to abide by Nintendo's terms or field the costs for their own cartridge manufacture (ie Ubisoft gimping Rayman Legends' port because they can't into compression and didn't want to foot the bill for higher-capacity cartridge manufacture). I'm sure there's something going on behind closed doors that we're not seeing with the lack of third-party support on Nintendo systems, even if pettiness is a factor proven by EA.
Don't own a Switch but at least they'll get to see the series at its best.
>stupid fucking dipshits are trying to make console war threads when in reality most Nintendo fans only like part one and know the rest of the series is absolute shit
Nah, it's just pettiness because Nintendo was fucking horrible to all of them at some point. That's why small companies and newer companies don't bother with this shit and release their games normally.
This. Japanese businessmen are so fucking pathetic
Nah, they've got good reason to be pissed. They just haven't quite caught on that Sony's dropping the ball again.
Capcom's been doing really well lately, curb your persecution complex.
DMC1 is the best game in the series anyways so I don't know why you'd complain.
>diablo 3, la noire, and fifa sold the most on shitch
Yikes, kys
>inb4 some shitty indie game nobody cares about
lmao stop playing on DH.
Not on Switch they haven't. Ports of games that have been jacked up in price, and now just a single PS2 game. It really seems like Capcom just has it out for the Switch for no reason. Its not a persecution complex if it is literal persecution.
Capcom is being fucking greedy you shill.
>Capcom's been doing really well lately
is that why they killed on development on DMC 5? and are only porting DMC 1 to switch? i guarentee capcom isnt back and they will fuck it up somehow
Because the switch stinks.
>capcom is petty
>nevermind Nintendo being absolutely horrible to work with
>Being this much of a console war faggot
If this shit happens on one system, Capcom will try to spread it to ALL systems if they keep getting away with it
>DMC on the go!
>is that why they killed on development on DMC 5?
No, they killed development on DMC5 because Itsuno needs to go work on DD2.
>"Apple will buy Nintendo one day"
Why people say this non-sense
>nevermind Nintendo being absolutely horrible to work with
Are you stuck in the 90s user?
Oh no, muh Nintendo :(
Kill yourself faggot.
Why only the first game and not the whole HD Collection or even the whole series?
Nintendo isn't the one getting fucked over here. People who want portable games are.
> Ports of games that have been jacked up in price
Like what? SF was a launch-window title, that's just good business. DDDA is a full game regardless of how old it is. MHXX is an updated version, those are always full price. Mega Man 11 is a full game. Okami was like 30 bucks last I checked, which is only a little more than I paid for my PS2 copy last year.
I don't know, maybe if you narrowed down your complaints this would be easier to discuss, there are a lot of Capcom games on Switch.
>Its not a persecution complex if it is literal persecution.
Well no it still is. Being inferior doesn't prevent you from having an inferiority complex. Same with persecution.
You expect modern Capcom to be capable of making even remotely intelligent decisions?
Because they're stupid and vastly, VASTLY underestimate the amount of money Nintendo has
Resident Evil 0, 1, and 4 are 30 bucks a piece on Switch.
Every other system they've re-released on they've only been 20. Now explain how that doesn't seem spiteful or isn't persecution in any way.
you dont need itsuno there to vergil playable
Is it even the HD version, or is it just going to be a straight port of the original release they found in a drawer somewhere?
Why do the fanboys ITT think a massive company like Capcom would put pettiness or persecution above profit maximization (basically the only reason it has survived all these decades)?
They're porting one (1) PS2 game because they can, because Switch users will buy it. In fact, the decision to port only 1 could be based on some consumer research telling them that Nintendo customers are more likely to buy a game if its stand alone and it being part of a collection would make it look less Worthwhile to them. Or maybe they believe it's the only one they'd buy. Or that they are like to shell out for each individual sequel. Who knows what complex consumer info a big company has, that allows them to stay in business over decades.
The fanboy logic ITT is borderline conspiratorial. Businesses want to make money, they don't dwell petty disputes previous staff were involved in. The reality is that Switch falls way short of the PS/XB baseline so it's extra dev focus required, and 3rd parties perceive the Switch audience as way more casual and bad with money.
Only shills care about how much money a company makes because in the end it always fucks over the consumer. Therefore you are most likely a shill.
getting dripfed a port of DMC1 when other consoles got all 3 in one day is a factually inferior deal.
so like 3 games? That's not very many to be judging capcom on
But maybe you're right. Maybe the division that handles ports is worse than the division that handles the stuff that matters, like actually making good games.
>he reality is that Switch falls way short of the PS/XB baseline so it's extra dev focus required
Not for the DMC HD Collection. That shit was on PS360 easily. Switch can play ANY PS360 game easily and be the best version of that game.
>Nintendo customers are more likely to buy a game if its stand alone and it being part of a collection would make it look less Worthwhile to them.
Nobody has ever thought this. Ever. This is some serious damage control.
Well judging by this DMC1 port its gonna be a repeat
Oh they can, but only when to comes to anything other than the Switch.
Nice samefagging
>20 bucks
$10 and I'm twisting my arm there
You didn't understand my post if you think I 'care' how much they make. I was describing not prescribing. The simple profit maximization reality still refutes the fanboy conspiracies ITT.
I didn't talk about power. I said it requires an additional focus since they can't treat Switch the same way as current PS/XB/PC, both in terms of hardware and consumer taste.
It was a hypothetical among several you myopic retard. My point was that anything could be the case for why this was good business sense. We don't have the data that they do.
It cant cost more than the collection, thats just a fact, if it does it will flop as hard as the Mass Effect Wii U situation.
That would just be cruel.
Those graphics look horrible on modern screens.
Have you forgotten their first game for the Switch already? SF2 for $40.
>You didn't understand my post if you think I 'care' how much they make.
You do. Don't lie you shill.
No I mentioned that. That's just good business. It was a launch window title and there wasn't much else to play. You'd be retarded to sell it for cheap. People at the time were willing to pay that much for it.
Their "data" is to milk Switch suckers by dripfeeding them old games and not give them much else. Its called Greed 101
Conspiratard who thinks I'm more likely to be someone paid by Capcom to post in fucking Yea Forums threads than to be a random dude noticing that the Nint fanboy narrative contradicts basic business practice.
And their decision to pursue that is based on marketing data. Nin tards are such fanboys that they think basic business practices should be put in quotations but obviously Nintendo's enemies are not just trying to make a profit based off how much Switch owners tend to put up with anyway, no, they're obviously being greedy in a much more evil way! They want to destroy Nintendo and insult us Switch gamers with their greed! It's personal! Will you take a stand against these overpaid CEOs (because salaries aren't decided by the market either, it's evil Greed again!) my fellow Toddler commies!?
>Conspiratard who thinks I'm more likely to be someone paid by Capcom to post in fucking Yea Forums threads than to be a random dude noticing that the Nint fanboy narrative contradicts basic business practice.
Using 5 dollar words and spouting "no u" does not change the fact only shills care about company profits, and no consumer in their right mind would care or want to know about company profits or business. Therefore, you are a shill.
>Actually supporting companies milking userbases dry
That another user is right, you are a shill.
This is fantastic cause I've been wanting to replay DMC1 but I was too cheap to by the collection. Now I can pirate it on the Switch. Hope the other 3 come to it as well.
Can the switch even run DMC4 properly without visual downgrades?
No shit it can run DMC4, it runs fucking modern day ID games.
I'm not a shill. In fact this debate makes me want to pay Capcom more for their games knowing that it will encourage them to ripoff brainlets like you. Fischer Price wrecked your minds
You gain nothing by Capcom ripping off Switch owners, unless you do because you're a SHILL that gets paid for it!
Yea Forumsintengaf has been begging for games on their shit port so this ain't a surprise
Without any BS graphical and technical downgrades though?
Shills get paid for shilling, not by how well the company does. Sounds like your obsession with kiddy games has left you with a kiddy understanding of the world.
I don't get paid in shekels to point out your idiocy, I get paid in joy.
possible reasons:
they're porting it by itself because they have no faith in its sales on a nintendo console
they're porting it by itself because every "HD" port of it has had issues they might be trying to fix
they're porting it by itself because they don't want to pay for a cart that would fit 1-3 so they'll put them on the eshop piecemeal
Of course, fucking Switch is a fair amount more powerful than the PS3.
Its more likely that it would use the PC textures.
If it does come out downgraded then its 100% a Capcom business decision made by the same person who decided RE0 on Switch is worth $60
Nice Nice.
Third parties aren't fond of nintendo because any game they try to sell on the platform has to compete with Mario and Zelda and Pokemon.
If you're a 10 year old kid what are you gonna buy with your new switch, the new Mario title you've heard about and gets pushed by nintendo because it's first party or some random third party title?
This problem doesn't exist on the other 2 platforms because their audience is more diverse, literally everyone who buys a switch either picked up Mario Odyssey, Zelda or both. This isn't the case with ANY single titles on Playstation or Xbox.
there's not really a difference.
The only joy you get is when Capcom's paycheck comes in
Go sell me this shitty port in another thread shill
Isn't that like a marketing thing?
Right now the best selling digital game on the eshop is Mortal Kombat with Diablo and Cuphead sitting up there as well.
Apple has way more money than Nintendo.
Nintendo will market your game if you put in effort. Octopath got heavily promoted by Nintendo and sold almost 2 million copies.
Capcom has done nothing to warrant being promoted. In fact Nintendo actually cut Dragon's Dogma from the last Nintendo Direct outside Japan.
Nintendo used to promote and advertise Capcom's games, they did for plenty of their 3DS MonHuns. But as you can see that has since changed.
The whole notion of "avoiding nintendo platforms because 1st party games are too intimidating" is retarded. Nintendo games being massive juggernauts during the NES years didn't stop Castlevania, Contra, DQ, FF, Gradius, Mega Man and countless other 3rd party titles from becoming hits and creating sustained franchises. Nintendo 1st party games have to sell massive amounts because they're supposed to sell the consoles themselves, while 3rd party games are there to sweeten the deal once customers have the system. Nintendo games doing well means 3rd party games ALSO do well because there are more console-owning customers who can notice their games. 1st party games are ADDITIVE to 3rd party successes, not subtractive.
>He actually believes this
What actually happened is that Sony was making a ton of exclusive third party deals behind the scenes. FFVII was paid for. It had nothing to do with the hardware.
What SHOULD have happened is the same thing that happened during the Genesis era. Companies should have developed for both consoles and utilized their strengths and weaknesses. Isn't it strange how third parties abandoned Nintendo AND Sega at the same time in favor of Playstation?
Octopath and games like it are purely for the "enthusiast" market. There is no way any marketing from nintendo will ever get a game like that to sell like hotcakes automatically like Mario does.
Nintendo has slowly dug themselves into a corner, albeit an extremely profitable corner, over the decades by making their first party titles their identity, whether it be a calculated move or not. Back in NES and Super Nintendo days, Capcom and Konami and other companies were seen as equals to nintendo's output but as their quality fell Nintendo stayed consistent and what we have today is the result of that, tons of consumers that buy Nintendo consoles ONLY for nintendo games. The installbase numbers might be high, but the effort required to make something that appeals to that base enough to buy your game over a Nintendo game is high as well.
but there is no possible way for Nintendo to be bought. In no way shape or form.
A better question is why not DMC Trilogy? Why do third parties think is acceptable to give 20 year old scraps to Nintendo like they're doing them a favor?
Yet Activison can get three remakes of Crash Bandicoot on one Switch cart.
They will go with their usual excuse we are using DMC1 to test the water even though we said we are using Dragons Dogma to test the waters, wonder what next game they will use to test the waters that will sell in their target range.
At least Nintendo isn't advertising them in the west.
They made sure Dragons Dogma and the 3 RE games were not in their US Nintendo Direct.
Onimusha was 20 so yeah probably what it's gonna be.
There's no fucking way its going to be $20 or less, not when resident evil is $30.
Even if it was thats still unacceptable since the whole collection cost that much.