Is Fallout dead?

Is Fallout dead?

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"Fallout: a post-nuclear roleplaying game" is dead. The abomination that is "Bethesda®'s Fallout" is still kicking unfortunately

I hope so

Well they released Tactics then were never heard from again. I hope it stays dead instead of getting a corpse raping like other great old gaes have had happen to them when they were "rebooted"

begone thots

So he killed her. To rape her right?

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Quality Fallout? Probably.
Brew your own Nuka-Shine, arm wrestle Deathclaws wearing custom paintjob Power Armor Fallout? It will never die.

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I need a Vault Girl companion mod for New Vegas

We'll see.
They've got one more chance to redeem the franchise. Fallout 5 better be good.

No, but it would be better if it were.

Fallout 5 will probably come out in a decade or so, by then everyone will have hyped themselves for TES VI and Todd Howard, and forgotten about how much of a trainwreck 76 is.

76 for now though seems like to Bethesda as BoS was to Interplay.

I didn’t even bother with 4. Is it worth it? New Vegas was just too fucking good

With the DLC's and not caring about the story? Yes.

Gameplay is good enough, then?

Depends on what draws you to Fallout.
If you liked New Vegas for its freedom in regard to builds and questline choices, 4 might not appeal to you, especially if you also enjoyed the older games.

If you want a streamlined loot n shoot experience, 4's not that bad.

4 had decent exploration and the improved gunplay felt better than 3/NV. I enjoyed it for what it was and knew it wouldn't be an RPG going into the game so I wasn't disappointed when I was right.

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What? Fallout 4 provides way more incentive for developing builds based on what you enjoy. It makes use of a system that lets you develop your character to the styles you have decided you like at the beginning of the game, as opposed to Older Fallouts which have you depend heavily on your starting Skills and knowing which character you would be playing from the start.

Fallout 4s map is also set up to provide far more room for choosing your own pathways to get to the main points. New Vegas essentially holds your hand all the way to Vegas, Fallout 4 gives to a dot that it suggest you go to, but yeah whatever, you don't know how to get there. The story isn't the greatest in conjunction with other fallouts, and the settlement system was poorly executed, and I find most of the weapons and armor abhorrent, but map freedom and exploration is the one thing Bethesda still excels at.

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Gunplay in New Vegas was better than 4

If you like the combat and exploration half of the gameplay then yes its fun, if you like rpg mechanics and dialogue you will be disappointed, your skills don't impact anywhere near as much so there basically no such things as builds once you get enough perk points to become a jack of all trades and you get 4 voiced dialogue options spoken by pre written character who can't stop talking about his son. Story is trash overall and theres only 1 or 2 memorable side quests.

I'm finding these way more attractive than I'm supposed to

Reminder that Shadman created Vault Girl.

they're drawn to be sexy, what you mean?

Bless his soul.

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Why does this board want games to stop being made


just added this one to my playthrough. was expecting a buggy mess but it's 10/10, just needs to do the whole perk chart now

wtf murdering women is sexy to me now

I want shit games to stop being made

not anymore

What is it about Shadman that sets redditors into a frenzy?

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I like weebshit but this is fucking disgusting, what's wrong with you?

The gameplay in 4 is the best in the series. That isn't saying much though since the last two games were shit in that department.

You are retarded.

No its not. Stop lying

76's launch was far worse than BOS but in terms of the game itself, 76 isn't nearly as bad as BOS.

we'll see how this game turns out and then the next Fallout game, these 2 things will greatly determine the future of tyhis franchise. Pray for Chris Avellone to be the next lead writer for the next Fallout game and we might be okay, which is an actual possibility considering he's freelance now. Shit i'll even settle for streamlined RPG elements if it means better dialogue and Fallout 2/ New Vegas level writing. That would give me a happy sense of closure for the series as a whole, i really don't want the series to end on this note

I have over 600 hours on NV and I think 4 has way better gun play. You've either never played 4 or are just delusional.

all of which is completely nulllified because of no level cap. you will get all perks. you will get all skills. in the end your character will always have the exact same abilities, essentially meaning you'll always have the same exact build, superman who oneshots deathclaws with a lead pipe.

Better guns too

GUNplay, not GAMEplay, you illiterate mong.

>but map freedom and exploration is the one thing Bethesda still excels at.

I cant fathom how people think F4s leveled, empty map is in any way fun to explore. With the exception of shitty pamphlets and bobbleheads that provide red raw stat upgrades, there is absolutely no reason to explore any more dungeons after having completed 5 of them. No story telling through item placement, no sense of progress and growth, pipe weapons in """""""late game""""""" areas, lore retconns as a result of these shitty design choices such as X01 spawning in pre war bunkers.. jesus man the list just goes on and on. This game, without mods, is fucking terrible for exploration.

4 has a mod for anime girl NPCs now. I'm playing it again

Mayhaps the fact he has actually drawn real drawn CP. No joke, the real fucking deal. Those kiwifarm chris fellating motherfuckers have that shit in the thread on him, since I ain't downloading actual fucking drawn CP. Not anime shit, actually real shit.

Never post that again please.

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I did type gunplay did I not fag?

Cringe and cuckpilled

>drawn real drawn CP.



>Are these shad monsters?
B should give it to A and they should split any money A makes.
B should let C be an apprentice, since apparently she's a prodigy flute maker. And open a flute store.

B is really the MVP here.

It's in the dark age phase. Happens to plenty of games. You'll have to deal with it for probably the next 12 years.


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Child B should sell it to Child A
Child C may listen to Child A's if she doesn't mind the audience.

maybe some user should draw you getting killed so we don't have to listen to your bullshit anymore.

It's on a nose dive. Unless Todd somehow manages to not completely fuck TESVI, all hope is lost.

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If you shut your brain off it's a fun little exploration/shooty/bang-bang/dressup/romance game easily worth 15 bucks or a pirate
install some sexy mods and some joke mods, pick a waifu and go around shooting people. It's a grand old time

Just don't think about the trash story of the shitty sidequests

Pretty sure he ment used real CP has reference in a drawing. Like rustle.

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>Unless Todd somehow manages to not completely fuck TESVI
I would say that Starfield is the real canary in the coal mine here. If they do that well, we can hold a little hope out; if they fuck up even a new IP, the company is boned.

I just uninstalled my F4 game entirely with over 50gbs of mods installed. That shit isnt salvageable

>Like rustle
That was slander and broke the poor man's heart.

They have been awfully quiet about that one. So far, they have been pushing Doom 2019, mainly because people have actual confidence in Id. But they have also been trying to get people to join their shitty service through Doom, which gives me a really bad vibe.

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Don't bother. The voiced player character ruins it.

H-ha yea. I've not seen the reference material on Yea Forums or any thing.

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My favorite part of Fallout is looting desicated ruins for resources and shit yet Fallout 4 just didn't do anything for me because the story sucked and the shit you gather resources for was the most barebones shit.

If it never goes single player again, yes, it is.

link to the nexus or modname?

his art fucking sucks
it's irredeemable shit
people that watch pewdiepie that think every single edgy thing is the funniest shit like his art

You actually like 76? Are you retarded?

Western cartoon porn is often shit yes.

He is saying the exact opposite.

He said that IF it dose not go back to single player it will be "dead".

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It dies when Van Buren was cancelles.

>The gameplay in 4 is the best in the series.
You did not, but I agree. It feels way better to shoot in 4 than any other fallout game.

>"Fallout" 4

how disappointing

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Why did they make the main guy in 4 sound like such a faggot? I don't want to play as homo.

if Bethesda were to continue the West Coast story in Denver it could be saved, but for some reason Todd is so against doing anything with the NCR. also retcon 76 as a training simulator released by vault-tec for the members of vaults they knew would open so they hopefully had some skills before-hand

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>real cp

Thats like a homeless man on house arrest

that it is friend. i enjoy playing with the colors though

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murdering women has always been sexy

It is for me.
Seriously, I've been trying to get FO4 to work for the past couple of days. Every time I enable around 60-80 mods, I start getting crashes in random places.
Doesn't matter which mods I have, if it's over that number, I start to sometimes crash. Under, and I'm perfectly fine.Can't even find help on the internet for this specific issue, so fuck me I guess.

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>continue the West Coast story
Please no... let them do their east coast wackiness, death is more merciful for the west than letting Todd play with it

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No. There will be more Fallout games.
Mass Effect is dead.

you are fucking braindead. you thInk funs with no recoil and not being able to sprint and move diagonally is good gameplay??

This. I don't want them to fuck up the previous stories, they can stick to East Coast or Midwest

Nora sounds sexy with her mature deep smooth voice


I'm still fucking mad about Fallout 76.
My innawoods, man...

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Agreed. Fallout is fucked up right now because Bethesda are a bunch of screw ups but the setting hasn't been irreparably damaged it just needs competent people to take advantage of it.

In contrast Mass Effect 3 did irreparable damage to the series with an ending that destroyed any narrative potential the setting had.

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all three shall become my concubines to bear my children. once our girl children have become ripe, these sows will have outlasted their usefulness and they will be slaughtered for my amusement and eaten.

I find it baffling that they could not take a few hints from Conan Exiles or Subnautica. How can you fail this hard?

Yeah its a shame, a Fallout set out in the wilderness could have been great and would have made a lot of sense considering how poor the engine is at rendering cities full of people.

Instead they make a shit tier multiplayer game that clashes with established lore.


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Ok you delusional retard

>over 600 hours in NV
And thats a lot? lol ok

>I saw it man, I swear!

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Split the flute into two equal halves. Then split one half into three equal halves. I give each of the girls a piece of the split half, and I keep the other half for myself.

Drawings aren't real.

3 was the best though NV is pretty good too. I started with 2 but 2 is fucking garbage.

>the burned man's VA had an episode in voyager where he played a religious fanatic

So is Sawyer a trekkie or something? I can't chalk that up as coincidence on top of dorn being a major fallout character

>actually drawn real drawn

pretty much. their greed caused them to kill the franchise. bethesda has a pretty scummy history so im not surprised. retards will still suck their dick anyways because they believe mods make any game good.

I watched that interview.
Dunno why it became a meme, but it was interesting.

anti incel shitposters made it a thing on Yea Forums and it spread from there

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The main source was Matt/GraphiteKnight/virgin inflation namefag for the longest time, mostly because his stuff wasn't viraling beyond Dragons Crown threads the same way Shad's stuff was circa 2011, everywhere

I see Robutts, Minus8, and Zankuro - all just as one-trick - spammed the same way Shad's stuff is, but everyone instead goes "TIME TO JACK-OFF" or "THIS IS BETTER LOLI BECAUSE-"


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>sellout sponsor ad in the middle of the video
fuck right off. I can't believe people just eat this shit up.

Pretty much. It's not looking good for TES either at this point

Please stop shilling your shit here

It’s pretty reddit nowadays so hopefully honestly glad ruined any conversation about post apocalyptic games almost like how bloodborne is constantly brought up when talking about love craft shit

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I think people have finally woken up to how lazy and incompetent Bethesda is, there is very little hype around the Elder Scrolls game too.

>drawn real CP

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no one cares aspie

>There's little hype around a game that doesn't exist beyond a title, and doesn't even have a subtitle yet
No shit
The real litmus test comes when they actually reveal any meaningful information about ES6

elder scrolls and fallout have a chance if Bethesda advances their engine... which they have to... and understand meaningful dialogue options.

Fuck off fag. The video is fucking obnoxious and so are you

So you are saying they are doomed?

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I wish I was that concrete.

Gameplay is not good enough at all it’s more of a looter shooter dialogue is god awful

i have 300 mods installed on fo4 play through, ask me anything

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how are you?

one of my companions has a dildo bat with an 100% chance of the homerun perk

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haha touche. yeah, they're doomed.

no one cares aspie

>three equal halves

no one cares aspie

hahhahahahahaahah why am i still laughing

Remember the choices that you could make in skilling that impacted what rewards you got, what areas were accessible when, how people reacted to you?
Well, we sold all that for 100% voice acting with redundant choices and slightly better gunplay.
>is it dead?
In spirit, yes. In playercount, getting there.
Fallout 5 will get bad press, it will get good paid press, and endless hordes of people wanting to feel cool about shooting things and wearing garbage.
The engine develops very slowly, and is never re-created from scratch, which is what they direly need.

>Pain domination
>ah hell yeah that sounds rad
>its all buffs and heals


Wait that wasn't supposed to go here

>born one generation too early and couldn't experience slutty girls cosplaying and pretending to like video games in my teens

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>tfw grew up in the generation when feminists were demanding females be represented in skimpy clothing

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Fallout 5 will probably start you out in power armor.


I wonder if that new IP Bethesda is working on even has a plot.

I love Toph! Thanks for posting her.

nice reading comprehension

please help

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>Every time I enable around 60-80 mods, I start getting crashes in random places.
what mod manager?

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fuck, man. bringing back the hype before anything got confirmed. thought it'd be a single player nv-style half-quel set in the comfy woods of west virginia, ripe for /k/ larping. i fucking hate the reddit-tier youtube clickbait mouthbreathers jumped on the bitching-train to hate on it, not because they aren't right but because they're """outraged""" for the wrong fucking reasons

Bethesda hasn't made a good game since Morrowind and it's all been steadily downhill from there.

honestly? it'd be better if it didn't. bethesda's games are at their best when you're just walking around. if they just did faction shit like kenshi and had good build variety, it'd be my game of the year

what kind of mod software do you use?

This isn't technically true about game engines. Even if the game uses the same engine it's iterated on. Improvements are made to the code, bugs are fixed unless your Bethesda, new functionalities are added, etc. There's a world of shit you can do to an old engine to modernize it.

Bethesda's issue is that their engine is and has been dog-shit for years, and they very likely don't have any competent programmers left who could possibly fix it.
