Just quickly leaking that Sly 5: Proud Thieves will be announced at the next State of Play...

Just quickly leaking that Sly 5: Proud Thieves will be announced at the next State of Play. Sanzaru Games and a part of Sucker Punch are working on it.

The reveal will begin with a Sucker Punch logo and rainy dark environment which makes everyone assume that it's Ghost of Tsushima. Then Sanzaru Games logo pops up and you'll see Sly.

Don't tell anyone.

Attached: Mystery figure.jpg (640x360, 35K)

>shitty old game for furries
Who fucking cares

>Best game series of all time
I care.

>Sanzaru Games

Attached: 1555184403333.jpg (406x475, 39K)

Sadly, this. I don't believe OP for a second but I just hope sly is dead. He doesn't deserve to suffer any longer

After ditching the art styles from the main trilogy and ruining the story?

With a part of Sucker Punch.

Sly is cool..

But I really want a true infamous 3. Especially since infamous 1 will be 10 years old this year.


I fucking wish

>tfw it came out too late for a vita cross release
You guys have no idea how comfy sly is on this thing

Attached: shirovita3ds.jpg (1200x800, 191K)

I want to kiss sly

You said this same shit last year for E3 or something, fucker. I remember.

Can i tell Gaztons the commander?

Attached: gaztons.jpg (423x544, 32K)

No, I did not.

Attached: Mystery figure 2.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

I'll only buy it if they retcon that stupid fucking Penelope twist and send whoever wrote it to prison

i hope

i want to fug

Attached: sly.png (1024x1450, 1.62M)


Yes, yes you did. The post was word-for-word.

is it that good on vita? low key want. i heard some of the vita ports of ps2 games were meh

Sorry, you're mistaken.

Attached: Mystery figure 3.jpg (555x250, 73K)

Clearly you're the mistaken one because you lied then and you're lying now.

>Ratchet & Clank
>Crash Bandicoot
>The best platformers out there
>dude its just furshit
Your loss.


>i heard some of the vita ports of ps2 games were meh
only jak
MGS and Sly are fantastic
Rachet is great but it's a slightly lower res than the vita screen, same with god of soi
jak is pretty shit

>Sanzaru Games
Meh, call me back when it's Sucker Punch again.

Part of Sucker Punch also, can you not read?