This is objectively the best game of all time. You cannot dispute this

This is objectively the best game of all time. You cannot dispute this

Attached: bestgame.png (250x360, 97K)

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why did they ask a 6 year old to design the cover?

Correct. This is the best song from this game; also an indisputable fact.

Attached: 1514174236911.gif (150x150, 6K)

it's beautiful man.

But that's not Lonely Rolling Star.

>This is objectively the best Katamari game of all time. You cannot dispute this.

First one's better

>creator didn't even want to make it

Super monkey ball is the perfect game

Attached: Super_Monkey_Ball_Coverart.png (256x363, 186K)

this guy gets it
the game is a big "fuck you" to namco

Katamari Damacy feel like it is what it should have been, nothing more, nothing less. It feels like a full package that shouldn't have had a sequel. We Love Katamari adds some new things but doesn't feel perfect. Katamari Damacy is the best Katamari game, and maybe the best game of all time.

It's a great game. I hope they do a Switch port.

God Namco just release We Love Katamari Reroll already
You've got most of the assets done thanks to the first one.

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I've been playing the first one on emulator and I'm stuck on star #5. Is it the emulator or am I just shit?
>fail level
>the king shits on you
>win level
>the king shits on you
God damn it

Attached: 1556763220026.png (303x305, 101K)

I mean the king always shits on you, he just shits on you less if you succeed.
Completing star #5 should unlock the next star. Been a while since I played the first one but maybe you have to do a bonus level to get the next one to pop. Try that, then thoroughly check the map for any stages. After that you can blame the emulator.

Why not just get it on Steam/pirate the PC version?

that song wasn't even in katamari 2 you fucking retard

It's my favorite game of all time and one of the games that defined my taste in media so I can't disagree with you.
Funny since the first game is by far the easiest. Every time I replay it I wind up effectively maxing out my size on each stage with several minutes to spare, and I can't remember the last time the King shat on me.
If you think the first game is hard, the later ones are noticeably more demanding. Have fun user.

Attached: pac man prince.jpg (490x434, 26K)

After having recently gained a fetish for hyper balls on top of massive asses, I've come to a realization that our species is obsessed with balls. It's like, through ball unity. We will complete the universe.


Attached: Steam_2019-05-06_17-04-23.png (926x184, 80K)

Did you get all the shooting stars?

Katamary damacy
>lets keep the gameplay simple and not add different stages and challenges
We love katamary
>fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that
If there ever was a game where change one thing and it gets better applies

I don't know for sure, but i'm pretty damn good at completing the stages quickly and i'm fairly certain i saw one after every level.
I really hope 100% collectibles isn't the requirement because fuck that.

thats no baby universe

I know it goes against Takahashi's vision for Katamari, but I think having varied objectives and a scoring system really helped make the games more compelling.
Trying to get 120 points on each level in Katamari Forever really made me stop and appreciate the level design and physics of the game.

>Makes objectively superior game to the original in everything save for maybe music
Yeah, sure showed them

you guys get nothing. it's just a superior sequel in all facets. "You want another, well let's see how much you like THIS!" a lot.

I'm pretty sure it is 100% collectibles since it's a pretty sharp dropoff of people who have achieved it.
Fuck that indeed.

this is the only game I've ever preordered.

I'm trying really hard to avoid checking maps, and most of the time I just get stuck in a corner or some fucking asshole kicks my katamari halfway across the map
I dunno, I've always been handy with emulators and I appreciate all of the settings that come with one

Attached: 1549160157736.png (264x388, 227K)

PC version is pretty jank.

They tried to make it 60fps in fucking unity but only certain animations like the GUI actually run in that speed. The gameplay camera and movement occurs at 30fps, so you get a weird mix of things moving at different FPS

You're better off emulating, frankly.

Katamari, Monkey Ball, and Pikmin are unhateable

>I'm trying really hard to avoid checking maps
Excuse me? What the fuck kind of game do you think this is. I don't even know if they have maps. Use quick turns to get out of corners and watch out for moving things that are bigger than you.
If you still can't do it after that either your timer is fucked due to emulation or you're 100% retarded. These games aren't entirely made for babies but you've got to be pretty fucking shit to not be able to clear levels.

I misread "Try that, then thoroughly check the map for any stages" as "if you're still fucked check the map" and I always try hard to avoid learning stuff like maps using external stuff

B A S E D opinion.

P.S. June is best cousin/second cousin.

Attached: june.png (396x362, 52K)

I thought your emulator was broken when I wrote that, not that you were shit at the game.

I'M WRITING A SONG FOR ALL WHO FOOFY IN LOVE is my absolutely favorite vidya song ever. I want We Love Katamari on PC FUCKING now.