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some soul
What does soul even mean, imo 1.0 had a soul it was just shit. 2.0+ is the one with no soul because it’s just a WoW clone.
Juuuust a little.
A decent amount of soul
based as fuck
The shitty game that brought Eureka to FFXIV. Kys yourself.
more of a problem with xiv than xi user
it's not xi's fault that yoshida literally designs his game to be soulless garbage
As a newfag to 11 and finished eureka its actually pretty decent. No idea how theu thought that it would translate well into xiv however.
There's literally no soul in 14 after HW
>Comparing the dumpster fire that is Eureka to XI
Dumb zoomer
God playonline was such bullshit. But beyond that probably my most played game of all time. PUP/DNC reporting in
Kys. 1.xx actually did have some soul to it near the end. ARR is just WoW.
Eureka has fuck all in common with XI from a design perspective. Stop saying it was XI's fault.
Eureka is what you get when you try to emulate 11 without having a game system that works like 11 and a community that wasn't forged in social interaction. It's a mess of nostalgia created by people who didn't actually experience the nostalgia themselves. Kind of the biggest issue with 14 these days. Attempt to recreate something someone else did, but not understand what made it work.
Also, being completely honest, 11 was a product of its time. Trying to emulate it is just asking for failure these days because the culture that made it work no longer exists.
I can't come into FFXI threads because I just get sad. I want to go back.
It's gone. Enjoy the memories and move on. Be glad you actually got to experience it.
Heavensward is a middling amount of soul.
The start is absolute hell and they still have't bothered to spruce it up so it doesn't run like piss.
Nah, it's not even hard to tweak the game to work like 11. You just give all the class skills a long cooldown or make them cast heavily from MP.
kill yourself
>Tfw played from the beta onward for about 6-7 years and 30,000 hours of playtime
there will never be another game that good, and it hurts
>decide to jump in and play
>finally get heavensward and stormblood expansions
>heavensward cinematic hype as fuck
>finally beat shitty ARR storyline
>FINALLY finish slogging through the 100 (literally) retarded quests needed to access heavensward expansion
>it's fucking empty, lifeless, and silent
>two people afk in the aetheryte plaza
>one person at the marketboard
>meanwhile other city states are bustling and thriving
>and the same stupid no-life faggot still does nothing but manderville dance 13 hours a day in the same spot in Limsa so everyone can notice his catgirl character
i'm just so tired bros
Nobody ever really appreciated Ishgard. It was empty even while Heavensward was current. You're not alone user.
Go to an active data center, asshole.
That said, Ishgard was kind of designed to be quiet and empty.
It always weirds me out that there are more people in Gridania than Ishgard. Like, I get Ul'Dah, I get Limsa, they have good reasons for you to come over there, but what the fuck are you even doing in Gridania? Doing a White Mage quest?
>tfw I'll never level a new job in Sarutabaruta again
Why even live?
People like the cozy forest feel I guess. Despite everyone jacking off over Haurchefant, Aymeric, and the Heavensward story, people just don't like the aesthetic of Ishgard I guess. I've always loved it though.
>Get to expansion zone 2 years after ti was relevant
>complain that no one is there
i dont understand why people hated ffxiv 1.0 for being a broken mess but praise xi when xi runs like absolute garbage too
eureka is kinda like abyssea's retarded little brother.
Probably because XI doesn't run like garbage at all.
they're in the adders gc, the achievement npc is there, etc.
>tfw you'll never level in Shposhae ever again
>character has to casually stop and put their weapon away when a target dies and then pull it out every time they want to attack something new
>needs add ons just to be tolerable
>every single thing you do must be made into a macro
>if there are too many mobs attacking you, the response time for your character to do any action besides movement is heavily delayed
>the targeting system
>cutscenes cannot be skipped
You're delusional.
Sounds more like you're just a faggot that needs everything to go NOW NOW NOW FASTER I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS I WANT MY DAILY REWARDS NOW NOWNOWNOWNOW
>>character has to casually stop and put their weapon away when a target dies and then pull it out every time they want to attack something new
This was something I was hoping the current devs would do, but they mentioned they won't.
>>needs add ons just to be tolerable
I played XI vanilla. Only thing that got ass was multi-macro presses for a single WS, but the eventual addition of gearsets four years ago addressed those.
>>every single thing you do must be made into a macro
Not sure how they'd ever fix that given the nature of how it plays.
>>if there are too many mobs attacking you, the response time for your character to do any action besides movement is heavily delayed
This is definitely dumb and it's actually a client-side problem since it priorities the attack animations received over you pulling your weapon out.
>>the targeting system
Never had a problem with it.
>>cutscenes cannot be skipped
Annoying on leveling alts I suppose. Problem is the cutscenes are so spaghetti'd/daisy-chained across scripts that set triggers or give items in the middle of them that they're not self-contained like they are in 1.0/ARR to just allow a 'skip' button.
>character has to casually stop and put their weapon away when a target dies and then pull it out every time they want to attack something new
Not a problem.
>needs add ons just to be tolerable
Subjective. I never used add-ons.
>every single thing you do must be made into a macro
They don't have to be.
>the targeting system
Made for controller users and works perfectly if you use one.
>cutscenes cannot be skipped
Welcome to every single PS2 RPG you whiny zoomer.
try the Nasomi private server? It's level 75 era and stops at the ToAU xpac
Not really, if anything you just sound like you can't admit the game has some serious functionality flaws because of your nostalgia.
>if you dont like it, dont play it: the post
thats not how rebutting works
>you dont have to use macros
yeah let me just equip this piece of emp gear everytime i want to buff this one skill then switch back to my actual gear manually several times an encounter. inb4 "well, you dont HAVE to perform your job well!"
Nasomi is fucking shit and is plagued with people at the top who exploited early bugs and got anyway with it
eden, then
>private server full of corruption
who woulda thought
MMOs are better without addons
>FFXI had non visible macro bars
>No threat meter, you had to learn the game
The only thing that was modded in to XI that it needed was the ability to see your alliance members mana, but even that was a bit of a luxury if we're being honest.
It really is a shame that nobody cared about Ishgard; it's beautiful. Peabrained weebs need everything to be bubbly/sparkly/colorvomit though so it really was doomed from the beginning, unfortunately.
MMOs are better without addons
I agree but XI is lacking so much basic qol that shouldnt even have to be made into an addon like being able to see the alliance members mana you mentioned.
ADHD zoomers really destroyed the mmo genre
What is modern XI still lacking QOL-wise? Hell they even added the ability to focus-target someone and see the buffs of your target.
It didn't need any QoL changes outside of maybe better mouse usage, it's a slower paced game built around player interaction and game knowledge. Throwing a bunch of garbage WoW addons in isn't going to make anything better just because ADHD modern gamers think it's required of games to have constant flashing UI elements, lines to follow, and all numbers fed to them so they don't have to think.
>tfw 17 year old MMO makes a better vanity system than you
Yoshi is a fuck up
Stay mad faggots
the main QoL changes i like from FFXI from the beginning of the game were HP warps and survival guide warps
i remember thinking i was hot shit for having all outpost warps, i could get just about anywhere in 30 minutes... now it's super easy to get anywhere once you've been there at least one time. significantly reduced the time wasted doing literally nothing when you wanted to be in bumfuck nowhere.
>ffxi is dead
>gets more regular content patches than xiv
FFXI is 16 years old, that's older than most people who play XIV.
It's fine now but I'm glad it never had HP warps in its prime. Traveling and moving through dangerous areas was half the adventure.
I'd disagree, slow travel added to the worlds atmosphere. If you wanted to go somewhere you had to put in time and effort to go there, it kept zones from feeling like tourist attractions with endless people constantly rotating through. Riding a chocobo out to a location, taking a boat or airship, hoofing it through obscure zones no one ever visited, that was fun.
Where you were in the world was important because you couldn't just go anywhere in the blink of an eye.
>FFXI is 16 years old
holy shit where did the time go
>game doesnt even have a borderless windowed mode so you have to download windower
>recast timers
>displaying party tp
to name a few
It doesn't need a minimap or a parser, and it does now have borderless windowed mode. It didn't need that back then anyway because any online information was half empty anyway and you were better off asking LS mates as was intended.
stop using cheats you faggot
>game doesnt even have a borderless windowed mode so you have to download windower
Alright thats good
why do you need this?
what place does this have in a game like XI?
>recast timers
A good player knows his recast timers, I played red mage for 6 fucking years and knew that shit by heart, a massive case of git gud here.
>displaying party tp
partially useful but ultimately pointless, communication is a key part of any game, especially mmos.
>>game doesnt even have a borderless windowed mode so you have to download windower
It has that.
Don't need.
Don't need.
>recast timers
Wouldn't hurt, or at least to tie recast numbers to a macro bar.
>displaying party tp
HP/MP/TP has been visible across the entire alliance for quite a few years now.
100% agreed, both the HP warps in den of rancor or other dungeons for BCNMs or avatar fights/mission areas etc would really not have been ok then. With outpost warps you still had to actually trudge into ifrits cauldron or the den of rancor with all the hazards.
I still feel like the den of rancor homepoint behind the 4 lamps is cheating
when all the actual content was in those zones i did like to take the time to get there. nowadays there's really no danger just tedium in them. though I think most survival guides would have been okay to have back in FFXIs prime
>obligatory meeting again
i cry every time
>it doesn't need a minimap
its either that or youre looking at a map on your second monitor because the in game one fucking sucks
>it doesnt need a parser
why doesnt it need a parser?
unironically lmao
>A good player knows his recast timers
oh shit, are you able to cook pizza in the oven without using a timer for that too?
recast timers really was the primary reason why I used FFAssist, and then windower back in the day
when you had thousand JAs on cooldown it was tedious to keep scrolling the menu or slapping macros to tell you the time remaining
parser would have been great to have integrated to tell off those WAR/NINs with axe/ridill plus adaberk and b.haidate getting outparsed my shitty DRG with zero good gear because thats all drg could use at the time relative to WAR/DRK/SAM glad those days are over. doesn't stop people from being elitist though about literal spreadsheet math showing job X/Y/Z is better than A/B/C etc
>I didnt buy a map or unlock the map through a quest
>thats ok I have a minimap
>not cheating
its ok lil zoom I know you're a retard
It turns 17 in 10 days
>oh shit, are you able to cook pizza in the oven without using a timer for that too?
Were you born without eyes, ears, and a nose?
maps are basically free now for the vast, vast majority, ones that were quested/coffer only are now buyable
>why is my hand not held at all times
You are the reason Theme Park MMOs have taken over and why the genre is stagnant
>are you able to cook pizza in the oven without using a timer for that too?
Not that user but do you not know how to cook food to your liking? Do you need a guide to figure out how to set the temp of your oven too?
Still getting into this later since they're in the process of removing the absolutely terrible system setup in the game relying on individual accounts and stuff
are they actually removing POL soon?
>its either that or youre looking at a map on your second monitor because the in game one fucking sucks
There's nothing wrong with the in game map you stupid faggot.
>why doesnt it need a parser?
Because the style of gameplay doesn't demand it.
>oh shit, are you able to cook pizza in the oven without using a timer for that too?
Ahahahahahaa holy shit are you literally incapable of thinking for yourself? You are the cancer that killed MMOs.
This, it's amazing how modern gamers simply cannot wrap their head around older games like XI, they just aren't compatible with that way of thinking and acting.
They haven't stated specifically what they're doing, other than making the whole process of installing and getting into XI less of a pain. I would hope it'd be them dropping POL and adjusting the account system finally to use SE-account only (and add in a service on the SE site for those who have ancient POL-only accounts that never got SE accounts tied to them). That and updating the install client from their site so it's not gigs of updates behind on an update server that has a download speed capped for 1mbps.
iirc the windower dev team said it's theoretically possible to remove POL since all it really does is hand off some authentication jazz to FFXI's executable
whether or not they're doing it i don't know
Is that HD remake by tencent or nexon still vaporware?
Only thing I'd argue against the ingame map are fringe cases like Rivene B01 where it has literal duplicates of the map, and switches between them depending on which part of the zone you're in (because of the smokes and mirrors that made the zone's design possible). It made using map markers a pain.
Every fiber of my being hopes it is, I don't want to see XI turned into a gacha mobile game.
it's not really a true remake from what I gather, but there's been radio silence for quite some time on it.
I had no idea map markers were a pain on riverne. cant say i've used map markers over pure memorization though lol
these kind of xi drones make the mentally ill of xiv look stable
doesn't look that bad
how could they possibly fuck it up?
>look at me not attack the argument
Make a proper argument faggot or fuck off to your Theme Park MMOs. You got WoW and its Weeb Clone XIV to play with or maybe try and broaden your horizon and play somthing like EVE if XI isn't to your liking.
clearly you aren't retarded, it's everyone else, they are all retarded
Visually it's kinda cute but in the end it's still a mobile game being made by Nexon, at best it would be a korean grinder inspired system with an intrusive cash shop. At worst it would be a full on modern gacha game where you'd have to spend real money to level up and get items.
>I had no idea map markers were a pain on riverne. cant say i've used map markers over pure memorization though lol
It was annoying for me since I wanted to map out where all the portals led to.
Reason it's broken into two identical because the zone layout is two whole fucking zone meshes, with each section of each either being a low or high-detail variant of the other, which they then use the portals to teleport you between the north/south versions of the area. Why they set it up this way instead of employing actual LoD models like Ru'aun did, it was probably a memory limitation of the PS2's paltry 4mb of vram for the gpu.
>Devs have something planned for the game's 20th
>They only mention is because the updates are going to be even SMALLER than they already are until then
>The change won't be anything revolutionary, just liking prepping the game for easier long-term maintenance like removing all of the POL dependencies and having it piggyback off of ARR's launcher service instead