and no one has been fired yet baka

what do we do???

Attached: THQ REEE.png (675x531, 486K)

Since it is a THQ Nordic game I'll pass since they promoted themselves on a website where people gathered to share child porn, run swat campaigns and perform other dangerous illegal or highly immoral activities.

Who are we boycotting and why?

Though I will say I'm still pissed they never fixed DSII:DE on PC.

Actually the guy was fired

cool now gives us Battle Chasers 2

>expecting reactionists to remember what they complain
Remember the whole #metoo bullshit? nobody cares now

Attached: 1453599586911.png (261x200, 53K)

THQ. They actively promote pedophilia and are responsible for the NZ shootings.

Didnt know they promoted on Yea Forums. Neato

Oh you're talking about the 8ch thing. That's old as shit.

Anyone who was mad enough to suggest a boycott wasn't the type of person who buys their games anyway.

Actual answer since faggots ITT are ironic shitposting. One of the head marketers publically opened an AMA on 8ch months ago and it caused a major shitstorm, especially when CP started being spammed

Attached: 1453607450178.jpgAct.jpg (640x469, 133K)

Nobody gives a shit.

When the fuck is Biomutant coming out?


If the site had actual c it would have gone down by now you stupid faggot

>darksiders II switch


>People are still butthurt over the cripplechan AMA

Attached: faggot.jpg (367x451, 36K)

Does that mean all the devs that posted on NeoGAF supported CP too since that place was a hive?

>Didn't understand the context of the thread
>All of a sudden realize it's a "everyone pretend to be outraged redditors over THQ Nordic having a QnA on 8ch

Attached: 1416964532384.gif (480x292, 3.48M)

Neck yourself trannyera poster

Did they actually condone CP?
Did they post CP?
If not, fuck off. You might as well call everyone here including a fucking pedophile considering CP was being spammed here regularly a while back.

Wow, I thought that Biomutant was dead, and now is coming to switch, eventually. A release date would be awesome too.

Sounds pretty based to be completely honest.

>its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviours.
Yea Forums you mean?

Completely forgot about that AMA. Mostly because I don't feel threatened by infinitychan incels.

How hypocritical

Shut the fuck up nazi

>and no one was promoted*
Fixed that for you buddy, you're welcome. Based THQ

have sexual encounters

>They actively promote pedophilia and are responsible for the NZ shootings.
Both amazing things. Buying ten copies.

THQ Nordic are great.

Reminder the AMA said there would be Destroy All Humans news this E3.

Attached: Destroy All Humans.jpg (768x432, 53K)

> implying
No, I'm just not a complete newfag like you so I actually remember all the fun shit that people used to pull around here.

Attached: Agile2013 SFW edition.jpg (999x4451, 871K)

>Look for CP on cripplechan
>there is non

Fake News
I do however support white nationalism. There is nothing wrong with being white.

man the users at trannyera are such fags

There was a while back. Hotwheels sure as shit didn't condone it though. He was just a fucking idiot who thought it'd be a good idea to let anyone create new boards so of course fucking idiots started CP and raid boards. It's as fucking stupid as claiming Moot was condoning CP because retards on Yea Forums were dumping child porn or claiming whoever the fuck was in charge of Tinychan was a pedophile due to Kimmo raiding the board by spamming CP.

Boycotting a company or even website because pedophiles decide to spam CP on it occasionally is putting a lot of power in the hands of pedophiles. Say a pedophile encounters a company they don't like for whatever reason. All they have to do is find a thread on any given website where that company is promoting themselves, and start spamming CP in it. Now, by the fucked-up logic you're following here, that company is now complicit.

> known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviours.
There are numerous websites that could be described in that way, including everyone's favorites like Facebook and Twitter. That's just how people that you agree with choose to see that site.
> As the website is unlisted by Google,
Oh, Google decided it was evil, so we all have to agree with them. I see.

>DEATHFINITIVIE edition had some game progress show-stopper you couldn't get around because of some bugged spot
>they never patched it apparently
those Darksiders remasters were just cashgrabs, although I guess the WARmastered one at least was beatable

i was thinking schizo posting is only /pol/ problem. you should talk about it with your doctor.

They don't have jobs so they've got plenty of time to spam the rest of the website.

I got the Darksiders 1 remaster for free since I had the original sitting in my library, which one should I play?

Warmastered. It just werks and looks a lot better than the original. Skip 2 and 3.

>Skip 2 and 3.
I already played 2, it was alright.

2 is alight but it's still a downgrade from 1 and 3 is just a fucking mess.