>buy Nox on GOG almost four years ago
>completely forget about it
>decide to start it yesterday
>it's fantastic
>check how much I paid for it
What the fuck bros, I thought games had to be $59.99 (plus tax) to be good.
Buy Nox on GOG almost four years ago
>>buy Nox on GOG almost four years ago
>>completely forget about it
>>decide to start it yesterday
>>it's fantastic
>>check how much I paid for it
>What the fuck bros, I thought games had to be $59.99 (plus tax) to be good.
Assault Cube is free and I have 1,209 hours out into that masterpiece. Same with the other Cube 2 engine games.
Just because you played it 20 years after release when it costs that little amount doesnt mean people who bought it when it came out (like me) didn't pay full retail.
That said, Nox was great and I still remember lines even after not having touched it in over a decade.
I bet motherfuckers still don't know about the skull in the gauntlet.
oh damn man thank you, I was just remembering an ancient thread on Yea Forums 3 years ago where someone posted the introduction to a CRPG where you are a regular guy in the opening and you have street clothes and jeans on, then you walk forward and pick up your WIZARD equipment and start the game. Everyone said that the game was good, but I couldn't remember what it was called or how to find out what it was called
I'm glad I could accidentally help you out, my dude.
Any other CRPGs you recommend? Because I've just played Divinity: Original Sin 1 and I think this genre is very cool. I haven't done anything else in the genre.
westwood was so good
Yo, this game is the fucking shit!
This game was so fun. Zoomers are missing out. Conjurer was the best class
I haven't played many games like Nox, to be honest. I mean, I've played Diablo 1 and Torchlight 1+2. Those aren't quite the same, I guess.
I can still hear the angelic singing EE-YAAAAH sound effect that played when you summoned that giant fist that punched down from the sky
Oh, that can be summoned? Neat. I only know it as a trap in that undead dungeon in the warrior's quest. I'm still on my first playthrough; I figured I should do the warrior first, because warriors tend to be boring once you've already played as something else.
This game had multiplayer capture the flag and shit
NOX STILL WORKS? Its been ages since I've played it but I enjoyed it so much back then.
Were there any hoops or hurdles or compatibility things to get it to run?
you're SoL on windows 7 or 10
I got it for free from Origin last year, maybe the year before
*throws harpoon*
Bullshit, I have played it on both over the years and I dont remember any problems
The GoG version works fine 10 here
>Were there any hoops or hurdles or compatibility things to get it to run?
The GOG version works just fine for me on Windows 7 with no additional patches or tweaking.
Last time I checked, it seemed to be running at 30 frames per second, but I'm guessing that's normal. The only other issue is that the game only runs at a few resolutions, 1024×768 being the highest, but as long as your graphics are set to maintain aspect ratio, it still looks okay. I initially had some trouble with that — the game running in 4:3 was stretching to fill my entire 16:9 monitor — but that was my fault. Somehow, both GPU scaling and my monitor's build-in scaling were both turned off. I must have fucked around and forgotten to fix it.
In addition to the GOG version, I also have the Origin version (which I probably got for free at some point), but I haven't installed the Origin version so I don't know how much it differs.
>you're SoL on windows 7
Are you referring to the Origin version? The GOG version seems perfectly fine.
tips for beginners? what class should I go? also I remember hearing from a long time ago that there's a super powerful staff in the game story wise. would be a warrior class or something be a detriment for that?
It can be, but it consumes fuckton of mana
Please tell me it at least has a cash shop and microtransactions. Preferrably in lootboxes.
Mein negro, I fucking love assault cube
warrior -> halfmage -> mage
warrior: spam 1'st skill and find stun sword
All classes kick ass and see different sides of the same story. Warrior has you attack the Wizard Castle, while Wizard has you infiltrate the War dungeons. Conjurer defends both from monsters etc. The time you finish the staff is the end of the game, and it outclasses all spells too so dont worry about it
Urchins are cute! They only throw little rocks at you because they want you to get out of their home
Worth it though. It does a shit ton of damage
My kingdom for a fun game. Any games out there like Battle Brothers? Turn based/real time strategy + heavy customization and next to zero focus on story just gameplay?
when this game was new i found it in a bargain bin for $10, i ended up playing it online until the servers got raped by EA about 5 years later, good times. thankfully the community revived the lobby server but nobody really plays anymore
Just started this game, its pretty fun so far.
Are secret walls common and do they have visual cues?
Its kind of annoying to smash every wall
yeah, there is a lot of secret walls, the usual visual cue is they look more crumbled than normal, but there's other types like areas that are just very hidden
alright thanks
what were your favorite summons as conjurer?
I really like imps
ghosts were pretty great in multiplayer, they are nearly invisible until you get close to them, and their attack stuns things. great for putting around flag rooms or guarding elevators
>tfw will no longer play multiplayer nox
bump 4 nox