Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku/whatever the fuck you like to call it

>Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku/whatever the fuck you like to call it
>Series presents many "competent" characters as Kiryu's ally
>Said allies never accomplish anything
>They get beaten up, kidnapped and/or killed, only to cause stupid drama
>Meanwhile the comic relief character - Majima - turns into a second protagonist and beats up bad guys like in a Musou because the Yakuza community faps to him 3 times a day
>Nishikiyama got degraded from Kiryu's nemesis into a fucking puppy who cries like a bitch by every little inconvenience
>This is the great Yakuza Series everyone talks about

I intentionally choose a picture of Majima because that's how i get every gay men's attention

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Date is based

cringe and fagitpilled

People here praise Yakuza as the second coming, post CUHRAYZEE screenshots, and then others buy them to enjoy all this fun and too late realise that 90% of the 100 hours of "gameplay" is walking from one boring as fuck conversation to the next, and basically none of them even matter by the end.

literally nobody sees Yakuza as some kind of messianic miracle of a video game, in fact everybody is in agreement about the fact that it's a soap opera with many flaws. it's a series of straight cult classics regardless

Florist is literally the only reason Kiryu accomplishes anything
Tachibana is literally the only reason Kiryu accomplishes anything

If you actually ever go to the Yakuza threads you'd see that we talk shit about the plots of these games all the time. The plots are written like trash, everyone acknowledges it. The characters, however, are written well enough that redeems the series for a lot of us.

Also stop talking shit about my husband.

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>Plots are written like trash
try playing 2

>dude the time bomb was a fake lmao
it's not well written, user
just because you first played it when you were a child with no taste doesn't mean you have to keep it held in high regard

>100% this game
>with those boring bouncer missions with 3 different difficulty levels
>that last bouncer mission
Have fun with that

Nigger, I played 1-5 and 0 and each game had a trash plot hallmarked by recycling the same twists over and over since 1. It's still one of my favorite series because the characters are likable and the games are simply fun to play, but I'm certainly not deluded enough to think Yakuza stands out as a series as far as plot writing is concerned.

>Nishikiyama got degraded from Kiryu's nemesis into a fucking puppy
i legitimately like nishkiyama more now honestly, after 0 and seeing the flashbacks in kawami and the shit he gets put through for his sister is soul crushing.

why are you lying

The "one crazy guy that gets away with suicidal recklessness" is pretty common in fiction, and isn't restricted to Japanese entertainment. Johnny Gat from Saints Row is a good Western example. I even remember playing Wing Commander IV as a wee babby and watching a scene where Mark Hamill says of Tom Wilson, "He leads a charmed life. There's one of him on every ship, but only one," to discourage the Chairman from Iron Chef from trying to fly like he does.

I think Kiwami missed the point a bit with Nishiki. It was nice getting more flashback scenes explaining his change in character, but he was still basically absent for 95% of the plot and the big showdown with him at the end felt a bit limp because it wasn't really earned.

100% agree

Is anyone else preloading kiwami 2? Absolutely fucking stoked knowing soon I'll be walking from one irrelevant conversation to the next and reading all the dialogue while characters stand still staring at each other lifelessly

nah i agree with that, when i got to the end of kawami i genuinely thought when he showed up we'd find out he was puppetteering everything and had more aces up his sleeve, turns out he was just on the bench the whole game for nothing

im playing it right now on ps4, i got addicted to the hostess club minigame again and realised i havent carried on the main quest for 6 hours

>ask Date to protect someone while you do some business
>5 minutes later Date is on the floor with that person missing

Not even a Bar he can protect.

They should have remade the story and base Kiwami on how 5 & Zero worked, including content. The way Kiwami ended it felt bland and miss of oportunity to fix 1's problems


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The problem with Nishikiyama is that he never could showcase why he is the "villain" of the first game. He never defeated someone remarkable, he has never shown how strong he is and (just like how everyone pointed out here) he has way too little screentime in the entirety of Kiwami.

The flashbacks are all good and all, but it's just him sobbing and getting punched from one screen to another. It's the reason why i was so eager to quickyl get Yakuza 0 in hope to see some nice scenes with him doing some rad shit. Well, you can guess how disappointed i was afterwards. Majima's rising importance completely ruined Nishikiyama. IMO he should have been the the second playable character, not that one-eyed idiot.

played all of them and i agree with whoever that the characters and settings are good enough to prop up the laughable twists and turns. lifelong friends backstab each other and turn out to be the antagonist only to be back in the next game like nothing happened.
but damn, while playing kiwami 2 i forgot about that one scene with kiryu and sayama on the roof. wish they could write more subtle scenes like that.

>He never defeated someone remarkable, he has never shown how strong he is
Is that kind of the point? That he goes crazy because he can't live up to the legend status that Kiryu established? I 100% agree that post-timeskip Nishiki should've been integrated into the plot more to make him a compelling final boss. But I don't think it makes sense to make him a badass in 0, otherwise the direction they took him in 1 wouldn't make sense since he would be just as competent as Kiryu.

>since he would be just as competent as Kiryu.

That's the whole point, that's what he was supposed to be. Kiryu's oath brother and the one Kazama choose alongside Kiryu. Otherwise, it wouldn't make even the slightest bit of sense for him to fight Kiryu in the end of Kiwami. What, did he think he could just miraculously beat Kiryu, the one guy who nearly wrecked the whole Yakuza clan in their city, barehanded?

The thing is: him being as competent as Kiryu was probably the initial idea of Yakuza 1 (PS2). Things happened and the original story writer is apprently not in the series anymore since Yakuza 3. Many occurences within Yakua 0 and Kiwami, which have been additionally added, do not add up with the original premise.

For instance: "HEY KIRYU, HURR DURR, YOU GOT RUSTY IN JAIL. I'M GOING TO TRAIN YOU TO GET IN SHAPE AGAIN". The very next morning, he beats everyone's ass in the Yakuza-filled funeral, plus the mighty Shimano, who just happens to be Majima's boss.

>that substory in K2 where the changing of writers is mentioned

Even they know it.

i don't think anyone will disagree with you on this.
0 made me appreciate the character more, and it was sad seeing the tight friendship him and kiryu have fall apart.
1 should've taken a deeper look at their relationship, since you basically know fuck all about him when you start with that game.
a lot of other characters in 1 have that same problem where kiryu clearly has some sort of deeper relationship with them, but the player really knows fuck all about them, and as a result they don't really care too much when they kick the bucket.

Care to tell me which one? Google didn't help me

If you're going to shit on Yakuza by making shit up then you can go back to God of War, samefag shitposter

Nishiki was the boss of the first game you stupid retard, and he died. Of course he's not going to come back. And yeah, he was a fucking simp in Zero. That was the whole fucking point of the first game. Nishiki was an incompetent pushover, and he had to harden up to survive in the ten years Kiryu was in prison, and it drastically changed his character.

Please stop being so defensive. You can love these games and admit they have flaws at the same time.

You do know you can just Burst Mode and never die, right? Then you just use one of the elemental swords or one of the ones Kamiyama sells on the three Amons. The game doesn't play fair on those missions so why should you?

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Yakuza Sunset. I laughed with that shit

At least quote right

i wonder if judgment will have any retard strong upgrades, as the final rewards.

If you're having trouble just spam attacks. And remember you can heal anytime by pausing mid-fight.

nishiki was a puppy bitch before you go to prison at the beginning of the game too, whats the matter

How come every time "character development" is brought up, it is just to nullify all the critique the story gets? You can't just brush off incosistent story elements, just because some sort of "character development" is going on.

>Series presents many "competent" characters as Kiryu's ally
Yes, whether they gather info, fight or convince others, may do a good job supporting Kiryu. Like, what games did you play?
>Majima comic relief
Yes, that is exactly how the character started
> beats up bad guys like in a Musou
Like a brawler. Like Kiryu does. That is how the game works
>>Nishikiyama got degraded from Kiryu's nemesis into a fucking puppy who cries like a bitch by every little inconvenience
How is his character progression in 1/kiwami invalidated by Zero? Or did you mean something else?

The one about Yakuza Sunset 3. You can replace any mention of "Sunset 3" with "Yakuza 3" and the complaints more or less make sense because they got a new writer around that time (It was either for Kenzan or 3, probably Kenzan if I had to guess) and the entire substory is basically about a new writer trying to deal with criticism.

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What exactly is inconsistent about Nishiki with what 0/Kiwami added?

Reminder not to pre-order Kiwami 2 until benchmarks are out.

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0 and Kiwami ran fine, why would this be different?

Because 0 and Kiwami are PS3 games and this is a PS4 engine game which only kind of runs decently on PS4 Pros and has problems on normal PS4s.

Where? The one time where he killed Dojima? That's literally the only scene in the game (Yakuza 1, not Kiwami's stupid flashbacks) where he behaves like a whimp. People actually think that was his character? Lmfao

0 and kiwami are PS3 games so it's obvious that they'd run fine on toasters.
kiwami 2 is made with the new dragon engine, which was developed for current gen systems and has a lot more going on.

>pre-ordering digital games
Worried they'll run out?

>when? the time he acted like a puppy bitch? that's the only scene where he acts like a wimp, in the scene before kiryu went to prison
so... you agree with me then? ok

He didn't really have a character before the timeskip in 1 so it's up-for-grabs what the original writers intended. All we do know concretely know comes from 0 or K1, which were written by someone else. It's your call if you want to consider that canon or not.

new fig looks good

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it's the same writer for all the games.
it's just that they had some yakuza novelist oversee things in the plots for 1 & 2.

I'll never understand this. It has be attributed to impatience.

confirmed retard

Yes but i expected more from Kiryu's oath brother and the final boss of the first game than crying in the corner while Kiryu and a fucking comic relief character take the whole Tojo Clan down on their own.

I heard someone was brought in the write Majima's side of events in 0. Dunno if it's true, but I believe it considering 0 has the only decent story and characters in the entire series.

shut up you have big gay

mate, that's pasta you replied to

We also still never see his sister.

>Judgement comes out very soon
>importing 5 remaster soon after

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>no official kiwami 2 ost release
why the fuck not?, the new original songs it has are actually pretty good.

Post all the nitpicks you want but at the end of the day it just feels good to beat up a load of guys with ease and then seduce women. It makes me feel cool, so who cares about all this plot analysis shit? So the writing and combat aren't great, who cares? It's cool as fuck.

>no new IP

care to explain yourself?

There's some guy who makes Yakuza threads and constantly necro-bumps them with inflammatory arguments on page 9 or 10. Just filter the threads, they're worthless.

are the 3 and 4 remasters any good
5 is the game that needs it the most imo, runs like shit on ps3.

No one's seem to have brought up problems with performance. Obviously 3 has a couple minor cuts and 4 has Tanimura's model and VA changed, but that's all we know that's different.

I haven't tried them personally. I'm getting 5 because it's my favorite, and as you said the performance was dogshit.

they're basically the same but run at 60fps.
3 has like two cut substories compared to the western version which cut a bunch more, and 4 had tanimuras actor replaced with no cut content.

The fuck is your problem? We can't enjoy Yakuza anymore? I don't know what shithole site you crawled out of but I suggest you go back there


why are you still here?
don't you have school tomorrow?

That actually looks pretty good. Do I have to import them?

You know your sarcastic falseflagging post style is very recognizable right?

God, I hate his scrunchy Michael Jackson face in the new games. His PS2 face was the best.

>thread full of people shitting on yakuza
>everyone starts tearing into the one guy for saying he enjoys it despite its flaws
Yea Forums is such a miserable shithole, honestly


>74 posts
>23 posters
Who could be behind this? Certainly not a samefagging retard.

what's the problem people have with this post exactly?

There's this one guy who replies to every post they don't like, critical or praising of Yakuza, and calls them shitposts and samefags. He shits up EVERY Yakuza thread like this. It's like a schitzo barneyfag. Doesn't matter if you like or dislike Yakuza, he just comes here to kill discussion

this guy?

also you posted this exact same line yesterday

it's just a shitposter who likes to reply to himself
he's been plaguing threads since GoW released last year

Yes. He is known to mods and has been for a long time. Got banned for it once or twice but always returns. If you see someone crying about a samefag shitposter it's probably him. Genuine insanity.

>posts to say they enjoy yakuza even if it isn't perfect
>gets called a shitposter by someone who brings up god of war for no reason
I'm being trolled here aren't I? Fuck off already, there's only one person derailing the thread here and it's not the people talking about Yakuza. Thread was going fine before you started talking shit.

Noted. I can't imagine having this much free time, but I guess Yakuza fans are used to throwing away hundreds of hours of their lives.

You also posted this exact same line yesterday. Don't you have anything better to do?

nope, available for preorder on BBTS right now. only 100 bones.

Anyone else think these games could use a healing animation?

Do you know if they're planning any other characters or just Kiryu for now?

You posted this exact same line yesterday.

>Yakuza fans

If you're not a fan, why are you here? Just to shitpost?

Probably a test run. If it succeeds, we can hope for more.

>implying Shinji wasn't competent

Is this your new tactic for shitting up yakuza threads? Well nice job it's working
Go shit on a smash thread for a change, this obsession with yakuza can't be healthy. You're in EVERY SINGLE yakuza thread with this shit. Don't you have a job? School? Hobbies? Social obligations? Anything? Anything other than browsing Yea Forums for yakuza threads to ruin?

You know the answer to that question! Stop wasting your time with this guy!

I have a question. How the fuck does Majima know how Kiryu looks like in Yakuza 0? He never directly interacted with him and he was always behind Kiryu. So how the fuck does he know who he is in the ending?

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i don't think there's a proper reason other than for fan service. that's why receive you plays.

It's an assumed time skip so you have to more or less assume he met him at some point between 0 and the time skip itself. Otherwise it simply makes no sense, like you said.

Well that's quite a time skip then because Makoto found the watch so it had to be very recently.

Kiryu gets shit done

Makoto found the watch before that scene though. The game ends on Kiryu-chan so that could happen at any time between Majima seeing Makoto on Nakamichi and Kiryu getting thrown into jail in 1.

Checks out

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I have a bigger question, why did Sega cuck us out of the crash course Kiryu and Majima were set on in 0?

There's a timeskip. It's implied a few years have passed when dumb bitch finds the watch, in which time Kiryu and Majima would've at least heard of each other via the rumors of their legendary fighting skills or whatever. Hence their rivalry.

>Judgement has been out since last year in Japan
>comes out next fucking month here

whoa I had no idea
will wait for it on PC
I'd rather import 5 desu

>seething flatchester


it'll be at TGS this year

Soon user, soon. Once Judge Eyes is released in the West they have no excuse but to work on Shin.


they've probably already started work on the shin localization, since they apparently stated that they were working on judgments a year before the japanese release.

Prequel Majima > Comic relief Majima
Prove me wrong

there's only majima.
he acts like he did in 0 in 4, 5, and 6

Mark Hamill's Joker Majima >Prequel Majima > Comic relief Majima

Someone said he was a Ken doll, and now I hate it.

I wonder if it will have dubbing like Judgement does.. That's wild.

>thought this was leading up to a Kiryu vs Majima fight where you pick who you play as

One of the few times 0 disappointed me.

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>give Judgement English dub
>zero advertising for AGAIN
>can't find it anywhere

Bouncer Missions restrict you from using healing items, so you're forced to essentially abuse Extreme Heat.

That's dumb, considering Kiryu would win.

4, 5, 6 Majima > Comic Relief Majima > Prequel Majima

You can't refute this.

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