>hyped myself up for the Index since the knuckles were first revealed
>$1000 dollars
>Computer isn't strong enough for the higher resolution
I'm legit depressed lads
>hyped myself up for the Index since the knuckles were first revealed
>$1000 dollars
>Computer isn't strong enough for the higher resolution
I'm legit depressed lads
>I have been following the leaks for 4 months, even going as far as watching tyler mcshitter for information.
>My computer is powerful enough
>I'm ready
>Valve won't sell me one in my country, and if they did it would equate to 2100 USD. (gst, import taxes, shipping, and then slap on the fuck australia tax)
>Looking out for ebay scalpers who will ship one to my cuck shed
if you don't want to pay $1000 dollars, just buy the headset and not the new lighthouses or the knuckles, or just the index and the knuckles and not the new lighthouses
>already have an O+ headset and controllers
>figure maybe it might be worth getting the knuckles and base stations for better tracking
>set of Knuckles + base stations is over 2x what I paid for the entire O+ setup
Thank god Valve hardware tends to fall off fast though, full Index kits should be around $300 by next year.
Don't worry because VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already::::::::::::over.
no games. why bother? vr needs another generation or two to be less brick on head retarded.
I don't have lighthouses though, and the knuckles are the biggest selling point
>Computer isn't strong enough for the higher resolution
How fucking poor are you? Index resolution is nothing out of ordinary, same as Vive Pro which runs just fine with GTX1060
>Same as vive pro
You sure about that? I use a Lenovo Explorer with a 1440x1440 resolution (runs fine) yet steam says my PC isn't strong enough too.
Isn't the pro only like, a minor step up from that?
Theres no fucking games for the thing apart from boneworks.
Lighthouse is a rip off.
They both have 1440×1600 per eye. Minimum reqs for Index is gtx970/rx470. More is better of course, if you want to run it at 120 or 144Hz you gonna have to step it up.
Anyone can verify that the Index actually can sustain longer periods of play without motion sickness or jankiness?
Motion sickness is your fault.
Literally play for 2 hours and you'll never have it again.
>strong enough for the higher resolution
strong enough for supersampling?
bitch ive been playing on a gtx970 that i had since 2014 without a hitch, i am only upgrading now to a 2060 but it is just for the eye candy stuff, maintaining 90fps has never been a problem
I have a $180 WMR headset and it's about as good, or shitty, as any of the overpriced ones.
Elite Dangerous has been a fucking blast with it too.
so then why is steam marketing it as a feature that it will reduce VR fatigue?
Pretty sure you could get some used light houses of ebay. Right now the rich kids are going to be selling their old tech
>>apart from boneworks.
>being this brainwashed from a sole youtube video
boneworks isnt even a game, doesnt even have a personality, i am so curious to know how the public will react by the time valve releases half life for legit while this shit is also out. comparisons will definitely be made
Because people still believe that vr sickness is a major issue, and even if they didn't "reduced motion sickness" is still a good advertisement point.
Motion sickness isn't much of a problem. If you don't get used to it after a few hours, then you can at least stick with games that you can sit down and enjoy and you shouldn't have a problem then.
The problem is that locomotion still feels unnatural and gay. It's not very immersive. Every game feels like you're on ice, it's retarded.
I want to get a Rift S but no one here is selling one and I feel like ordering one from Oculus means I will get a fucked up box with a busted unit 7 weeks later.
>the Index
why would you think that a hardware is capable of granting you magic superpowers? do you even brain?
Motionsickness is genetic
Its your bodys fault
This is a pretty old video, and even back then they didn't update the Knuckle's firmware for a recent update.
There is still no 10/10 VR games anyways.
The only good vr game I've played was gorn. Blade and sorcery is alright but it takes realism too autistically and it's not as fun.
WMR is great for 90% of users and things like it and the Rift S will definitely lead the consumer market. Same goes for PSVR. I started with PSVR and a lot of the best VR games are PSVR exclusive.
I eventually upgraded to big boy VR because I'm all in on the VR meme and it feels a lot better, but all the best VR games are janky simulators with a simple gameplay hook that's addictive. That won't attract most people, but the people it does attract will have fun.
VR is good. I like VR.
VR is bad. I hate VR.
>hyped myself up for the Index
>Computer isn't strong enough
...what were you expecting? That it'd be the same resolution as the Vive?
None of those games are 10/10. A few of them are 3/10 at best.
I run a Lenovo fine so I assumed my computer would at least be able to handle the light resolution upgrade
Sure, sure
Beat Saber and Audica are 10/10 if you like music games. They're literally DDR Extreme tier good.
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission is like 9.5/10 and the most adorable shit ever created.
H3VR and Blade and Sorcery are 10/10 if you're into those respective types of game.
The Climb is a solid 9/10 now that Touch is a thing.
I love the valve knuckles
H3VR is indeed a 10/10, I wouldn't give the same to blade and sorcery yet, shit is very cool but it's just not there yet.
h3vr needs better game modes to be 10/10. Doing the same god damn scenario with a few differences gets old after 10 hours.
Blade and sorcery would be better if you used an actual sword or polearm as a controller so you don't worry about that stupid weighted weapons thing.
So what makes you think it won't run, if none are even out yet?
>tfw windows mixed reality headset never go on sales where i live
they sell the spew bucket separately LOL.
VR is the very definition of miss me with that gay shit
>no games
>overpriced hardware
>rabid fanboys
not even the miracle of smut could save it
tfw can't even buy an Index cause its all out
What are you, poor? :^))))
>If I keep saying vr is a fad everyone will believe me
Noone cares, Im gonna go play beat saber.
I feel like VR will take off when a big studio gets behind it. It seems Valve is making moves in that direction, so if they make a true AAA VR-focused game that is well received, then VR will start getting a little more steam.
I don't even know why poorfags keep saying it. It's #1 top seller despite being one fucking thousand dollaroos.
I could play Fruit Ninja on my iPhone just fine
Instead of getting hype you should have gotten a job, fucking faggot.
>It's #1 top seller despite being one fucking thousand dollaroos.
>"oh shit it's not selling"
>*edits the HTML page on Steam because I own Steam to make it so that the Index is top seller despite it not being the top seller*
Valve has a benchmarker that tells you
if this is how you cope, that's pathetic
Don't be. They release a new headset every month. Index will be irrelevant before the summer is out, replaced by the next vive or occulus or odyssey or whatever the fuck. There's way too many. You lose no matter what you buy. Like buying PC's in the late 90s. They were reduced to paperweights before you even plugged them in.
I have a job. But I also have a car, house, and child. I could honestly justify spending the grand on the headset itself, but that on TOP of up to another grand for a new PC is going to be rough
Can't wait till Index release so I can post my image compilation of everyone calling it a fad
It's not for you then idiot, it's for bachelors.
>Can't even spare 2000 bucks despite having a family.
Hopefully no one ever gets sick. Get back in your cage, wagie.
Honestly, this is made for single men. Why do you need VR? You're married.
I could take a shit in my shower just fine if i felt like it, doesn't mean vr isnt fun.
>up to another grand for a new PC
More like 2 grand if you expect it to last longer than 2 years. $2200-$2500 is average for PCs that won't need an upgrade for 5 years and still be mid-range at that point.
>Im gonna go play beat saber.
Can't wait to rub mine in everyone's face when I get mine. I live right next to their warehouse and preordered one of the first.
clench your fist like you are about to punch someone.
Now do the same thing in knuckles with your thumb pressing against your index and middle finger.
protip, you can't.
>meat grinder is still the only good game type made for H3VR
feels bad
but they updated Take and Hold to have the new AI. Go try it user!
>fanboying astro bot like anyone cares
Is Blade and Sorcery even a game? Doesn't look like one.
That's awfully big talk for someone that just spent$1100 on a product they haven't seen or heard exact specifications on. Or even been independently reviews. You sound like a retard. There's a reason don'y pre-order cars unless their limited-run exotics.
I have the money in my account user, the entire reason I can't afford it is BECAUSE someone might get sick.
Do you not understand how budgeting works?
Take that goalpost and move it all the way up your ass
>fucking something up
At the very worst, I can get my money back with no discussion. Keep being jealous though~
What would I need to run the Index at 1440p 144hz?
if the update is out then I probably will, it better not be another bullet sponge shooting gallery again
>I don't even know why poorfags keep saying it.
Maybe because "poorfags" don't see any good games for VR yet, since there aren't any?
did i fuck up. I ordered this just now before the index was announced. i have a rift
people keep posting them, but you kept denying them. What's the logic, bucko?
If you don't want to upgrade? Up to you.
Possible to return it? If you plan on upgrading soon you probably wasted some money
>marketers and hipsters keep shilling mediocre shit and pretending it's good
whatever helps you sleep at night
>Elite Dangerous has been a fucking blast with it too.
You wanna squad up sometime user?
How is eliete dangerous without a joystick?
just pay to ship it back
I don't understand how your entertainment standards can be so horribly low, but okay.
Are those index specs confirmed? Are you sure?
Also if you are the one who made the chart, throw the Lenovo on there. It's still a very viable option for people just getting into vr for dirt cheap.
>125 degrees
More like 130, but sure, rest seems accurate.
change location and market country with ip changer, have item delivered to us place and have it sent over by any company that shipa stuff from murica. i did it for valve controller, big mistake, the thing is garbage but the method works like a charm
What's the difference between lighthouse 1 and 2? Would it be worth it to just buy used 1.0s to lower the cost of the index?
He asked for a 10/10 game from the beginning. However, the important thing to consider is that there haven't been any obvious 10/10 games on any platform in the last three years.
Ironically, Astro Bot was a 10/10 game from 2018.
Imagine being depressed over a toy
I'd imagine their tracking is a lot better since they're not backwards compatible, can't imagine why they'd make expensive new ones if they didn't do anything.
Lighthouse 2 has longer range, can track more things, uses less power, and is cheaper to make. If you aren't playing in a warehouse and only want to go up to full body tracking, there won't be any difference.
Shut the fuck up I'm trying to shitpost here
Long story short, 2.0 was mostly created to be far more cost-effective and overcome the limitation of only 2 stations that had to be synchronized with each other (optically, or by cable). Tracking-wise, they don't make any significant difference if you still only have two and play in a space that's 5m x 5m or smaller.
>So what is Valve's big aspiration for the future of VR as far as the Index is concerned? The answer is long-term comfort. In Valve's eyes, that goal doesn't (yet) include features that we have been dreaming of, such as reducing the clutter of an average PC-VR experience, dropping the price, optimizing performance with eye-tracking systems, or liberating users with true, cordless freedom. Valve wants to convince us that Index is as good as VR users are going to get at a $999 price point in 2019—and that it delivers $999 worth of VR quality in 2019.
>"Oftentimes with virtual reality, people want to say what's 'good enough,'" one Valve representative said during an informal Q&A. "And their sample size for 'good enough' is five minutes [of VR use]. One of the driving factors for our game teams, and externally for our partners, is that we want long-form VR experiences."
>Another Valve staffer interrupted, saying, "I don't use VR for 30 minutes a day. I use VR hours a day. This is where we ended up. What's good enough for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, is dramatically different than one hour, two hours. We think tracking, optics, displays, ergonomics, input fidelity, the comfort of your hands—all of those matter a lot."
>"They're all coefficients, too!" an engineer added. "They're all related."
So is this all a meme or can we actually now play VR for HOURS?
I unfortunately don't have PSVR. I do like Japan Studio, so I will give you the befit of the doubt. I'd buy PSVR and a PS5 if they made Gravity Rush in VR or at all.
Cool, thanks. My play space is tiny anyway
Just to clarify though, 1.0 can still handle full body? I wanted to deep dive into VRchat pretty soon
>Another Valve staffer interrupted, saying, "I don't use VR for 30 minutes a day. I use VR hours a day.
fucking lmao is this for real?
Yep. Everyone using full body right now is on 1.0 (including me), save for the tiny handful that have Vive Pros.
People have always been able to play for hours. I did multiple 5 hour sessions with RE7 that first week it came out.
Why not? There's many VRChat users that have thousands of hours logged on Steam and play for many hours daily.
Literally just get a Quest aka Rift light
No cables, can play the games that matter (Beat Saber) and no computer required
absolute brainlet post
You don't seem to get the point given how you made exactly it.
Was your remark supposed to be laughing at the idea of being in VR for that much?
When you're on a video game board where people spend dozens of hours every week in other, flat games?
His point was that it's silly to have an engineer claim that people can now game for hours at a time with their new headsets when people were already doing it
The point was to laugh at the valve devs for thinking half an hour or even hours is a huge development. Read the quote again
Oh, whoops. Ha. "One or two hours." My personal longest is around 15. I hope Index controllers have longer battery life than the Vive dildos.
So I'm a poor loser that's planning on buying a wmr. What games have poor compatibility with them? I'd like to know what to look out for instead of all the games I might already know about getting
Just about nothing. Oculus exclusives? Revive with WMR works. Vive exclusives don't really exist. Everything works, perhaps not natively, but works just fine.
How good is PSVR for Beat Saber on PC? Deciding between that or finding a WMR, but if PSVR is good enough I'll probably do that for DOA.
Oh sick! Thanks user
>I'm legit depressed lads
can you make a new ms paint shitpost im getting bored of this one
Since this is clearly the vr thread is there any lewd user who'll let me molest them using a kanna model
Oh I'm not the guy that made this, I can post some other VR headsets if you like?
I got one of the early index orders. I'm honestly mostly excited for the modability of the headset; being able to make custom face plates (adding vents for better air flow, or more clearance for higher FoV) and add in secondary devices has a lot of room for potential. Hopefully people make use of it
No. Make your own.
>tfw buying Index even though I have Pimax
Might get an RTX card solely for that one Minecraft mod
What's the ultimate solution for locomotion outside of brain interfacing?
The only game I ever had an issue with is Pavlov. And that's it. Only because it flips my controllers for some reason, might not even be a wmr thing
The thing is there will ALWAYS be some poor fool willing to drop one grand on a screen really close to the face with wiggle and waggle controls.
it will never be OVER thanks to that, as long as theres ONE yelling about how its the best thing ever it will still be here.... It just will never be anything more then a meme for less then 1% of gamers
push stick forward
character moves forward
The dildo trackpad was because of fears like this but Valve have realized it's not a big deal hence the knuckles thumbstick, and the vr community generally despises teleport only games this far along
That mod doesn't work for VR, sadly. It hardly runs at 50fps on a 2080Ti at 1080p. Doesn't use RTX either, so that part is redundant. The older SEUS versions without path tracing run way better though, and look almost as good.
How is that moving the goalpost?
Oh, bizarre
It does look damn nice from what I've seen though
large two axis treadmill
>already own a Vive
>Knuckles are only $260
fucking hyped lads
What are the chances that the index gets a price drop next year? Because I have the steambux to buy one buy I figure I'd be a fool to be an early adopter.
Thumbsticks. No need to reinvent the wheel. You don't even need that, smooth locomotion works fine on the PSVR controllers just by "press the big central button to move forward and the small one to go backwards. Perfectly playable, although obviously inferior.
>own an Oculus
>always felt smug at other VRfags since It had the best controllers
>then knuckles and index gets announced
>none are compatible with any Oculus devices
Got what I deserved
All of Valve's hardware (controller, steam link) have been on sale at some point, multiple times. If it'll go on sale next year is hard to say, but eventually for sure.
Karmic scales rebalanced
he's not talking about the controls dummy.
>$1000 dollars
>not an all in one set
what the absolute fuck?
Who's idea was this?
Not like the knuckles are supported for anything, or for a good while, really. That being said, I'll probably switch over next year, or just wait till an actual 2.0 headset comes out.
If he's talking about locomotion he's obviously talking about controls.
>preorders sold out in hours for both
>"i-it's just a dead gimmick meme!"
so we can all agree calling VR a meme is pretty much a meme at this point, right?
and now VRchat is on Oculus store. these people overreacted
The all in one is 1000 dollars.
The headset itself is actually only like 500
the controls arent the issue he's referring too. Of course joystick works fine, it just feels like shit.
$1000 is for the headset + Knuckles + lighthouses combo. Individually, the headset is $500, the Knuckles are $280 and the lighthouses are $150 each.
I wanted to preorder, but decided against it because I figured these things will not sell.
Even with the preorders selling out, I still don't think it will be a commodity, I'll get mine around august, whether I preorder or not.
Breddy sure they guy is talking about the disconnect between the game locomotion and real locomotion.
Need to know numbers first
They likely just underprepared
t. Index owner in June
Well that's just how it works. Unless it's a cockpit game or a standing still game, you have to have a control for actually moving forward. The next best thing is jogging in place and I doubt anybody like that,
If you have the money to buy the headset, you can upgrade that PC.
I recall a video of some guy with a wireless Vive using roller blades to simulate walking in place and it seemed pretty immersive, but that's way more effort than most people would be willing to put into the experience.
Most things probably won't support the capacitive touch specific features but the knuckles can still use every input the wands use. There's zero reason not to upgrade especially since they're going to be a LOT more comfortable
I really didn't like the Oculus headset when I tried it at Best Buy, but those controllers were really nice. I was already set on roomscale experiences but I wish I could've used those with the Vive. I'd say it's worth selling your set and getting an Index.
There isn't one. If using thumbsticks to move doesn't nauseate you, it still feels unnatural.
That's what I'm planning but I still need to play like 700 bucks even after selling it
I really REALLY wanna get it, but fug
28th of June when.
I won't make it.
sword sense will have the same features as the knuckles, will be way cheaper, and possibly better
>finally have comp strong enough for the index
>have to buy a new fucking car
>going to be broke all year
at least knucks aren't coming out till late in the year
hope the prices drop in the mean time
Third person / top down genres also work well with VR.
The genre that everyone thinks of first when they think of VR, first person open world, seems to be the worst genre for VR. Interesting that. But there's just no way around it.
I really hope we get gaming technology that can read our thoughts soon.
Any good 2D VR porn? Honey Select might be weird in VR or not as good
>2D VR
And Honey Select is 100 times better in VR, the only negative is the awkward controls and you eventually get used to them.
I believe this too. We're starting to get those game now. I believe top-down games will be some of the best games from this new save of VR stuff.
This might spark the rebirth of RTS and MMO games.
I could play Starcraft just fine two decades ago. VR might be a meme gimmick fad after all.
Consider the following: You can look down over the entire play field as if you were looking down at a table top game. Round up units with your hands and micro manage them by just point and drag. With both hands.
Or classic MMO top-down games like Ragnarok except you're looking down at the game.
>literally the only genre that allows for a 1:1 translation of your body in any meaningful way
>seems to be the worst genre for VR
But I could play table top games just fine 3 decades ago?
>playing table top games when stick and hoop worked just fine
People can fire guns and play sports without video games just fine, so why do we need them?
What an age we live in
First of all, 1:1 full body tracking will never reach widespread acceptance, for two reasons:
1. It requires too much setup.
2. It requires too much physical effort.
The point of video games is to RELAX. The vast majority of people are never going to want to jump through hoops (metaphorically for the setup and somewhat literally for the actions in an open world game) just for a video game.
What this means is that you will never get good games because you'll never get games with a serious budget, because VR isn't reaching widespread acceptance. Not to mention the publishers and developers themselves will be sitting there themselves thinking, wtf, this is stupid, I barely even want to play this, how can I expect the average person to want to play it as well? And so this whole thing basically collapses and becomes pointless, all "potential" and nothing more.
Those other genres though, like third person action / strategy games or flight / racing sims, will reach widespread acceptance once the tech is very accessible, because those genres don't require people jump through those two hoops I outlined above.
You are responding to the same retard who shitposts that in every VR thread while posting 2D reaction images.
God when games are fully simulated and you can run and gun in real space, I will play them nonstop
can you move around to get the glare off the screen or is it baked into the texture
Consider Sony releases an upgraded Model 3 PSVR with higher resolution(on par with PC HMDs), and Knuckle-like controllers. Would you buy it?
Those are the only two things holding back Sony.
I did the “flashlight” update for my wmr and ever since, my touch pads don’t work in anything except the windows app. I don’t wanna get any other vr if my pc just went up and killed something.
That and tethered.
Depends on the price.
They also really need to embrace room scale. Psvr tracking is so fucking bad.
So, Quest or Rift S? Explain your answer.
I don't even know why he does that. Is he trying to be the "that guy" of VR threads?
If its compatible with SteamVR yes.
Depends. If you don't have a PC strong enough to support VR than obviously the Quest.
However, if you can support VR just fine with your current build, than I'd go with neither. Either get an index or wait for the Cosmos if inside out tracking is important to you
You can use PS:VR on your PC, right?
>First of all, 1:1 full body tracking will never reach widespread acceptance, for two reasons:
are you a fucking rayman? aren't your hands and head part of your body?
i didn't mention shit about body tracking you strawmanning nigger
>1. It requires too much setup.
ok lazy fck
>2. It requires too much physical effort.
just like fucking your mother
>The point of video games is to RELAX.
and whats the point of having sex to you? relaxing your anus? is that how you have sex?
>The vast majority of people are never going to want to jump through hoops
you usually jump by pressing a button just like in flat gaming
>(metaphorically for the setup and somewhat literally for the actions in an open world game) just for a video game.
you do any actions by pressing buttons and pointing your arms, that's not a workout
>What this means is that you will never get good games because you'll never get games with a serious budget, because VR isn't reaching widespread acceptance.
i dont want games for VR, i want ports, i am thankful that the culture is slowly changing
>Not to mention the publishers and developers themselves will be sitting there themselves thinking, wtf, this is stupid, I barely even want to play this, how can I expect the average person to want to play it as well? And so this whole thing basically collapses and becomes pointless, all "potential" and nothing more.
ok mr omniscient
>Those other genres though, like third person action / strategy games or flight / racing sims, will reach widespread acceptance once the tech is very accessible, because those genres don't require people jump through those two hoops I outlined above.
PCVR will never be accessible to the mainstream, stop smoking crack
I only have enough funds for one of those and some games this season so it's one or the other.
Meme... Fad... Over....
Wait to see the cosmos price. But if it REALLY comes down to one or the other, definitely the S assuming your PC can run it
Yeah, but trinus is a bitch to use and you're going to rip your hair out learning how to get the settings right. It's better just to go with Windex, Ocuberg, or Viv.
I'd be all aboard the Quest train if I didn't have to buy all my VR games again.
Kill yourself.
Difference doesn't seem that significant, but the webm is small, so is it accurate?
reminds me of Star Citizen, it seems like PC gaming is receding back into niche territory.
new pavlov graphics are so slick
All they fucking had to it was add tethered desktop passthrough and scrap the S.
It would have been so solid (outside of the whole Facebook thing).
We're not even close to going non-tethered. 3 hours battery life and 200~300$ extra. Transmitting all that information wirelessly requires top-quality emitters too.
It's just a matter of adding more cameras.
There are 3rd party solutions to this even now.
Mobile VR will eventually get to the point of PC Graphics or atleast a ps4 pro xbone X level. Look how far mobile graphics have came. They're unironically near, if not better than ps3 tier graphics.
Dont care about third party. If its not official then no.
This, It would have been an insta buy smash hit if You could also use it wirelessless on PC.
>buy PSVR
>only allowed to play whatever Sony shits on you
If some fag makes it work on PC i might, the only bad thing about PSVR right now is the FoV
that is adding a ton of time and assuming the tech wont stagnate
you can't count on that
it is small and the game doesn't even look good to begin with, you can reduce polygons on these stylized games to a N64 count that they will still resemble the original thing. try that on something that is actually meant to use a graphics card and the results will be abysmal
You can turn off the light, but it's kind of a shitty experience regardless.
Trinus VR software allegedly gets the PSVR working with PCs via SteamVR, though I could never get it working.
FOV is really narrow in Q compared to R or I interpret that WEBm wrong?
the official specs state that they have about the same FOV
i don't really pay attention to FOV in gameplay footage because that isn't always a good representative of what the person is actually looking, there are other factors that don't make into any static video, you can't really draw that kind of conclusion
Oh you mean the only manufacturer that has studios to commission first party titles with budgets and release schedules?
Pretty much every PC VR games is or will be on PSVR but Sony exclusives won't go to PC.
index isn't all that much better than any other ordinary vr headset yet. one day games will support knuckles goodness and then i'll get my vive with knuckles, but until then it's just a bumped up resolution and other evolution-not-revolution stuff.
This. The Index is a really good HMD but the improvement isn't worth costing 3x more than a Vive/Rift.
i thought about doing that with the vive but resellers always pop a few months after new hardware is releaed and they always have better prices
>trying to be a VR enthusiast as a poorfag
get fucked loser
>mfw i'm a poorfag and i enjoy the fuck out of vr on my $180 headset
>mfw at some point i've been playing vr vidya on gtx770 and most of the games i've played were running rather well
poorfags can enjoy vr, and you don't really have to own the latest hardware to be enthusiastic about it. op is dumb because he aims too high
After the quest releases and everyone realizes how great wireless is, nobodys gonna tolerate a tether anymore.
>$180 hmd
Which one? Lenovo?
>he doesn't hang the wire from the ceiling
>not really interested in VR
>decide to get an index kit preorder in since i'm steam rich due to the market
>get one in right before they sell out
>find out people are selling their preorders for $1600+
i might just sell it and pocket the money.
used Rift DK2, can be probably found for even cheaper nowadays.
>They likely just underprepared
Anyone that thinks for 10 seconds Valve didn't make enough units to cover losses and were gunshy about the Index after all the marketing is stone cold retarded.
Hilarious how all the poors were rallying behind Linus Cuck tips when he was shitting on VR and now suddenly the faggot isn't mentioned ever again