Just finished 100% the game, and holy crap what a fucking ride. This shit is basically what Yea Forums fags WISH Automata was like.
10/10 story, 10/10 gameplay, 10000/10 pixel graphics, Receptionist best girl of 2019
Why are people not talking about it? Heh, it's too patrician for reddit and youtube.
Just finished 100% the game, and holy crap what a fucking ride...
Great game, but way too short
Well it's just part 1 after all. Probably not even a stretch to call it just a prologue to the story and worldbuilding
>This shit is basically what Yea Forums fags WISH Automata was like.
That's Zero Ranger. But yeah, it's pretty good.
>Receptionist best girl of 2019
I told her to leave me alone and that hurt her feelings. She died in the crossfire later.
Say you're wearing a bathrobe when you meet her. You get an option to flirt with her if you do.
Alternatively if you say it's a cosplay, there's a later level where you can play a children's card game with her. It's very cute.
I hated it. Swordplay was gay and the design looked stupid.
is this being ported to ps4 or what
>imagine being THAT much of a pleb
I know that this is just Hotline Miami for babies, but holy shit, it just nails the atmosphere.
>Swordplay was gay
Git gud
the game is designed so that you can genuinely beat it without needing to use slow-mo or even dying that much, provided you pay attention, use rolling correctly and learn the enemy patterns
>design looked stupid
V is the only stupid design in the game and I'm pretty sure that was on purpose
Have a bump because I think I'm almost done with it.
>hid the best boss fight behind a obtuse series of steps that most players wont do
Other then that its my GOTY
>best boss
desu that drug trip of a boss fight was pretty unfitting and unsatisfying, considering this is a cyberpunk action flick instead of a Lovecraft horror story, and things end the exact same way regardless of whether you find a way to fight the boss or not (Zero kills him and takes the Chromium)
if it was some sort of mind battle where you actually got to spare him (or just got more lore tidbits as a reward) if you won it'd be more satisfying
Chronos, you twit.
It was good, but it didn't have that dope flashygoodness OST to go with it.
the music is very similar to pic related. same composer?
if you don't duel her she'll ask to watch anime with you later, you can either accept or decline but either way it's hinted that she likes you
I've seen it and am desperately wanting to play it, but I need to deal with my backlog first because that's more important. As for why it's not talked about, it's a VERY short game so far. Polished to a mirror sheen rarely seen outside of batshit insane passion projects, but very, very short.
>shilling for dumbed down, overpriced pixelshit.
I liked it better when it was Hotline Miami
>dumbed down
it's far more complex because it's a side scroller.
Come on man, Katana Zero is a MUCH better game than Tower of Heaven. Also it's supposed to be a hotline miami ripoff, for that the music is perfect.
This game has much more impressive pixel art than Hotline ever did.
at least this one has replay value
My kingdom for a decent game. Goddamn, there ain't shit to play. I've been playing weeb blobbers just to grind, I wish there was a Battle Brothers 2 or something.
post yfw zero was actually the soldier and worked with fifteen during the war
Dev, buddy. Please stop. This is embarrassing to watch.
>beat game
>want to delete the game from computer but upcoming release part 2 may require my old save file
Fuck this shit. I don't need this stree.
Which makes no sense. The war was 7 years ago, Zero is just 22 and it is heavily implied your memories are fake since your job is to cover up the NULL project. Then in the end it is shown that you actually DID server and not only that, that you didn't kill children. What gives?
that one is getting some DLC pretty soon, there's Monster's Den also though
Nigger, do you save your games on floppy disks?
I can't afford floppy disks.
the game heavily implies they're test tube child soldiers, probably came out of the tubes fully grown. just because zero didn't kill that child doesn't mean he didn't kill others, same goes for the various other null in the war
too short for the price.
>pretty unfitting and unsatisfying
I guess that's fair, just personally it felt like a actual final boss to a game that ends abruptly, and presented well on top of that
I will agree however on the mind battle thing you are suggesting, there are some other moments in the game where it felt like a non-prompted choice should of been allowed,like for example I wanted to walk out of the room after I beat the axe guy, but the game forced me to do the finishing blow.
>is this being ported to ps4
probably once they finish the dlc
It's great but it feels a bit like it's missing the last act. I know they're very obviously planning a sequel, but it was still a little underwhelming.
>Katana Zero: Hey did you guys play Hotline Miami?
>Hotline Miami: Hey did you guys see Drive?
Like pottery.
Game actually has one of my favourite OST's of all time
Different composers, but it's all synthwave
My interpretation was that the Chronos drug is effecting Zero's ageing, but could be on the money as well
Who did it better?
I always assumed Zero was just a child soldier. Considering what they did to Nulls it's not even close to being outside their moral qualms.
in Katana Zero you don't actually get to kill the qt black-haired waifu yourself
give me a list of the best indie games
Hoping we get to play more as The Dragon in the DLC
There are other hobbies out there, zoomie.
is it worth getting even though it's short?
Zero Ranger
The Talos Principle
Cave Story
Zeno Clash
Freedom Planet (if you can enjoy cringe)
To the Moon (if you can enjoy walking simulators without gameplay as long as they look like a 16 bit JRPG)
Yeah, it is the epitome of SOUL. I knew I was in for some good shit the moment I got to the main menu.
>h-he's fast...
I think killing the psychiatrist is more comparable to killing Emma.
Besides, going on a killing spree for a girl you know is not real would be pure kino.
I'd say wait until more content to get a more complete experience.
If she isn't real neither are Tragedy and Comedy.
I'm 34 years old and live in the middle of nowhere at present due to my job sticking me out here. Dunno what other hobbies I could feasibly get into, there ain't a golf course anywhere near me.
this is on my switch wish list and currently on sale
should i buy it tonight bros?
Cave Story
Kero Blaster
Hotline Miami
Mark of the Ninja
There are others not coming to mind but those are some favorites.
Hollow knight
Risk of rain
Stardew valley
Super meat boy
Katana zero
Nuclear throne
Hotline Miami 1 & 2
Return of the obra dinn
Papers please
Slay the spire
Baba is You
Hyper Light Drifter
and everything that said
>read a book dumb nigger
I have a MS, I can no longer read for pleasure because my brain is fucked up from reading "scholarly journals" and I get weirded out by "regular" writing. I've tried. Might need some sort of therapy.
Va-11 Ha-11a if you like VNs
I'm sorry, that's sad to hear. Reading and film are about the only hobbies that never tend to bore me.
I'm pretty sure the girl is real, but Comedy and Tragedy just used their ooga booga undefined drug powers to wipe out everyone's minds. Yeah, I thought she wasn't real when I saw that scene too, but the "one life for another" message and the fact that the cops DO react to Comedy and Tragedy showing up during an earlier level make me think the devs realized the "actually you were just hallucinating all along huehuehue" bullshit was getting tiresome in those kinds of games
Also, I wasn't talking about the little girl, I was talking about the Receptionist, she's the waifu that dies if you fuck up by choosing the wrong dialogue during the Hotel level
I used to love going to the movies, but now I can't bear to sit through one. I start to get antsy, like there's shit I am supposed to be doing. Ever since grad school, I get really paranoid and anxious at seemingly random and believe I have forgotten something deathly important.
>switchbros and PCchads get it while Sonybros are left out to dry
Don't play this one it has a loli prostitute
>he says while bitterly shitposting on Yea Forums about people liking a game he didn't play but doesn't like for some reason
Yeah the school indoctrination got to you. I know a bunch of people incapable of relaxing after getting their "dream jobs" out of college. Just gotta chill bro, dude.
>tfw the OST cover is 10 times better than the game cover
So how many factions are there exactly?
1. You're being used by the government to cover up the NULL project
2. V and Snow, trying to reverse engineer Chornos for god knows why.
3. The other NULLs trying to get revenge on the government
4. Tragedy and Comedy
Now, which of them shoots DJ-Electrohead if you don't kill him? Also why is the place called "new-mecca" aside from Al-Quasim, nothing struck me as Arabic.
Its flow is disrupted by the story segments and I fucking hate the rewind segments after clearing a particular floor. Aside from that the game is ok, if easy.
I don't have my "dream job" and probably never will, I just get weirded out here and there. That's why I play vidya gaems. Keeps my brain working, but not too much that I start to think weird thoughts. It's that right amount of low effort.
>which of them shoots DJ-Electrohead
why are you confused over this
you're straight-up shown the one who kills him is V
Fair enough, that's actually something that can be diagnosed, but I forget what it's called. Invasive thoughts are what you're talking about, I believe.
But what motive would he have?
>High resolution artwork where it's made in MS Paint
Fucking thank you, user.
So does anything change by me not killing in the prison?
>That part where you actually play as THE Dragon
The same reason we're given for his boss wanting to produce Chronos:
No fucking clue, it's part of the mystery
it's not made *
Always fun to play the "teleports behind you, nothing personal" guy. Hope we get different styles in the sequel
So are comedy and tragedy also nulls? Was V a null?
If you follow orders (killing electro head without questioning him, not killing anyone in prison), you automatically kill the hobo no matter what choice you make
dunno what else is there
I'll play it if you give me a Free Download Link.
V is just an asshole who works for some guy who want's to create chronos for his own needs. They are not affiliated with the government at all. Comedy and Tragedy? Who the fuck knows?
How the fuck did the dragon/Fifteen not remember Zero? Did he have chronos withdrawal and it made time for him to basically live 100s of years?
you unlock one of the keys.
28, I believe. The text on the screen during the church sequence are his thoughts, not yours.
Don't listen to this fag. The writing in that game is ironic garbage.
Yeah, was wondering about that, and that was in the jungle. War ended 7(?) years ago so that must've been over a century for him.
Dunno. I have temporal lobe epilepsy, so I'm already on drugs. Think it's just something I gotta live with.
fuck this "o look at those cute loli robot cat ghost anime girls but ACTHUAFUAHUASHUALLY IT'S ALL IRONIC ahahaha we're like soooo meta and self-aware amirite fellow gaymers" bullshit
i play anime-inspired videogames to get AWAY from this crap that plagues modern anime
Besides the obvious ones like Shovel Knight and every SuperGiant game, and the ones already listed, here's some indies I've liked recently:
Remember Actraiser, the God Sim + Action Platformer? Aztez is like that but it's a Civ-style turn-based strategy game + an extremely deep 2D beat-em-up with a ton of mechanics, plus a Sin City/Madworld art style and 15th Century Mexico as a setting.
>Battle Chef Brigade
2D monster hunting to collect ingredients to make food in Iron Chef-style competitions via match-three puzzle gameplay. Great characters, a lot of side content.
>Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
Castlevania III with much faster character swapping. It's Inti Creates doing Classicvania, very straight-forward.
>Gunman Clive 1&2
Simple Contra/Megaman-style platformers with a neat sketchy artstyle; has good replay value via unlockable characters (Switch has a Collection, it's literally $4)
>Lethal League Blaze
Closest thing to that ArcSys Guilty Gear/DBFZ visual tech I've seen from another studio, and it's an indie. Basically you hit a ball that bounces around an arena and keeps getting faster as the volley goes, and if you get smacked by it you lose the round. A ton of fun with great characters and an incredible OST.
>Aces Wild
2D action game that is pretty unique; it has elements from games like Arcana Heart and Bangai-O in its mechanics but it's otherwise its own thing. Art style is generic and there's almost zero story but it's a ton of fun.
>Assault Spy
Basically an indie DMC. The gameplay is very similar, but with a corporate anime dystopia. Main guy uses a briefcase and umbrella as weapons while wearing a suit, you fight in offices with cubicles and such. Character design reminds me of Danganronpa.
>desu that drug trip of a boss fight was pretty unfitting and unsatisfying, considering this is a cyberpunk action flick instead of a Lovecraft horror story, and things end the exact same way regardless of whether you find a way to fight the boss or not (Zero kills him and takes the Chromium)
It's not Lovecraft anything. What, you thought that any of that fight was real? Telepathy, psionics and similar things are reasonably common in cyberpunk. He was fucking with your already-addled mind. Shit, his ability to fuck with your head was probably why he was assigned as your 'therapist' in the first place.
I wonder how many of the hallucinations you had were because of the Chronos withdrawl, or because of him making you THINK you needed the Chronos?
How do you know he doesn't remember him?
They're about equal to me.
I dont think I meant only that. Like, which game is better overall? Comparing the ninja aspects.
I keep hearing good things about this game, but everyone says it's too short. Is it worth the $15? I keep telling myself I'll wait for it to go on sale but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about it
It's worth it. But it ends on a cliffhanger.
I thought he would talk to Zero and try to convince him to join him, but he just nonchalantly walked away with no conversation whatsoever unless this was all a huge keikaku in the making. Maybe he does know him and I guess this all be explained in the DLC
It is absolutely worth the money. It's got replayability and the quality matches the price perfectly (well in all honesty it would be totally justified if it sold for $20 considering the amount of love and care that went into it)
Reminder if you like Katana Zero you should play Iconoclasts. Similar art and storytelling, but instead of being an easy Hotline Miami thing, it has a ton of boss fights.
OP here, I'm suprised no one has said Furi or Infinifactory
I didn't like Bastion, is Transistor 'better'
I am looking up videos and it doesn't look vert good...
I wouldn't be surprised if Fifteen had tried that in an alternate timeline, but didn't bother on a repeat since it didn't go anywhere.
>I didn't like Bastion
Why not?
>is Transistor 'better'
Depends on what you didn't like about Bastion. Did you even finish it?
The Messenger.
Pretty much anything that Devolver publishes.
Iconoclasts is really nothing like Katana Zero on any level unless you're so unfamiliar with 2D games you think they all look the same.
I pay money for good gameplay and stories, not shallow characters that are good for nothing but porn and empowered black kwaaans
Makes sense because he is the intended target of Zero during the Chinatown raid.
It's great, but it's clearly missing an actual finale or at least an extra level.
True, considering how many timelines Gamma Nulls can handle, that might've explain his apathy towards Zero
are you sure you know what similar means? also outside of a few of the boss fights iconoclasts is mediocre at best
HAHAHAHA. Fuck no. Iconoclasts is hot garbage. I could write an entire essay on why this game sucks.
Mina literally says "reparations". Fucking lmao.
Freedom Planet is good but holy shit is the voice acting and story awkward as all balls. It seems to be less shit in the second game but there's still no hint as to when that's coming out
also lilac is hug worthy
Picked it up for the Switch. My PC cooks my bedroom during summer heatwaves so I play a lot more Switch then to let my room keep cool.
>inb4 air conditioning. Britbong here, that shit is ludicrously expensive to buy and run.
Iconoclasts is alright but it's kinda eh and it gets depressing halfway through. Not surprising considering Konjak had so many issues during it's development
>holy shit is the voice acting and story awkward as all balls
It's so bad that it's good. By the time you get to the final dreadnought, you already came to terms with the horrible shitty writing, cringy voice acting and nonsensical world building that you can sort of start enjoying the story post-ironically. The final boss is pure kino, even though it's childish as fuck.
The only depressing thing about Iconoclasts is how fucking awful this 10 year passion project is.
how hard is the game?
So how does Zero survive being a wanted criminal addicted to an absurdly rare drug for two years until he reaches the church scene?
>The only depressing thing about Iconoclasts is how fucking awful this 10 year passion project is.
Can't deny that, tbqh
The Dragon is cute!
The last level is on par with the early midgame of Hotline Miami. It's easy as fuck.
pretty sure i'm bad at it but still had no real trouble beating it without using slowmo at all
Wasn't the church scene a hallucination?
You had me up till then, fag.
gayfags get out of my thread REEEEEEEEE
Easier then Hotline Miami. Seriously, that dodge roll is too fucking good and if you know how to use it at the right moment then you don't need to use slowmo
It's a reference to the Hotel level you dip, play the fucking game
>Fifteen and Zero team up to become DOUBLE DRAGON
I found his level to be the most difficult for some reason.
>ends with someone asking a favor
>-2 years worth of days remain
Why would it be an hallucination?
In the hotel level you can fast talk the lobby secretary into believing that you're a cosplayer from an anime that is, to quote, "Heh, it's too patrician" for Netflix and shit.
It really goes to show brevity is the soul of wit.
Both Hotline Miami and Katana Zero are so short but so full of twitch rewarding gameplay and a story that pierces right though you.
Literally the definition of a perfect video game in my eyes.
Why the sudden desperate attempt to shill this game here? It wasn't being discussed for a reason. It's too easy, too short and the story doesn't resolve anything. It's a fun three hours but not worth the price and clearly unfinished.
It's not "too good" if you dont use it you fucking die.
It's a dodge roll. What is wrong with you people?
It would be perfect, if it WASN'T FUCKING UNFINISHED
The main hall of the prison with that giant shaft of empty space was a real bitch.
How is it like Automata? Does it have the most attractive character designs of the 2010s? Does it ask deep and meaningful questions about the human condition?
no way
>that moment when the final boss is the only one with a visible health bar
Also yeah the story's fun in a bad-fanfiction-cheese kinda way. It's so full of honest soul despite how awful and cringe it can be (SUSHI!) that I smiled the whole way through. 9/10 would unironically listen to the godawful voice acting again
Ah, I kinda glossed over that. I guess the government found Zero amnesiac and tried to make him work for them
Because it's fucking good. Asshole.
>Does it ask deep and meaningful questions about the human condition?
Dude, what if like, machines acted like humans lmao? Dude, what if you keep replacing parts of yourself, at what point are you still you?
Nigger, that's some entry level shit.
I'm afraid that Freedom Planet 2 will lose some of that soul by trying to be less cringe. The cringe is like 30% of the appeal.
It's mediocre and overpriced. There are dozens of better indie games released every year.
>I could write an entire essay on why this game sucks.
Not him but please do, I want to hear why it is bad.
Just post art and shut up. Nobody wants to hear your weird sexual desires.
The machines are basically people, the point in making them these retrofuturistic machines is lending an absurdity to the whole thing.
Ship of Theseus never comes up in Automata.
>Drink "Herbal" tea
>Two psychos in masks stand beside me in the middle of the night
I wanted to make a youtube channel like a year ago, but I didn't have the time. The Iconoclasts review was supposed to be some sort of test run to see if I could actually make a video review of a game.
Not him but yes it does.
The android with the broken leg in the camp doesn't want to change it because it is the last part of him that is still original.
>Ship of Theseus never comes up in Automata.
Yes it fucking does. One of the merchants in the resistance camp mentions it.
One of my favorite parts has to be when Zero goes through a planning stage but something different happens during the "replay" like a door rigged with a bomb and you end up getting captured.
>Yes, that should work.
I swear to god Yea Forums has completely forgotten that you don't have to have a shit-tier nothing but "THEY REFERENCED A THING I LIKED" story to still be a good game.
>Does it ask deep and meaningful questions about the human condition?
This shit has been spewed by literally EVERY SINGLE JRPG since the 2000's started. Only someone who thinks weed and reddit are underground things would think any of that horse shit is even close to being meaningful.
I hope that it retains that part of its' identity while being a little less stumble-over-itself-in-a-bad-way about it. Galaxytrail is a buncha good people so I believe in them.
What was your favorite level? I feel like Thermal Base and Relic Maze were the best stages
A Hat in Time
Dead Cells
Tempest of Heavens and Earth
Momodora 4
Luna Nights
Stephens Sausage Roll
Into the Breach
Hollow Knight
Super Meat Boy
Shovel Knight
The End is Nigh
La Mulana 1+2
Enter the Gungeon
Cave Story
Darkest Dungeon
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Super House of Dead Ninjas
One Finger Death Punch
Hyper Light Drifter
Cook Serve Delicious 1+2
Hotline Miami 1+2
Any game by SuperGiant Games
Any game by Vlambeer
Any game by Behemoth
Any game by Zachtronics
>Does it ask deep and meaningful questions about the human condition?
No, and neither does Automata. Automata is a much better game though.
That's exactly what I criticized with my post dumbass, I hate hurr durr "self-aware" referential narratives
If she wasnt real they wouldnt have even showed her captured by them.
It is not a thematic element. The game acknowledges it exists, it does not address it. It's similar to how Pascal claims that Nietzsche is insane. The game doesn't engage with nitzschean protofascist political ideas, but it acknowledges that they exist.
Relic Maze 2 and Battle Glacier. Just for the music alone.
I mean, we've already established that you're a fucking retard.
I'm purely throwing a random thought here, but what if She does exist, but in a DIFFERENT timeline than the "main" one that Zero usually interacts with? Chronos fuckery has done some pretty weird things before, so being able to see/interact with shit in other timelines seems possible, if a little unlikely.
Exactly. It's just shallow references. If I was 16 I'd probably love this game. However, since I had some serious drugs problems when this game came out and I wasn't paying attention, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt: What's the theme of Nier Automata and why is it deep?
What character was that boss? Want to make sure I did everything.
>Why the sudden desperate attempt to shill this game here
Now you know how we feel every time a trendy shit game like Five Nights At Freddy's or Automata comes out and we have to tolerate non-stop discussion about it in Youtube and Plebbit
This one actually has good gameplay so shut up and let people with good taste enjoy it and wait for the sequel
If you fought the boss that tries to kill you with psychic powers and wooden giant hands and turns into an "eldritch abomination" for the second phase then you fought everyone
What if God (humanity) wasn't real and people (androids) had to give life meaning on their own?
Is this the game everyone says is like Gurren Lagann?
It sure feels like the second half of TTGL all while doing the thing Nier Automata did a million times better.
That's extremely basic and has been the core premise of philosophy for the past 100 years.
>mfw you fucking throw the gun
I felt so fucking cheated. To the point where I thought it was some sort of bug.
I really enjoyed J.U.L.I.A.
>That's extremely basic and has been the core premise of philosophy for the past 100 years
Not for the teenage girls that played it and thought it was deep and 9S's obsessive lust-I mean loooove for 2B was like the most amazeballs things ever
>so being able to see/interact with shit in other timelines seems possible, if a little unlikely.
That's already been demonstrated during the Mansion mission.
Yeah, like I said. I would have loved this when I was 16. At age 23 however? Nope. Nothing new under the sun. Fuck Yoko Taro. Gameplay was kinda shit too.
>Best girl
How can you say that when Headhunter Beta is obviously best girl?
>>This one actually has good gameplay
No it doesn't. It's ridiculously shallow and forgiving.
Never even picked it up because "muh samurai honor"
Now I wish I did.
I can say that because Receptionist doesn't try to cook my skin with a laser gun and drink my blood just to survive
Have you seen Akira? It's a huge homage to that, which is the pinnacle of cyberpunk imo.
>Hotline Miami has fun levels but shit boss battles
>Katana Zero's levels get boring, but the bosses are are fun as fuck
Funny how that works out.
Easy != Shallow
If you want to get kicked in the balls, play Hotline Miami 2 instead.
Boss fights, just don't work well with top down perspective.
It's not like she wants to.
Also notice that as she crawls towards you and begins to slow down,she doesnt slump over until you cut her head off. Time froze for her, just then, shes locked in her body. It probably took 4 trillion years for your blade to finally come out the other side of her neck. The words are getting longer. The mosquitos are getting longer. Just do me one favor. Kill the people who did this to us. For me.
That is also not a core question the game deals with. Hedonism is not an idea 2B, 9S and A2 can even engage with and neither is individualism.
Try again.
"How do you find meaning in a meaningless world?"
The game presents you different ways of finding meaning, but it is always lacking. It is always in immitation of the human.
You have Pascal's village, where the machines try to BE human. You have Adam, who tries to find meaning in the thrill of battle. Eve who derived meanin from his brother's existence. The forest machines who decided to that the meaning of life is to serve their king and the factory machines who decided to resume their search of meaning in an afterlife.
The forces the protagonists to confront their ideas of what they live for as well.
9S loses his most beloved person, leading to his breakdown.
A2 is forced to face her hedonistic lust for revenge and recognize that there is more to life than the past.
2B is trapped in an infinite cycle of killing 9S shen he learns too much, only for him to resurrect. She does this in cold resignation until her death.
There are many references, not all of which have thematic relevance. My favorite is the fighting factory machines being named Marx and Engels. It is a great joke, because you're literally fighting the means of production.
But something like calling the head of machine cult Kierkegaard goes beyond mere reference and becomes critique of organized religion as a way to find meaning for your life. For just a throwaway reference Heidegger would've been a better name.
There is a lot more to this than references, it actually does make a point.
Yes but Akira dealt with kinetic powers and mutations, Katana Zero doesn't have that, the only powers present are the ones that come from drugs that give mental boosters to reflexes and predictions.
>Easy != Shallow
Sure, but Katana Zero is both.
What's a good game in your opinion.
Shinobi 3
What stage? Any hint for getting to it?
>"Hurrrrr durrrrr references thus deep"
Reddit please just fuck off, today's thread is not becoming about cuck porn no matter how much you wish otherwise
Look up a guide to get to him, the arbitrary things you need to do to get to the secret boss is bullshit that even I can't defend
My favorite part is how you have a robotic reenactment of the twilight years of the relationship between Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvior.
so what exactly is this about the game being episodic? is it going to get free updates or will it cost money?
None of that shit is particularly deep. It just poses and recycles questions that are literally a century old. If the game has no answer to the question of meaning it is just nihilistic edgy horseshit. Saying "god is dead" is easy. Coming up with a new value system that isn't terrible is the real challenge.
> My favorite is the fighting factory machines being named Marx and Engels. It is a great joke, because you're literally fighting the means of production.
That is neither funny nor deep. Fuck off, commie.
Fuck off, boomer.
I think its solid but its far from 10/10 story and gameplay. The story does a good job of presenting itself to the player as if they were in the characters shoes and getting them immersed but the actual nitty gritty plot points get lost in the convoluted nature of how the story is told. I get that creating this confusion and distrust of what the player is seeing is part of the point but I think its pushed too far- I would have preferred a "true ending" that puts the pieces together in a better way.
The normal gameplay is great but half of the boss fights were quite underwhelming and overreliant on gimics.
Yeah but that is destined to happen to everyone who ever took Chronos
I feel a lot of pity for her, but she doesn't stick out as a character otherwise. Not that she has a lot of chances to appear more likeable thanks to the circumstances I mean every time she shows up the plot puts her at odds with Zero
Not the other drugs the psychotherapist takes when you piss him off.
Why are you arguing about Automata's plot when the game you're shilling has an even worse one that's also unfinished? You have no leg to stand on.
References to philosophers is not deep nor is it a valid way to get your ideas across. Try again.
Game ends on a cliffhanger
In the secret bunker there's a door that's locked that says "come back in a few months"
Developer confirmed that there will be free DLC that opens that door released in a couple months.
>levels get boring
I know you don't actually mean that, you're just being a faggot for the sake of appearances and jaded user approval. Tired of you people. Tired of all this shit.
Katana Zero is actually good. That's the difference.
>Coming up with a new value system that isn't terrible is the real challenge.
This. Funny how every single edgy rebellious shitty story that screams about "YOU NEED TO FIND YOUR OWN MEANING" never show us how they're going to "find" that meaning, or what the fuck "their own meaning" even fucking entails.
Most of the time it starts and ends with "society is oppressive so I'll tear it down" and cuts to black before they're shown trying to build anything new with their newfound liberty.
My guess is that the war gave him a distaste of guns because that's who he was during the war. The guy who walks into defenseless village with a pistol and executes everybody. Even if he doesn't remember it due to his head injury, the physical memory is still there. He doesn't want to be that guy anymore and would rather hone the techniques Fifteen tried to show him at some point.
>None of that shit is particularly deep. It just poses and recycles questions that are literally a century old.
If you want to pose it in these terms then why bother with anything? You cannot be truly original. So why even care at all about anything.
>If the game has no answer to the question of meaning it is just nihilistic edgy horseshit.
It does offer an answer at the end, though.
>Saying "god is dead" is easy
God being dead is a presupposition, and you find His figurative corpse partway through the first route, with the implication that he has been dead for a very long time.
>Coming up with a new value system that isn't terrible is the real challenge.
Do you need one at all?
>That is neither funny nor deep. Fuck off, commie.
It's just a nod, why does it make you so angry?
Except it isn't. It's all style over substance, with only the visuals and music being any good. It's too short, unfinished, has zero challenge, and a bad story. It's not even worth the budget price they're asking for it.
Fuck you, I liked it and I don't have to justify my tastes to smug elitist pricks on Yea Forums.
>Psychiatrist goes Akira mode after taking psychic power drugs
>It's not actually a battle between their minds
>He actually does that and destroys the city
>Zero sees that happen with Chronos and kills him before he can take the drugs
>piss him off as much as possible
I was already planning on doing this next time so I don't really think it is that cryptic
I mean every word.
I felt like Hotline Miami I needed to go into every level with a plan, if I rush rooms I'm going to get swarmed with guns and shot to death. I need to figure out the optimal path.
Never felt like I had to plan in Katana Zero. Just rush a room, if there's guns you just slow down time. If there's more then 1 gun in a room, there's generally a very obvious alternate path to handle it. The first few levels are fun but soon all the enemy types are introduced and there's no new gimmicks. The core gameplay dragged in a way Hotline Miami didn't.
It also helps Hotline Miami has a combo and scoring system while finishing a room is good enough in Katana Zero.
>Do you need one at all?
No, we don't. People just need to live in shitty houses without architectural culture or art, smoking weed, watching porn and eating their own shit while someone else does the work for them. That's the recipe for the perfect society. Having a fucking structure for society is literally not necessary
That's just the thing, it is kind of deep. None of the stuff referenced about them can be found on wikipedia or through a quick google search. Someone on the developer team was very familiar with them and their works.
>destroys the city
Holy fuck I didn't think him morphing into a nasty flesh beast destroyed more than the building he was in.
It's a shame most of these games don't come with shader options coz low res 2d art looks atrocious on modern displays.
So are you one of the devs or just a friend? Because nobody should get this upset over criticism of a mediocre game.
>Do you need one at all?
Yes, because without a value system you cannot act. Like, at all. You are damned to inaction, you dumb faggot. Go read pic related.
>If you want to pose it in these terms then why bother with anything?
If you want to be derivative, at least be good at it. Nier Automata is janky dogshit, which would be fine if it was some sort of avant garde experiment. It isn't. Just old ideas badly repacked to impressionable teenagers who haven't encountered them before so now they think it's the deepest shit ever.
>It's just a nod, why does it make you so angry?
Because the entire 20th century belongs in the dust bin of history.
That's not deep. What can I learn about myself from the fucking quest? What's the point? To circle-jerk about some philosophy trivia?
>if you defend a game you like you must be a paid shill or friends with the dev
Fuck you. You are everything wrong with this board.
Peterson is a worthless hack, read a real book.
That's not fucking "deep", that's dropping names. For a thing to be deep you have understand the topic they talk about and give your two cents in the form of your own interpretation. Pascal literally reading Nietzsche is my favourite moment in how high schooler philosopher it is; he's just fucking reading it and saying "wow he smart".
Putting a robot named Marx that's the means of production means you know what communism means. It doesn't show any sort of opinion about what you think of communism, or how it affects, inspires, rebukes, or reasserts your own life philosophy.
Yoko Taro games are the Big Bang Theory of video games, only instead of laugh tracks you have big tits and opera soundtracks.
You have no idea what the central thesis of maps of meaning is because you are only familiar with his self help bullshit. Admit it.
Why did this thread have to turn into the pseudo intellectual hour?
Hey bro, don't blame me, I just posted this thread to talk about gameplay and story. I'm not the weed addicted redditor that came here to talk about how Big Tiddy Sad Androids Game is actually a deep overlook on the human condition
what the fuck was his problem
There's a big difference between defending a game and dismissing all criticism while being a melodramatic bitch about it.
>I just posted this thread to talk about gameplay and story.
Which you've been doing repeatedly over the past few days like a good little shill. There's nothing to discus with the gameplay. It's simple, easy and shallow. Maybe if the story was remotely finished we'd have something to talk about there.
Philosophy majors get bored after college and have a lot of free time after their part-time shift at wendy's
Knowing Dr. Lobster it's aimless drivel about how nihilism and how evil the post-modernists are (nevermind that he himself is one) and how he justifies all that with jungian archetypes. I don't exactly know, of course, but it is surely the same poorly researched shit he always talks about.
I admit that I haven't read the book and I am not going to either.
By the way both Marx and Engels were 19th century philosophers.
You haven't addressed my point about originality either. Why does everything have to be a spicy new take on things?
On value systems, why don't you start small and say "yea, existing is pretty good and I should do that some more". This is one of the more fundamental resolutions of the issue nihilism poses. I'm not gonna lecture you on it, when you could just read a real book.
Can't you fuck off to moan and whimper about easy mode with that other user? I'm already sick of bullshit with that teenager masturbating to 2B on this thread, I really don't want to deal with your bitching too.
>Knowing Dr. Lobster it's aimless drivel about how nihilism and how evil the post-modernists are (nevermind that he himself is one) and how he justifies all that with jungian archetypes.
Only the last part of that is true. Name one (1!) thing wrong with archetypes.
>By the way both Marx and Engels were 19th century philosophers.
No shit, sherlock. Bug gommunism is 20th century. Stop arguing semantics, you dishonest freak.
>You haven't addressed my point about originality either.
I did. Read my post again.
> "yea, existing is pretty good and I should do that some more".
That's pretty self evident.
There's a butterscotch under the couch so you don't have to give the little girl a fucking fish head. Happy to help.
What does that change?
The Q&A the developer did stated that he did take a real war drug. What that entails, we don't know, but it seems like that drug can enter people's minds.
I don't know yet.
Probably nothing.
Got a mega?
Also Peterson is not a fucking post-modernist, considering how much importance he puts on narratives and meta-narratives. How can someone who says "meta narratives are really fucking necessary" be considered a post-modernist? Your criticism of Peterson is so cookie cutter and dry, you probably read it some where and just adopted it as your own opinion. Think for yourself, nigger.
When people say Peterson I just picture Jesse Lee Peterson for some reason. I know you're talking about Kermit, but that old negro is hilarious.
Ah shit, get this Peterson bullshit out of my Katana Zero thread. Don't you have a pol thread to shit up or another MGTOW thing to discuss?
Literally polar opposites. Also /pol/ hates the guy for being an individualist.
I thought they hated him for being anti-white and anti-identity politics when it's for white people.
He is anti-identity politics, period. /pol/ is just fucking retarded and treats everything like a personal attack.
So what even was the computer/machine that Zero destroyed in the hut?
Therapist didn't kill you after gaining knowledge of the drug. Interesting.
>Only the last part of that is true. Name one (1!) thing wrong with archetypes.
Okay, the main issue with archetypes is that it is deeply structuralistic. You look at the world and then you say "oh, this thing is this archetype". Sounds pretty good. But then you think "how do I actually decide what is which archetype?" and "how do I know that all the archetypes I know are sufficient to give everything the right archetype?". The idea of jungian archetypes leans heavily on not worrying about that. And unfortunately you do have to worry about uncomfortable things like that, because otherwise your statements are meaning- and worthless.
>No shit, sherlock. Bug gommunism is 20th century. Stop arguing semantics, you dishonest freak.
But Marx died in 1883, how could have published the communist manifesto in the 20th century?
>That's pretty self evident.
It is. Makes you wonder why you need much more than truly existing. Hell, go a step further (and a little back in time) and say that merely existing isn't enough, but that all things exist for you and you alone.
I feel sorry for killing him.
I understand why the war between New Mecca and Cromag ended the way it did. NM lost the war of optics because they basically went in and slaughtered a developing stick hut nation. Why? could be the presence of technology at all. There seemed to be scientists which could have probably only been there because they defected from NM helping the Cromags. It would be pretty fucked up if the war was started just because somebody figured out how to build a computer in a zone that was somehow forbidden from doing so. The reasons for the war are a mystery but I guess this could be one reason.
I wonder who would have been receiving the orders to kill Zero. Who else works for the therapist in that capacity I wonder.
Looks like shit for contrarians
Most likely would have just stopped giving him Chronos. He gets into withdrawal he can't do anything.
The dossier says "manufacture process" and not just the knowledge that the drug itself exists. It's evident they preferably don't want Zero to know about that either considering he forbids Zero from even talking to Electrohead in the first place, though apparently it's not enough to warrant immediate termination. I don't recall we ever find out how it's actually made.
Regardless, it's up to anyone's guess whether the therapist would've actually kept his end of the bargain and supplied Zero with free Chronos if the guy had actually executed his orders properly.
>But Marx died in 1883, how could have published the communist manifesto in the 20th century?
More retarded semantics, holy fuck, what is wrong with your brain? Marx died an obscure neckbeard and less then a dozen people attended his funeral. His ideas only took of long after his death, you dishonest rat.
>Okay, the main issue with archetypes is that it is deeply structuralistic.
And how is structuralism a bad thing? I bet you also don't like Plato's world of forms then. Archetypes are somewhat murky, but still a great way to look at art if you reject relativism. Humans are more than just the product of their environment. People with totally different experiences who don't even speak the same language can understand art on a similar emotional basis. How? Archetypes, that's how. Doesn't matter if they're ill defined.
But if you shit on Peterson and archetypes, you probably disagree. I don't know if you are a post-structuralist or some sort of materialist. Either way: Fuck off, I hate your world view.
I hate the use of the F slur at the thread header. It's completely unnecessary & offensive towards gay people.
>too patrician for youtube
Except I already watched the entire game on youtube already. Gameplay looks good but it seems like the best part of the game is the visuals and story, which I already got and no longer need to pay money for.
>not immersing yourself with the neato dialogue system
Do you think on some level the Therapist actually cares about Zero as a friend? Before he starts killing cops...
So why was Leon cryogenically frozen?
I doubt he would have given him Chronos for life. Probably would have eliminated him eventually, since it seems the government is trying to remove everyone and everything involving Chronos. It almost sounds like the therapist is jealous of Chronos to an extent, as when you refuse to take it after talking to Electrohead, he comments how you have the powers of a God.
Either because he was just insane, it was a fetish or he knew what would happen if he didn't keep taking chronos and being frozen is better than "withdrawal"
Chronos probably isnt the only war drug he developed and tested on himself either.
He seems genuinely empathetic when you talk to him about your dreams, so maybe? That's why it feels so horrible when he calls you a piece of shit, even though it's probably not even real.
I think so, at least in a neutral co-worker way.
His job was to provide Zero with mental stability and Chronos, both of which require him to give a shit about his well-being, and there's no way he could have seen the shit Zero would put him through coming.
I am not personally gay however I still don't appreciate that slur or your intolerance of anyone different from you. I have reported this post.
Announcing reports is against the rules, faggot.
The random "you piece of shit" part was him turning into V. It was part of that "drugged" tea.
More like chronos withdrawal. He does call you subhuman later on though.
It's not but okay. I will no longer respond to your posts. I hope that one day you grow past your extremely childish behavior.
What? Zero doesn't take any Chronos after killing the secret boss.
Why is V the most hated character in the game? I found his personality to be endearing in that "GTA Character" sort of way. He was a fun dude. Surprised he's not considered bro tier.
I'm having fun with it. Did a couple no slomo playthroughs. Love how I can just curbstomp the final boss now. Feels good. Pissed about that cliffhanger ending tho.
I hate how easy this game is. Slow mo shoudln't even exist.
He's not hated for being obnoxious, he's hated in that he's a good villain. A character you want to bury an axe on, but still have fun every time they're on screen.
Yeah, I was really bummed you couldn't join up with him. The game should've had acting especially psychopathic so far as a requirement so that instead of automatically delivering the subhuman line, you unlock an option to agree with his offer. It could've been interesting plot wise as well and used to explore what Snow and her employer are up to since now you're on their side. The game in general would work perfectly with a multi-route / ending system considering the main time repeat gimmick.
Deus Ex hat a literally Unantco/MJ12 route that got scraped due to time and budget issues. This type of hard divergence is just not economical.
jeezzus shill harder faggot.
No ones talking about it because there's nothing to talk about. it's a meh game with hardly any gameplay or content. even one of the mechanics is about skipping over & not letting you play what could be exciting gameplay. It all takes a back seat to the shithouse, incoherent story that goes nowhere. it's barely even a game.
>no one's talking about it
>272 replies later
>neato dialogue system
leave Yea Forums and go play your shitty visual novels faggot.
>responding to it
>Deus Ex hat
>see 'hat'
>think of TF2
zoom zoom
That feature, even if done well, is still bad to you?
>This type of hard divergence is just not economical.
Well Katana Zero's quite a bit shorter for one thing so the added content could be delivered through multiple routes instead of one linear and longer route. The divergent route stuff also came to my mind because of the first Hotline Miami, where Jacket and Biker's campaigns have different events unfold. When I realized V alliance was not possible, I at least expected choosing Death to unlock a longer Fifteen campaign or something rather than it being a glorified game over, but alas.
Yeah because its not not video games. Especially when the stories garbage, invasive, incessant and takes up 80% of the game while gameplay is only 20%.
fuck this looks cool, can't believe I didn't hear about this when it came out. Playing KZ really makes me want to play this now.
>A dialogue system in a video game isn't video games