What makes this game so great?
What makes this game so great?
>2D sprite enemies that have repetitive animations
>can't look up or down
>no vertical movement
>turn with arrow keys instead of mouse
>shitty sound design
>weapon animations have like 3 frames
>bland samey environments
>repetitive objective on every level
>HUD takes 20% of the screen
>little enemy variety
>enemies are slow as fuck and shoot slow projectiles
>35fps internal logic and corresponding input lags.
>Combined with fucking inertia implementation where you feel like you pkay as atank while walking, and you feel like sliding on glass while running.
>Also, ridiculously shit melee system, which restricts your movement in order to make your hits connect.
Good music
Good gameplay
that cover art
satisfying schüt
that's the secret to an actual fun FPS
All of this is objectively false, kid. Go back to your kingdom farts or something, i don't know
Only >newfag sourceport brutal doom redditors like this shit game, piss off moron
the "bait to keep the thread alive" thing only works if what you say is divisive
nobody is interested in arguing with somebody that is obviously saying retarded things on purpose
Make by some metal lovers who loved what they were doing.
Like Zelda Flute of Hours, it did the thing first. Didn't you know? Doing the thing first makes it amazing.
It's not that great
Original DooM is the pinnacle of SOUL.
You can feel the love and effort this small rag-tag team of goofy friends put into making the game come true. At no point did they stop at "good enuff" state; they knew they had a shot at being the new kings of vidya, and they put their backs into it like no tomorrow.
The end result was a timeless masterpiece with stellar game-design, spotless balancing, satisfying action, great audio-visual presentation, and endless potential thanks to the modding capabilities being offered from the get-go.
Explain how its objectively wrong
So no argument that this game isn't garbage, good job
Nope. There's been countless "firsts" that the world has since forgotten, only to "re-discover" same ideas later on through another title that did that "thing" better.
Now, being the "first", AND doing it RIGHT on the first shot? THAT is how ever-green classics like DooM, SM64 and OoT are born.
OoT is also one of the best games of all time, yes
there can be no objectivity in art criticism
you are a faggot basedcuck that's how
OoT is shit.
>Music is first and always will be. Even if it's taken from bands of the time since they had no problem with it being in the game.
>guns are fun and useful in their own way.
>each demon has its place in the game and none act the same except for the zombies.
>the story isnt in your face like a movie.
>most maps feel like they've been made with more thought put into them than just get from point A to B in a straight line as fast as you can.
>its a power trip.
>and lastly, who doesnt love doom guy. The only other character besides Gordon Freeman to be so relatable without saying a word.
sure thing, todd
Wolf3D came out first and that game doesn't hold up nearly as well as Doom does.