Can I just kill her now?
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hora hora hora~
I liked the Angel goddess better for the sole reason she actually caters to my fetish of being pissed on.
Why would you want to kill best girl?
She doesn't shut up about food! Every few scenes it's food this, food that!
>"Let's go help those people for food lol." >"Dude just let me eat your semen I'm starving bro."
I can't take it anymore!
No but you can kill yourself now.
Dont worry OP, the time you're waiting for will come
Luka was too good for her.
Please leave
>year is almost half done
>still no news about paradox 3
please don't let it be delayed.
>kills snek slut
>gets to fuck a goddess for all eternity
seems like a good ending to me.
She dindu nutting she was a good girl she just let luca die or get raped multtiple times
Nigga part 2 is not even translated yet.
It will take a while
Loli Kitsune>Tiny Bandits harem>Half-succubus queen>Granberia>POWER GAP>Alice>Everything else
Based lolicon.
>three full games
>only like 2 (TWO) fucking anal scenes
There was more fucking plant vore garbage, holy shit, I want my fucking buttsex with Alma fuck you game 2 nukes weren't enough
Ilias > 4 bandits > Fluffy Tail > Everything > Alice
Anal is degeneracy. Delete yourself.
Don't be so butthurt you chump
Ilias ackhbar !
I'll always find it funny that Luka got his anus penetrated more than anyone else.
I'm still fucking mad at how hard I got blue-balled by Alma. Fuck this shitty game to death I only fapped TWICE in my entire playthrough.
solid 9/10, the OST man. The fucking OST
I have never lost a fight and I only jerked off to Alice.
Ilias is no god of mine.
you technically lost to granberia
>Play on hard
>utterly impossible to beat that poorly drawn fox bitch with 69 tails that rub the skin off your dick
>NIEN fucking attacks in one turn with that shit
>have to lower the difficulty to just normal just to stand a chance
Sextuple Giga best attack
I'm on that fight right now
Everyone keeps mentioning the OST as being amazing but so far none of the tracks have blown me away.
Great taste my patrician friend
How do you pronounce 'Ilias'
I say Ill-eye-us
I lost every fight on purpose and jerked off the all the monsters. I also lost multiple times to unlock all alternate scenes
Me on the back
This was a beautiful soulful game i ignore almost all the porno felt like 3rd part wasn't that great fucking alice fight but god damn it was so satisfying.
Modern games don't give the same satisfied feeling.
>That one fanmade scenario in which Ilias sits Luka down and explains why she wanted to stop the monster girls with words so simple, even a retard could understand
>It made perfect sense
what scenario and what did she say.
MMm yeah but it breaks what are actual intentions are and breaks character
That's the problem with most mods, even the ng+ mods. They break character so fucking much
*breaks what her actual intentions are
Well yeah it's fan shit so of course it's inferior by default.
Essentially, it makes Luka do the fucking math when considering how Monster Girls breed: It's horrifyingly clear that it's unsustainable and can only lead to humanity's extinction. Alice the 1st was a fucking retard for making them that way.
It also establishes that her actually losing the final battle was set up to play out exactly the way she wanted it to if it were to actually happen. Because even if she died, hey, she wouldn't have to deal with her retarded angels anymore.
Too bad it contradicts canon, we have monsters like harpies giving birth to boys and even Alice herself.
That doesn't contradict anything. Hell, that was even addressed. Boys are still stupidly rare and human female offspring is unicorn-tier. It's unsustainable.
Mostergirls are for fags I'd rather smoke weed
It's not rare, they can choose the sex of offspring.
I thought we only liked monogamous eroge here?
Maybe if you're someone powerful like alice
There's NTR in this? i haven't finished it yet.
That's how normal woman are tho, user...
>flat Alice
Wtf is this heretical shit
lots of it, the girls are all rotten sluts who sucked billions of cocks before you and after you
It's mentioned in Paradox actually.
What is going on here
That wasn't the case before paradox was made but I guess sure
Is that a g gundam reference?
HAHAHA I remember. Good shit.
Why do they look smaller here
That doesn't sound bad. after all, you're not supposed to build boyfriend/girlfriend relationships with sluts just have fun with them.
Stop bothering with fan shit, it's all retarded.
Because they're in loli (sealed) form.
when NG+ Part 3 coming out?
Where? as said, this isn't a dating sim. just a VN with "rpg" elements and only 2 endings
no, later
One of the last fights is yourself.