There will never be another marvel game that isn't mcu shit

>there will never be another marvel game that isn't mcu shit
Fuck this gay earth

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You faggots don't even deserve a new mvc game to begin with. Now you rep what you sow due to Goku FunctionZ now being known as a shit meme game.
Now go back to sucking off the many dicks of Goku like the little redditorcuck you are.

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Torpedo tits are best tits.

Go outside.

But I hate DBFZ, I just want Marvel 2 and 3 combined, or a good MUA

I'd be happy with just another normal X-men game myself


It's the one I had lying around

Psylocke is hit

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Mcu is kino. Only beerboys hate it.

Well, at least you got the best MvC game (that doesnt actually feature capcom by the way) completely for free, and it's before the MCU infected everything.

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You're obviously lying through your ass. Most of you Mahvelfags went and got on your knees to blow Arc Sissy and Scamco off the moment you cucks saw the DBFZ at E3, when MvCI wasn't up too your hyper autistic standards.
You brought all of it onto yourselves and now you feel the massive guilt.

DBFZ sucks. light light light 2h light light 2h jump cancel light light light super

sick and creative

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COPE Harder Redditor

>Nintendo gets the rights to MAU
>doesn't just make it themselves

It looked cool but didn't take more than a few minutes with the beta to figure out it wasn't my kinda game

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Sure keep telling yourselves that. What's your reddit account? I might give you Krappa chimps some reddit gold.

Do you like the game or not? If you're just shitposting to bump the thread I'm completely fine since I wanted an excuse to dump psylocke

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I made a Storm level in SSBU.

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More like redpilling you fucks because you fags killed your series for a much crappier series.
But hey whatever helps you FGCucks sleep at night, cunt.

Is MvC2 easy to get into in the year 2019?


Go outside. Fresh air and sun is good for you. Make some friends. Buy yourself something nice.

Yes but you can't buy it so no. You really think people would be this pissed if you could still buy the game?

Im hyped for MUA 2

Isn't it on Fightcade?


>>there will never be another marvel game that isn't marvel shit

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You might need a break from the internet. Do you have any friends that live nearby? Maybe you could go see a movie with them, or find a nice local restaurant that can become your new hangout spot.

I rejected both MVCI and DBFZ
Fight me in UMVC3

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Why so specific?
>there will never be another game that isn't shit

MCU means movies, stupid.

There will never be a Mortal Kombat game that's mysticism martial arts and kung fu movies again, it's all gonna be shitty Michael Bay US army plots


Can't wait to see when you FGCucks start fucking crying and begging for Capcom to make another fighter. You fags had your chance and you failed.

He's probably young enough that there's no difference to him.

Not gonna lie, I want a MvC game with Thor from the MCU. Both before and after End Game .

a game for niggers

As if pre-mcu games are any different from post-mcu games

you mean like every fighting game? Africans of the American variety BTFO all other non gooks at every fighting game except Melee

This is bait. Just look at the roster of MvC3 and MvCI and see how the latter is purposefully designed to pander to the MCU.

based taskposter

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Looks more like a grey-haired Agnus from DMC4

Meh. At least I lived long enough to play my favorite comics character in a video game before they mucked him up into unrecognizeability...

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It's not MCU that is ruining the games, it's Capcom's fighting game budget. Ono and his crew get treated like step-children. Even Street Fighter is an afterthought compared to RE and MH. I'm sure Marvel mandates certain characters had to be in Infinite, but the parts that were utterly embarrassing came down to the game looking a generation behind Netherealm games, having as shitty a story as fighting games from the 90's, and playing much differently than the VS series we had been living with since 2000.

Oh so you're playing a dead game then?

Having new characters wasn't a bad thing. The problem was cutting half the roster in half and leaving out the X-men.

Post more examples of 2d sexy sprites

I play it with a sparring buddy from time to time. I mess around with UNIST primarily these days with a side of BBCF and about to give Rev2 another shot.

And just like that the Mahvelfags are now running in.

I seriously hope Capcom does the next DC game now that they are done with Marvel.

I mean, at this point though, anybody better than fucking NRS.
Female characters will either look like a trannies like they did in the previous games or be covered in burkas.
I'm beyond fucking done with the Injustice storyline as well, who the fuck thought making their most famous and iconic character into murderous dictators a good idea? Especially for two fucking games.

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Got nothing to cope about. I think it's you that's gotta cope with your needless aggression. Maybe some sunlight and social time with loved ones.

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not an argument

Capcom fighting game players don't play games, they just shitpost about them online. It is for the best that Capcom fighters are dying. If you want to play an alive game, play Tekken or play Smash.

Now that's fucking funny hearing how desperate Mahvelfags are at this point to disguise as NR fanboys.

Facist Superman is a story nearly as old as Superman.

>Tekken 7 is 70 fucking gigs
number 1 reason I havent touched it

>being a netplay only fag

Half of it is pre-rendered videos, literally delete the movies folder and you've shaved off half of the file size