ITT: 10/10 animations

Attached: 1556950907298.gif (256x192, 1.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1554839509207.gif (1200x500, 2.45M)

Attached: 1556569076573.gif (350x520, 513K)

Considering how degenerate this place is I'm surprised we don't already have ten minus8 posts already.

Why is her butt blushing?

Why is she thrusting?

it's windy

Attached: 1554929394480.gif (800x600, 324K)

>Why is her butt blushing?
It's the anime way to show it's flushed. She has a butt as red as an apple.

Good animation
Shit animation

Attached: hewh lad.gif (300x169, 2.66M)

Attached: 1522124249759.webm (452x380, 2.74M)

They're balloons, she's totally flat

Attached: flannery6164313e8f467cf2a2248ad8efeb3f69.gif (800x1600, 2.06M)

Attached: 1453766111970.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)



Attached: 7b2.gif (250x249, 146K)

Well, at least the thread is alive now.

This shits so cringey.

seething roastie

I think her hands are having a seizure

Wow a walk animation on par with stuff from 2008. Impressive

Attached: 1533792323138.gif (197x236, 360K)

Attached: smug animation.gif (80x160, 16K)

Attached: Ult_Attack_Anim.gif (121x184, 1.11M)

this guy's art is never sexy.

Fake honks

Attached: f01.gif (301x312, 831K)

>D-do I fit in yet?


who's this and what game

Attached: 1509977468499.gif (150x150, 45K)


whoever gives this faggot a (You) is a retarded gay nigger


shame, really

Attached: 1510415489155.gif (1000x1600, 1.11M)

Raspberyl from Disgaea 3

Attached: 1526524032052.jpg (600x1000, 211K)


t. SEETHING tranny

Attached: 1535942715435.gif (343x495, 1.63M)

hey RETARDS try posting animations from VIDEO GAMES

Why are weebs and anime characters so punchable?

What is this titty clown from?

>those hips
>that gap
this guy is worse than shad

Attached: 1531027417689.png (500x509, 279K)

i dream about beating up filthy weebs every day
i fucking hate anime, and i hate how they think they can infect this site too with it

Attached: thumb.jpg (428x600, 59K)

Attached: 1544831995459.gif (513x705, 1.23M)

>Normalroaches upon interacting with Yea Forums for the first time.

This game looks like ass.

You're not paying attention at all you unironic homo.

>reminding me of this nightmare fuel picture

Attached: 1557154063668.jpg (404x555, 63K)

Attached: 1514279438995.gif (431x328, 676K)

Yea Forums is an anime website. Go back.

Attached: 0001.jpg (1280x905, 357K)

that's adorable


Attached: 1554597022735.gif (607x609, 754K)

Delicious robot ass to be exact.

oh, so now you're being racist? im not even mexican lol
ever since this country elected an incel as president things have gotten worse

Anime girls are for bullying. Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: You can't

oh so you're just pretending to be be retarded

Attached: 1b1.jpg (220x234, 8K)

>not even cool or especially good animations, just weebshit tits and ass

Attached: polbase-5acd4a2aee33d.png (1296x1458, 217K)

Attached: Mai_sprite.gif (154x186, 64K)

Attached: 1539234564785.gif (280x210, 795K)

dumb tranny

Attached: negative eight.gif (518x644, 445K)

Attached: scu bipita bopa bepo.gif (500x635, 53K)

>disliking diives
Do you enjoy being openly gay?

Attached: ggg.gif (210x131, 197K)

I regret deleting this game from my 3ds, but I guess the mobile version keeps being updated?

hey guys search up "epic troll face" on google images
shhh its a surprise :;)

I don't know. Dives has some sort of talent and nice to look at art but when it comes down to it I just don't bother saving any of it or look at it long.

>The best artists the west can produce are Shad, diives, minus8, and CSR

get out of this thread shad you're not welcome

Attached: hahahaha.webm (936x888, 1.79M)

minus8 is korean though

woah thats cool thanks user how did you find this wow

>Its a 10/10 cuz it makes da peepee hard
every time, cant you fags at least post something new?

the first post you replied to isn't saying ">diives" it's saying ">>diives"
with an extra arrow
very important
i wonder what the relationahips between diives and minus8 and shadman are
they probably all know OF each other but have they ever had any meaningful interactions with each other?

shut the fuck up, faggot.

Attached: 1528499838690.gif (225x345, 50K)

unbased horny retard with low standards

just look up "how to be an amazingly epic troll" on a search site (maybe it matters which one idk)

Be the change you want to see in the world, user.

Attached: bless the rains.gif (300x303, 1.49M)

Attached: 1240538465311.gif (224x219, 118K)

Attached: cap.gif (506x379, 222K)

Attached: 478682648682.gif (334x251, 2.52M)

Have sex

Attached: 284738919.gif (450x360, 2.19M)

xxxX xxxx xx "Xxx xx xX xx xxxxxxXxx xxxx xxxxx" xx X xxxxxx xxxx (XxxxX xx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxx)

one of the phoenix wright games, i can't remember which

>complains about weebs
>posts western toons


>Have sex

Spread those cheeks bby

Attached: 1525115829690.gif (300x300, 848K)

The dick is always right. Why else do you think way forward still makes games.

Ace Attorney 6. Spirit of Justice.

hay baybee! duz dat make youw... A NIGGOW??? :OOOOO

Attached: 1554849162429.gif (480x480, 3.96M)

Attached: 1489435985561.gif (350x263, 1.93M)

this is now an acceleracers thread

Attached: 9cc.jpg (605x1611, 89K)

Have sex

Attached: n0gaxljy2jm01.jpg (588x759, 427K)

Attached: jf95y9ft7rd01.jpg (640x620, 32K)

Attached: 1526456887387.gif (329x302, 6K)

im ok with this

completely agree with you, this thread is garbage

This takes me back

Attached: tumblr_inline_o4p8pzIOdg1ri065t_500.gif (240x240, 94K)

> Yo, I'm a white boy, but I jump like a nigger
> Boswer straight frontin', while I cock my trigger
> Blast one cap get a koopa off my shorty
> Pop one cap off an ice cold forty
> My mushroom cap get a princess real naughty

How did Nintendo get away with this?!!

Elena is cute

Attached: 893.gif (235x170, 357K)

Attached: 1532554667526.gif (300x363, 85K)

it might be rotoscoped, but at least the head has more than one frame of animation
I love Puyo Sun's style

Attached: robert from king of fighters.gif (125x149, 38K)

post sauce

Why was this game so good?
And why wasn't all-star battle and eyes of heaven nearly as good?

Attached: Dio_idle.gif (80x130, 39K)

Attached: prinspin.gif (125x125, 33K)

Attached: 1552719284262.gif (500x288, 1.8M)

because all cyberconnect2 can do is make naruto ultimate ninja games and silent bomber

Attached: 1543926828539.gif (116x128, 25K)

why do Diives girls always have palsy.

Attached: GIF Animation (8770663).gif (416x600, 274K)

Attached: 8ff7c923edf2f27ec3a844bf3c3bb45f.gif (360x381, 126K)

Attached: 4d158586-2a7c-473d-9a04-0c8275963993.gif (270x180, 486K)

horny bluepilled virgin

Attached: Sakura-SFA2-Victory-Pose-3.gif (155x144, 185K)

Attached: mak.gif (400x570, 154K)

Attached: PL1.webm (918x1080, 1.26M)

Attached: tumblr_n1o61xGoUd1qd4q8ao1_400.gif (400x435, 80K)

This thread is shit
Have a strangely well-animated anti-cigarette ad

Attached: 1nDY.gif (256x238, 335K)

>I get to not fap compulsively to this shit
Sweet release

that invisible blowjob isn't really lady-like

Attached: makoto walk.gif (705x530, 642K)

this is legitimately terrible animation though


ZX3 never ;-;

Attached: e23c7e52-99f9-4c8e-8e93-982bb6ac2d20.gif (540x304, 2.98M)

Attached: daytripper.webm (330x448, 1.63M)

>Head sprite the same all animation

Attached: 1522935263999.gif (480x320, 1.84M)

Attached: 683px-MC7_Hank_big[1].jpg (600x600, 27K)

Attached: ARE_YA_WINNIN_SON.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

>feet are literally 2 frames
>calfs are tweened
>thighs are tweened
>ass is circles with a blue outline being visible for half the loop
>thong is a rectangle
>dress is tweened
>upper dress back is reversed
>arms are the same and just tweened with the motion
>tits are mpre circles with alternating outlines
>enire face is tweened squish and stretch
>hair is just two layers changing sides
literally anyone could make this

they do?

I know, I noticed it when I was a teenager and it bugs me till this day.
>body is a deep orange tan colour
>head is a completely different orange, noticeably different from body
Still a fine animation though.

Attached: DzzCQSJWkAEJjOC.png (512x384, 202K)

FUCK you got me, spit my sweet tea
that faggot always looked high....

Attached: 1555019269720.gif (246x470, 1.07M)

Attached: 1526077600731.gif (556x612, 124K)

Attached: healers.gif (480x320, 1.54M)

I still have hope, but it's getting smaller

Attached: BlackEndGalaxy.gif (150x150, 1.78M)

They look like they fuck black guys

what vidya

>Swiggity swole, I'm comin for that soul

Attached: 1511392035600.jpg (882x624, 129K)

Probably, if they weren't fictional characters.
Doesn't make them any less cute though.

Attached: Sakura-spinkick1.gif (140x120, 13K)

Attached: Shanoa double jump.webm (178x350, 291K)

Attached: 1486767433145.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

I mean technically a clerics spells are determined by his charisma score. In 3.5 there was also the lust domain that would allow you to regain all of your turning attempts you could use for divine meta-magic as a free action by doing a sexy dance.

Attached: 1527203596993.gif (220x220, 273K)

wow i thought my thread died when i saw it on page 9

Jesus, that's from 1980? That is some extremely solid animation.

Nice digits

>people posting 3D in a "good" animation thread

Attached: 1552168714692.jpg (496x600, 34K)

Diives > minus8 > Shad > a toddler smearing his own shit on a canvas >>> CSR

artist is zankuro


The BEST Fire Emblem animation.

Attached: 1435785543732.webm (1280x718, 1.47M)

That looks bad and kinda sad at the same time....
I mean if they wanted it to really get you, why the fuck did they not make it look better? fuck.

is that actually in the game

Attached: 1550194428793.jpg (480x499, 21K)

>sperg comes in to call out sexual content being a prime factor to being good
Every time, can't you fags at least write something new?

Attached: 1551664071632.gif (560x560, 265K)

I can't believe chibi-robo is fucking dead

Attached: 1556286412492.gif (2800x1283, 2.67M)

Ima so mad that konami sent the guy making this game a c and d. I would have blown so many poliwags to this game

Attached: Letting the days go by. Water flowing underground.gif (250x200, 469K)


Attached: ashl_btjob_crop.webm (278x184, 153K)

>We'll never get the 5th movie
>we'll never get an acceleracers game
>We'll never explore the racing realms that weren't shown in the movies
Why are we cursed to live in such a horrid timeline

Attached: 1411079779603.webm (342x258, 175K)

thanks my nigger

>all this shit animation
Feels good to play skullgirls.

Attached: 1541571341954.png (421x246, 139K)

sauce me up

Attached: 1552332554357.png (507x464, 255K)

Attached: cryomancer_f.gif (125x165, 52K)

PN2 now or riot

Its hard to play a game that is stone cold dead

Attached: 1556857249074.gif (406x449, 440K)

They look like they fuck anyone with a massive dick, including niggers. Get over it.

SF3's animations seem great until you get high as shit and they become the most uncanny valley abominations.

Clerics use Wis, not Cha.

for a board that despises black people you love to fantasize about game women screwing them

Yeah, one will scarcely find more shit animation anywhere. Skullgirls is bottom of the barrel tripe with godawful designs.

Attached: 1557184659517.webm (720x480, 2.53M)

Attached: 1552071327480.gif (483x360, 426K)

tbf, Elena's are a bit different from literally every other characters because of the fact they chose to rotoscope her animation but literally no one else's in the game.
I think she has like 70 frames for her idle animation whilst everyone else is around 35, its very noticeable when compared to the other characters.

ok gib all right now

They aren't zoophiles you filthy degenerate

Attached: You like that.webm (298x298, 192K)


Attached: giphy.gif (270x230, 401K)

>that tongue action

Attached: crowefusion.gif (420x220, 2.2M)

White women literally fuck dogs user

Attached: Otacon.gif (50x73, 3K)

Attached: 1548743977803.webm (960x1080, 2.85M)

Attached: 1547558336689.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Attached: tsundertaker.gif (320x240, 891K)

Attached: dante rebellion.gif (198x178, 96K)

And niggers further confirming that white women are zoophiles

Attached: ghost dance.gif (290x260, 1.2M)

did they pop out of the screen in 3d?

I don't remember ever seeing it but maybe it was at the very beginning and I forgot.

Look up the Max Fleischer Superman cartoon. It's from the 40s and the animation is stunning. Of course maybe you weren't so much referring to the age as calling the 70s-80s the dark ages of animation, which they were

> ((()))

post the gif where they explode

I didn't get into FE until Awakening, but seeing this makes me understand why older fans are upset with the new direction.

White men do too, and more frequently

>no one has thanked the doc yet
thanks doc

There was at least a World Race game

Attached: 1552865598230.gif (239x163, 73K)

Attached: fran walk.webm (1642x1022, 2.2M)

diives is normie pandering: the artist

why is she so fat

That's anyone with a patreon these days honestly.

why don't you post something then?

Attached: a4c85722bea8456f1d40d41eeacb1ea0f20cbd9235b03c5757db8384274952ea.gif (192x224, 42K)

thanks doc

they barely even jiggle

Attached: Menu.webm (852x480, 520K)


sauce me up

yup. It's part of the conquest end cutscene. I should make a high quality webm of that, actually. I still have the cutscenes in full HD

Attached: Sexy Camilla 1.webm (1154x650, 2.91M)

Attached: 1534881797917.webm (900x620, 2.95M)

>tfw I used to do this dance as a kid

Attached: chika.webm (656x540, 2.9M)

You are a man of integrity, just like me.

This format is so confusing. Flip the columns user

Why doesn't Japanese Humor-kun post this as his example?

Attached: 1557073098608.webm (1056x816, 2.96M)

fucking loled

why not

What gaym?

Attached: TMwalk.gif (256x224, 15K)

I can't believe it was on page 9 and now it's the most popular thread right now

Ass.exe not found

s2 when?

next time you see a thread about censorship, remember that the people posting in that thread want games to be like this. no gameplay, just porn

Totally rad dude!

Horrible bait not even deserving of a (you)

>Tfw like minus8 because this shit genuinely makes me diamonds even if basic.
>Tfw don't mind Diives because while it's always a goddamn 2-second loop there's clearly some effort involved even if it's not my thing.
>Tfw don't even mind fucking Shad because even though I can't fucking stand his art he doesn't seem to give a shit and at least does what he does without shame.

Go fucking get them champs.

Attached: good.jpg (474x408, 41K)

What's with the sexist camera angles? It's really creepy.

I want to say you're wrong but with how many gachas there are now, including DOA, it doesn't matter anyway.

Attached: 1529301064020.gif (600x338, 1.94M)



Minus 8 would be top tier if he would stop with that bouncing shit. Feels like I'm on a boat or something.

Attached: 48597d2475296cd720303deb4b6509a6.gif (221x404, 621K)

Doc you gave me this weird dose the other day are you sure I'm going to be OK?

Attached: 1550950176156.gif (329x302, 19K)

No, that's Wis for priest. Favored Souls used Charisma, but why the fuck would anyone pick that fucking trash class.

Sorry but Sakura and Makoto only fuck white dudes

You're doing it all wrong.

Attached: running guy.gif (64x128, 6K)


Attached: Splash_Lv3_KHCOM.gif (240x160, 1.19M)

Imagine being this guy and becoming this angry over animations involving women


That's gonna be a solid yikes from me dog!

Camilla is supposed to be a villain in that fight, and is the princess of the villain country. You know how it goes in japan: assertive and sexy is the villlains, cute and modest is the heroes

Attached: Sexy Camilla 2.webm (1154x650, 2.9M)

Attached: AniBoobs06.gif (500x281, 1.99M)

Tell me about it, I always get enraged when I see tits in nu Fire Emblem.

Attached: AniStory02.gif (160x120, 1.48M)

> Someone still remembers GdGd Fairies
Good man.

Attached: AniStory06.gif (160x120, 266K)

Attached: mm3bodysuit.gif (546x410, 2.99M)

I can hear the trumpets

>missed chance to make Moulder the Boulder the first armored heal in FEH
>it goes to fucking Eirika of all people
felt legit insulted
where is my Boulder dammit?

Attached: 1540820934204.png (374x376, 178K)

Honk honk

Taste: S+
Finesse: S+
Good stuff, even if it's not vidya.

Attached: AniStory03.gif (160x120, 699K)

Ok sorry the spell save is wisdom (it's been a while), but turning attempts are still charisma based and the lust domain still is bullshit with divine meta-magic.

Doc, that dose ain't doing it for me, I need something stronger


Attached: 1554009575675.webm (1280x720, 2.02M)

Attached: 3N0WPfx.gif (800x336, 172K)

Okay user, HERE WE GO

Attached: Mega Dose.gif (2800x1283, 2.57M)

This brings me back

Wanna fuck that Onee-san
Thanks, doc

>that subtle jiggle

Attached: kimonolucoa.gif (270x380, 888K)


gracias doctor

Attached: OACf5cL.gif (1024x384, 260K)

Attached: 1526917315486.gif (288x158, 669K)

Attached: 1553224285513.png (1920x800, 751K)

...oh my god


Thanks, doc

Attached: AniStory05.gif (160x120, 226K)

>All of those soulfull animations wasted on a shitty korean mmo
Such a tragic game

Holy shit this is hot

The world needs more Charlotte

For those who don't know the game, what really makes this work is that they're balloons

the thirst is real when it comes to weeb trash with low standards

Attached: photo_2019-04-30_18-58-38.jpg (388x413, 20K)

I unironically miss

>oh my god other people like something I must cry and whine

What a garbage thread

Attached: 2IBbvYv.gif (320x320, 152K)

Feels good knowing each animator made 20cents and hour while doing this.

Holy shit, what game?

If only the put that much effort into the gameplay.

Attached: LORd5Yh.gif (272x269, 821K)

based redditor escaping from his containment website

I haven't finished it yet, but ECHO is really clever

pure cringe

Attached: t6px6rbbw2fy.gif (500x300, 1.63M)

t. donald morden

Attached: 6rISfYc.gif (304x224, 89K)

go back you stupid faggot

Attached: aik.gif (797x597, 630K)

somehow more pathetic than i expected

Attached: cITvhqI.gif (280x123, 16K)

That animation is the gayest fucking shit on earth how can u be a grown man and like this faggotry

Attached: 9LSSLAH.gif (240x160, 37K)

Have sex

Attached: TQMLnIW.gif (132x54, 77K)

>remember that the people posting in that thread want games to be like this.
>censorship is good when it's something I don't like
I hope you get gassed or set on fire.

rawkit lawnchair

Attached: kxZIszb.gif (272x140, 116K)


You'd best sauce me up user.

gonna need a sauce there buddy

Attached: 4DUk8tn.gif (109x81, 29K)

mmmm dont wanna mess with him

Attached: jR47KPn7OVcd.gif (502x396, 238K)

Shouldn't have shared it until it was complete.

Where's 1 and 4

get creepy you freak, this is Yea Forums

Attached: pfd3f3Yb.gif (128x148, 5K)

Instead of you user

>vidya is best when it's actually just contrived pornography
get some taste, you sex-starved puke

Attached: UTSUKUSHI.gif (49x76, 8K)

Got the animations of the female soldiers being stripped naked by goo?

>We should actively support removing content from the creator's product to suit our ideals
Whether it's naked chicks, blood or gambling, it shouldn't be up to you what makes up the game.
Find the nearest bridge.

So, if you like it you're a virgin incel, that's the point?
Not to banter but i like those and you are tending on a tight rope here
29 yo with a gf (female)
All what you shows is that you are inconfortable whit this shit when is a lesser thing, dunno.

So why do we suddenly not like minus8?


>facial animation in games has advanced more than a decade
>still nothing has topped the expressiveness of Timesplitters 3's characters

holy shit what game is this?

Faggot soiboys and trannies are shitting up the board.

Attached: 1454205641615.gif (386x232, 2.78M)

What game/ character?

what game

Why is she looking at a backwards menu?


Big titty witch.

Attached: n.gif (477x683, 680K)

how about a higher quality one

Attached: what.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Quite a shame, really.

Attached: Back of the Photo.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

An animator did it because his dead daughter was a tap dancer.

you got one of the flare gun shot?

What the fuck
Now I feel like shit for not having watched it, link the goddamn video

Attached: Eltingville Depression.jpg (677x848, 157K)

What game?
Looks a lot like that one girl from Yu Gi Oh.

>still uses Flash animation
Why tho

Attached: 1530281213303.gif (280x297, 15K)

Sorry, this is all I got so far.

Attached: damnit.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Why the fuck have I not replayed Time splitters...

I will never give up on it. Ever.

mods ban this cuck

>300+ posts
>150 images
>not a single dragon's Crown animation

Attached: DC_-_Sorceress_Sprite.gif (165x217, 348K)

These bitches say they heard 'a me

Unironically this is the very first Switch video I see that actually makes me interested in that piece of shit console.
But I dont think that is a game, just a video the guy put on the screen to masturbate. Might have a fleshlight strapped on the back of the Switch as well.
Probably can be done with a tablet so I will keep that in mind.

Attached: check my six.jpg (593x720, 52K)

Attached: 1551840318340.gif (88x128, 103K)

im gonna stomp on this stupid child.

>that filename

Will you, now?

Attached: 1551237003654.gif (200x200, 2.38M)

could not be more wrong, kys

SF3 has top tier sprite animation

Attached: walkin.gif (361x509, 497K)

Attached: haters gonna hate.gif (505x300, 2.91M)

Thanks Doc

Why did Baiken go from stonefaced, badass assassin to titty monster yakuza?

I thought I had some Ghost Trick animation gifs, but I can't find them

Attached: 1476778321984.gif (334x201, 1.45M)

wouldn't surprise me if most people that have this don't know what it's from
it's sad really

variety is the spice of life

More cute hat kids

Attached: 1556507244061.gif (874x455, 3.23M)

Moustache girl deserves it.


Attached: 1545525171083.gif (176x258, 152K)

That's how I dance when Im drunk. Feels good

Is this a real game

pls no bully, fren

Where is this from?

Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice

Ace Attorney 6

The one on GBA? I think I actually have that sitting in my closet somewhere, I had problems with the game saving though from what I remember

Attached: 1521968723814.webm (640x480, 3M)

She needs her asshole bleached

anything from ghost trick really

Attached: gt3.gif (880x660, 3.73M)

Art of Fighting 3
It's a really fun game that went under many radars

Attached: gt2.gif (336x252, 915K)

What's his name again?


Attached: 1415512944934.webm (960x540, 3M)

Do you have a gif of Cabanela entering a room? You know when he spins around?

yep. have his intro too which is the same i think

Attached: gt4.gif (256x190, 283K)

>first quote
gas yourself, freak.

Attached: 1518883208641.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

Attached: gt5.gif (256x156, 68K)

Foghorn Leghorn and his stand; Slifer the Sky Dragon.

I remember playing the whole case thinking the big twist would be that she is transgender due to her big body and rainbows.

its surprisingly hard to find gifs. I really want some of the other characters but it's mostly cabanela

Attached: gt6.gif (256x190, 499K)

Thanks. Could've sworn I had them saved, but couldn't find them

game was so damn good.

Me and you both user. It was fun.

Attached: 1542733023732.gif (1092x1224, 39K)

this is why weebs will always be third class citizens

Attached: gt7.gif (185x380, 1.17M)

Who the fuck would want a catgirl when they could have a doggirl?

If it was a western character with that exact same animation you'd be praising God and jerking off.

nearly done

Attached: cab1.gif (245x183, 876K)

I want that child to stomp on me.


and I'm done. play ghost trick

Attached: cab2.gif (245x183, 945K)

Is it even going to be good boys?
PN1 was awesome because it really felt like the animations turned into a game. PN2 just looks like a generic twinstick shooter.

anti smoking ads were so much cooler in the 80s. they've been cringe as fuck for the past few decades.


wrong kys

Attached: elevator.gif (250x128, 2.58M)

You only complained about it because it was Japanese


Attached: vomit.gif (217x199, 588K)

He basically admitted he was a pedophile, unlike shadman he was deeply ashamed of this. I can still get off to minus8 work since I don't really get pedo vibes from most of his shit but shadman has become a complete turn off for me. He doubled down after exposing himself as a pedophile and instead of apologizing he took pride and see's himself as a red skull edge lord villain.

Basically. Two of my favorite artists turned out to be pedophiles.

That's because he's a synth

no, because it's moeshit garbage, of which is almost exclusively eastern. weebs eat that shit up

Attached: wildlife_sfw.webm (1220x966, 735K)

Get out you racist.

cute but why is her butt blushing?


Regardless it is well animated.

Actual pedophiles or just lolicons?

It looks like hes mustering the courage to kill something

Attached: roboky-gif.gif (240x280, 120K)

I think good animation means doing the most with the least amount of resources you have so the fact the feet dont look that awful with only 2 frames is a good thing.

because you're staring at it...

Her tits are fake they are just balloons

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 270K)

Attached: 1528430888098.jpg (413x395, 19K)

>Got the animations of the female soldiers being stripped naked by goo?
whoa hold on what?

What a cute girl

>lolicons aren't pedophiles
good one user

>He basically admitted he was a pedophile
Is that the reason Yea Forums hates him? Does he draws lolis? if that were the case Yea Forums would love him. Probably.

Isn't that the one meme anime dance from years ago only without the arm movement?

Honestly I like them. There are definitely better options out there, but I can fap to them if I try.

Attached: arcgif.gif (200x200, 84K)

In a comic, Minus8 depicted himself thinking about a kid finding his work and then the kid began masturbating, then he depicted himself masturbating to the though of the shota fapping. He also said that he would sometimes even imagine inserting into a child.

Shadman also got into controversy by drawing specific real life children like keemstar's daughter and the girl who got bit by a seal in a suggestive manor. I didn't believe he actually got turned on by those children but instead got carried away with edgy porn, but this is not the case, because eventually he even went so far as to draw straight up child porn of the actress who played X-23 from Logan, however his shit got taken down there.

Now Minus8 has since then cooled down on loli stuff because he feels like it's uncomfortable due to him practically being a pedo who's ashamed of it, Shadman does the opposite and now every single comic on shadbase is about child rape. That's why I feel slightly sympathetic towards 8, but I still think both artists deserve to be in prison, or at least a mental institution, because there's nothing cute funny or edgy about borderline pedophilia

>Liking Diives
Do you enjoy not having standards?

Attached: tumblr_n3lh5uRLvM1rslpfoo1_500.gif (480x480, 226K)


Attached: real men.jpg (1824x2048, 391K)

diives is spic from like chile or something

Why couldn't the joke be real?

Attached: Urienfarhp.gif (178x132, 32K)

What's the message at the start supposed to mean?

Attached: 1474570262859.jpg (210x200, 6K)

cmon doc be reasonable

that's what I said, you only complained about it because it's anime

He doesn't draw lolis anymore, he used to but after he started explaining feelings and imagery about children, he kind of gave up on loli to try and get any form of pedophilia out of his head

You have to go back

If the female soldiers got hit by an acid slime attack, they get stripped naked before being totally enveloped and disappearing.

I think I'm gonna OD.

I fapped so much to those sprites, the dudes would simply melt to the bone but the girls got naked first as you said, miss those simple times

Attached: 498676b47d0cf32f89602133fbd1fd87.gif (480x480, 2.22M)

I appreciate this post


go back

Cub for a pet seems cutenat first, then her face goes missing.

I wish I could, I just can't get boners to their work anymore

C-can two girls kiss!?

I would not be surprised in the slightest if it were a pun that was impossible to translate into English.

capeta is better than initial meme. atleast the manga is, the anime is pretty ugly

Please go back, this it just embarrassing to read.

Attached: 1526825779040.png (306x611, 216K)

not to much or else they will get pregnant

because its moeshit. Not all anime is bad, just 90% of it

Attached: 1434751203448.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

It's "Akiza" from Yugioh. I was about to say, the fuck? With her camel toe like that? I might have to get back into that, but it's fake. You're not getting me to buy pieces of cardboard with real money.

You must return

Attached: 800px_COLOURBOX4436860.jpg (800x532, 42K)

Come to chile


Attached: Sol Waste of time.gif (540x290, 1.24M)

Attached: 1494723671326.gif (506x236, 1.97M)

>hurr all anime is moo

Attached: Laser breath.gif (500x277, 2.92M)

>states facts in existence
>hurr you are the red

jesus christ user get it together
if it wasn't obvious you are autistic, it is now.

>Dude just cuts through a blackhole

So, what's this? Did they make a Grand Theft Auto anime?


Attached: 1544912077899.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Paladins also use Cha

Attached: 1503374969902.gif (1232x803, 1.71M)

never gets old

Really nice

Attached: 1516726277899.webm (584x492, 2.25M)

panchirine gives no relevant results

It's from the 80's cartoon JEM.


we talking real pedophile or 2d pedophiles because one counts and one doesnt'

I have gone too far u guys, guess this is it for me

Attached: instant jail.jpg (1088x984, 74K)

>newfags triggered that artists actually do like lolis

You guys would have never cut it in old Yea Forums.

the anatomy is fucking horrible it's not even possible for this guy to animate well drawing so shit like that.


Attached: 1552160248105.webm (896x512, 1.19M)

show me some of your work user.

We're talking about him having a literal breakdown about wanting to fuck little boys.

Game ?

Attached: tumblr_m2fc1z11FL1qbkprxo1_500.gif (500x548, 979K)

Fire Emblem

What was the post?

Attached: Winston passes Reaper on the freeway.gif (301x176, 3.43M)

Why is he so smug?

Attached: smugpac.gif (338x370, 79K)

How much fucking manga do you read faggot? the columns are backwards. so this is like.. anime brainrot.

Wut gaem

You have to go back

Character and art from Granblue Fantasy, not sure the exact game.

The definition of trying too hard

name of whatever fuck this is?

Attached: 1521419040123.jpg (410x308, 51K)

Watch till the end, the last few seconds are the best

Attached: STR_vs_DEX.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

What is this called?

This is cute. Where is this from?

Attached: 1557200073227.webm (488x306, 634K)

What the fuck is it with long ass battle cutscenes in JRPG's?


Attached: 1553901540064.png (508x392, 96K)

Kaguya-sama love is war, pretty good anime if you ask me.

Why can't Three houses look this good?

>diives is normie pandering: the artist

hold my play-dough

Attached: 1548911761452.png (1050x1413, 1.16M)

I thought Grandblue was only really gachashit

Attached: 1467266012396.jpg (809x1080, 39K)

Bad quality & shit resolution.

Attached: Zero.gif (160x160, 86K)

Attached: 1347835471332.gif (142x103, 114K)

>middle and right

Attached: 1212727044892.png (640x480, 294K)

Attached: 1401460302456.gif (480x360, 1.07M)

You're fucked in the head man I hope someone cuts your balls off for this. That is an appropriate response to this drawing.

Pretty hot butt, what's wrong with it?

Then how come I don't hear about your amazing animations faggot?

Not him, but listen man. I love minus8. I've busted LOADS to his shit. I wish he could get over all his mental illnesses and live a happy life. But little 2 frame tweens kind of suck.

not the user you're replying, but he completely fucked up the face, i like his butt drawings though....

Attached: 714020237edae8dc98efd0f39fe446deabd782079c18be2b5d22cef1bfe24e2e.png (1576x923, 2.46M)

Is Mako a cuck in this situation

what game is this even