Riot Walkout

>Yea Forums
>Video Games
>Nobody talking about the fact that Riot Employees are going on strike today

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Other urls found in this thread:

>giving a single fuck about riot game

here's a pity post

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>too busy posting wojaks and pepe's to care about the biggest thing currently happening in gaming


California strikes again

>still no union

>biggest thing currently happening in gaming

Imagine linking to fucking kotaku in 2019

>biggest thing in gaming
>some fuckos making a tantrum
>"m-muuhh wojack and peeepeee"

Fire them all and hire east europoor scabs.

>forced arbitration
A what?

Alright then fuckers, whats the biggest thing currently happening in gaming thats not Tim Sweeney making a twitter post, or a game company banning you for saying "Nigger"?

They're being forced to the table to negotiate.

Never come back

oh no who's going to replace all those people who do nothing but play Overwatch in the office all day?

Read the fucking article. It actually presents an opposing viewpoint well.

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I feel that they could easily find neckbeards to replace them that would love the "toxic culture" they have.

i dunno but it sure as shit isn't this, you fucking pleb


>can't name anything bigger then a walkout by abused employees
Lmaoing at you

just because it's big news to you doesn't mean it's big news in the gaming industry, riot has made one game and it is a rip-off of another game, they are hardly a pillar of the industry

grow the fuck up

>Giving Kotaku ad revenue

They've made 5 gives you idiot.
That's why they are called "Riot GAMES" and not "Riot GAME" or "Riot's GAME"

>organize a walkout
>nobody quits
So you just all left a few hours early. Great. That was pointless. The suits wont guve a damn unless you do somwthing real. Losing a good chunk of their workforce at once is one of the few things that will do that. An early clock-out is not.

those are minigames you completely fucking deluded moron
listen, you are defending a company owned by tencent so, honestly, you can can go fuck yourself

I'm not defending a company. I'm showing you your own stupidity.

>tfw got over your league addiction

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The point is they're fucking nobodies

DMC 1 on the switch

lol, dont trip over that backpedal

>Walk out
>Employers hire strikebreakers from a limitless supply of foreign workers

Liberals supporting immigration still perplexes me to this day. Maybe they're going all-in on turning the country communist

Lol fuck no

>caring about moba so much you think one developer is the most important thing in the industry

I'm surprised those faggots have the balls to actually do it.

>still can't name the most important thing in the industry happening right now
I asked you a simple question and you still can't come up with an answer.

Do you think Riot would hire me? I only said nigger 3 times in a game.

>just because it's big news to you doesn't mean it's big news in the gaming industry,

fuck off, worker's rights is at the front of gaming topics but you're too busy jerking it to chinese cartoons to notice,

A Smash thread died for this.

I hope most of them are women and cucks that they'll just fire. Having women on a video game team is like having one in a guild

OP is a faggot

thank fucking god.

>4000 employees

I'm going to go out on a limb and say 90% of those are completely unnecssary and could be fired on the spot as a warning to the rest.

>abloobloo shitty chinese game front company turns out to be garbage
who the FUCK could have known!? It's almost like a company solely existing to rip off DOTAs success and literally nothing else is a complete sham or something?

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Fucking slackjawed faggots. Their jobs barely count as work and they're still complaining about shit. They should be grateful they're getting paid at all.

Based and redpilled.

Riot are absolutely fucking right to do this. I'd rather have unions and games take twice as long to make desu, who cares about supply and demand when it's the workers who are being put down?

Let this be an example not just to gaming unions here in the West, but around the world.


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>They should be grateful they're getting paid at all.

Let me stop you there.

Walkouts are a thing you do when the threat of being fired is outweighed by the importance of correcting what you’re walking out on. Planning for this walkout started long before Riot announced they would not retaliate; they were risking their jobs.

Pretending that this sort of toxic culture isn’t contagious to the rest of society when it exists at billion dollar companies, and telling the people fighting it to just look the other way is at best counter-productive, if I’m being nice.

If managers don’t like the job without getting to harass their employees, they can just leave...

Fuck yes. Its gaming related and a big news instead of some communitty manager or diversity bullshit throwing a tantrum over a fart joke again

For real, it would also come with the benefit that I could now start to pare down my backlog. EVERYONE WINS

The walkout is protesting not enough niggers and thots in the office. Fucking dropped.

Not sure how I feel about this. How did we start punishing and firing based on accusations alone?

Has this manager been investigated and found to have done the things he was accused of? If so, that’s unacceptable. But if not, that seems to be jumping the gun.

I’m in complete agreement with those doing the walkout. Things at Riot seem to be out of hand, and forced arbitration should be entirely illegal but since it isn’t, companies that actually care about their employees should never require it. But we do need to give people due process. If anyone has more information on this part, let me know.

No, it was about managers harassing their employees and them walking out in solidarity of ridding a toxic environment.

Try reading for once.

>not using adblock


If this is anything like the Google Walkout, I expect retaliation on the employees who participate in this in the near future. I bet Kotaku will be covering that as well!

Unionization is the only feasible solution. Employees walking out gives the company an excuse to fire them as not working. (Even if Riot allows managers to make this event an excused absence, retaliation will likely happen anyway.)

>league losers
>riot games
Kill yourself for making this thread, I'll take a wojak post over this

>How did we start punishing and firing based on accusations alone?
social media
everyone uses it so if something gets enough likes, it must be true
extra points for being from verified users

Is there actually a point to walking out if the company’s leadership says they support people walking out and won’t do anything to hinder them or retaliate? Doesn’t that completely defeat the purpose?

"current and former employees reported a culture of widespread and endemic sexism at the company, manifesting in Riot’s hiring practices"
wOw DiVeRsItY

Unionization is shit lmao
How about employees do their work instead of complaining.

Lmao who cares nigga

>ASSFAGGOTS developer

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They never have enough. That's why pandering to them is retarded.

If multiple people come forward, then why should we dismiss them?

Then why don't they just make one? You only need a majority

Unionization is inevitable at this point.

Employees walking out gives the company an excuse to fire them as not working. This is just civil disobedience on workers' end, you better look out as to what's next.

>expecting anyone to give a shit about chink moba shit
>linking to kotaku
fuck off

Riot already has a majority.

Did you read the article?

>big news
It's an old ass game getting a shitty port, this happens all the time and isn't big news. The world doesn't revolve around your niche game series, dumbfuck.

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The walkout was set up before such a guarantee was made. Walking out is where a worker risks one’s job and livelihood to protest for better policy, pay, benefits, or so on.

When Riot decided to support the measure, they benefit because allowing its workers to protest looks good. It doesn’t address the reason for protesting.

Your version of events misconstrues the order of events.

Most of them are just contractors anyway so the company will fire them without even blinking and they have every right to do so


Its a bigger news and has more to do with vidya than some trannies crying over fart jokes and they not being able to stand up to their bosses again lmao

And they will be met with unions as a result.

Are you aware of karma as a concept? Or are you just plain stupid?

>unironically linking to kotaku
>no pastebin
jesus fuck this board has gone down the drain

As someone who used to work in vidya I am proud and impressed by the bravery of these employees. They have my unconditional support. Rock on and walk on, you awesome trailblazers. May you be successful and may other companies learn from your example.

Formations of unions will be the endgame of this. No need to do it individually.

Having multiple voices heard at once is what will be the first step towards the rights of workers.

>as opposed to OneAngryIncel and QuarterPounder

lmao, not your fucking safe space, snowflake.

>the diversity parasites are turning on their masters

Oh sweet irony

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Because they were discriminated and not paid accordingly for long hours.

Just how stupid are you NEETs and children?

Is one of them Anthony Burch?
>post yfw you are not Anthony Burch or a Riot Employee

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Posting direct links to any shitty articles should be a bannable offence desu.

Calm down PR tranny, you not getting the same paycheck as a hard working artist or coder is not discrimination

Thanks for proving my point.

why does no one use archive links anymore
it only takes about 30 seconds to do

Newfags or actual shills.

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Because it's correct?

Contractual language being forsaken is most likely the case in this situation. If so, employees are entitled to process discrimination and report on toxic practices in the workplace environment.

Haha fuck off faggot I sell cars netting 5 grand a month while you bottom feeders develop garbage.
End your fucking worthless life.

No one gives a fuck about that. Let's talk about the kino champ that Pyke is.

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>employees are entitled to
The employees on strike are faggots and women, neither of them deserve equal pay compared to hard working people that actually develop the game.

>source: my ass

They'll just get fired and replaced with chinks.

Cringe and retardedpilled
>toxic culture
Mega cringe and retardedpilled

This game is trash.
The devs are trash
The balance team is trash
I hope Riot goes fucking bankrupt

Fuck them and tencent

Riot when they make more "horror" characters are alright.

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And if Riot has a culture of homophobia or sexism then they're absolutely in the right as workers to do this, especially if contractual language upon their hire was in fact violated by Riot themselves.

Do you have any idea about what a binding agreement is upon employment? I really can't expect a NEET like you to, unfortunately.

>Cucks and women flood game dev
>Suddenly "strikes" become a thing

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>wahh wahh we women feel we arent equal we gonna walk out and all the zoylent cukbois are coming with us.



there is countless new blood fully willing to be enslaved just to be a "videogame developer", nothing will ever change, unions will never work here

Yeah put that s in games to work

Good goyim you have to let us rape and exploit our employees. You want to own the libs/SJWs, right? That means you have to support our oppressive and illegal working conditions and let management literally shart on your faces (this actually happened at Riot.)

The trannies are right on this one. Rito needs to be dissolved.

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My point is correct, you even know who you're replying to, you hormone-addled tranny?

It means that if an employee has a dispute with Riot arising out of their employment contract, it would have to be settled outside of court a mediation directed by an arbitration company selected by Riot. If the employee were to file suit, Riot could move to have the court dismiss the case and compel arbitration according to the employment contract.

>riot fucking bought the studio making the fighting game rising thunder and we never heard about it since

where is my fucking fighting game riot?
what the fuck why do you buy games just to kill them

Riot games is a right wing company, have you seen articles on it's toxic alt right gamer culture where they harass women in the company?

>unironically direct linking kotaku
Kill yourself

Thing is though, what do the majority of these "devs" do? Riot only has one game that just pumps out skins and the occasional character with balance changes. It doesn't need this many people.

yeah their inhuman champ are ok/cool

but fuck they cant design human female. they've gone the whole spectrum from teen wet dream to tumblrfaggotry and yet none looks interesting except poppy

Because they're demanding that everyone that speaks to them use psychic superpowers to read their minds and know, without being told, what pronouns they're expected to use today.

It doesn't matter if 100% of science authorities declare that AGW is real, it still isn't happening, any more than 100% of science authorities declaring the Earth was motionless at the center of the solar system actually made it true.

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i found a secret stimpack in doom today, that's more significant than this

spoonfeed me,how do i do that?

Indeed. It's a very sad situation, but I know unionization is inevitable at this point.

Again, see

Maybe people would care if they actually made good games.

I hate league as a game but youre a mongoloid if you dont think it has a huge presence, and isnt the wet dream of every f2p developer

Oh boohoo someone probably said faggot once and told a woman to make a sandwich.

Who fucking cares. Oversensitive pricks as usual.



Eye for an eye. Let's hear the accusations first. Determine how credible they are, and move from there.

I believe employees were wrongfully discriminated against their contractual wills.


All the job openings at Riot.

>I hate league as a game

me too

oh my god where ?

I hate Riot, but I'm just not a fan of unfounded allegations being treated as truth

Imagine not having an ad blocker in reiwa 1


Riot is 100% owned by Tencent. The Chinese will never let any company under their domain fall into the hands of unions. The endgame is that League just dies when Tencent stops supporting the company.

>not mentioning thicc reaper

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The "unfounded allegiations" are numerous. We should absolutely take quantity into account in matters like these.

die tranny scum

Who gives a fuck about riot

who gives a shit? i don't care if the ceo of riot himself is lynching black people in the streets, I only care about the game itself and how shit they are at balancing it.

Seth Killian and the bros that I forget the name of are supposedly working on something.

riot and kotaku are two things i couldnt give less of a fuck about

Are you aware unions are able to form with ex-employees? Especially those wrongfully terminated?

Thicc Reaper is inhuman enough to fit into the "inhuman" category.

isn't it illegal to use characters like this?

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I think at the end of the day Riot is just a shitty place to work and rather than trying to change it you should work for a company that doesn't treat you like trash. It's the video game industry and everyone is treated like trash so good luck with that...there's some fag who has been coding since he was 4 begging to work for $40k a year because they like gaymen.

And you should give a fuck about them because one is a potential spark towards the inevitability of gaming unions whereas the other publication is the most prominent source of video game journalism.

No one cares about your niche blogs like OneAngryIncel or YouTube channels like QuarterPounder here.

every last one of these motherfuckers is making over $75k a year and bitching about "burnout"

fucking pisses me off, I'd kill for even a $50k/yr job

Who gives a shit? Riot can't innovate anymore. Their esports division loses money. Their company is too dysfunctional to attract quality new employees. If Tencent kills off the esports division by drying up funding, League just becomes yet another MOBA.

>Game Devs "Unionize"
>Get a job as a Strikebreaker Programmer
>Get escorted inside while Pinkertons break the knees of protestors.

It'll be weird lads

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Discrimination and violation of contractual agreements aren't "burnout." Try working in the industry for once.

pity reply
youre trying way too hard lad
you need to be more subtle

Nope, never. That's literal mob justice.

this is who is complaining about not making enough money

remember that the next time you spend your hard-earned cash

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>not posting an archive link instead of directly linking to Shitaku

Shameful of you OP

>Gaming unions
How does that affect me as the consumer, other than yet another increase in price to compensate for the fact they are unionized now?

That's my point. They will likely fold once these allegiations expand and expand after these because no one will be willing to give them money or work for them anymore.

That's corporate tyranny for you. It deserves to be abolished once and for all.

Does this mean the game will get better or what?

I work IT motherfucker, I deal with the same shit for less pay and constant risk of having my job outsourced to some Indian who will "do the neeful"

do not fucking start with me

poo in the loo shirala

>a writer for a fucking moba

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Why does Yea Forums say the video game industry shouldn't unionize but when vidya voice actors lobby for more $$$ every other year they say the actual people who deserve more cash in the industry are the developers of the game?

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Gamedev companies being shit is an industry-specific scenario of "water is wet".

She's pretty.

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Stop dismissing legitimate accusations of employees who underwent contractual agreements only to have them violated at the expense of managers who could care less other than live like Jeff Bezos.

Longer waits for games to be developed for one, and perhaps quality improves under that. Everyone wins.

>giving a shit about a Tencent-owned company or their products

Oh god they pull that shit with you as well? Got some IT horror stories because I've got some as well.

Except you haven't had a contractual violation like these workers, so why not just taking a moment to understand how the strikers feel?


Yea Forums isn't one person and also Yea Forums users tend to be overwhelmingly negative and will argue against whatever the topic is no matter what it is

lol these people thing it's harassment if you stand too close to them, or don't watch Captain Marvel.

NEETs and children who have not worked in the industry.
t. Worked at Pocket Gems

Unions wouldn't work with programming in general because of the vast disparity in skills between good and bad programmers. If you can't maximize output from good employees and fire bad employees it would take $2 billion to develop a AAA game....

this. the stories of what they actually do at Riot that counts as "work" is fucking hilarious.

>Riot Games
>No Rioting

Explain this, Yea Forums?

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t. cuckservatice who enjoys being raped in the ass by corporations

>irrelevant company that makes one game and one game only
So they will achieve fucking nothing then

What's stupid as hell is the whole reason for the walkout, which is based on allegations with no proof that consist of things like someone farting on someone else's face and allegedly someone whipping their dick out. Not even any actual harassment, just snowflakes being easily offended or making shit up, though given the amount of allegations happening without a single shred of proof and all based on shit happening years ago, I'm leaning towards it being made up as fucking always.

Except this is "current year", they are not risking shit. Even if they get fired, they'll easily get employed solely because of fame and new social connections they get from all the browniepoints they make for pulling up dumb stunts like this.

Why the fuck do you think we keep seeing allegations with zero evidence? There is benefit but people don't want to admit it and keep on pretending that fame, contacts and name recognition are the biggest factors in getting a job in most places. Sorry, if you have so many "Victims" waiting years WHILE working at the same place, I'm gonna call bullshit. You gonna tell me there was that much shit going on at the company and all the diversity hirees DIDN'T form their own little closed social groups and didn't share bad experiences which each other and everyone just went on clueless for fucking years? Fuck that, these kind of asshats are what I despies the most, regardless if they're victims or not. Either they lie which makes them scum, or they didn't and still kept that shit hidden and let others suffer for their own selfish ass needs.

You made your bed now lie in it.

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You completely underestimate the concept of unionization as a whole. It's only growing when it comes to programming-related jobs.

>I work IT motherfucker, I deal with the same shit for less pay and constant risk of having my job outsourced to some Indian who will "do the neeful" do not fucking start with me

>Look at me, I eat shit and am grateful to my boss for that opportunity, so you should be too.

Bootlickers like you are the reason you are in that situation in the first place.
I am not even ironic - that's why at ANY workforce anyone hates the faggot, who tries to show how good he is, doing twice work for half the pay.

You all need a fucking conscription - army is the best teacher to show you all why this shit is bad.

>youre a mongoloid if you dont think it has a huge presence
It's not 2014 any more, nobody gives a damn about ASSFAGGOTS

Unions only work when there isn't a limitless supply of 3rd world works willing to take the corporate dick. This will do nothing but make your games shittier (literally because they will be made by pajeets).

>the biggest thing currently happening in gaming

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The point is simply not about whether or not workers will get hired after forcefully being fired, the point is taking down toxic work environments and making contractual agreements upon hiring actually binding for once.

All smash threads deserve death

you faggots dont actually still play lol right

Leeg started dying after the social justice thought police ban system came into plance and got worse with each new update. The balance team is subhuman.

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>of the vast disparity in skills between good and bad programmers.

I am working in IT. Unless it's a firm connected to universities/institutes, made from people working in the CS, your boss don't see this dispairity or gives a fuck about skill.


That's why most of the web apps, for example, are disgusting adds-ridden bloatware. And that's why all that shit fucking grabs resources for no reason.

>This will do nothing but make your games shittier (literally because they will be made by pajeets).

No, it means they'll simply be made with longer duration so as to make games not seemed rush.

Everyone except your racist ass wins.

>not a single employee streaming it
Mother fucker, I need to know how many people are protesting this.

the number of times I've pushed back on a retarded project (LETS MOVE EVERYTHING TO THE CLOUD INCLUDING THE DEVS WHO REQUIRE GPUS IN THEIR WORKSTATIONS LOL) and gotten reprimanded by management can be counted in the high 10s instead of on one hand

it always ends with me going to senior management and having my managers put in their place along with a written note from me to HR telling them no, I will not come in on Saturday, I am not a salaried employee.

I haven't been fired because they've already outsourced to an MSP in the past and they do an abysmal job because MSPs that are worth a shit cost exponentially more than me and the 2 guys I work with. I've been here for 8 months and as soon as I find something that pays signigicantly more I'm fucking out. I don't want to look like a job-hopper on my resume, that's the only reason I haven't gone to work at McDonald's.

I get the unionization thing and why people want to do it, but at the end of the day it's just shitty management and you have to MOVE COMPANIES so that the COMPANY FAILS.

I'm not a bootlicker, I'm just younger and know how the game works. 2 years of IT work as a consultant isn't going to get me anywhere- I'm building my own SaaS product on the side while I work for these retarded fuckers and as soon as I find something better I'm gone.

We need more entrepreneurship and less whining. Don't like conditions? Leave. Start your own thing. It's literally the only way to teach management their lesson.

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Riot could do away with half of their employees and it wouldn't matter in the slightest. They get paid to do nearly nothing.

>enough syphilis rot to write shitty tidbits in a moba game
>thinks her opinion is worth anything

thats cool and all but anthony burch works there and riot is owned by the china overlords so it can go fuck itself.

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>that's a typical rioter in 2019
Remember when it was like 20 guys that loved warcraft 3 and one intelligent anti-feminist hambeast? Good times.

>trannies want rights and communism
>become owned by communist company
>suddenly no rights and low wages

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Oh yeah, "Toxic", the buzzword. So it's been toxic for ages and yet only when *some* people made baseless accusations everyone started jumping on it and sucking the accusers dicks for the sake of browniepoints.

I refuse to fucking believe it'd magically take decades for someone to suddenly speak out, especially since there's been plenty of people that has left Riot and yet none of this was brought up until now, with others jumping on because they see potential profit in it.

I do believe bad workplaces should be dealt with but this whole thing feels more like the result of a bunch of diversity hirees and snowflakes from San Francisco ruining everything they touch as always.

>muh SJW boogeyman

Get the fuck off /pol/ for once and look at the bigger picture here. Start by reading

here let me help you

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>linking to kotaku

Na I don't buy games I have always won. Thanks for preordering that 800$ collectors edition so I can keep riding the friendly seas.

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How can anyone still play this after Riot intentionally broke the game to dumb it down?

As a DotA player who has seen Valve's neglect allow the game to hemorrhage hundreds of thousands of players and let the ones who remain suffer through predatory habits of cheaters, smurfs, and bots, I don't fucking understand why the competition just feels like fucking handing players to DotA for free.

Blizzard shut down HotS and now Riot is just committing PR suicide unquestioningly to DotA's advantage AND on the brink of the TI Battle Pass being released.

It's fucking baffling how these companies just give Valve a pass on fixing any of their shit by simply being worse fucking companies.

> I'm just younger
> We need more entrepreneurship and less whining.
>Leave. Start your own thing.

Opinion dropped. Come back in 8 years, when you "duuuude just start business lmao" will bite you in the ass the same way it bites 90% of BillGates wannabees that drop out from my University every year.

is this the event that will cause the gaming industry to finally crash?

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but they are real and are everywhere

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Didn't they go full diversity termite? Who gives a fuck honestly.

Blah blah blah libruls ruin everything blah blah blah

Try figuring out that this is indeed a prime example of corporate tyrants treating their employees like lice.

Holy shit, I feel sorry for you and your fellow workers. The worst thing that happened to me is that they told us to update the computers to one of the various Linux systems because they heard "linux is better" without considering how most of the non-IT people in the company are Windows only users. Needless to say we tried our best to ween people onto the new system but it was utter chaos for a while because they had no idea how to use it. Worst part? Management blamed us for using a "faulty version of linux"

This shit is so fucking ironic in so many ways.

I had burnout working a $120k/yr job.

The text is literally about forced arbitration, not money

Pendragon is still an asshole.

I hope so at this point. But I do think it will probably take more than just Riot to trigger what we're all looking for in the end.

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

unions will just make games even shittier than they already are, look at how unions ruined american auto manufacturing

ford doesn't even make fucking cars anymore

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Can someone explain to me what benefits will I have if the game industry unionizes?

i can't, sorry.

>Chinese developer

And how exactly are these considered wrong?

Fucking icefrog has it easy

why would their chinese owners allow that, also how is Riot allowed to invest into ANOTHER company, i.e Hypixels Hytale, doesn't their owners get a say in what happens here.

Based riot rioting

I hop on once every other week for an ARAM or two, but for the most part Im over the game. How I put up with it for 3 years is still a mystery.


It's just how it is, nothing "based" there. The amount of people in denial regarding all of that, though, is astonishing.

It's strange, there was a time where unions were 100% in the right but kept demanding more and more from the companies until it becomes the company bends over backwards to the unions.

management is fucking retarded in general.

Had a few problems with it myself that made me and many of my coworkers stay overnight to finish stuff.

I was also fired not too long ago but at least i already got a better job.

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>garbage game
>made for garbage people
>the garbage that work here are proven to be garbage and post garbage opinions on the internet
>garbage zoomers defend it tooth and nail
>they go on a strike for a garbage reason
Damn, what a pile of garbage. By the way, if you support, endorse or play anything that involves Tencent on any level, you are garbage.

> unions ruined american auto manufacturing
> not greedy faggots that wouldn't fuck off to china only if workers would start pay them for the "opportunity of working".

Keep bootlicking, mate. Delude yourself further into believing that richfags give a shit about you.

Then where's the fucking proof? Why the shit has there not been a single shred of proof about anything. And to top it off, it starts the same way as other scams of recent past with some peeps claiming harassment and riding on the wave of support, fame and money it brings.

Oh yeah, must've been so fucking hard in this day and age to record anything, or photograph or film. Not like everyone has a mobilephone capable of all these things. You telling me that, according to them, shit like this happened all the time get no one thought it'd be smart to gather some evidence? In a workplace where everyone pretty much fucks around and plays videogames according to sources?

Yeah, no.

It's not 2014 any more, nobody gives a damn about assfaggots

first post best post

I hope Tencent buys Yea Forums

you have to go back

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If LOL and riot evaporate tomorrow nothing of value will change in a gaming community.

It’s literally a milking platform for toxic retards, no one cares.

wtf, are you me?

The fact that people somehow assume unions are immune to corruption, politics, and bad management is genuinely insane. There's no way any of these people have worked anywhere unionized. Maybe if they were pressured they'd just say that real unions have never been tried.

Global neoliberalism is a step in the dialectical process. Unions are literally outdated

Anyone else /scabforlife/? I love seeing union cucks seethe. Have fun paying a toll just so you can be a wagie

This also needs to happen with companies who hire creatives to design products for them. Game designers, graphic designers, etc. As a graphic designer I’ve gone thru my fair share of “corporate restructuring” and it can be extremely hard between gigs, especially for those with families. I’ve worked for a company in the past who made some real bad business decisions and went into litigation with another company because of this bad business and guess what happened. Tons of my coworkers were being let go every other week, sometimes every other day. It was like a massacre. We all felt like we were walking to our eventual demise because it was inevitable that we were gonna be let go. Some luckily found new gigs before they were toss out but for the rest of us we had to go thru the unemployment rounds till a new job cropped up. Shit is hard. I’d have unions any day.

>it will probably take more than just Riot to trigger what we're all looking for in the end.

This is why I'm ironically supporting this shit, the more the industry starts going this way, the more standards will drop and we can finally see something new emerge.

Preferably like the early 90s all over again.

Capitalism is fucking great when small teams of incredibly talented people put their heart and soul into something BECAUSE THEY WANT TO.

Think about the original iD software team - we need more of that and less management in general. Less marketing. less "social". Less "influencers".

riot is cancer and I hope they crash

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china already has its own heavily censored version of Yea Forums

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>unironically using the word toxic
shoo shoo away faggot

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A bunch of entitled crybabies

cope incel

basically everyone who founded riot is a massive scumbag so them doing any number of scumbag things isn't hard to believe

all of this just sounds like people posturing over average corporate bs though, every big company is nonsense and being "woke" and crying feminism isn't going to change that


You lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Sayonara Riot-kun.

your post doesn't even make any sense

nobody wants to "pay to work"

the average auto union member makes $50/hr and a lot goes directly to the union- unions are just another form of corporation that artificially increases the value of labor

>management is fucking retarded in general.

That's what made me from "muh free market" to lean left. Boil in that shit long enough and you will be full on "stalin did nuffin wrong" with time.

Everyone who has a work, less he is not retarded, should take the whole "best and brightest get rewarded" and "hardworking successful guy" meme cuckservatives throw around with a grain of salt.

>Chinese company has poor work environment

I wish Gigantic still existed...


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An incel with zero critical thinking skills and zero days working in the video game industry. You realize WE develop your games here, faggot? You better be fucking grateful or I absolutely support more corporate tyranny abolished across the video game landscape.

>union shitters go on strike
>free promotions for not being a little bitch
>bonuses when management decides to fire all of them
scabs are incredibly based

How about people developing a real video game you fuck

Because vidya VAs is a group of 10-15 faggots who blackball anyone who isn't in their secret club so they can be the ones to get all the VA roles. They deserve nothing

Riot is American and in fact more Korean than American in terms of how the work structure is.

shouldn't you be testing the latest multiplayer build?

there's a message in your slack, don't forget to test the mesh collision in area 2

Yeah, because a bunch of blue haired land whales and nu-male hipsters are working for a rice bowl in San Francisco, give me a break faggot.

fire them and replace them. programmers and artists are a dime a dozen.

They were most likely "blackballed" because of their own set of toxic behaviors and need to set an example for the rest.

"Toxic" is a meaningless buzzword used by shills and brainlets to fit whatever narrative they're trying to spin.

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And why should I care? Im not heading over to kotaku...

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>Capitalism is fucking great when small teams of incredibly talented people put their heart and soul into something BECAUSE THEY WANT TO.

That perfectly describes the people i was working with. everyone was so cool and everyday was a blast. But management started requesting a bunch of stuff in inconceivable times while promising a bunch of stuff to clients. It got impossible to keep up. Than shit backfired and they had

Not even sure if this kind of shit is political or not> i am just aware that i can be fucked my management at any time so i am always alert to get new jobs and go into new ventures. New job opportunities are one of the few thins i have plenty in life.

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you don't develop shit

Replacing in Cali will always bring the same type of people back.
Better to relocate the place first

I no longer work in vidya anymore, I'm in complete solidarity with Riot doing this. You'll never get a job in your life you pathetic waste of space.
I have no argument: The post.

>the biggest thing currently happening in gaming

Modern mainstram games are cancer, hope the industry crash and burn soon.
Go get a real job and you will miss your dev days nigger.

>nobody wants to "pay to work"

Employers were talking about that for a while. That's the whole point of the propaganda about "muh opportunities" and "connections", that starts, pretty much, from internship.

Employer unironically thinks that he is entitled to senior dev in the position of junior and payment of an intern. Employer unironically considers that the "feeling of working for my awesome company" is enough of the reward for employee.

Dude. This is worse than fucking communism, and I fucking come from soviet family.

Gigantic deserved to get big more than any of the other shit on the MOBA market. But of course the average normie retard just went "lol overwatch clone" even though the game was in development before Overwatch and had actual innovative gameplay and ideas along with legit good and interesting designs.

So now we're stuck with shit instead.

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Using a describing word to describe something what is is conflating a narrative? OH NO HOW SCARY!

I've worked for Pocket Gems for 5 years. What now?

>too busy posting wojaks and pepe's to care about the biggest thing currently happening in gaming

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>Be grateful consumer scum
>No wait come back why aren't you buying my tranny simulator 2019!?


so you admit you don't know anything about game development and are just lying on the internet, thanks for clarifying

Get killed.

>bunch of blue haired land whales and nu-male hipsters are working for a rice bowl in San Francisco

Are you retarded or what?

>The irony in the fact "buzzword" has become a buzzword used when someone want to push the idea that what he disagrees with has no foundation
You hypocritical fuck

I work as a freelance writer now, still better than being an unemployed basement dwelling NEET incel freak like yourself.

if you don't want to be screwed don't work for the chinese, this is RIots own fault

>I no longer work in vidya anymore
opinion discarded then

every time you read a kotaku article, you drop 2 IQ points.

>WE develop your games
Obviously you don't, since you are here shitposting with us.


>underwent contractual agreements only to have them violated at the expense of managers who could care less other than live like Jeff Bezos
Not even going to try to parse that word salad, at this point you're just throwing random words together and pretending it's everyone else's lack of psychic superpowers that causes them to make no sense.

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>can't into irony
>call others retarded

>commie shitters can't even do a good false flag without it falling apart mid thread

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>Pocket Gems
>san francisco leftie faggot: the company
>no titles developed of note
>astronomical salaries
>highly rated

you're just an entitled whiner

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>freelance writer now
So you aren't working?

I don't know what world you live in but a company is under no compulsion to work with a union. The employees can do what they want and the company can tell them to fuck off

Until you uninstalled it, you're not over with the game, user.

>lefties can't even do ironic jew shapiro right

I'm a Diesel mechanic. I most likely make more money than you while being more manly.

>Not even sure if this kind of shit is political or not

It's not strictly political. It's just the nature of business without all sugarcoating. Commies just had no illusions regarding that and naming the richfag, if you peel all the semi-obligatory "muh party" bullshit.

>capitalist cattle can't even formulate an argument when confronted with facts about the miserable state of the video gaming industry, and show little to no empathy towards employees who were discriminated and wrongfully terminated from their jobs

Fuck off back to resetera

why do people think when someone become a parent company of another or owns the other company it's instantly reffered to them?
Do you call Yea Forums a japanese site due to hiro owning it?
It's still an american site


no, gigantic deserved to crash and burn after they only developed if for consoles and win 10

>I was being ironically retarded

Wew lad, you surely got me there.

it's absolutely political, just more feminist "muh manager made a rape joke" bullshit

>linking directly to kotaku
Why did you think this was a good idea?

lmao did I get this right
They're doing a strike without being part of a union?
How the fuck are they suppose to cover any legal fees that might emerge due to this?

tell that to the euro posters

>muh arguments
"""""solidarity""""" isn't an argument

N-no you

Those salaries are barely above the poverty line in that area

I literally just spun up a separate gitlab server to segment my prod shit from my test environment

get fucked commie faggot

Except it worked on normal PC too and the only reason they developed it for Win 10 first was because they had no money left and workers were working for free day and night just to try and complete the game.

If anything, blame Microsoft for making a retarded decision.

I worked at Riot for about 4 years.

From the day I started in late 2012 to the day I let they were already cum guzzling faggots tripping over themselves to tell mentally ill trannies they were brave and beautiful.

They spent literally all fucking day playing video games and pontificating on social justice issues. The internal Gmail thread on gamergate made me want to hang myself from the rafters it was so laden with cringe inducing bile. Besides complaining absolutely nothing got done. May 100 people work on new content for League and everyone else eats free food, plays vidya, and goes to a nonsense meeting for 2 hours.

I got out and moved from Cali entirely but I can only fucking IMAGINE the 4 inch level dilation that is the SMELL of Riot Games at this point if this is happening.

>not having noscript and adblock to completely destroy any image or popup that tries to sell me something

You freaks can't even read Marx correctly and respond, fuck off

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They're free to work somewhere else. Fuck off. All socialists deserve a bullet

but I am an europoor

then maybe there's something wrong with "that area"

Riot is perfect example on why you don't try to be hip and diverse as a company. You hire a bunch of fresh graduate millennials that think this is how a work place should be. They whine, cry, barely work, and screech if they feel slighted.


We're talking about management being retarded on work and doing retarded shit.

I live in Eastern Europe, you WON'T find those degenerates there, but you sure as hell will find retarded faggots in management, who, seemingly, got their job for their deep-throating skills rather than their actual qualification.

Hell, I heard horror stories of the fucking Accenture having certified tards in their management.

>Bayer buys Monsanto
>wtf why does everyone hate Bayer now

Our chinese overlord made a joke about having the police come into the parking lot to crack a few bones or ribs, if only.

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How is that cringe, that’s based

i live near riot. ama

>we develop your games
I don't play third person cinematics tranny. The only thing you do to the games I play is censor them, so I say good riddance. I hope you all die in a fire.

Dude, to clarify. I hate those smug faggots as well, but you need to be retarded to think that Riot being shit is not a case of bigger problem, that is not exclusive to those smug faggots.

it was backported to win7 using a shitty proprietary emulator and only later in development

Go throw eggs at them

If only Microsoft knew what they had

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It's 'couldn't care less' you stupid nigger

Describe the smell

Doesn't make the workforce any less cattle, though.

>western developers are slaves now
Go suck a cactus

much nicer aesthetic than overshit fucking hell why did this die

I was mentioning those who call companies such as Riot a chink company despite it being american by nature

because it's delusional to think the owner wouldn't force their influence down their throats, and to think that tencent of all companies wouldn't do that is a clear sign you were born yesterday

Even subverse's funding is more important than this lol

these people brought it on themselves, 100%

weak men who let this shit ferment in the lower ranks

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>>capitalist cattle
kek, fucking c*mmies

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im not allowed on the campus. theyre no longer open to tours and the reason is behind an NDA, and as such i cant get anyone to explain why. it used to be easy to go in though.
disappointment and still failing to do their fucking job at a basic level
mind you theyre allowed to play games on the clock. diablo 3, overwatch etc
this asshole gives an idea of how little they actually do for 4000 employees

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So you're the kotaku author just trying to get clicks.

Yeah figured as much, this is just Riot reaping what they've sown.

Does the article mention anything about that farting in people's faces and flicking their balls thing that happened at Riot some time ago?

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These liberal game devs are such spineless shitheels any actual union worker, AFL/CIO, Teamster, or even the communists of old would've beaten these fags and expelled them from their ranks

>riot walkout most important thing in gamin
holy shit have sex

They have about 5 times more employees than they need so maybe they should thank them for providing after-college kindergarten instead.

Bugmen won't care

Didn't Riot buy league when it was already made?

Tencent bought Riot for cashing all that profit they gain.
So far all new cashgrab cosmetics were Tencent's influence but everything else around the game is locked to their private server unlike Siege where ubisoft makes it universal like the idiots they are

Who gives a shit?

Stop direct linking kotakjew

>it's a le dota tutorial!!!!!!!! I'm so EPIC FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!
Dota is NOTHING like LoL, saying it's a tutorial implies LoL isn't 350% garbage

Christ I want to work for Riot but California is something I'd rather not deal with

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its in fact the same game, go be mad elsewhere

Leftists are the scum of the Earth and I cannot wait to see all of you falling from great heights.

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Holy shit, they deserved to be fired from their jobs

On one hand I want to side with Riot as a cooperate entity because those entitled ass transpositive sjw commies they employ as "developers" can go suck it with their whiny baby ass walkout bitch shit.

On the other hand Riot as an entity is shit and LoL is terrible and a huge part of why the modern video game landscape sucks and is infested with freemium cash shop shit, uninspired games that rely on perpetual development and a constant stream of lackluster content being shat out, skinnerbox jedi tricks instead of actual design winning people over.

Oh well I mean I guess at the end of the day the shit people working for riot are the people responsible for the shit "game" they are "working" on. It's just all around good what's happening there. Shitshow of a developer imploding due to how much it sucks on all fronts

space cuck simulator's 2 million bucks



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I mean it is a sweet gig in that you get free food and enough pay to live shittily in Sana Monica in exchange for basically joining a weird cult and playing vidya all day long.

That said as a person who is involved in hiring for a real software company I would throw any resume from Riot in the garbage immediately.

having played a lot of both they're very similar
esp. post 7.0 dota straight started borrowing tons of things directly from league

The good days of Dota ended with 7.00

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Am I supposed to know this man?

it used to say 4000 for the record

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if riot did anything other than legos ledgends then i would give a fuck

i dont care
call me when ea is axing bioware or something

>tfw this dota talk reminds me of the good Tobi+Merlini/Synd days
>tfw these days are probably long gone

CDR was a thing before 7.00 and the talent trees are lifted from HotS if anything.
Also who cares when the entirety of LoL is pretty much a clone of DotA

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I fully support their right to protest for better working conditions but I also hope they fail and get shat on by their chinks overlords and this all gets memoryholed because I hate liberal game devs

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Slave is someone who is clearly pissed about his condition.
Most of those, due to the retarded calvinist "work ethic", are not only willing ones, but also the ones who would literally die for their boss right to fuck them without lube. In Russian, these kinds of asslicking fags are called "kholops".

Santa Monica was the worst part of that description

Go back.

nice meme, they ended when they started fucking around with bounty gold if anything
sniper troll meta was the worst shit I've ever seen and that was a while before 7.0

That sucks, I was looking forward to this company absolutely cannibalizing itself from the inside

This post right here.

Not yours. Mine. This is more important.

lol sucks because all the units can only face hexagonal sides and look so fucking stupid when turning

this entire industry and a large number of people in it are a complete joke

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There is nothing wrong with unionization given a proper legal framework that prevents abuses
Historically unions have actually played a major role in preventing capitalist societies from going full communist, please learn some basic polticial science/history


>any actual union worker, AFL/CIO, Teamster, or even the communists of old would've beaten these fags and expelled them from their ranks
Well duh.

what makes you think its not

it started off as just dota remix but it changed pretty wildly, only the big component pieces are still similar across games now like the fact that both games still have laning phases, all the specifics are wildly different

at its peak dota was a vastly better game than league will ever be, but league also isn't trying to be a good game, riot actively wants the game to be easy for retards to play and dota has taken some serious pages out of that handbook since its old prime

Are all game devs as insufferable as you are? Because if so then it doesn't surprise me that higher ups try to abuse and take advantage of you. In fact, I'm glad they do it.

the game was still enjoyable even though giving 1.4k gold to the enemy felt like getting drilled in the ass
>sniper troll meta
any dota player learned to deal with shitty fucking metas. remember (I think) 6.72 when precision aura and marksmanship were reworked and stampede was introduced?
it wasn't just the shitty occasional changes, but the shifts in the very core aspects of the game that fucked everything, and I'll agree that messing with bounty gold marked the first step, but I don't think it was when everything went through slippery slope

The high number of employees is scattered across all regions of the servers,localization team etc.
The only people giving a shit about this are the NA employees.
Riot won't suffer much,their main servers are the european ones and the american ones are just their little test servers before they hit it live.

This wont affect them at all

Riot is shit at programming so they can let these whiny fucks strike forever and hire 10k pajeets and chinks, won't notice much difference.

>in a post BR world
Laughing Out Loud

Unrelated but it will never not be funny to me that the during LoL's early days people were saying shit like "the game will finally be free from wc3 engine limitations" and then they ended up emulating those limitations to make the game work anyway while losing features like highground, trees, day/night cycle

The only pre 7.0 "meta" that didn't have counterplay was phantom lancer being ported way before any of his counterpicks were added.

Because there's a block outside the building of people capable of doing their job. Supply and Demand

>(...) based Riot Games employees are preparing for a walkout this afternoon (...)

Considering zoomers love twitch and how league is still in number one often times shows that BR craze barely affected them

>want world to be like China
>call orange man Aloof Hortler if he doesn't make world like China
>get world like China

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It probably says California Based, since "..." is the way you cite a quote from the middle of a sentence, but I'm not going to bother opening it to check

I'm conflicted, on one hand I would love to see nothing more than Riot to fail as a company, go bust and erase league from this planet forever, or for these commie tranny shitters to all get fired from their jobs and realize they are all worthless shitters who have no marketable skills to work anywhere else

Nigger that meta was not solved until the next version came.

Being able to farm the entire map and having access to roshan was just straight up not enough to beat sniper sitting on the highground.

I think its funny that dota still keeps those same shitty limitations because the playerbase is convinced valve that it should be a feature to separate the PRO's from the NEWBS.

uphill miss chance is fucking cancer.
turnspeeds should be like half of what they are now. I understand how they balance melee vs ranged but holy shit its off putting as fuck if you are new to the game. Honestly feels like forced input lag. I still hate that so many people all have to argue and share 1 courier

Dota to me is way more fun to watch than it is to play. HoN nailed the gameplay better but it shot itself in the foot and died before the race even began

you're right, I wouldn't talk about it if Kotaku was the only source and a retard like you directly links to the,

Only took me a single afternoon to overcome my afternoon-long addiction.

Almost as if trannies throwing a temper tantrum at their job where they play video games for 10 hours isn't news

Literally who?

that still gives them clicks

Trump's election has bscly been the nail in the coffin of American culture. Idk if the people here can be demoralized any further now that faggots, niggers, and transvestites are heavily influencing the media and an unlikable retard can "lead" our nation.

not if you also have a scriptblocker

how do i get my friends to stop playing this stupid fucking video game

Furthermore, bounty gold fuckery pretty much market the point in Dota 2's history where balance moved from Icefrog's old style to basing decisions on the complete data of all Dota 2 games ever played.
Ever since then we've been getting updates that instead are "here's a ton of minor tweeks to hero stats, here's a new formula for exp and gold thatshould work better, here's some shit for calculating bounties based on individual heroes and team's networth that is completely obscure"

Introducing the entire talent system was pretty much so they would have more knobs to tune balance without really changing anything and the game became worse for it, imo.

all the people doing this stupid walkout have shit """""jobs""""" like """writer""" or """community manager""" the fucking janitorial staff at riot or any development studio does more work than these fucks

>Employees come back
>Fire half of them because it's already bloated as fuck compared to their release schedule.
They could have the balance team to the lore five minutes before they leave and the quality would improve from what we have now.

american culture died in 1965, everything after is just jewish influence

they're not your friends if they play ASSFAGGOTS

as much as I agree with him I don't has the right to throw stones at a glass house since he is a streamer. I put them on the same level as riot

Pray for the utter destruction and failure of Riot games

Do you want them rather to play Fortnite or something? They won't like autism simulators

for the lazy people

>Tfw friend is trying to become a league streamer
>He's not even that good, only mid plat rank
>Almost never speaks and tilts off the face of the Earth every second game
>He's been doing this almost everyday since February
>No regular viewers besides me and another mutual friend
It's just so sad looking at it

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>Goes to show that you never benefit from hiring onions.

not a game dev, I'm in IT

I'm out of it today, greentexted that for no reason.

literally the only way to break into streaming is be really really good at the game or be interesting to people
and then find already big streamers to bootstrap you with hosts and raids

>Workers rights
>For a job that means literally nothing and doesn't do anything of value
Doesnt sound like very important news to me

let those WOKE assholes burn

I'm going to reinstall league just because of this post

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Hey, if you like STDs then go for it my man.

the only companies and individuals that produce anything of note or quality are ones that let their work speak for themselves

the only reason these people even have jobs in the first place is because they use capitalism to prey on literal children- in a communist or socialist society they would be the first against the wall for being bourgeoisie trash

its just going to make you sad
i reinstalled it to play a few games with them and even though we won it just wasnt fun at all

I stopped playing sometime in 2012 so I'm sure I'll hate every second of it thanks

Surely you did socialize with eachother about everyday topics or joke around instead of taking things seriously right?
Don't friends play games in general like this together? To joke around and talk while playing?

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Motherfucker the people I work with are so angry one of them had a fucking stroke yelling at a guy and died. He got so mad he fucking died. I couldn't give two shits about how they cut your breaks twelve minutes short one time

once california makes a singel good game i might start caring.
as it stands now it is the birthplace of evrything that is degenerate about video games.

of course
its just i would have rather talked over literally anything else, especially since they just get mad at the game yet still play it daily

he sounds based and redpilled

I only play League because of a very small pool of champs that I adore.
If they fuck up the Skarner rework that’s the end of my time in LoL.

How come NRS employees didn't do this? Cause from what I read, their situation is way worse then this. Maybe that would've helped MK11 not having the shitty economy, fuck you WB

Fuck off I found it first

In case any of you care, that Annie statue is FULLY modeled under the dress.

>Calling Pyke kino
I feel old.

looks cool
absolute cunt to play against, perfect representation of the direction this game went

Was it them or Blizzard that were talking about making a fighting game with the Rising Thunder guys? I don't play any MOBAs or anything else Blizzard has on offer, so I don't pay much attention to either company, but whatever happened to that whole thing?

>tfw loved the game so much I gave Riot 20 dollars
>three weeks later, the juggernaut update came out.
>I was a Mord main

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nobody wants to watch plat.

just to even begin to garner a audience you need to be extremely good like Challenger tier. secondly you need to play something people want to watch or deem interesting or you just have to be so damn mechanically good people will watch you play anything.

It was riot who bought out RT, but they dropped anything they were working on and are now just sitting on the IP

>Some employees are take two hours off work to complain about petty office politics

I am certain I do not care.

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>gamers finally rose up

>riot devs riot

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>6 months on the curvature of Draven's axes

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Yeah a tranny being called wrong pronouns is grounds for harassment in the US.

Aren't these the same people who play League most of the day instead of actually working on their game? Man, life sure must be rough for them.

Haven't played since Rumble was new, red pill me on him.

Where do you people come from? You certainly don't belong on Yea Forums

>Dabs on OP's grave

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>riot games
>doesnt riot
>just walk out

>he thinks this is the biggest thing currently happening in gayman news
This will blow your mind, then.
*unzips dick*

>muh sexism
>muh equal pay
its already there you dumb cunts
if you're a lower tier programmer, no shit you're not making as much as a lead
its like saying a sales floor employee should be paid as much as a manager

nuke california

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>can go invisible with a speed boost
>also recovers a % of recently lost health when he goes invisible
>can pull you to him
>has a dash that stuns too
>ult is an execute that shares gold and resets on kill
>can literally only build damage
>supposed to be a "support" character

Yea Forums doesn't care about ASSFAGGOTS

absolutely shocked i didn't see more dyed hair
what the fuck

pretty normal people for a first glance, don't see any obvious trannies
a few soys and fatties tho, but relatively normal

Is it a real concern like pay or creativity or a fake one like
>riot is totally sexist!!!

>didnt get turned in to a tranniy
>likes pineapple on pizza
>is 16
i dont play this game but BASED

dont let it fool you user

well, you're right, it IS california all in all

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As someone who plays league still, if they're asking for better pay, why not make better shit then? The balance team is full of literal silver players that refuse to balance the game. They keep giving the same champions skins over and over again, they keep deleting items instead of making more.. it's just such a different game than it used to be.



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>Riot Game


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>hotlinking kotaku
Are you new?

she looks like a brown jewish man

I hope every faggot there is fired

all of these mentally ill trannies need to fucking have sex so they aren't so fucking bitchy at work


Riot is filled with incompetents, at least google has some usefull guys.

>supposed to be a "support" character
What the fuck?

Oh wow, LoL still exists? Thought the game died back in 2016.

This game is so full of stupid unhelpful teammates that act like down syndrome children. People that play for long periods become autistic zombies. It doesn't help that talking shit isn't allowed because you'll just get permabanned.

The United States was built on the principle of an open and competitive marketplace.

The video game market is open and competitive.

If these dumbass employees don't like to work there, then they can quit and start their own company or relocate and work for another company. That's how it works.

Assuming this option wasn't available, then that goes against American capitalism. This is why our government has in place anti-trust laws.

But nope, they want to kill the rich and replace our system with something that has failed everywhere else over a hundred times.

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>read this
>get a ping on my slack literal seconds later


An employee farted on someone. Okay. How the fuck do you prove this? This goes back to the "rape epidemic" which doesn't exist and nearly impossible to prove. You can't prove that a certain employee farted or acted inappropriately. The only way to do this is if you have other witnesses, then you can fire that employee. But in this instance the employee was alone, and farted and "harassed" the other employee when no one was around.

Unfortunately there's nothing Riot can do about that. Next time, try and not be alone with that person. Put yourself in Riot's shoes. Should they believe some whiney employee? What if she's full of shit? That could result in some serious repercussions. So, yeah, putting that guy on leave was a professional move.

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>Capitilism running rampant destroyed everything League used to stand for
Kotaku: Silence

>A woman cried or whatever

See how easy it is to see Kotaku is full of shit?

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>The United States was built on the principle of an open and competitive marketplace
Stopped reading there. Go fap to some more Cold War novels.

>If these dumbass employees don't like to work there, then they can quit and start their own company or relocate and work for another company.

They aren't skilled enough to do either of those things.

You can argue that anti-trust laws are really fucking weak in this country, I would, these faggots aren't though. They're bitching about sexist jokes and working on weekends in air-conditioned offices while being fed high-tier food in the most beautiful states in the union for a company that's basically a front for the PRC.

If you can't hack it at a company that literally can't fail due to constant capital injections from uber-wealthy chinks and a steady stream of money from addicted teenagers then where are you supposed to go? League hasn't changed for fucking years, the core codebase is decrepit and probably hasn't been refactored in a meaningful way since the game came out.

Well said, lad.

The fact that I'm playing a video game, faggot

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so is this right then?

>get hired at riot, sign contract
>probably don't read contract
>later on try to sue over something
>contract you signed prohibits you from suing the company based on that
>complain out front with airhorns