1>Prime>Hunters>Prime 2>Prime 3>FedForce>2>Super>Other M>Fusion
1 = 2 > 3
pleb: 1
contrarian: 3
patrician: 2
2 > 1 > OtherM > 3
I guess 3=1 in one way, buy 3 offers me things that 2 doesn't, whereas 2 is a straight upgrade from 1 in pretty much every meaningful way.
>formulaic zone progression GOOD
>exploring and backtracking BAD
S3>S1>S2>PW>S5>S4>2>1>>>>>>>>>>Snake's Revenge
>2 is a straight upgrade from 1 in pretty much every meaningful way
posting objective bullshit on this board should be a permabannable offense
Primes 1-3 does have backtracking you dumb zoomer nigger
Granted its in the form of keyhunting but it's still got it.
Now keey seething about Fusion's linear narrative and little-to-no exploration
Name 1 (one) thing Prime 1 does better.
poorly skilled
world design and exploration
2 has the most exploring in the trilogy idiot
What are the best aspects from each game that should carry over into Prime 4?
If I emulate the wii trilogy can I use mouse control to control the camera?
How anyone can replay metroid prime with those camera controls baffles me.
>prime 1
>better world design
>magmoor only exists as a transition area and wastes a huge amount of time when traversing
prime 1: atmosphere, isolation and environmental variety
prime 2: challenge, boss fights, music, uniqueness of items, modular world design
prime 3: motion aiming in the form of gyro
>>magmoor only exists as a transition area
still a better bottleneck than temple grounds
>wastes a huge amount of time when traversing
incredibly fast to traverse once you get the hang of it actually
>still a better bottleneck than temple grounds
how? temple grounds has every area spread out as close as possible to the center
>wastes a huge amount of time when traversing
incredibly fast to traverse once you get the hang of it actually
same is said of anything, doesn't excuse it
nigga the efficiency of backtracking is half the reason for including it. blazing through old parts of the game unhindered by the old obstacles with your new powerups is what makes it so rewarding.
Never played 2 but I pretend its the best one so Yea Forums accepts me.
backtracking is only good if it's meaningful. What's the point of going through magmoor, especially all the times you have to in order to get to phendrena, when there's fucking nothing there?
2>1>>>>>>3 is trash.
>backtracking is only good if it's meaningful.
being able to do it successively more effectively like I describe each time is where the meaning is
every time you visit magmoor there's something different you can do. maybe you can pick up an artifact, maybe you can use a new route, or maybe you can just skip some of the platforming. either way you're getting better every time so the character growth is tangible
echoes' level design and world design aren't comparably complex
>2 is the hardest, therefore it's the best
Never change Yea Forums.
This is correct.
how about the fact that it's challenging, has the best enemy design, has the best items, most sensible world design, music, and atmosphere
I just want to say fuck the Alpha Blogg.
1 >= 2 >>> 3
Fuck zoomers.
What were they thinking with that hitbox? Half the time you can't get a hit in even when the mouth is open.
>has the best enemy design
>has the best items
>most sensible world design
>It's challenging
This is true.
>the best enemy design
>best items
>most sensible world design
>music, and atmosphere
This is not.
those are good arguments in general but I disagree with these two
>has the best items
a whole bunch of items are entirely useless outside of the one or two puzzles where they're mandatory.
>most sensible world design
the backtracking is much less rewarding and much more annoying. they should have either used the original game's formula or just cut it down further
music and atmosphere are subjective but I like them more
protip: the entire alpha blogg body is vulnerable when it hits the wall
reused assets utilized better makes them better, yes. how were the ideas done worse when stuff like the boost ball was actually integrated into combat and the weapons were more balanced?
yes, that is more sensible than biomes instantly changing
1 had magmoor and 2 had hydrodynamo, don't know how 2 had anymore unless you want to be a faggot and count the brinstar remix in multiplayer
isolation isn't the same as atmosphere, the atmosphere in 2 is better because you feel the oppressiveness of phazon throughout the entire game instead of just a single area in prime 1
1 > 2 > 3
3 is still a great game but things were getting too buddy buddy with the cast and the plot was starting to jump the shark. Core gameplay still held up but it was the most linear of the games and hypermode meant bosses had to drop health mid-fight to balance the mechanic.
As opposed to the cookie cutter desert/ruins, ice, lava and industrial worlds that Prime 1 had? Atmosphere was unironically better in Prime 3.
Common sense: 1
Connossieur: 3
D-do I fit in yet?: 2
>Background isn't Crocomire's skull
>you feel the oppressiveness of phazon throughout the entire game instead of just a single area in prime 1
this is the most blatantly incorrect shit I have ever seen posted on this website and I am genuinely mad from reading it
phazon was tacked on as fuck in 2 and you very easily forget it's the main antagonistic force instead of random purple shit except for when dark samus randomly shows up and they copy paste a few shitty looking phazon textures on the ground around where you see her
phazon is present in every aspect of the first game from the getgo and you can really believe it's infecting the planet with all the small ways it shows up both visually and with the enemies you fight and of course the lore, not to mention your progression into deeper areas where it naturally becomes more prevalent and dangerous as a hazard itself in a way that makes perfect sense and adds to the perfectly done feeling of progression in the world which 2 takes a fucking diarrhea dog shit on in comparison
If they had multiple levels with the cast, like even only one more, killing them as the main bosses would have been way more novel. Really missed opportunity.
prime 3 had the best and most creative environments in the series. every one was original and exciting.
prime 1 were generic but well executed. prime 2 were more novel ideas but turned out less interesting. apart from sanctuary of course, which is the series' peak.
changing biomes was executed better in prime 1 than prime 2
say what you want about prime 1, at least you have to cross a steamy tunnel before a wet forest becomes a lava cave. prime 2 takes you from a bog to a desert with a single elevator ride.
visually distinct and well fleshed out areas that connect together well but are arguably uninspired thematically are better than a bunch of gray and purple pallet swapped shit that's completely unmemorable
a game world is far more than just the theme it's based on and the other two games don't come close to prime 1 and especially not fucking 2
>you can really believe phazon is infecting the planet in 1
>but not in 2 where it's formed an entire alternative world, taken almost all the power out of the world, decimated the native dominant species aside from a handful in hibernation, taken over AI systems of machines, and raped an entire galactic federation troop with minimal possessions of light world insects
>prime 2 takes you from a bog to a desert with a single elevator ride.
no? there are no elevators from agon to torvus, unless you mean temple grounds which isn't a desert
They should make a Prime Hunters sequel set between Echoes and Corruption with Rundas, Ghor and Gandrayda as playable characters.
the pacing is way better in prime 1. each new area takes you closer and closer to the heart of the infection. by the time you enter phazon mines and you see those great views of the impact crater you're really sold on the whole
centre bottom of the map
>not in 2 where it's inexplicably become generic pallet swapped purple shit instead of what it actually is and being well integrated in actually creative ways
yes, that's what I said
having all this unrelated horseshit happening that's both terrible gameplay and thematic wise and then just trying to claim
>dude it was phazon trust me lmao
doesn't fucking work
>each new area takes you closer and closer to the heart of the infection
how so? if anything you get further away since the heart is at talon over-world in the starting area
the dark world and ing are phazon you baboon
huh, I don't remember that elevator. Point taken, but I still think wasteland to bog isn't nearly as jarring as forest -> lava -> ice
I always found the environments and lore/story in Prime 1 to be a huge step down from the other 2.
In Prime 1, all of the sentient beings (Amish Chozo) are either dead or fucked off somewhere, so your actions don't affect them. The Space Pirates don't seem to have much of an endgame to their schemes. Making phazon super soldiers for...bad things I guess? We don't even see any of the good guys that could be threatened by this. It comes together to feel like nothing notable is at stake, and the whole phazon shooting itself from planets to turn into new phaazes to shot more phazon wasn't a thing until Prime 3. I was wondering for the longest time why Samus doesn't just leave during my first playthrough.
People give U-Mos in 2 a lot of shit, but he's not intrusive at all unless you have the attention span of a zoomer on red bull, and provides the skeleton of the plot, allowing the logs to fill in the details nicely.
>retarded purple shit is phazon because I said so
>instead of all the uniquely mutated enemies you fight in 1 or all the ways it organically shows up in the environment and the story it tells with all of that and the logs
>say what you want about prime 1, at least you have to cross a steamy tunnel before a wet forest becomes a lava cave
On a separate note, I think one of Prime 1's biggest flaws is how often you have to backtrack through Magmoor Caverns. It may have been better to connect Phrendrana Drifts to another area as well as Magmoor.
>because I say so
how about the lore of the game idiot
At the start you have chozo ruins. You don't know why it's deserted at the start - eventually you find out it's some sort of poison.
You get to Phendrana. You figure out it runs deeper than just Flaahgra.
You get to the pirate base and see Thardus, totally animated by Phazon.
Around about this point you should be returning to the artifact temple where you find all this shit was important enough to be sealed away, and it's plausible because of the steady build up so far.
By the time you reach Phazon Mines it's been established so much that it's actually credible. And every elevator in Phazon Mines, along with a few other choice rooms, show how deep you're descending into the impact crater as you progress.
It's great worldbuilding that's actually staggered over the course of the game rather than all being thrown at you at once.
Is it really that hard to believe that an ice mountain and a temperate forest can have lava caves underneath them?
I think more interconnectivity could have helped. That said, the rear entrances to Phendrana and Phazon Mines are both back to back in Magmoor (which is super convenient for picking up artifacts lategame)
metroid doesn't need a story and especially doesn't need some dumbfuck to save or tell you where to go get the next piece of shit to progress
the biggest appeal of prime 1 is how alone you were and how it felt like you stumbled onto something far bigger than yourself, and it already has a skeleton of a plot: you're hunting down ridley and the space pirates
being the big hero of the story and saving everyone who's still alive is shit compared to coming across this ancient planet and unraveling it's history, and it's why the retcons to prime 1's lore to try and fit it with the other two is stupid and ruins it all
>Is it really that hard to believe that an ice mountain and a temperate forest can have lava caves underneath them?
moreso than a wasteland (which was an idyllic grasslands prior to phazon) to bog, yes
You can but I don't recommend it. These games really should be played on controller
>I was wondering for the longest time why Samus doesn't just leave during my first playthrough.
The main reason she's there is to shut down the pirate operation. The Phazon itself isn't at the forefront for the vast majority of the game.
you dumb fucking nigger how do you not understand the inherent superiority of experiencing something in a way that makes sense instead of seeing something completely unrelated and being TOLD that it's somehow the same thing or even half as interesting
phazon is nothing but a few shitty copy pasted textures in prime 2, fuck off
even prime 3 did a better job with keeping it around properly
What is a good site to download the ISO for MP trilogy?
lol asshurt, you experience it far more in 2 than 1 with the darkworld being a factor the entire game
I never played 3 because I hated motion controls.
I hope the Prime collection on Switch (if it ever happens) let you play in a normal way.
>Overall Metroid experience
Absolutely. OP once again is a fag.
one of the few good things about 3 was the aiming was far better than 1 or 2. Hell I'd say it was the best aiming in any console game until gyro this gen
explain to me how a purple pallet swap is at all related to phazon WITHOUT the game explicitly telling you it is
go on, I'll wait
dark samus extracting phazon at the start while you get gang raped by ing in the dark world
Did these games ever get an actually hard difficulty mode? I heard the Prime trilogy put in something, but it didn't do much if I recall. Looking at the wiki doesn't give me much insight into it.
2 > 3 > 1
1 is pure kino for the first 2 hours but then it goes to shit. The worst keyhunt in the trilogy. Meta Ridley and Prime are shit bosses that take ages to beat.
2 is an improvement in every way to 1 while keeping the good things. Less annoying beam switching for different enemies. Keyhunt is improved but not as bad.
3 has the best combat and bosses of the trilogy, but dumps some of the exploration. However I really enjoy all the different planets.
oh look, random phazon and dark samus not connected to anything else as opposed to what the first game did
thanks for proving my point
I made some OC for you guys.
>it doesn't count
well memed
both prime 1 and prime 2 have a hard mode. I don't know if that's hard enough for you.
IIRC prime 3 always had three difficulty modes.
prime trilogy has three difficulty modes in each game. but the new difficulty mode is easier than the others and named "normal", and the others are renamed. so what used to be normal mode is now veteran mode, and what used to be hard mode is now hyper mode.
additionally, I think prime 2 has balance changes on top of the difficulty setting
I also remember my enjoyment of Prime 1 dropping after Flaahgra. The bosses in general were a bit shit aside from that and the Omega Pirate, at least compared to the Prime 2 and 3 ones.
>Only one lewd Samus
>Porn dump.
I enjoyed all three, but prefer minimal character interaction and plot. Corruption is a fun game with good set pieces, but the the atmosphere just wasn't quite the same. Maybe a single voiced antagonist spread out over an entire game would be better - more room to breathe.
God I can't wait to see Prime 4's environments
I just hope they don't have any zero suit in Prime 4. Last thing we need is Nintendo trying their hand at "humanizing" Samus. Their last 10 attempts were pathetic and bordered on game-ruining. I just want Samus to be a robot that murders space aliens and saves the galaxy. Is that so much to ask?
sakamoto's not on this so I doubt that would happen
>tfw no autistic mute amazonian gf
Why live?
>3 better than 2
3 actually has a single unique asset
This but without the 'say'
Anyone who says 2 was good should only be responded to with "Boost Guardian" until they go away. Allow me to provide you with an example:
Boost Guardian
Samus Returns was basically a 2D Prime game in all but name.
>original metroid at the top
And it was pretty okay
>Super that low
>Fedforce higher than anything except maybe Other M
what the actual fuck is wrong with you dude
1, 2 and 3 > basically 99% of other games, so arguing about them is pointless and mostly just a judgment call based on ultimately minor personal tastes.
>I'm retarded?
In 2023
not even close, only reason it feels that way is because they took assets and sounds/music from the prime games. Gameplay and design are nothing alike
>show how deep you're descending into the impact crater as you progress.
That lift in Phazon Mines where you see Impact Crater blew my mind as a kid
I really hate it in retrospect because a crater of that size would have completely decimated the greenery of Tallon IV's surface for millions of years.
That's fine as long as it's good.