Team Sonic Racing

What is Yea Forums opeenion on this thing? I loved Transformed so much - it was filled with action and challenges.
I saw how people playing it and it seems there is not that much fun compared to Transformed. And you forced to be in a TEAM it even has a voice chat.
what the fuck

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i wanted more original tracks and less Sonic Heroes dicksucking.

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im happy they added Sandopolis Zone and even a new sandopolis remix.
Im one of those 3 people that is a big fan of Sandopolis. I fucking love to watch mummy-movies and play S3&K and hang out in a pyramid. And then i would watch Mummies Alive tv show

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>final fortress stages

That's pretty sick, its a shame they never give hang castle any love. I still wont buy this game day 1 because CTR is coming out.

>I still wont buy this game day 1 because CTR is coming out.
thats pretty dumb
why would anyone release TWO cartoony racing cart games during the same time?

Well im sure they hardly synced up, but Activsion know CTR will sell gang busters. TSR is ogign to suffer for it.

>TSR is ogign to suffer for it.
who gives a fuck about crash.
Sonic has a huge ass community. pretty sure crash tr will be fallen into obscurity because of that.
Sonic team racing is full of HYPE right now

You can turn off voices and don't have to be on a team

thats good news. fuck team play

Tick Tock Hedgehog

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I'll give it a fair shot, sounds like it would be fun with friends

In game graphics still look over 10 years old

Team is a very interesting idea, and I like it. I just wish it was balanced better than merely "add up points each race" because then a 1st place is still going to carry a team. It should add up points across all races and make an estimate at the end of the grand prix. It might make single player content kinda infernal, tho. And single player content is kinda dead if they don't let you choose who the members of your team are and if they just go "lol, if you pick sonic you always get Knuckles and Tails".

I am really liking the customization available for the cars, tho.

>Team Sonic Racing has the advantage of being out 1 month earlier and a PC version
Tick Tock yourself, Bandicuck

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I like the use of color and the Sumo racers always look best in motion.
We've yet to see a full Grand Prix so I'm sure it adds the points up across every race. You can also choose your teammates, they're only locked in during the story mode.

How's that movie going?

I hope Story mode is nuts like in Sonic Riders.

15 characters when Transformed had like 24 is too disappointing for me to buy it day one. Maybe when it goes on sale.

I'd be more upset but

1. Never played the original ASR so I'm not too mad.

2. TSR is basically Sonic Heroes the racing game, so I'd say it works.

It could be. I know some people aren't fans of the visual novel style but it does remind me of the DS games
I agree, I'm hoping they expand the roster and stage count with DLC, but every time people ask they say none is planned

On the other hand, each character in Transformed only had one appearance and couldn't be changed. In this game each character's car has multiple parts and appearances, and can be recolored completely, as well as having different finishes on the paint and different decals.

Ah, well that sounds nice and should make up for the smaller roster for some. Not quite enough for me, though. If there were at least three more characters I'd be more inclined to pick it up.

Characters don't really do much beyond a silly pose when you trick and a few voice lines. It's not like in Riders where you could see the character model all the time. In my own personal opinion, the amount of tracks is going to be the make or break. Mario Kart introduced the standard of 32-40 tracks and so far we've only seen 21, and I at least want to increase the amount of actual tracks from Transformed's rather lackluster ammount..

>fun with friends
yeah if i had friends
i have one sonic fan-friend but he HATES everything past Sonic Adventure 1-2. so he never played anything other than those 2 games
this pisses me off so fucking much
i wish i had many friends. I have both-nintendo Switch and PS4 but i dont have friends to play with.

I agree, they could have hit 18 easily without even adding in the Babylon Rogues.
Doesn't help that 6 of the tracks revealed are from both All Stars Racing games with 5 taken from the first one. I would love it if we got 15 more new ones as DLC and we also had unlockable Mirror tracks, but I won't cross my fingers for either.

They may not be important at all gameplay-wise but being able to select a character you like is a big draw of spinoff games, and Espio not being an option is disappointing for me.
I agree with you about tracks being more important though, which is another thing I feel is lackluster about the game.

still im absolutely mad that bullshit like those 3 chao in one car made it to ghe game but Espio and that bee-guy left out. what the fuck

Looks really fun.
I'm really hyped for it since I loved transformed. Summer is going to be fun with both TSR and CTRNF (Which I never played CTR before, so this'll be a first for me)
Also silver mains rise up

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tick tock

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I am surprised people actually like Espio, like out of all the game sellers I never thought someone like Espio or Cream would be a make or break for anyone. Sonic, Omega, Shadow, Rouge and Eggman are there, so in my eyes characters are well served. I hope if there are unlockable characters we get some meme Sega options like Vyse, Nights or Ulala.

A lot of these are from the previous Sonic All Stars Racers arent they?
I definitely recognise one of the bingo ones, the ocean view one, and some of the fortress stages

Espio is a really cool character, but definitly not a make or break for me.
I think people's main problem is that team chaotix was axed despite being an established team since they were introduced.

Oh yeah, I know the feeling. You can always bring it to any family events then
Espio not getting in is super sad, especially since he was scrapped from the first All Stars Racing and everyone else who was scrapped from that got into this game.
To me most of the new tracks look really good, but it looks like there won't be many of them

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I understand the Chao. Chao Garden has to be the most requested thing Sega has not delivered in a while.

In that pic, 8 of the 9 tracks from the base game of All Stars Racing are back with 1 being from Transformed. However I'll give them the benefit of a doubt and hope they didn't reuse all 3 Final Fortress stages from the first one

Aren't half of the tracks in this ripped from the original Sonic and Sega Allstars Racing?
The Casino Park ones, the Seaside Hill ones and the Final Fortress ones

reminder that rouge the bat is only three and a half feet tall and would most likely have a shallower pussy than human women.
>Imagine actually giving a woman an orgasm with a 4-inch cock
>imagine giving her the best sex of her life and becoming her human boyfriend

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>Sonic using a vehicle to race
The core concept is retarded

Don't think about it, just let the flashy lights distract you

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I'm not paying full price for this game unless they add more characters and a few more stages.

The second game had twice as many characters

Design-wise 3 little dot-characters in a big boring car game is a terrible idea.
It legit looks like that shitty car Homer Simpson designed.

who would chose chao over ESPIO

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it's not full price

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We've yet to get confirmation that the Final Fortress ones are back, but the stage itself might be.
One of them is the first track from Transformed, the others are from the first one.
And yet everyone loved the All Stars Racing games. The first one is one of the highest selling games of all time and the second one is regarded as one of the best arcade racers.

>The first one is one of the highest selling games of all time
Wait really?
I knew it was popular but had no idea it was this popular

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Yeah I was surprised too

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SEGA wanted the Chao to be playable. One of the devs at Sumo said they were already going to be involved in the item transfer process in the game, but SEGA wanted them as a racer, so I'm guessing they took all the requests for Chao to return to heart.
Surprisingly yes, it is.

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i want hat knux back

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I would
It's not like it's the first time those rode a machine.

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You are obsessed with sex and need to start meditating

How's yours? :^)

their car is just too big and boring compared to characters
they should have design cool looking car because characters are abysmal and car should be unique looking

>Sonic franchise is big enough to get a hollywood film
>Crash is so dead it can only get soulless budget remakes

Atleast the games crash does get are actually good

You can make the Chao car look however you want though

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>What is mania
Sonic is inconsistent but the good games are fucking good.
Also more than half of Crash's games are trash did you forget everything after the PS1?

Alright fair that's pretty true

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will there be sonic Mani 2?

>Imagine sealing your lips against hers and looking deep into her eyes

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I'm sure there will be at some point

Maybe, Iizuka said something about working on both 2d and 3d games in the future so there is hope. Also Whitehead starting his own studio with the other devs of Mania makes it even more likely. They also have been doing alot of merch and promotion of Classic Sonic. Basically we just have to wait and see.

feels good man

I'd also like to mention that both the new Sonic Pillar Team and Evening star are set up in L.A so they can do easy communication with each other.

My friend is fucking trash at Mario Kart, so at least in this game I can carry him.

Of course the music is amazing, it’s a Sonic game. The levels look great, and I really can’t wait for some of that character interaction we saw in one of the trailers. No high hopes as a Kart racer but as a Sonic racing game I think it’ll be good

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>Titans Crash
Absolute yikes but good bait nevertheless

This game seems like it's going to be just as accessible too. Technique type characters will likely be easy mode on stages like Sand Road

I'm excited to see the CG intro to the game

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>I think people's main problem is that team chaotix was axed despite being an established team since they were introduced.
Basically this

Forget the intro, I'm hyped to get a full release of Green Light Ride

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It isn't the first time that happened though, Vector was on Team Rose in Free Riders
Same. If they don't upload it in the next couple weeks I'm fine with waiting until the credits to hear it

You do not need to play in a team.

Or better yet, I'm sure there'll be a high quality rip of it the day the game releases

Maybe even before, I remember the full version of Fist Bump leaked a week or so before the game came out

Every Sonic game is $40. You're not paying full price.

wait sonic heroes gets dicksucked?

I fucking loved the environment zones in that game. hmm.
> only 2 maps
bruh what.

3 zones are from Sonic Heroes

30 fps

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All the Sumo Digital Sonic racers have dicksucked Heroes with the first one being the worse offender.
>Seaside Hill, Casino Park, and Final Fortress make up the 9 Sonic stages in the first one, not counting DLC
>Both All Stars games have a Seaside Hill based opening track
>Transformed and TSR bring back Roulette Road, and TSR's Heroes stages are mostly taken from the first game
I won't jump and gun and assume the last few stages are the same Final Fortress ones from All Stars Racing, but since all the casino stages are, I wouldn't be shocked

Looks pretty good to be perfectly honest. Music is nice, game mechanics seems interesting and we got a cool two part animation short out of it. Let me turn off the voices during the races and it's easily a 9/10 racing game.

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You can

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