"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is just getting sad

Attached: D2E13E14-0188-49AA-91CB-B0B9242EBFE4.png (578x488, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/P5R teaser starts with PS logo /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/persona switch/start/2018-12-06/end/2019-04-25/order/asc/

Based but that's my pasta you posted

huh? the image he posted has no pasta user, are you ok? i think you're seeing things

Name any games worth buying on the PS4 besides Red Dead Remption 2 and Bloodborne. And really, you can play Bloodborne on PC via PSNow. So that leaves Red Dead Remption 2 which will probably be ported to PC when the special edition for the next-gen comes out just like Grand Theft Auto V.

the text

but user, you don't eat text do you? silly boy

>game gets more soulless as new installments come out

Attached: ps3.jpg (600x512, 54K)

bloodbourne is lagy to begin with why add more input lag plus you still had to pay sony

>1 game performs worse on PC.
>Every other game performs better on PC
Really makes you think

pc gaming is a scam but obese 9gagers like you keep fueling it

>snoyger once again edit a ps3/ps4 meymey to fith his anti nintendo crusade

>Ultra-wide screen, up to 240 fps, native 4k. modding, keyboard/mouse.

Attached: 1546408474547.jpg (540x438, 32K)


yes yes, keep fighting over your equally game-less consoles, i'll just sit back and emulate everything

Seriously though why are they so obsessed with Nintendo?
So many wojak edits
So many spammed threads
So many pastas
Why is it always Sony fags shitting on Nintendo? This is supposedly Nintendogaf so why is it so uncommon to see these kind of shitposts posted over and over by Nintendo fags against other fanbases?

>"I-It's VR!"

epic bait

it's not their fault that nintendies are so easy to trigger, it makes great entertainment

>he needs to copy PS3 memes

Attached: 1535761367091.jpg (2288x4232, 2.31M)

>nintenkids copying other people's memes
Get ome originality dude. Or at least don't copy something posted in the same fucking thread.

Tell me, Yea Forums why is the snoyboy eternally seething? Is xe cursed for all eternity to be seething?

You do realize that the PS3 meme he posted is the original, right?

Normally I dislike console warriors but Switch port beggars are legitimately the most obnoxious faggots ever. So have a based, on the house.

Grow up

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Nothing ever changes

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>This is supposedly Nintendogaf

Attached: 1554691287669.jpg (1343x7717, 1.91M)

so much this

So whatever happened to that Best Buy leak Yea Forums kept shilling?


Attached: LAUGH-.gif (391x365, 712K)

stop trying to revise history dumb nintentoddler

I messed up both posts, so I reposted this.

hey man when snoy does something worthwhile we'll talk about it

wouldn't count on it tho


Was this thread created by, now famous, kunken the Twitter Snoynigger?

>hey man when snoy does something worthwhile we'll talk about it
you mean like the 96 million units sold and counting? or the goty sony exclusives like p5 and god of war?

>kunken the Twitter Snoynigger
who? link me

Persona 5 isn't exclusive. It can be played on PC with an emulator.
And God of War is a movie game with unskippable cutscenes, so it's a rental at best.

>reeeeeeeeeeeee why do nintendo fans talk about something nintendo did?????????
>fucking nintendogaf
>*makes 100 threads about sony >>>>>> nintendo*

>muh sales
>that game you don't even own a copy of
>flavor of the week snoy exclusive

no wonder you talk about nintendo, you've got nothing else to talk about

Attached: 1554412971220.png (436x416, 201K)

>Persona 5 isn't exclusive. It can be played on PC with an emulator.
the same applies to botw, yet nintendo fans still spam threads about it every day.
>And God of War is a movie game with unskippable cutscenes, so it's a rental at best.
no, you're thinking of pokemon.

Attached: 1551299222368.png (634x270, 60K)


>We're getting god damn Persona 5 Warriors instead of Pirate Warriors 4

Attached: WHEN.jpg (579x581, 247K)

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/P5R teaser starts with PS logo /type/op/

Attached: 1008-MWBZ-faq-q1.jpg (960x540, 91K)

why do nintendo fans pretend they buy niche japanese games?

Attached: weebsales.png (1612x744, 298K)

You weren't here few hours ago? Recap:
>Capcom announced DMC1 for Switch
>guy creates a thread on Yea Forums making fun of Nintendo fanboys
>another user finds the source of the pic, it's from one Twitter account
>literally the same guy as thread was made not even 2 minutes after that Tweet
>people go through his profile, see counlkess wojaks and even a conversation with XV-kun
>OP has meltdown

yeah I remember that thread. I just didn't pay attention to the name of the shitposter. Thanks

>the same applies to botw, yet nintendo fans still spam threads about it every day.
No, Eric posts a thread complaining about it every 3 hours.
>no, you're thinking of pokemon.
Grindy RPGs are movie games....LOL

>grinding in a pokemon game

Attached: 1549073845128.png (817x891, 32K)

>cant see the forest for the trees

lmaoing @ ur life rite now kid

Media Create Sales: Week 16, 2019 (Apr 15 - Apr 21)

01./01. [PS4] Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain (D3Publisher) {2019.04.11} (¥7.800)
02./07. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate # (Nintendo) {2018.12.07} (¥7.200)
03./03. [NSW] Yoshi's Crafted World (Nintendo) {2019.03.29} (¥5.980)
04./02. [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit # (Nintendo) {2019.04.12} (¥7.980)
05./08. [NSW] New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (Nintendo) {2019.01.11} (¥5.980)
06./09. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980)
07./04. [NSW] Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission (Bandai Namco Games) {2019.04.04} (¥6.800)
08./10. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild # (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥6.980)
09./06. [PS4] Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software) {2019.03.22} (¥7.600)
10./00. [PS4] Langrisser I & II # (Kadokawa Games) {2019.04.18} (¥6.800)

The reason why those ports sell better than the Switch versions is because the library of games in Japan sucks a fat cock. Look at this list. Seven Switch games, three PS4 games.

They're absolutely starved for games in Japan.

>grinding in a pokemon game
Grindy in the sense that it's a lot of repetitive battles that can't be avoided, and there's not a lot of plot.

Attached: 1557155516902m.jpg (1024x667, 54K)

r*ddit tier humor

there is no "forest for the trees." if it's not bing bing wahoo, it doesn't sell on a nintendo console.

Attached: 1556063626106.png (1143x343, 32K)

>Grindy in the sense that it's a lot of repetitive battles that can't be avoided
use a repel. problem solved.
>and there's not a lot of plot.
you clearly haven't played ohmori's "games" (movies). 9 hours of unskippable cutscenes really speaks for itself.

this is bait

Attached: 1528369508909.jpg (1092x1161, 187K)


>only a Sony could say a bad thing about Nintendo

hey bro

how many PS4 games have broken a million sales in its five years of sale in japan?

you can count them on one hand

The fact that you think your only opponents are Sony shows how Nintengaf this place actually is

>>you clearly haven't played ohmori's "games" (movies). 9 hours of unskippable cutscenes really speaks for itself.
I've only played Let's Go and the original Pokemon, and those have minimal plot. But JRPGs are still 10 hours of plot, 50+ hours of grinding, and 40+ hours of end-game. You still get 90+ hours of gameplay, even if it's just random battles. God of War you rent the game, beat it in a weekend, and return it.


Attached: nintendo sony wojak.jpg (800x1400, 909K)

>50+ hours of grinding
>in a modern jrpg
you either need to git gud or play a jrpg made in the last 20 years.

So good.

Attached: salt.jpg (1002x666, 83K)


how many niche japanese games have sold more on the switch than persona 5 has on playstation?

I'm defining grinding differently than you. You're just shitposting for the sake of shitposting, so I'm just going to ignore you now.

GoW4 is 40-50 hours to 100% and it's a hell of a lot more compelling than 40 hours in any modern pokemon game

Attached: 171.png (706x272, 20K)

>he thinks he's going to still be getting niche Japanese games when the PS5 rolls around

Attached: 1557006777053.jpg (1024x712, 170K)


>GoW4 is 40-50 hours to 100% and it's a hell of a lot more compelling than 40 hours in any modern pokemon game
Yeah, but the combat is boring. Once you've watched all the cutscenes there is no point in continuing. At least the old God of Wars had good combat and skippable cutscenes.

Wait for E3 is valid tho. After that hope is gone

only here could someone be proud of a catalog filled with pictures of a yellow plush poodle creature

>he thinks they'll be going to a platform where nobody buys their games

It's a hell of a lot more fun than pokemon's press A to win "combat". You clearly played on game journalist mode

>after that hope is gone
lol you think that's gonna stop with e3?


Attached: 20190506_232146.jpg (345x632, 103K)

>Wait for E3 is valid tho.
no it isn't. if p5 was coming to the switch, it would have been announced at the concert, just like they announced that the musou was coming to the switch.

>W-Wait for E3

Attached: BA29097C-FC42-46D4-8905-F3BF44327B9A.jpg (719x719, 33K)

Attached: sony_arrogance.png (1570x1260, 279K)

Actually, I did the Nuzlocke challenge challenge on Pokemon Let's Go, so it was still pretty challenging.

>he thinks japanese gamers are going to buy the American-made PS5

>Wait for E3 is valid

Jesus christ, sell your pathetic tablet if you’re that desperate for games.

Attached: 0B3B9C30-4CE5-4F4E-AB99-5B32AAF90F30.jpg (1920x1080, 137K)

Who cares? Sony censoring it anyway.

Just keep your vanilla versions because It'll clearly be the superior version.

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O cu do nintendista pisca por atenção.

Kys anglo nigger


Look at this sad and pathetic nincel obsessed with Sony, enjoy Persona 5 musou lmao.

Neither of you disgusting plebs have any games

t. ranny

Reminder that these are the types of the people that post these threads. Twitter zoomers with anime avatars.

Attached: cucken1.png (596x685, 115K)

with what?

you'll be getting nothing but cinematic experiences and generic western shitware on the PS5


Honestly I don't give a shit about old ports since I already have the games I want on PC or PS4.
I have a switch but I only ever use it for like Mario Kart or Smash with friends. I just wish Nintendo would make exclusives that aren't multiplayer/party based. There's Mario which was good and Zelda which is good for some but very boring to me.

have sex

PC gets Persona 5 at E3 why shouldn't Nintendo?

Lmao, cope harder.

Attached: CAEA8F4B-7AFF-43F1-A4E2-C885CD2F9DEE.png (225x224, 9K)


>Massive crossover of dozens of the most iconic video game franchises has massive appeal and gets a ton of threads about it

Delicious asspain.

>PC gets Persona 5 at E3

with what?

you'll be getting nothing but cinematic experiences and generic western shitware on the PS5

Console wars and datamimers have absolutely ruined P5 threads which weren't great to begin with.

On a scale of 10 to 10 how angry are you right now?

Attached: 6C669F94-A0DA-4A30-A11F-7487C905734D.jpg (903x888, 133K)

PC already has Persona 5, and it's free.

Know your place, filth

Attached: PC Port SUCC.jpg (1024x494, 98K)

Nobody actually wanted the game, you can get a PS3 for $40 from a thrift store or yard sale. We just wanted Snoy to lose it's last third-party exclusive.

>muh censorship! I can't play video games unless I'm furiously masturbating!
Drink bleach

Seething snoyfag

>I d-didn’t want it a-anyway

Oh nonononono bros...

Attached: 5E667DA0-D56E-4BEC-AEFF-624FD832C1C6.png (541x728, 379K)

p5 threads were just waifu porn compilations before, at least this is funny

Switch has the best library, ps4 can't even compete

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Travis Strikes Again: NMH
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special

And more to be announced

Game going to be rated E10+ with sony new policy going on.

Why would I be remotely upset?

Attached: 343253242343.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

>Drink bleach
Lol, you former New Athiest liberals complained endlessly about the religious right attempting and failing to get video games censored. But now that leftists are actually censoring games you're like i-i-it's not a big deal!

Hold hands.

Attached: AF5D1762-CBFF-474D-9245-F4BCDF4D6A6D.jpg (539x528, 17K)


t. triggered snoy nigger. who else would spam threads about Persona 5, faggot

You just KNOW this Nincel is butthurt as fuck.

>Wii U ports and vaporware

Enjoy the read

and yet i can count on 2 hands actually good games from this list, amazing


Attached: 1552663665861.png (1267x785, 97K)

>Japanese game

Miss me with that gay shit.

Attached: 234325234234.jpg (1500x844, 250K)

don't put unreleased games and games with horrible reviews on your list

That's actually really pathetic...

Attached: 1554612853983.jpg (960x720, 84K)

>and games with horrible reviews
You really listen to reviewers?
The same reviewers that found one of the easiest Kirby games hard?

Yep, and there's a swathe of people like that here who think Yea Forums is just for shitposting.

>screenshot from two years ago

Attached: itship.gif (404x416, 168K)

>listens to game journalists

not even a year ago

Yeah, don't take this user's advice. Listening to reviewers means you lose out on a lot of good niche games.

>too busy playing video games to watch shitposters get BTFO'd live

it's hilarious how angry you faggots get when people actually discuss video games. you try so hard to derail threads and shitpost, but you go completely ignored.

Well when things like that happen they don't derail them anymore. What they actually do is far more annoying.

please recommend me some games with scores below 70, i could use a good laugh

>don’t put unreleased games
Snoyniggers were doing this for years.

>not having dual monitors so you can shitpost and play vidya at the same time

shitendo portshitch

Steam reviews are nice because it's just like/dislike so if 95% of the people who bought game like it, you know there's only a 5% chance you won't like it. It also doesn't have console fanboys review-bombing. Examples o 95+ steam reviews: Caves of Qud, Tales of Maj'eyal, Don't Starve, Rabi-ribi, and Beat Hazard. All amazing games despite what critics said. I just wish metacritic only allowed like/dislike for user reviews.

japanese "gamers" don't buy anything other than gacha anime pngs nowadays. they're not who weeb games are being made for anymore.

Why? You'll just say they're bad even though you never played them and prove to everyone you're a retard in the process.

Attached: 1526798846782.jpg (649x480, 42K)

strange they dont seem to have any difficult buying nintendo games

>It also doesn't have console fanboys review-bombing.
instead, it has chinese shills review-bombing.

Because Sonyfags can't handle the smallest bit of criticism.
It has always been that way, sonyfags will always be the worst shitposters.

>instead, it has chinese shills review-bombing.


So one obscure indie game? You're going to have to do better than that sweetie.

>mfw Shitendo Shitglitchbitch will never get P5

Attached: NEVER.png (600x580, 572K)

The only Switch game not published by Nintendo that got into the list is freaking Dragon ball. Nintendo users never buy other games.

As somebody with almost 1,000 hours in Splatoon I fucking hate Nintendo fans. You can't talk about games because it's either lewds or shitty OC fanart everywhere and they constantly want everything to be exclusive even though they've never played another game in the franchise and it's detrimental to the actual game. Fix your fucking shit, Nintendo fans.

Why would they? The've got enough exclusives to keep them busy.

Attached: 1553846322432.jpg (1000x1875, 282K)

wow this is straight up plebbery
I'm actually shocked

>So one obscure indie game?
so, just like 99.9% of steam's library?

>all those ports

Attached: 1545093695333.jpg (425x428, 64K)

Prove that you own a Wii U.

where's your video game, oh connoisseur?

>when I see this list

Attached: 1556836986312.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

Persona 5 has been perfectly playable on PC on an emulator for over a year now, at 60 fps with no problems.

For all the Switchbros, just emulate it.
I hope you own a PC with a decent CPU, and not just a shitty laptop like a normalfag.

Attached: 1553359251729.png (715x1000, 796K)

Remember how smug tendies were acting about getting P5 on the Switch? All those months of nonstop begging and shitposting and all you get is a fucking spin off. You niggers deserved this

Attached: B2124322-8A83-4A16-9A55-349E1C27091D.png (739x850, 215K)

Red dead is better on Xbox. All the multiplats are

Based and Piratepilled


you can emulate BOTW mario kart and odyssey copefag

Attached: ED3D137E-DDD3-442C-986E-1BDCA6ACEE9C.jpg (4032x3024, 2.68M)

>2017 posts

Attached: 1343074655876.jpg (640x480, 67K)

The left can't meme

And no thanks, you can stick to your safe mainstream

Omega Quintet.
Haven't played it but I remember you sonyfags harping on about it like the second coming of jesus.

>counting PSNow
While it is technically correct, it's a god awful solution over a port, or god forbid emulation.

isabelles reveal was september 2018 fucking wormbrains

That took a long time, you obviously had to message one of your fellow shills to get him to send a picture of a Wii U game to you.
$0.34 was deposited into your account.

Attached: 1557009548982.jpg (1446x1079, 476K)

Yeah, but it saves you from having to spend $200 on a PS4 and let's you put that into your PC hardware.

Tfw you already played p5 AND got to play joker in smash

Attached: 1512135367974.png (748x1082, 131K)

Isabelle wasn't announced for Smash in 2017 you moron. 05/04/17 is still the most recent thing in the blotter so that means absolutely nothing.

>gets blown the fuck out
you will never recover

Attached: 768CDC26-F2BA-48F4-BD6F-143C2EFDDD7A.jpg (640x480, 160K)


This is the intelligence of Nintendokiddies.

To be fair he did ask you for a wii u image.

Well the other option is that you bought a failed Nintendo console even though you hate Nintendo and that you would be able to emulate all their games eventually, and despite the Wii U failing you STILL bought a Switch, which you hate. Which would mean you have down syndrome.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you're a shill.
$0.17 was deposited into your account.

>Sony fans can play BotW through emulation
>Nintendo fans can play P5 through emulation

Everyone wins, what's the problem?
Though you still miss some games like Bloodborne and Smash.


Attached: 266B0E3E-C66E-4392-AFEC-B62E0642CDC7.jpg (4032x3024, 3.7M)

>tfw objectively superior to these console warring plebs

Attached: raging clue.png (679x635, 138K)

My nigga. Sonyfags can't understand the concept of owning more than one system.

Attached: 1554071466973.png (250x250, 18K)

holy shit
this could be posted here right now and nobody would think it's from 20 years ago

I love when you can defeat a shill. It's hard to do since they're paid to lie about everything.

Seething about what?

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
When the fuck was this said?

Attached: 1554080169243.jpg (480x490, 14K)

What is Persona and why should I care?


Literally consistently almost every hour for years. It was fucking insufferably. Somebody will post the screencap.


Classic Nintendo revisionists.

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When people were purposely riling up Sonyfags because they got mad about SMT 4 and smt x fe
But don't tell them that.

>going to bars in 2019

you think that is "too long"? how's your attention span?

Nope, it was deliberate. Same with the vita shitposting spam, I remember thag was non stop. Funny still the Switch is more of a port machine than the Vita now.

The end of an era.

Attached: 1494190352323.png (512x512, 120K)

I wonder where they are now
Do they still care about defending [CORPORATION] online?

So let's recap.
1. You hate Nintendo
2. You have a gaming PC capable of emulating Wii U games.
3. You STILL bought a Wii U and a Switch. Explain to me how you're not a retard?

>Sonyfags are so braindead creatively bankrupt they can only post wojacks, anal vore, and copy old memes that used to make fun of them

Attached: we all came here to laugh at you.jpg (641x640, 174K)

>pretends SMTV doesn't exist

>it was deliberate.
Duh of course it was deliberate. They were doing it purposely to piss you off I mean, just look at this Do you really think
was anything more than purposely aggravating you? The best part is that they're all like that.
Not a single one is serious.

Not him, but you dont need to hate or like Nintendo to think the Switch is shit. I owned a Wii u as well.

It is a shit console, I personally think you have to be mentally retarded to enjoy such a lackluster piece of shit.
But again, you are such a fanboy you cant accept that people can think a shit console is shit. You are a sad human being that places too much of your identity in a shitty tablet. You must be a fucking loser.

Attached: 15571814941215725819345374977349.jpg (4032x2268, 2.29M)


No it was discussed as an already known Nintendo exclusive. Its funny how you assume that, yet you are in this thread with deliberate baiting.

>but you dont need to hate or like Nintendo to think the Switch is shit
Except his point is why did you buy one if you think its shit?

Do you buy consoles just to shitpost?

Why did you waste your money on both a Wii U AND a Switch if you weren't interested in the games.
1. You're a retard.
2. You're a shill.


Attached: YOHOHOHO laugh.gif (500x280, 894K)

How would I know something is shit until I personally use it? Games need to be played, a shame the Switch has no fucking games outside of a mediocre 3D mario everyone forgot about in 2 weeks.

Its funny because if I didnt own one and said it was shit, you would say the opposite. There is no pleasing delusional losers like you.

>No it was discussed as an already known Nintendo exclusive
You're joking right?
Why do you think none of these posts have any kind of links to rumors and such? No serious discussion about it going to Nintendo systems happened.

Unless of course you have proof beyond the shitposting.

Attached: 26D15239-2E96-43DA-BE37-DA24CBBC3E0A.jpg (768x1024, 134K)

>Games need to be played,
Post you're Switch library. Prove that you've played the games.

You can easily have interest in games and a console, and still not enjoy them after using them.
I dont think yoi even know what shill means, you fucking idiot. What am I shilling?

>How would I know something is shit until I personally use it
Learning about what it does?
How many games it has?
How many games are coming out?
Looking up footage of the games?

You don't have to play a game to know whether or not you'll like it.

Look at the archive. Hell, search Snoy once and see thousands of Nintendo associated shitposting towards Sony. Nintendo famboys are the worst retards on this board, and I own a Switch.

I said LAUGH!

Attached: laughing broads.gif (1920x1070, 2.26M)

Let me guess, you've only bought BOTW(despite owning a Wii U), Super Mario Odyssey(which you didn't like), and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate(which you didn't play online because you weren't willing to pay for Nintendo's online service).

The entire library is shit.

Attached: 15571819544182224091692395389043.jpg (4032x2268, 2.11M)

What are you people even doing

Attached: 1549212350247.jpg (1920x1080, 444K)

>Look at the archive
Do you think in all of these you guys have posted the cap that I haven't?
The only serious discussion of Persona going to a Nintendo system happened this year because everyone was confused about joker and the best buy listing.

>and I own a Switch.
Yeah and I don't. So much for being a Nintendo fan boy huh.

You are fucking stupid if you think games can be experienced through research. They can give an idea at best which also depends on the perspective its seen through.
The console is shit , get over yourself, fucking loser.

Damn, you really think with oestrogens there.

Watching the board burn

Attached: 1518065129502.jpg (1280x720, 598K)

I own the entire librarySo no, even garbage like Xenoblade 2 is shit.

Blowing horn

>Not a single one is serious.
>P-portbegging isn't real guys h-haha troll'd no one wanted P5 on the Switch really haha :-)
My favorite cope.
I gives me this warm feeling for a split second whenever I see it, which has been a lot since the Scramble announcement.

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>all these "HURR DURR ISABELLE'S MY WAIFOO!!!! SHE'S IN!!!!" posts
god, i wish tom nook got in over reddit dog

>They can give an idea at best
You do realise playing only gives you mechanical knowhow everything else you can get from simple viewing.

Either way this ultimately affect me, I deemed the system not worthy of a purchase until SMT rolls up but you on the other hand either gave your money to Nintendo or some third party seller.

OP in a nutshell

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It's funny because it's true

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Let's recap.
1. You hate Nintendo
2. You have a gaming PC capable of emulating Switch games
3. You only had interest in 3 games on the Switch, one of which was on the Wii U
4. You don't have any interest in upcoming Nintendo exclusive games(Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Astral Chain, Rune Factory 5, Bayonetta 3, Shin Megami Tensei V, Deamon X Machina, Fire Emblem, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, etc.)

Yet you STILL bought a Wii U and a Switch. Please explain to me how you're not a retard who wastes his money.

Guess all that Bayo, SMT V and Smash 4 portbegging was real too huh.
After all you can't have it both ways.

Nope, you clearly dont play games. Figures, you are a Nintendo fan so you are likely used to playing the same games all the time.

And no, bought it used and hacked it. Why would I give them money?

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Responded to the wrong person.

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i'm glad threads like these exist


No, I have incels like you
Yes, emulation is at infancy though
I never said that at
SMT5 maybe, rest look like shit and will likely be shit. Since you know the release schedule so well, i imagine your identity carries on this shit console.
Listen, i make more money than you ever will. What I do with it has nothing to do with my experience with a console. You are just literally putting words in my mouth and looking to justify why I think its shit instead of accepting it.

You are either a child or have severe autism, maybe both. Get help.

So what makes the PS4 good when all it has is this

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>you are a Nintendo fan
I'm a Nintendo fan because I didn't buy a switch because it doesn't have any games I want right now?
What would that make you then? You actuslly own a switch and wii u just because they exist. You're more of a fan boy than any other Nintendofag.

>Why would I give them money?
You tell me, you bought it.

>the Labo Mario fuckdoll speaks

What does what I said have to do with the PS4?

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So you're a PC Gamer then and not a Snoyboy?

Imagine pretending to not be a fanboy while spending hours defending something you "dont own". Really makes you think.
You sound like a retard, you know that? Are you uneducated?



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at this rate, it's a never ever for the switch, let alone any other platform.

>i make more money than you ever will
How does that change anything? That still means you wasted money buying something that gives you absolutely no enjoyment whatsoever yet don't want to sell it.

yeah, it's never ever coming out LMAO

Ps4 and Switch both have a plethora of games, but IMO they're kind of low quality. For example, I don't like cinematic experiences like Persona 5 or Xenoblade. I also don't like casual games like Kirby or Knack. So when you trim the fat from the libraries, there's not much left.

Honestly their biggest contenders where BOTW and Bloodborne, respectively, and both ran at a cinematic 20 FPs, so I can't recommend them for a second playthrough. So honestly, what else do they have to offer?

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>be a mustard
>play some classic vidya
>meanwhile sonyfags and switchfags are barking at each other instead of playing vidya
What's the point?

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Meh. I have anxiety issues and BoTW is the only game I can play that doesn't drive up my anxiety. I have over 3000 hours in it and I'm currently trying to 100% hard mode for the third time.

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It's all real. Switchlets have just overtaken PCfags as the most egregious port-beggars. No small feat.

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Why does your concern for how much money I have matter to you? You waste money too, why should that ever affect me thinking a console is shit?
Its amazing the mental gymnastics you are goong through over accepting someone can think something is shit. You kust cant accept it.
Classic autism, have you been diagnosed?

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>while spending hours defending something you "dont own".
By my count it's not even one since I jumped in. Even then I'm not exactly defending it especially if there's nothing I like, so far all I've done is question your choice.

>You sound like a retard, you know that? Are you uneducated?
Okay so let me get this straight
I'm retarded and uneducated because
1) I decided to spend my money wisely and do research
2) Questioned someone who purchased something they didn't like and kept it for no reason.
Man if that makes me retarded then what are you?

>Why does your concern for how much money I have matter to you? You waste money too, why should that ever affect me thinking a console is shit?
Why do PC gamers insist on butting in on console wars between the PS4 and the Switch. GTFO dipshit, this doesn't concern you.

Someone took their time to do this. They could have done ANYTHING. But they chose to spend their day drawing this. So THIS is the power of consolewar autism.

>It's all real.
Then that would make sonyfags the worst portbeggars

You seem to enjoy making lists and changing the narrative in your favor. Do you wanna mic? I can record it and post it here so people can hear the power of Nintendo autism.

and the bingtendie outs himself again

He's not a PCfag he basically bought a switch to shitpost because he has too much money.

i own a switch. hell yes, i'm seething that it's been in a wii u-esque game drought for two years.

Im amazed at the mental capacity of Shitch fanboys.

>Do you wanna mic
Oh damn it's you! I haven't seen you in ages.
Still asking people to mic up when you have no argument huh?

Why are you replying for me? And how did I buy something to shitpost? I like how any negative opinion on your shit console is shitposting. Fucking retard.

He's a shill for Sony. They have an archive of arguments that they pull out. It's always the same copypasta stuff. Every argument he's made has been predictable.


So you're denying their portbegging for
>bayo 2
>smash 4

I'm wondering how you got offended over a comment that didn't insult you directly nor did it have curse words in it. If you are the original artist, then I honestly feel sorry for your family.

Oh shit, its... wait who are you? Let me guess, too scared to have me record your voice while I laugh at you? The fact that you imply this is repeat, you must be one pathetic fuck to spend this much time defending a shit console.

Im actually laughing right now, tell me how ugly you are.

Not even close. All the games are on PS4 already. They're a distant third to Nintendo (zero multiplats, beg for everything) and PC (no console exclusives).

>And how did I buy something to shitpost
Tell us why you bought it.


Bayo is the only game.

>almost every single game listed is a movie

You know what, you're right. I wouldn't be surprised if PS4 fans begged for these games. How fitting!

When in the actual flying fuck have you ever in your life seen a Snoypony even consider asking when Smash, Splatoon or Pokemon is coming to Playstation you absolute dipshit?

For games, something i thought it would get. Its an extremely shit console unfortunately.

>you must be one pathetic fuck to spend this much time defending a shit console.
Wouldn't that mean you purposely go into threads shitposting about it rather than anyone actually defending it?
After all I haven't said anything positive about the switch.

Imagine being so new you dont know about PS3 has no games meme.
And on top of that being a console warrior.

Daily reminder that Chris Chan is a PlayStation fan

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Not at all, however you replying to it proves it's effective and thus I'll continue posting it in the future
thanks for beta-testing my meme

he's going to post a clickbait nintendosoup article about five japanese people on twitter asking for pokemon on ps4, implying it compares to switchfags' nonstop begging for every game.

Holy fucking based

>This petition had 1,538 supporters


friendly reminder that he's a huge pokemon and animal crossing fan.

Says the person who allegedly posts so much, he claims to recognize anonymous posts.

Why would I say something positive about something that never provides positive experiences? You are baffling. Like I cant comprehend how stupid your arguments are. They are misdirective, assumptive, and you literally run from real discussion. You are pathetic.

Uh oh, spaghetti-o's.

why do these threads never get deleted by the sony ones get deleted instantly. I thought this was nintendogaf

I bet you can find way more for literally any switch port begging game. Persona 5 alone has more than every petition you can link. Less than 2 k is fucking nothing.

Hey kiddo, there's another link there too.
Unless of course you're suggesting one sonyfag made over 1000 accounts.

If the Sony shills argue themselves into a corner, they'll close the topic. There is at least one shill on the moderation staff.

>I bet you can find way more for literally any switch port begging game
Not really no. Its just a handful of people on t

because you fags had nonstop threads up nonstop shitting on sonybros about losing P5 and those were never taken down.

Post >yfw you preordered Catherine: Full Body and will also preorder Persona 5: The Royal

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fag fag fag fuck off retard fag your platform sucks

>five years and two consoles later

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>because you fags had nonstop threads up nonstop shitting on sonybros about losing P5 and those were never taken down.
When did that happen? Last I checked I one idiot was spamming falseflagging in Persona threads and his posts were being deleted.

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People make mentally retarded meme petitions all the time. At no point after Sword and Shield was announced have you ever read the phrase "Wow, this new Pokemon game looks cool, is it coming to PS4?". It doesn't happen. And there's not a single sane person on this board that's honestly thinking "I wonder if Smash bros is coming to PS4 soon?".

This is gold. Why do Nintendo fans always put themselves to be losers. Its always self inflicted.

Don't mind me, just post what are objectively the best games of all time

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Post your face when you're not a consolewarrior and own all currency systems.

I dont get it. Are you implying this is worse than 99% of the Nintendo fanbase? Literally represented by trannies, children, and autism.

>Why would I say something positive about something that never provides positive experiences?
Not that good at reading are you. I said that I haven't said anything positive about it, me, not you. You have no grounds to call me a fanboy especially since I don't have a switch and aren't defending it.

Now why don't you tell everyone here why you have a switch if you don't like it?
While you're at it why not give us a timestamp for shits and giggles too.

>best GAMES
>lists movies like Metal Gear solid

Attached: bd8.png (279x246, 150K)

Maybe this is projecting but there is no way he has beaten all those games

Can't believe sonytards are bitching about children.
Its like 90% of your userbase.

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>I-It was just one user falseflagging!
>he doesn't remember all those "best buy leak" and rumor threads that where posted for months before the p5r/p5s reveal

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He spends almost 1000 dollars a month on PSN

Sonyfags will never understand jrpg heaven

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Popular = bad, senpai. Fuck you

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Dude, there was like one legitimate rumor thread and no one was going

You call movie games "heaven"? It's more similar to purgatory.

The glorious cope. Spend 5 months spamming the board with "Persona 5 on Switch oh fuck yes!!" threads, and ruining every Persona thread for the same amount of time, then as soon you get BTFO you backpedal and claim it was all 1 (un) falseflagger making thousands of threads and not an army of toddlers reposting rumors like all day every day.

At least sonyfags play games

the worst thing they can come up with is that sony fans own a lot of games.
meanwhile, splatoon is full of trannies, smash is synonymous with smelly manchildren who shit their pants during tournaments, the majority of the pokemon fanbase is furfags and nu-males, etc.

This, the average PS4 user is like 13

Octopath is on Steam now though.

Attached: Chads playing video games in public.jpg (1200x799, 172K)

>No really no its just a handful of people on twitter
My ass, its not like we dont have enough evidence.

>Remember the Persona 5 crusades
>Remember the Castlevania Requiem meltdown
>Eemember Catherine
>Remember the Monster Hunter World meltdown
>Remember the first days of Spiderman

>5 months
It wasn't even one when the p5r trailer happened. How often were you bullied as a kid that you think everyone is against you?

>Dude, there was like one legitimate rumor thread and no one was going
Okay you're being fucking delusional

Quentin save us.

Tell that to the trophies.
People with PS4s just buy them, pop them in once and never touch them again.

Breath of the Wild is better than Majora's Mask

Why do nincels deny their past sins so hard?
Who are the trying to fool?

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And Persona can be emulated perfectly.
I'm talking about sonyfags with one system.

Yet half the posts here are you samefagging

lol no. the 4k meme makes them have worse framerate.

>i'm just like those volleyball players and john cena who got paid for promotional photos
>i'm such a chad, sony BTFO

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>Joker (ジョーカー, Joker) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He was announced at The Game Awards 2018 on DECEMBER 6TH, 2018
>huge sticky on Yea Forums

>Joker is in Smash...that means oh god THAT MEANS Persona...PERSONA IS
You understand what happened next.

I wish I had the screenshot that marked the start of goldface and NEVER EVER, it was also around time of the Bloodborne reveal
Classic stuff

Do you want one?
I'm not actually poor enough for this console war thing

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Funny how Sonybros are dabbing over this, only weebs and incels play JRPGs.

>mk11 comes out on switch
>gets outsold worldwide by a mediocre zombie game
Nintendo is still third-party poison LOL

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>You understand what happened next.
Yeah speculation as to why he was put in and a few people wondering if it was going to Switch because it was such a strange choice with very little console war posting outside of butthurt sonyfags who continously shat on the game until the trailer.

Look, I get you have this whole victlm complex but revising history isn't going to help you any time soon.

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>Sony forcing Nintendo to play ps4 games


>nincel pretends to be an idort
It's such a tired trope

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>PS whirr wojak
>In 2019

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That's exactly right

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At least you admit ps4 games are shit.

Laugh now but it sold faster in its first 2 years than the PS4 did in it’s first 2 years.

>this is the highest quality snoy thread on Yea Forums
Impressive, isn't it?

Must suck being a PS4 only owner. Having so few games to play you must pretend a garbage game like Persona 5 is good, also need to pretend it isn't also on PS3 which is how I played it.

Attached: marle.gif (200x216, 4K)

They really thought because the WiiU flopped Nintendo would go 3rd party.
Just the fact the mini consoles were the backup plan that still sold like fucking crack goes to show Nintendo has both quality and nostalgia

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I already own Persona 5.

That's what happens when you expect quality out of the dumpster fire that is the JRPG genre.

Well until the wojaks, then it became like every other thread with assmad sonyfags.

>No replying directly to my comment
Lol coward.

>a few people wondering if it was going to Switch
This fucking guy. So that's what you call thousands of threads right up until the Scramble screenshots leaked?

No, they didn't even stop then and kept screaming that the leak was fake and P5S stood for Switch. Then after that people still kept it going saying that P5 was getting announced at E3.

Attached: 1546527233601.png (650x581, 284K)

Just stop replying
It’s a retard who feeds off attention.

I have to admit I fell for their "IT'S MORE LIKE SMT SO IT'S BETTER" claims. Imagine my disappointment when I played a game that that was way easier than P3 and 4.

Attached: smt.png (1230x816, 807K)

What happened to this guy?

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30 year old austistic retards with literally nothing else going on with their lives

>this is the face of nintendo on Yea Forums

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>So that's what you call thousands of threads
Wow, the over-exaggeration is strong in this one. No one was attacking you at any point or begging, at least not here. The best you have is a little bit of speculation.

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>a few people wondering
>very little console war posting

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Whatever happened to this guy?

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Stop that. I'm a Nintendo fan but even I have to say you're full of it. Those real comments as the same as this To say that those are fake is bullshit. I have seen both side saying that the pictures are fake showing me that neither one of you want to be proven wrong despite how true it is. Just let it go.

As if, the guy purposely invades threads.

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wow yeah you found the joke

>a couple of infrequent, unsubstantiated shitposts spread out over days/weeks
Yeah, this surely compares to the leagues of constant Sonegro shitposting.

faggot is it that hard to investigate on Know Your Meme? oh wait, right, it is hard for 10 year olds to investigate

>all on different days
>two sonyfags falseflagging as indicated by the filenames
>two speculation threads
Nice proof of nothing?

>a little bit of speculation.
You're a lunatic if that's what you call it. People were shitposting for 5 months straight. You're like the Smashfags saying that filling the catalog with 140 Smash threads is "video game discussion".

he actually tried to drag his reddit photoshop back out again for another fake "leak" after the concert, but people finally stopped buying it.

>I'm a Nintendo fan
If I had a dollar for every time someone said this to justify shitposting.

Isazoomer was so disappointing
meanwhile Sakurai had to choose Belmonts or Alucard.
If i had the chance, i tell AC devs to fuck off and convince Sak add better clones or Zero/Alucard.

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>still denying it
this us fucking pathetic

At the end of the day, nintendo fanboys are the villains of the board

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Dude, how new are you exactly?
No one was interested in Persona 5 when it was announced because smt x fe had been announced around the same time. In other words our resident Nintendofags were for the most part enamored with that.

Just don’t feed the troll.
Though i’ve seen him flood a thread with like 45 console warrior posts in a heartbeat

Not that anyone believed it in the first place

The guy can get a thread to 500 on his own.

>caring about Persona 5R when you are getting this

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_olliebarder_files_2018_09_dqxis_new_logo-1200x675.jpg (960x540, 79K)

By this point I believe a new board should be created to contain Nintendo shit, just like how Yea Forums created /mlp/ for the bronies or how Yea Forums shipped off the wrestlefags to Yea Forums

Attached: 1554846656323.jpg (735x1024, 50K)

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/persona switch/start/2018-12-06/end/2019-04-25/order/asc/

Here you go. 4000 posts about Persona 5 on Switch. Scroll down just a little bit and you'll see the start of it after Joker's reveal.

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I know he's being a faggot but
>responding to bait

Why don't you spam more smash threads and cry to /qa/ then?
Oh wait that didnt work for you last time.

>fuck ton of "why not jack?" posts
>fuck ton of "is it coming to switch or something?" posts
>fuck ton of OPs pasta
Was this supposed to prove your point?

>he's still denying it

>the mods are on OUR side

Attached: 1546412691294.png (1288x1288, 357K)

Not him but there's more people saying persona sucks after the reveal day than begging.

You literally proved me right.
You know it pays to actually read beyond the first day.

even after getting exposed, nintendofags were still believing that faggot and asking him questions like it was real.

How am I shitposting?

I'm might be a brainlet because I am having trouble understanding that.

release date yet?

It does. The absolute out of control port-begging started immediately. I'm saving that link for the next time a fag like you tries to claim it didn't happen. God I love the archive.

No there isn't, even the very final post is shit like
>Give me one fucking example. Just ONE example of a retailer ever fake leaking something. You can’t. Persona 5 is coming to Switch, get over it
Imagine port-begging and believing that hard for 5 months. 5. No wonder you would try to pretend it never happened. God I love the archive.

probably at E3

Imagine pretending most Nintendo fans arent awkward manchildren or literal children when the console caters ti the lowest common denominator with its literal children games.

Threads like these make you feel glad to be a sonyCHAD and remind you to never stop bullying nintenDORKS

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keep waiting, perhaps you'll live to see sony make something worth talking about before you die, just don't hold your breath

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do you enjoy roleplaying?

You have incels?

Only idorts are chads

>Snoy Chad
Go prep the bull snoycuck