i get it
I get it
why is there so much lint on the floor?
I don't
Is this hair loss?
my wife's husband is indeed bald.
it's seamen
But why is he so bald?
Something something THC.
>mom, look!
he's about to go in with a visceral yo daddy joke
how he draws the baby is revolting, i fee physically ill looking at that „art“
kid looks like a leper
fuck off, pedo
>everyone looks like a normal person
>yotsuba looks like a retarded popsicle cartoon
that's the joke you fucking troglodyte
Is this the pig bald thread?
>yotsuba is the only reason I want to have a kid, and if it's not a daughter I'll be fucking depressed
my gf wants a kid aswell but she doesn't know about this
thanks for reading my blog
Holy fuck, 4 dollars for all that? I can't get out of walmart for less than 20.
why do japs price things so weirdly?
she's a foreigner. non-japanese surrounded by japanese. of course she sticks out
every japs is born with the down syndrome
I have a young son and he is Yostuba as fuck. Don't worry, get a kid
Kill yourselves.
Maybe the tax is added to the price?
Man, koiwai is one handsome motherfucker, no Homo
very nice
Can you stop posting? I'm trying to read yotsuba.
It's Yotsuba worth buying and reading?
because a lot of non-US countries actually post the price AFTER tax so you know exactly how much it costs, the US doesn't do that and it's stupid.
have sex
That cashier is cute.
oh no here it comes
Have sex
why is this so funny ?
Motherfucking Kojima
thanks, maybe it's just a kid thing after all and not neccessarily a daughter thing
I'm nearing my thirties and my biological clock is ticking
>They all look great on you, Yotsuba
>Yeah, that's just how I am
The chad Yotsuba.
It’s just lazy translation
Because Yotsuba is based
>Yotsuba and bald comics
Truly, this is a blessed thread.
Asagi's cuter.
I miss bald
so does yotsuba's dad end getting a gf?
>my biological clock is ticking
It doesn't work like that for guys, bud.
>You horrible bald child, why are you so bald?
every time
I miss lol threads
there is a house in New Orleans
There was a bit where it looked like it might be happening but she just turned out to be his really hot sister. Author is probably still keen on the Fuuka tease.
Yes, user. And your dog ran away to live with his dog friends in doggoland.
If having kids is so fucking great why didn't my dad stick around.
Tell me that faggots
Don't, I already know why
Because he's black?
>athletics, education, business, and writing are all matters of pure brute force time and effort and don't involve any degree of skill, luck, or creativity
I fucking hate retards who try to say shit like this
No, a video game autist could not cure cancer if they devoted their time to it. No, they could not start a billion-dollar business if they devoted their time to it.
it does, just not on a physical level. emotionally it does though.
it could be explained by our need and drive to have offspring
Oh fuck that's the one.
>athletics, education, business, and writing are all matters of pure brute force time and effort and don't involve any degree of skill, luck, or creativity
You're right, they don't.
Given enough time and practice, you can be great at those things.
unfortunately no
my fav nip market does the good ole 5 bucks tax included etc
Honestly i dont blame niggers for not wanting to stick around a nigress and her nigglets
Hey a fun comic thre-
Nu-Yea Forums could never make anything as wonderful as the bald and piglike edits.
Writing is definitely not.
You either have talent you don't.
You can't magically become creative or magically suddenly start having good ideas.
plot twist: she drinks the bleach because she thinks it will give her magic power and dies
Dunno who this is but it's not funny. Literally worse than Dobson.
she's a treasure
because he made a bad choice
he may be or not a horrible person
that doesn't make you bad
you're nice
go away pedo
>tfw 26 and hairline started thinning at the temples
How do I cope
Isn't Mapo Tofu a bit too spicy for a little girl
The phrase "my biological clock is ticking" means "I am running out of time to have kids, because I am approaching menopause".
This is a statement only women can make.
neck yourself cunt
I must say I'm kinda enjoying these.
Where did this bald meme come from?
Nice try nigger
He's right though
It's fucking annoying
based yotsuba poster
what the fuck has this place become
it came from here
10 years ago
Dude’s always been low key hot for some reason. He probably makes the sisters next door wet on a daily basic.
mate I can barely remember what happened 2 years ago
us olfags rite?
I have hair thicker than an old growth forest and grows like grass. It's pretty much miserable because I have to constantly get my hair cut or else I'll look homeless.
Newfag go die
My sides
>little girl growing stronger every day
See JK Rowling or the GoT guy.
Are you trying to get your ass kicked? Fuck out of here with your humble brag.
Don't you know you can't fuck with a Yea Forums?
What’s the deal with Japs and mapo tofu. They always have that shit in every manga and I’ll be damned if they don’t make it taste good every time it shows up.
I love playing pretend with my friends on Yea Forums.com xD
Bald edits were the same shit as abortion edits, it was always the exact same joke over and over again that stopped being funny after the first 100 daily threads
You have mentally catalogued all the memes to come out of this place since its inception? My dude, that's very sad.
she's retarded
You should make some yourself. Might be a bit of work getting the ingredients (good luck if you don't have a China store near you) but it is actually really tasty.
Are you trying to use those as examples of good authors?
Yeah but, if you have a kid at 30 you will be 40 when hes 10. So you will have less energy to take care of him.
she's a kid
all kids are retarded
some kids grow up and stay retarded
that's the circle of life
I wish there were more good fathers in the world
reminder that yotsuba would be an adult in 2019 and having rough degrading sex on the regular
She gonna get a headache or something ain’t she
Even the 50 shades of grey is a talentless hack.
Sure, but that has nothing to do with the phrase you used.
>making an excuse for your own poor memory
Acquire skill
>Four-Leafed Lover
The reason tax isn't included because of wildly varying tax rates. The various businesses want to have the lowest shelf price and if the county or town next door has a lower tax rate, people would go to the store in the other location rather than the store in the higher tax rate county.
It's stupid but there is a reason.
>tfw you actually like PA and find most of their strips if not funny at least vaguely humorous enough to keep reading
Why does Yea Forums hate them again? Crtl-alt-delete exist and deserves all the hate.
Yeah, yeah. We know the story, ShindoL.
pannenkoek2012 is the only person i disagree with on your point. that mans autism could be weaponized if it wasnt focused on mario
The characters being bald and pig-like in appearance, respectively.
I'm talking about quality, not popularity.
we don't mention that name here, boy
>this bald & piglike parody was from 12 years ago
where does the time go?
As a matter of fact, that would indeed be dangerous is she'd be to fall from his height
You're just a lazy retard. Every one of those with the possible exception of making a billion dollars is achieved through cultivating a skill.
Shut the fuck up. Life isn't a fucking video game where grinding for x hours lets you achieve y.
so what's college?
whats this jelly fish shes referring to?
I'm a fairly successful graphic artist, and I can tell you that it was 100% just talent. You either have it or you don't. I didn't have to "grind" to get good at knowing what looks good and what doesn't, I just did.
Does yotsuba make anyone else sad? It's so pure and wholesome and I know I'll never experience anything like it.
A load of bullshit
Yotsuba is the strongest
>This stuff was great
>before eating it
Dumb 404 girl.
>sexualizing Yotsuba
a waste of both time and money
A fucking scam where you pay thousands of dollars to learn what you could just as easily for free off of the internet, ensuring that you spend your life in debt with only a piece of paper to show for it. You don't go to college to learn, you go to college to have "proof" that you've learned something.
At least you can experience yotsuba.
tell that to my 6 figure salary
You're either lying or mistaken.
And what do you mean by "graphic artist"? Do you mean graphic designer? Illustrator?
Why is this always the chapter people dump? I mean it's a good chapter but there are like 100 other ones.
Thank you. I needed this more than I can say
Fuck I did this so often when I was little, my mom hated me
holy fuck I didn't see this
>Note: Yotsuba died on the way back to her home planet
You practice those things by going through fundamentals, you dumb nigger.
Graphic designer. I design things such as signs, logos, cards, menus, etc.
that "piece of paper" is a ticket to your career. Only children pretend that college is for actually learning something. Sorry you decided to go into something that wasn't STEM, boy
Hold hands.
Post your work.
No, your mom hated you since she never wanted kids in the first place and you ruined her life.
>going to college instead of trade school
I think you mean a ticket to debt.
Post another or I'll be sad.
if 5 I will get a gf this year
because she ate it before
Somebody should have told them earlier.
>destroying your joints by the age of 40 because you can't into math
If I do that, I'm going to have to include a watermark. If I do that, I will have doxxed myself.
No, kids was all she wanted.
But dad was alcoholic and because she was foreign but also very proud, his family treated her badly. She had pretty bad breakdowns, I think she lost some sanity.
Now dad is ok but mom is insane, and now I hate her.
Thanks for the dump, friend. Have this bodacious babe.
It's kind of why I read it in the first place.
Here is your 5, user. Enjoy happiness
Thank you based Yotsubaposter.
>go to the movies
>can't laugh at stupid comedy shit
>this throws me into a crying laughter
>it's over
What the hell do I do now?
Let's do it, together.
i like yotsuba
I have other things taking up space in my brain. Memes, contrary to what you might think, aren't a very important part of life.
balded and baldpilled
God he must hate his life so much.
>not starting your own business before 40 so you barely have to work
>not buying decent ppe
>all trades are physical labor
And by "successful" do you mean you have published work used by major companies and work at a reputable design firm, or do you mean "I get paid over minimum wage at McPrint shop making signs for small businesses"?
Either way, design sense comes from absorbing media, years of practice, and a critical eye.
I would also argue if you can't draw, then you aren't actually any good at graphic design either.
Yes user we heard you the first time, you have a small brain capacity.
>I would also argue if you can't draw, then you aren't actually any good at graphic design either.
Evidently you have never heard of Illustrator
a fucking hero
You're right but it could easily after a fashion
Pretty Neighbor is canon
>tainting yostub& with wojack shit
Yeah, I'm crying right now, but it's a different cry. a beautiful cry. It's nice knowing such sweet things are out there. There are children having wholesome moments with a parent who cares. Neighbors who treat each other like family. People who authentically try to help each other.
out, damned spot!
It truly is. Just like is this one.
somebody dump the chapter where she goes to the farm
This is the only good one
>You either have talent you don't.
Fun fact, Talent is a combination of effort and determination. Two things everyone is capable of.
>Do you have Fuuka Points
I wish I could rename Akira
>something else
is it a big futa cock?
>dad doesnt fuck them
>Would I get to live with Fuuka then?
My fucking sides.
when was the last time there was a public banning on Yea Forums?
>almost an hour later
skub fags BTFO
i cant believe this is real. youd think youd change your name
on april fools a redditor made a post saying "Who's else is staying here instead of going back to that shithole(in reference to r/gaming)" and a mod came in and said "not u lmao" and it was a public ban
Wait, you mean you don't? Next you're going to tell me you don't remember Green Lex Luthor, Long Cat, EFG, everyone and their mother posting Brofist ASCIIs to the point that moot just spammed it in a thread, moot changing the name of this board during I think 2006 to "I'll show you who's the boss of this gym", and so many other things.
top lel
Wow, what an improvement! I really get why people love wojak so much now!
I cant believe yotsuba did 9/11
not with that attitude
fuck, that's right. Anyone have the sceencap?
not that user but getting a bit older, ie 40 vs 10, is actually not that bad. Having kids early means you have more energy but absolutely 0 patience. I wish I would have waited 10 years instead of having my oldest at 19
that's uncanny as fuck
What simpsons episode is this?
Ena is cuter
He did. It used to be Alexis
God, that doujin was fucking hot. I'm gonna need to read it again.
>That one time Yotsuba drove a plane into pentagon and made it look like arabs did it
That was one wierd chapter
Hiro's Feed & Seed (formerly Moot's)
>The Lazarus Project wiill proceed as planned
He was a soldier who witnessed fucked up shit. Stumbling upon the orphan Yotsuba gave him the drive to get a home and a meaning to life other than to kill, so he must be comfortable right now.
yotsuba is literally 2 INT along with Akko
You're a moron.
>I'm so fucked up
Find a flaw in Yotsuba's logic.
Brotip: You can't.
That's why she's so happy.
Fuck everyone who told me to level INT
>yfw you will never be an expert at rocks
this can't be real
Pretty neighbour is canon by the way.
I still have no idea what exactly loss means. It's like I get close then it slips away
>tfw no one wants to fuck white korra
leave newfag
Whoa there Lady Macbeth
Only now did I realize the fine print in second panel. I agree, eel is great.
INT should match will power otherwise its useless.
It's a r*ddit meme don't bother
Cunny isn't a dirty term to most people. they wouldn't know what the fuck you were talking about. If anyone reacts to it, they themselves are a sick fuck
In conclusion Japanese people are superior and draw beautiful masterpieces like yotsuba while insect westerners draw calarts sneed garbage
there it is
itt: actually reddit
But she has 20 WIS
>they themselves are a sick fuck
Knowing what cunny is doesn't make you a pedo. The fuck is this logic?
she's cute.
anyone have the sam daughter copypasta
>be user
>be some important fucktard in some important place
>have a serious meeting about the sexual abuse of children
>in walks a newface
>he introduces himself as Alex Cunny
>10 minutes later after the paramedics have declared user dead the others can only wonder why user laughed himself to death
Assuming you have natural talent, yeah.
Can you imagine the history that guy's family has with the name? Over 2000 years ago it was the name of an obscure Roman fertility goddess. Imagine having that name for 2000 years and now it's a term for 3d loli.
His wife is a carpet muncher
I didn't say it made you a pedo, it makes you a sick fuck. You posting on Yea Forums right now, are a sick fuck. You know the darker meaning of cunny and swim in the waters with the trash of the human race.
>witness reports say that apparently the dead user was missing his sides
eh whatever
Yotsuba posting always makes me feel worried. Like I know nothing bad is gonna happen but I just get this horrifying feeling that I can't escape. Maybe it's because there is always a delay between each page waiting for the next one to get posted but it just fills me with dread.
reigen would probably have to be a rock expert to be able to make them float like he does
Nobody's proven him wrong yet.
>jelly filled donuts
Fucking capcom I swear
I don't think Yotsuba would like what Yea Forums is now. I think we'd scare her and make her angry. Why can't we be the kind of people Yotsuba would love?
People reproduce so they can pass on their genes.
Why is this so funny
If by "having natural talent" you mean "aren't hopelessly handicapped" then sure.
did I miss a meme, what does this mean?
I do, user, I do
Just explain it to me my fellow Yea Forums ro. I'm not a fag.
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
Loss is the title of a comic made by a guy and it became a meme for some reason.
I wish Eltonel drew more white korra
I was blind, but now I see
You reproduce so that your children may reproduce and so on just like animals.
source on goddess?
Loss is meme about CAD (Ctrl-Alt-Del, the webcomic) and a particular comic that involving the main character's girlfriend having a miscarriage.
Yea Forums isn't your secret degenerates club idiot.
Korra's so godly even her non-delicious brown version is top tier.
the only 6 figures you get are the anime figures you waddle off with when you leave a convention
Slut white Korra >>> carpetmuncher brown Korra
Fuck you
reminds me
my soul
i want to ravage user's kind and sweet daughter!
Too bad normal korra is only good for her looks
No need when he is obviously the creation of some pathetic beta who gets bullied by his father-in-law and needs to cope
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets. The lucky man or woman who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars you raised such an astounding woman.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wondrous, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL reward. Think about it logically
Cunina, the goddess who protects sleeping infants in the cradle. That's the only English source I can cite with a quick google search. There's an article on her on the Spanish Wikipedia though.
>In Roman mythology, Cunina was a minor goddess of children.
>She was responsible for watching over the crib and protecting the children, also against the evil eye. It belongs to the category of "indigenous Roman gods". She was the sister of the goddesses Cuba and Rumina.
>The early Roman mythology focused on the complex interrelations between gods and human beings. In this sense, the Romans maintained a vast array of divinities with unusually specific areas of authority. Thus, a subgroup of deities covered the field of infancy and childhood, after which, no one was concerned to invoke them. In this area, Cunina was invoked as a guardian deity of the cradle and protector of childhood.
imagine being at computers
Well I'll be darned.
These are great anyone has more?
Have you read Usagi Drop?
Anyone have that comic about the creators asking if its bad to jerk off to r34 of their creation?
You bow to no one.
No. Spoil me.
Its beautiful
I'm glad someone thought about it logically
this manga right here gives me fucking heart disease
Based and yotsubapilled
He essentially wants a sextoy that's always loyal to him and nobody else because "it's his property" It's an extremely warped and petty mindset
Tolkien would approve of this post
lol yes it is, the only way to get better at anything, whether IRL or in vidya, is practice
I love this blessed post
It would be extremely wholesome
But that's not Koiwai
Which isn't a thing as shown by the current music and genre industry
Don't make me do a Bane/Yotsuba edit
I swear to god user I don't have time for this shit
Most likely since that's what she has in that artist's comic.
Foot and Soot?
Blessed and wholesomepilled
Oh he's real
Someone get this hothead outta here
always makes me nervous, hope he has a ramp
using a towel to make an air bubble
It's still full of degenerates though.
Could you tell me the name? I can't get the source
So is the offline world.
Is this possible?
>doesn't fuck his mom
Very disappointed.
>I'm not a fag.
Everyone is a fag
newfag, oldfag.
You like the grindin game?
Yes if you try real hard
Based Took
I post my shit here all the time you pussy. Here's one I did for /fit/, they got a kick out of it.
I get it. It's funny because he's bald.
Actual retards
based and whitepilled
Peak Logic
Muh gatekeeping
I'm already half skub!
Disgusting art style. Imagine actually practicing and having this be the result of your work.
Anyone feel like a game of pretend?
fucking kill yourself.
Seething no art fag. Show me your art and I'll compare it with that artfag's work.
better than anything you've drawn fagazoid
you fucking scare me, If you're ever near me id run the fuck away
holy shit, what fucking reality does Yea Forums live in, being a parent is fine but this glorified sculpting high expectations show horse shit and the amount of people who like it are freaking me out, I need to leave, this website makes me uncomfortable
I hope you guys are grounded in reality and realize having a kid is about being a good person and making the world better when we die by showing them better
Conservatives cannot art anymore than liberals can meme.
Just draw porn of the mom already.
>realize having a kid is about being a good person and making the world better
that's literally what it's saying retard
You mean the exact thing the person you replied to said?
>site full of psychotic authoritarians is psychotic
bros look at my epic video game comic!!!!!
>tfw they say ignorance is bliss
>tfw im dumb and unhappy
>less energy at 40
Literally a beta 40-year-old. Exercise, eat well, and sleep 6-8 hours.
I don't get it, where's the joke?
Thats the meaning of life user
Last 2 panels is all ya need.
only in its original japanese
poo poo
pee pee
neo Yea Forums
get the fuck away from me
sauce pls
Never said I was talented, just that I have the balls to post my garbage unlike you Mr. Professional Graphic Artist.
Same. Should I/we try getting on finasteride asap?
Not even the same guy, but my 5 seconds > your shit.
Would you have sex with this individual, knowing what they used to be?
I know Yea Forums is not usually the place for this, but I hope you have a good week user
Absolutely shit, his balls could have used some more work.
pretty good but your proportions need some work
Amazing how it was still cute
When is the graphic artist gonna post something? Let's see if he's better than a typical channer who draws for a hobby.
Not even these anons but my balls are bigger than yours
Those are some pretty nice balls, nice one user.
Damn... You win.
Lurk moar faggot
If 5 I will have sex tonight
Looks like you're out of luck
feel like ive jumped into a fucking time machine
a really autistic one
no, he has a fucking hard on for breeding his kid into some trophy child, I just want my child to be okay, I'm not oozing cum out of my dick at the mere concept of being a parent, im just saying if I ever do have one I want to be open minded and conscious of them
but tomorrow night he's pretty fucked
Akazukin no Ookami Deshi
Your google-fu is weak, anons.
63 to 63, I’m ashamed to associate with at least half of you
>or woman
If you read that and got a sexual element out of it the problem is with you pal
thanks user i know what im fapping to tonight
where the fuck is the joke
>frog poster is devoid of humor
How is yotsuba so well behaved. Wish american children had these manners.
This gave my fucking heart a boner
>or woman
Do you think he could be a little more blunt?
He seems a little subtle, less bald than I'd like.
Education that used to have a greater value before
1. the standards to receive the diploma were axed in favor of diversity quotas
2. Many standard degrees were oversaturated with graduates so companies could afford to replace literally anyone who didn't put up with ALL the bullshit (or were just incompetent because of 1)
>this is hair poison
There was mod post on Yea Forums during april fools.
why is yotsuba's dad so autistic and depressed
They do, you're just dealing with urban youths.
that second point is why I switched out of CS. Fucking hell.
Because hes an insert character for the reader
Because his wife is dead.
Get out zoomer.
>tfw been reading since the first chapter was released
living is hell
Former soldier.
>extraordinarily untalented web comic "pioneer" Tim Buckley runs out of ideas for his unfunny comic series that's basically a sitcom about gamestop employees or some shit.
>Decides that make a 4 panel comic depicting his insert character running into the hospital to find his wife's insert crying
>Explains that this comic is meant to convey that the couple had just experienced a miscarriage which is directly based on true events in which Buckley's ex wife had a miscarriage
There are million ways to mock Ctrl Alt Delete, mockery of the ongoing web comic might as well be Yea Forums's traditional pass time. Loss is relevant because it has a high amount of exploitability and carries with it a subcontext which will never stop being funny.
Tim Buckley isn't exactly as pathetic as Dobson, or as surreal as Chris Chan. In fact compared to most of Yea Forums the guy is a blatant normalfag. It's just the fact that despite this, his incompetence and utter lack of effort into anything he ever does (except the persistence in making it VIDEOGAME related) makes him stand out compared to the rest.
The circle of life, it is a ring.
fuckin cringe
>that bottom-right panel
Man. Her dad's really hot. No homo.
Kek neck yourself
liking the redemption arc here.
holy shit
>not preordering your celery
why does she also have a boner
that's a big clock
for you
Holy cocks, is Fuckley actually *gasp* improving?!
For you
>or woman
lost me there
I don't get it.
>not supporting your daughter's happiness even if you disagree with that lifestyle
I'd say have sex, but you should never have children
the comics are lewd enough for me desu
there's no happiness in mental illness
This man gives hope to fathers all over.
Not if you're asian. You git gud at eating spicy foods real fast.
>I managed to get the first three volumes of Yotsuba at my local record store for $5
Sauce? Tried Google, iqdb, and fireden
i'll never understand the appeal of buying physical copies
>i'll never understand the appeal of buying physical copies
I buy physical for series I really, really like. It's just comfy to sit down and flip through the pages, just looking at it and reminiscing. You can't really do that digitally, sadly.
>why own anything when I can just stream or look it up on my phone
t. zoomer
Where's her mom?
Because reading a book is more enjoyable than having your face glued to a screen 24/7. You'll understand the value of reading before bed when you get older.
imagine seeing baby yotsuba
you'd die of cuteness overload
fine but you dont deserve this
search harder next time
/vp/ recently had an user post the thumbnails of a bunch of those fake text stories featuring Ash and his companions. After a while, the glorious red letters appeared.