Don't reinforce that...
Don't reinforce that
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I don't get it
What game is this?
Rainbow Six siege
At this point I'll just turn around and teabag at the guy until he kills me and gets his 30 minute ban
the game is very tactical and some people get autistic about the way they want to run a round, and might get pissed off at you if you reinforce a wall (protects it from gunfire and most explosives) because it ruins their strat
Damn, he sure got a solid head.
Is he at the objective yet?
Post the edit where it spills
I don't get how people manage to drink these fucking diabetes bottles. It's so sweet it makes me sick.
I got addicted to it and can't have a meal without one. Just doesn't feel complete
I used to drink a lot, stopped for years and then got back into a habit of one with dinner somehow. I've been cutting that shit out for the past few weeks again since I realised that I don't even like how they taste.
Is this a joke
No, I have a very addictive personality
>my favrit esports twitch streamer opens a murder hole here
>gets headshot through it 0.3 seconds later
Try drinking squash or something instead and then move back to water. I remember drinking fucking ungodly amounts of coke each day tbf but once you cut that shit out you really feel much better I lost about 4 stone just by cutting out sugary drinks
u mean this one
>Faggot was banned for toxic behaviour
I got a soda streamer and just drink plain seltzer water, it helped get rid of my soda cravings
Oh user, the first tk is ban free!
>t. Mira
Not like you were gonna use the soft wall effectively anyway. At least now I can Bandit trick. You're welcome.
Reported for toxic attitude
If you reinforce the wall next to my mira I WILL C4 you.
I like Mira
best girl and best anchor
whats her faggoty gimmick? please tell me its not installing one-way mirrors, because that would be gay considering her codename...ubisoft can't be running out of creativity that much, right?
...Spill it Hibana. I want to know where your precious Thermite is
mira is one of the most dynamic and interesting operators in the game fuck off retard
It’s installing two way mirrors
that's super gay lol, i'm glad i refunded this shit
I'm never sure if the one on the right is a girl or not.
The one with the green hair cute nose is a qt
kys idiot sage
hibana best girl next to frost
whats the current state of siege, it's one of my most played games, but i kinda quit when Y2S4 release, and stop playing all together after the shitty Outbreak, what a waste of resources. have they done anything with that?
thermite's taken
Wangblows sux seethe
Why are people always so angry in this game?
the game has never been better, my only complaint right now is they're taking too long to implement ruleset changes and audio is more buggy than usual this season for whatever reason. the new map outback is one of my favorites and tons of fun to play on.
Still in the middle of Y4S1. They rolled out a new system that makes playing against cheaters irrelevant. If you win against cheaters, you get Elo. If you lose against cheaters, you get the Elo you lost back when they are banned.
Pick n Ban operators is coming to Ranked next season. Will finally be able to ban Monty, Blitz, and Echo. New operators this season are pretty "Meh."
Ranked or Casual?
Cause casual I've met nothing but the chillest bro's who TK and fuck around on the map
because everything is your fault
Ela buff when?
I think it's rather clever, considering Mira means "look" in Spanish and she's a Spanish operator.
Whoever made has never played a game online.
>Really want to like Buck
>Shotgun's most effective use is opening up ceilings/flooring and getting cheeky angles through it
>I become literally blind when trying to look through the ceiling/flooring bars
>Nigger is the chad
Every time
what's Zofs best gun?
Her AR, it has almost no recoil with a good RoF and damage.
She doesn't need one
Drone first
any of that caught on video?
AR for fragging
LMG for utility
I like her LMG because you don't have to reload.
I wish Zofia Ash and Sledge couldn't break Castle barricades with one hit.
I wish Zofia Ash and Sledge could break Mira's Mirrors with 2 gadget hits.
First hit makes cracks appear on the Mirror; second hit shatters the Mirror.
Castle's gadget has many counters:
Ash, Zofia, and Hibana from afar,
Maverick, Thermite, and Sledge at close range
This is with their with their primary gadgets alone. With breaching charges and frag grenades the number is well above a dozen different operators.
Mira's gadget has two counters (Hibana and Twitch). That's it.
She may only get two of them versus Castle's three barricades, but her gadget has far more options (Still waiting for floor/ceiling Mira though).
Newer operators are clearly vastly superior in many situations. Maverick, Hibana, and Echo are probably the most notable examples of this where they fulfill the same role as older operators (Thermite, Valkyrie, and bulletproof cameras in general), but are given far more utility.
Soda delivery method tier list
S Tier : Fountain drink (cubed ice)
A Tier : Fountain drink (crushed ice)
B Tier : Almost frozen can, glass bottle
C Tier : Cold can
F Tier : Small plastic bottle
Absolute shit tier : 2 liter bottle
if you can sledge walls there's no reason you cant sledge some plywood
Fuck you I love reinforcing.
>Mira's gadget has two counters (Hibana and Twitch). That's it.
>What is capitao
Also Castle's gadget being shit is not an argument for nerfing Mira.
>monty panicking
gets me every time
it's funnier with sound. You can hear him firing and popping smoke in some desperate attempt
Glass bottle is top tier, moron.
I played 1400 hours of dota 2, never experienced a group of people as bad as the people i've met in R6 siege, I swear that I actually murdered someone's family from how angry they get for fucking up one thing, then the match just ends in team killing with no repercussions.
Extremely wrong and unbased
>Bored of SASR already
>Never get to play Outback
>No hope for next season
>Don't really have fun anymore unless Im doing odd strats
Think this will be the final year?
Smoking in front of the mirror doesn't counter the Mira. Fire doesn't spread through walls. Capitao got nerfed but Mira hasn't yet.
Same reason you can't Sledge through a thin piece of sheet metal.
whenever i encountered someone like this in an actual R6 match, i would start purposely throwing the match just to hear them rage
Fucking lol
More like gadget nerf when
I don't even think it's busted just super fucking annoying with how you can place it
>and might get pissed off at you if you reinforce a wall (protects it from gunfire and most explosives) because it ruins their strat
yeah sure, most crap just aren't going to work in a group of randoms, but reinforcing the kids bedroom in house is just retarded in all situations, or anywhere else where blocking the already limited routes or firing angles just throws the game
ho man WHY is it always Wings lol
does anyone have that webm where a guy spooks a buck or whatever into TKing him
Mira as a noun means sights, as in gun sights.
why are they looking at him if they're alone wearing headphones
imagine if you turned your head to look at someone every time they said something in chat
You don't have separate monitors for your squads' webcam feeds?
these kinds of games just breed unhappy people, I do not understand how anyone can stand playing them. like I've had my share of shitty teammates in DOTA but at least they shut up after a while.
mfw I'm addicted to water
come at me, diabetes
I always love how the people TKing him just keep saying "nigger" in the most deadpan repeated way possible.
>best girl
But that's wrong
>Mira says nothing
>Suddenly mad cause you reinforced a random wall without a mirror even close.
It's the only multiplayer game that my friends will still all play, and basically every single pvp game breeds unhappiness so I'm not sure what you mean. Someone is losing of course they're going to be unhappy to lose because of something out of their control like their teammate refusing to listen to them.
Sadly, the majority of people who play multiplayer pvp games do NOT play to have fun. They play to win, and no winning isn't fun in of itself.
Coordinating with teammates to achieve a common goal is fun: executing a plan, sharing information for the benefit of the team, general camaraderie.
When you use matchmaking to play with strangers, all that goes out the window.
Personally, while pvp is an inherently flawed concept, I blame matchmaking far more for the current issues with multiplayer games.
I don't think you understand how the elo rating system works because it doesn't sound like r6s uses it.
it really is baffling
most of the time you'll just play with people dicking around but there's always one guy/12 year old/gamer girl that's raging the fuck out on the mic for little to no reason
the worst is when they die early and then spend the rest of the match telling everyone else what to do
when you play a match, you can either win or you lose. If you win, you get something called elo. The more elo you have, the higher your rank will be. If you lose a match, you lose elo. The less elo you have, the lower your rank will be.
That's all anyone needs to know about it. If I have 5500 elo and I lose a match against a cheater, I lose somewhere around 20 elo. If I win, I get somewhere around 3 or 5. If that cheater I lost against gets banned, that 20 elo I lost will be refunded to me.
That's how it works in R6S.
I can't believe this bitch's Ghost Recon crossover mission still had more stealth than Sam Fisher's.
>do the mission to infiltrate the lab where entry-points are now sealed up Siege-style
>remember I'm on Tier One mode on extreme difficulty
>blow the boards from afar and just spam Fire! to my AI companions while reviving them with the drone when needed, until all baddies are dead
what stealth lmao
How is a game where it's ranked based off team victories a zero sum ranking system? R6s is a variation of elo/glicko ranking where you're ranked solely off whether you win or lose. Individually being ranked doesn't mean shit for players, especially in casual.
im a fat virgin loser
>Play casual
>Get House
>Get kids room
>People reinforce it
Only time where TK'ing is allowed
Well at least you can remain safely unseen the whole time while exploiting your friendly AI. In Fisher's mission you need to kill an infinite army of pre-aggroed soldiers storming your location and shoot down attack helicopters that literally spawn another behind you instantly when you drop one. If you added anime cringe it would be as bad as Metal Gear Solid.
I reinforce one of the closet walls to put a mira on it, do I get a tk?
Mira on closet is good, otherwise make it a rotation if theres no Mira, i know it's casual but the amount of people that reinforce the stairs wall etc legit pisses me off, and it's always high level players doing it too
Forgot we were talking about casual, if they fucked it up like that I'd just do crazy plays and if we lose particularly badly I'd quit because it's casual and the team is obviously retarded/new.
Thanks for supporting Israeli business! One shekel has been added to your account!
if you can cold turkey from it for a couple of months, try drinking it again and you'll see how bad it tastes. its weird. used to drink it all the time but stopped and decided to try again a year later and the taste was just disgusting
>Smoking in front of the mirror doesn't counter the Mira
How does it not? She can't see you through smoke.
>Fire doesn't spread through walls
Then open the wall? The only instance where capitao can't burn her is if she has the whole wall reinforced and mirrors closed and if that's the case then she's not much of a threat.
lmao, my mom tried to buy one for my dad and he said fuck no for that reason
Ok, Yea Forums, walls being reinforced where a tk is more than deserved
>kids room
>that mira wall in the italian map
what else?
>say on mic "dont reinforce this wall" and ping it
>someone immediately runs over to reinforce it
they deserved a bullet
Thanks for reminding me I need to have my goroncity annual watchathon
Oregon basement? It's a pretty common mira spot. Also dumb niggers don't break the particle board wall in the small pocket next to it for a rotation hole, instead opting to reinforce it. I tk that instantly, and I even do it in ranked if people don't listen.
post the porn edit
Fountain drinks always taste watery as fuck