Baba is Lewd

Baba is Lewd

Attached: 83b5fe8302443313ad53a72f44435649f622624c.png (348x352, 9K)

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>Porn artists ruin another character

Sometimes I think rule 34 is taken too far.

Baba is cute boy

Baba is a dude?

>porn ruins a character

are you 10

Neck yourself

He's named Baba, what did you expect?

Attached: baba.jpg (767x710, 47K)

BABA can be whatever you want BABA to be, that's the best part


Baba is Kill :(

>Modeseven has standards

Attached: triforce.png (429x289, 204K)

Baba, like all names ending in a, sounds feminine

>it ends in an a, so it's feminine!
Baba literally means dad in a lot of languages, bruh. Baba is daddy!


So he's named after Ali Baba

retarded languages no one cares about

Just change the text around and bam.

>I-It doesn't count because my penis said so!

Thanks, you made me imagine Baba as a gay furry top.

It makes more sense that way, honestly.

>porn ruins a character
Yes. Are you a faggot?

>Mode HyperScat Seven
>declaring anything pure
You've defiled enough to nothing is sacred

Attached: 1478758955655.jpg (600x600, 185K)

sneed is

I feel so bad for Modeseven bros. People keep comming scat and hyper from him and he just wants to make cute demons kissing

formerly chuck

then every single even remotely popular character ever made has been ruined

Where is all the inanimate TF for this game? Where is 'baba is onahole', or 'baba is buttplug'? Jeez, throw a man a bone here.

This is on model, so I am all for it
It's off-model trash that I can't stand.

>I feel so bad for him, taking money to draw literal shit, instead of just doing what he wants like any other artist
real fucking tragic


He laid his bed

How does this "ruin" the character?