Would you play Overwatch if it had custom maps/game modes and a dev team that wasn't pants-on-head retarded?
Would you play Overwatch if it had custom maps/game modes and a dev team that wasn't pants-on-head retarded?
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I would love user generated maps
i would probably still only fap to porn
games fun playing hanzo/mccree. thats about it
Custom game modes is one thing, but custom maps to play them on is the key. Takes me back to TimeSplitters where you'd have a few different tilesets and put together map tiles along a grid.
>Would you play a shit game if it was instead a better game?
What the fuck just shut up you dumbass, what kind of fucking question is that.
No because I don't want to waste my time playing games I don't like.
i would play overwatch if it was single player and not made by blizzard.
I wanna fuck Pharah
show me an overwatch thread on Yea Forums through the archive over the last month that didn't use a semi nude char pic from the game as a bait and hook. i'll wait.
Shut the fuck up Jeffrey
That would certainly tempt me to come back.
It's a shame that Blizz has no intentions of letting Overwatch be anything besides an eSports game.
it's almost as though Yea Forums is populated by horny retards who only respond to threads if they make peepee hard
if it let me have custom skins and models (for local only to deflect butthurt box buyers) I would
>not doing your due diligence bombing the threads.
>tfw your fetish is post-workout athletic tan girls
Pharah is a fucking godsend
You’re welcome.
the game is still objectively bad
>would you play overwatch if it was a completely different game
they are currently in the process of adding the ability to make your own custom game modes right now
I would only play it again if hero swapping happened between rounds instead of deaths.
>using default Gen8 foot models
i will never understand modelers. USE THE FUCKING ADDON
I would play Overwatch if Blizzard would quit fucking around, bite the bullet and turn it into a AAA budget sex game.
Even if the game added sex appeal like your pic, I still wouldn't play it
I may not have standards when it comes to pornography but I do have standards when vidya is involved
which addon?
also do you have other daz recommendations?
Is the new editor going to be like Halo's Forge without the building aspect?
Are you Pharah-Best-Girl?
I would play it if it was pron
She looks like she fucks white guys
thats all they care about because nobody here actually plays the game. and why would they? its a dumpsterfire
real feet, dirty feet, Beauty Fingers and Toes for gen3
feet work for gen8
also wrinkled soles for both
>Shitty gunplay
>Game is dictated by secondaries who need fan fiction material.
>We can't update your game, we're too busy protecting sensitive white girls from internet bullies :)
>Fucking horrendous Disney knock off bug eye people.
>Watch out Esports, where we constantly make exceptions for females and treat them like toddlers just so we can look inclusive!
Overwatch replaced Halo as babbies first FPS.
Yep. I quit way back when they butchered 3v3s by trying to pretend it was competitive.
Most poorly balanced game I've ever played
>a dev team that wasn't pants-on-head retarded
this is all it needs
this and like one big fucking update to fix everything that theyve fucked up over the past 3 years
i literally do not care about new skins or maps or characters, fix the shit you have before worrying about new garbage
i just want a game thats worth playing, not a supplementary addiction outlet for moba washouts who want nothing but big numbers next to their names
i would only play it if it was a porn game
peepee hard user here. can confirm.
thanks user
btw do you have any recs for skin detail mods too?
I would try it if it was f2p, thats about it though
Hero roster is too fucked at this point. """Off-tanks""" and """Off-healers""" cause too many problems.
still trying out some stuff but feel free to explore
i hope you know this site 3d-load.net
After all the porn, the dev team is retarded not focusing on waifus to hide the fact that their game became a boring mess
who bitch this is?
I do now, thanks!
your general schizophrenic TheOneLilium ASMR cunt
doing some deepfakes atm with her
I will never play a game where I can get banned for picking a character other players don't like.
>Would you play Overwatch if it had custom maps/game modes and a dev team that wasn't pants-on-head retarded?
But I already play TF2.
No, 6v6 is boring and gay. Give bigger maps and 12v12 like TF2 at least.
Do you pay for these renders or something?
At least Overwatch has a dev team.
God, this is the worst time to be a TF2 player.
did they have to make the characters this hot?
thanks for censoring that abomination
Are her thighs that lovely in game?
for you btw, it's gen3 with beauty feet and toes with wrinkles being bugged the fuck out because of the dirt texture, but it looks way better
No because it would still be a boring slog infested with twitch whores and boring costumes.
>Would you play Overwatch if wasn't shit
Maybe. I dropped it after 3-4 hours of open beta because the map design was awful and the gameplay got old really fast.
>flat feet
>completely changes entire character mechanics on a fucking whim
>re-writes the already laughable lore every other day
>any and all new characters are carbon copies of existing characters with a couple things tweaked
I'll take TF2's almost nonexistent dev team over the absolutely retarded Overwatch team any fucking day, at least I know they aren't going to completely fuck up the game tomorrow.
Yeah, probably.
No, Tracer is petite. Off model art blows.
wait, are you gay?
>would I play overwatch if it was good and not made by blizzard
>Would you play Overwatch
I would if they would give a real ultrawide support all these reedits fags complain about ultrawide giving unfair advantage but what about 144hz+ monitors heh oh it's fine right
but would you jerk off to overwatch?
>Off model art blows.
No it's better
No, just usually prefer fanart to be on model. Tracer is a twig. would fit Symmetra or Mercy more
i would play it if they turn it into a doa esc ecchi game where i can have them play beach volleyball in bikinis
He means to say that if you're gonna draw/model an existing character in a way that doesn't match their actual proportions, you might as well either just draw art of someone that does fit those parameters, or just draw someone entirely original to fit your tastes. It's like drawing porn of Honey Booboo's mom and making her a skinny midget with a pretty face. There'd be no sense in even referring to it as Honey Booboo's mom anymore, since it was explicitly designed to not reflect the subject's actual proportions.
Source on that Sombra please.
Yeah, this user gets it.
It's actually found it on Tumblr
That's cool, but can you give me the name of the artist or the tumblr-blog please?
Yeah no shit I would.
anything else you need spoonfed to you?
I already play Overwatch.
Nah I wanna see tracer with fat ass and titties.
I would play Overwatch if Pharah was real and my wife that I constantly impregnate