Whats Yea Forums's take on the man single-handedly saving games journalism?

whats Yea Forums's take on the man single-handedly saving games journalism?

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny./

I'm over fat, bearded faggots with glasses.

Ohhh another faggot who cries about SJWs in current year

I still remember this fatfuck complaining about getting banned from MtG for like a year. Never learned if he ever did play or not though

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hes based and makes reddit tourists seethe

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im tired of all these retards that impressionable kids on here constantly praise for being BASED AND REDPILLED DUDE!!!
do you have to spam every board with them at all times?

This is what you get when you mix Sסy with ReviewfatUSA.

Has some valid points, but sometimes it feels like he's taking some things too personally.

Exclusively games isn't half bad actually

who even is this

Based Quartering lad.
He's /ourguy/.

Im so tried of seeing this fat fuck on here, it doesnt help that time he is on someones show he derails the argument and acts like a total onions shit

a guy who reads out reddit posts and blogs

Red oni pls.

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Why are trannies so obsessed with this guy? What did he do?

>onions beard
>JUST beard
>uses memes irl
>uses /pol/ memes irl unironically
>got beat up by a homosexual faced up in a confrontation he started, then pressed charges claiming he was sucker punched


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He has opinions they don't like. The worst offense you can make on the internet now.

Better topic than OP at least

Who is this numale soidude

"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.

I agree with a lot of what he says, but this is completely true. He was even talking about the games he bought from last year that he hasn't even opened the cases to them yet.

He doesn't actually have an opinion. Hes just a contrarian, he jumps on whatever he can for views. I wouldn't trust anything he says as journalism.

Yet another special snowflake/unique butterfly that thinks neon-haired, far-left leaning, social justice warriors are going to somehow ruin everything they hold dear. All while praising the people that are actively ruining everything they hold dear.

>tripfag being a nigger
I'm not surprised but I am disappointed

I love how much he triggers trannies

Ironic shilling is still shilling.

Yet he's not pretending to write review for them, that's the whole difference and why he's calling them out.

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he was a fairly large MtG youtuber back in the day, he switched to what he is now when getting banned, he got banned for some stupid pc sjw bullshit, too, totally political move by Wizard, none of the people complaining about him actually played magic, they just heard about him on twitter or some shit and dogpiled on him

58 plz

time to roll

you mean how much he gets triggered ? this guy is literally a right sjw

ReviewpoliticsUSA is already a large vat of onions

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I thought he was into a card game or something.

>literally a full video of him being suckerpunched from behind by a walking onions bottle that he had already told to leave him alone and turned his back to
thank you for posting the reaction pic for me so I didn't have to find it

How can you defeat this bear?

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I like him

God i hate eceleb culture

I cqnt get away from normal fucks talking about the kardashians irl and now I cant get away here from people talking about pewds, DSP or whatfucking ever streamer is popular this week

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>Game devs bad
>micro transactions bad
>loot boxes bad
>patreon good

Fuck off with your basedboy ecelebs outta here.

that's gonna be some dry ass chicken

>that flip catch
this bearguy knows what he is fucking doing

He made mtg videos and literally told his followers to stalk cosplayers and run them out of the community because he didn't like them. When people found out he went "lol it was just a joke snowflakes, kill yourselves" and as I'm sure you can imagine people didn't take it well.

>using parsley as a seasoning and not a garnish
gonna be a yikes from me, I understand cooking is fairly open ended and subjective, but there are basic guidelines of decency you have to follow

yeah but what's his name
sounds like bf material

>right sjw
Nice try tranny
Does he want people to get banned from everything for having the wrong opinion?
Get fucked

The secret is to lure him away from his weapon, as that is his only strength.

Ah yes, the quartering with cheese. Tries to appeal to chans but fails to do so.

except he actually told them to not stalk cosplayers, cope and seethe more, discord tranny

a white supremacist isn't saving anything

lol next you will try to say that Anita was a victim that got PTSD from internet death threats
Fuck off resetera

I wonder who's behind this post

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judging by the amount of trannies literally seething itt I'm going to have to go with he is pretty based

fuck it

Haha, holy fuck, he looks exactly like Yea Forums

Sounds like he was a massive faggot anyways


>trannies getting upset
What does he do that makes these "people" so upset?

Rolling for anime tiddies

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There's nothing left to save.

>i-i want my safe-space back
Fuck off feminist

going for 47

you dont

parsley is good though

What the fuck happened to him? I remember tuning in to make fun of him during the whole Mundane Matt fiasco and it seemed like Quarter pounder was taking care of himself, now he looks like a fucking mess, his eyes look dead and drained, his beard is disheveled, and his hair almost never looks taken care of. Not even mentioning that it looks like he gained more weight.
Like I'm not even trying to mock the guy anymore, I feel bad. Good on him for making a successful network.

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I like his stuff.

I agree with some things and disagree with others but he's fun background noise.
Plus every time his name's brought up people can't help but get angry and tell me he's trash, it's impressive the power he has.


What's up discord trannies?
Its me the Honkler!
Based PJW and Tim Pool refer to me as the right winged Pepe with a nihilistic and wicked sense of humor.
Yes the Quartering is hella redpilled and can show you that "going woke, means going broke"
Vote with your wallet and remember to say the n word (nigger) repeatedly yo BTFO of SJW lefties.
Girls might make fun of you, but I was told by a reputable source that Trump will provide state sanctioned GFs after he builds the wall. So your work will pay off!
Also subscribe to Mister Metokur because he is just like us 4Channers.

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He is, he was being really toxic to a female cosplayer and has said really uncool stuff about the LGBTQ+ community.

It's so refreshing to find someone on here with common sense.

>doesn't play Magic
>doesn't play video games
>still covering Captain Marvel even after 10+ videos
>clearly doesn't give a fuck about anything he says because he's just in it for the views and tells his audience exactly what they want to hear for patreon money
>gains gamer street cred because he has some merch in the back of his videos

I'm honestly not sure why anybody is still falling for it but it's actually kinda amazing what he's doing. I should jump on this bandwagon and make thousands of a month for making these videos too.

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its just entertainment, some people dont like anime okay?

>I should jump on this bandwagon and make thousands of a month for making these videos too.

I'm guessing you just don't have a webcam or something?
As you said it's easy shit user, what are you waiting for?

What the fuck? Is that even real?

I don't know who this queer is, or why I'm even in this thread, but he's got funkopops behind him, so I'm just gonna go ahead and sage.

this retard made like 50 videos on fallout 76

i watched a vid where he said that its the last vid hell make on fo76 . then this fat greasy cuck continues to make 10 more vids

Or it's just that journalism changed medium and while they just report the news, a bunch of retards act super cancerous for or against them for some reason. Including you.

>Its the journalists fault!! Not me who keeps eating this shit and giving spotlight
Fucking idiot

He's a fucking retard.

he is kind of a whiny douche, but he exposed Wizards for having a massive politically biased double standard, he was the only one who got banned despite what happened, so a lot of discord trannies hate him

he's the one that will instill christian, traditional values back into media. everybody should support him if you are right-wing and anti authoritarian (sjws)

Didn't he actually say he keeps doing Captain Marvel videos because lots of people watch them meaning he gets more money doing them.

He shits on his retarded viewers and they eat it up.

based user saves thread


>games journalism

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Jeremy Hamham is controlled opposition that exists to make people who are right look bad, by restating their points with such an annoying voice and with such a punchable face that people instinctively disagree with him regardless of what's being said.

Hate his clickbait shit almost as much as people/things he criticizes

can confirm

sonic fuckign 2.
nobody who plays games regularry would put Sonic 2 over Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Only normies do that.

you just had to be a contrarian...

>anti-sjw #21421314 that hates pc culture and only makes videos on why sjws are bad
Ah yes, this is quality journalism

Trannies AND games 'urinalists' hate him! What's his secret????




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he seems like an ok dude, but every video is him spending 9 minutes literally quoting an entire r*ddit thread, or a press release then doing a 60 second YEEEEEEONG OUT

He is the reddit tourist incarnate you stupid zoomer.

he's literal clickbait

Ok let me pick this assbag apart for Yea Forums

>Began his career as an MTG pack opening channel
>His autism prevented anyone from enjoying his content
>Goober Geet happened and he started copying Sargon/Matt/Aristocrat
>Finds small audience
>Starts harassing Christine Sprankle a well known MTG cosplay thot (nice girl actually)
>Gets banned by Wizard's of the Coast from qll MTG events and has his MTGO account frozen
>Begins campaign accusing MTG judges of pedophilia (something he never mentioned prior to his ban by the way)
>Gets his ass beat to hell by a dude in dress (lol)
>cries (real tears in hotel on stream)
>Gets to on Warski live (this was at Warski's peak well before his meltdown)
>Gets following from Warski's audience
>Creates "Exclusively Games" with notorious serial psychopath and swatter Ian Miles Chunk

Ironically he called his site "Exclusively Games" because he hates when lefty journos like Kotaku and Polygon's articles have a political bias. But all of his content is politically biased just in the opposite direction. In fact his entire "critique" od MK11 is based on politics and ignores the core part of the game.

I hate this ugly incel fuck.

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based and not pilled

On top of that his merch is absolute garbage, he has no self-awareness and he's still stuck in 2013 when the anti-sjw thing was at its peak.

I paly games regularly and I vastly prefer Sonic 2 to Sonic 3. I don't prefer the winding exploration design in S3K to the arcade tiered go fast design of S2. That and I like most of the zones in 2 more than most of the zones in 3.

>Yea Forums still mad at quarterpounder
lmaoing at seething trannies

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>people can't possibly hate both, no sir

Is his gaming site still full of click bait titles?

I don't take advice from fat people. If they can't even take care of their body they have nothing to teach me.

>uncool stuff
resetera: the postfuck quarterfag but at least he doesnt shit up this board

Anti-SJW grifting is the easiest fucking grift, I can't even respect the hustle at this point. At least that dirty Armenian Sarkeesian put a modicum of production value into her trash content, these people just bloviate into a webcam.

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not this consistently lmao, Yea Forums threads about this thread are dedicated hate threads

only a modern progressive or tranny would seeth this hard

I still have never seen this guy outside of Yea Forums OPs criticizing him. It is hilarious how obsessed you are. Go play some vidya.

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>about this thread


the tired hustle is still better than letting those even more obnoxious shits feel welcome

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t. Quartering

He shills here dude. Lol.

I'm not even sure you aren't Jeremy.
Hell there is like a solid 70% chance op is Jeremy.
He browses Yea Forums, Reddit, and One Angry Incel all day looking for headlines he can clickbait the gamer geepers into watching.


eric simply eric

You are either lying or never watch gaming content on YouTube.

No idea who he is, but he looks like a massive soiboy.


>telling your fanbase to harass cosplayers because FEMOID SLUTS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>some stupid pc sjw bullshit

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Men with beards in general are more likely to feel insecure about their masculinity.

Forget how his taste is shit; how his only gimmick is radiating condescension, or the fact that all he does is live off the outrage of the most retarded and insufferable part of nerd culture - even if I will admit that those people are occasionally necessary to defend freedom of expression from libtards (despite the fact that these days they are mostly wrong and stupid like in the case of The Last Jedi) - forget all of that.

This is a grown-ass man that got upset, legitimately, genuinely upset, over the new She-Ra cartoon. He's no saviour of vidyagaems, he's a fucking clown. Fuck him, fuck his subscribers and fuck anybody who otherwise likes him or approves of what he does.

ive literally not noticed a single thread about the fatman in the last week. the last one i saw was a hate thread

He wishes he was a soiboy. Soiboys beat him up. Seriously, he really was beat up by a soiboy and he went whining to the cops who just told him to not be such a little bitch.

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This guy is fucking retarded
He makes me embarrassed for sharing some opinions with him

I dont like this fag but god damn is it getting mutilated in here

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>Creates "Exclusively Games" with notorious serial psychopath and swatter Ian Miles Chunk
Wait, was this before or after he doxxed and called the police on the guy he had that other gaming channel with?

Why is the Kanto guy here?

Quite based dude, but somehow is common sense opinions are considered hate speech by the most radical lefties in the video game world. I find myself watching this guy everyday, just to see what the SJWs are up to.

...and you also had to be a fag

Stop posting this fat cuck and kill yourself you fucking trannie NIGGER JEW KEK

>Be Quarter Pounder
>Got his ass beat by a tranny, first time he has ever been in a fight in his life
>Started a gofundme to sue said tranny and claimed he was ''emotionally damaged''
>Started a stream calling keemstar a cuck, keem goes on and calls him a beta and he starts being nice to keem like a beta would. actually made keemstar look good
>Invites Jim onto a stream but doesnt send the invite because he is a pussy, jim makes fun of him on his own stream and BTFO quartering
>Deletes the stream because he got BTFO and made an ass of himself

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>gets shit on by a libcuck manlet because of his retarded uninformed milktoast opinions


>nu-Yea Forums worships a soiboy who unironically buys funko pops
oh nonono no

Fuck it, rolling

Isn't that the guy who got beat up by a tranny?


>bullied people kill themselves more
gee I wonder why

all i know about him is that he wouldn't shut up about his tranny sucker punch story during the mundane matt destruction stream

>he hates when lefty journos like Kotaku and Polygon's articles have a political bias. But all of his content is politically biased just in the opposite direction.
This is entirely what GG was

Or maybe he actually plays video games instead of keeping tabs on random cunts like you.

He got banned for calling out some Cosplaythot

WOTC quickly rushed to yon faire maiden's defense

he's a basedboy alt-right cuck.

whos gonna be my gf

Rolling for some femdom

thats the idea, tranny. removing problems from the world

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Obvious pandering controversy baiter. He's human clickbait for literal children.

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I like your way of thinking, it'd be a shame if you were bullied into suicide by mastercard and visa

>Goes on Destiny's stream and confirms that he doesn't believe the shit he spouts and only makes these videos for money

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Games journalism is fucked.

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I would. Sonic 3 fucking sucks. And knuckles is a different story but I still don’t like it as much

>funko pops
>shitch in the background

So who the fuck is this guy and how is he saving it?

They've gotten skullfucked by a constant barrage of eastern european propaganda for almost three years. They were susceptible and agreeable fat balls of misery to begin with, so they just gleefully adopt anything they're told to think and do.

He's taking /pol/ talking points and he is putting out subtle redpills to the populace. He's saving the world.

>owns funko pops
>got beat up by a tranny

>can't even outbully SJW MTG players

what a joke

>overweight classical liberal with glasses and an unbearable personallity
He's just like me

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Rollin for monsterwaifu

>he doesn't believe the shit he spouts and only makes these videos for money

So it's gotten to the point where people now have a financial incentive to keep the Internet as the political shitshow it has turned into in recent years?

the cope
mass tranny suicides within the next decade

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Known plagiarist of other channels and a literal hack fraud that is no better than TMZ. Buzzword spewing garbage.

There is nothing wrong with being fat, it shows you have the wealth to be well fed.
>owns funko pops
Again, he's wealthy enough to buy video game merchandise. Seethe more poorfag.
>got beat up by a tranny
You don't win every battle you bluepilled scum.

So to sum it up, you're a seething poorfag tranny. Not only did you get woke, you went broke.

>doesn't believe the shit he spouts and only makes these videos for money
Whoa, just like DesTiny. Shouldn't you love him then?

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>gets BTFO by statistics that go against your narrative
Facts don't care about your feelings. Snowflake.

Is it just me, or has "tranny" become another meaningless buzzword on Yea Forums, like "cuck" and "incel"?

Man it's been years since I saw one of these back to the future edit pics.

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These outrage culture personalities have always been nothing more than an outlet for people bitching with their e-friend about things they don't like. Allowing it to be monetized was such a mistake, none of these people give a shit about making society better, because then they'd lose their flow on money and whatever meager amount of influence they hold.



Continues to be successful while expressing wrongthink. They tried to ruin him, he found a new niche and now they think Yea Forums is going to become their personal army against him if they "ironically" spam threads and samefag in them for long enough. They've been at it for over a year now, it's the most pathetic display of obsession I've ever seen.

nice image user get it off r/Yea Forums did we how cute.

One dragon girl please

i want the forest waifu one

my body is ready

another one just killed itself as you wrote that and the world is better for it

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If I remember correctly, didn't YouTube used to be set up so that only a few "YouTube partners" can make money from the site, like RayWilliamJohnson?


boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny./

imagine white knighting this hard

>Not disputing that he's a delusional snowflake

Why do all of these people have such fucking awful hairlines, if any hairline at all? These culture wars are just genetically weak people slapping at one another, it's fucking embarrassing. Neither side deserves to exist if these are their standard bearers.

t. quartering
cry more fatass

>in a confrontation he started,

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"they're rich, i'm poor, but i would to the same if i was rich"

>"Man, I don't know why these SJWs keep insisting that representation matters. I don't care about representation as long as the game is good!"


The only thing he's saving is the incredibly fragile ego of gamers.

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i dont have to stoop to retorting buzzwords when i can just watch the numbers rise

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Rolling for 006.

cute pic


>common sense

The most meaningless of tautological platitudes.

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My favorite myth
>"We're okay with having representation if it's done tastefully and not heavily forced"

>"Why the FUCK is a black man in an old western cowboy game talking about racism?"

>Starts harassing Christine Sprankle a well known MTG cosplay thot (nice girl actually)

ahahahaha what a load of shit, making videos critical of someone is not MUH HARASSMENT

>Begins campaign accusing MTG judges of pedophilia (something he never mentioned prior to his ban by the way)

he opened up an email asking for dirt and what he got was a bunch of people concerned about Magic judges being pedos

>Gets his ass beat to hell by a dude in dress (lol)

dude suckerpunched him

>Gets his ass beat to hell by a dude in dress (lol)

IMC got fired when that shit came out

also his YouTube content != Exclusively Games, they are different entities



survivorship bias. by the time they've reached gender therapy most already would have killed themselves.

I like how he complained about a robot being agender in Apex Legends


Actual neckbeard faggot. All game journalism is cancer.

They hated him because he told them the truth.

not to mention

>Pussy's out of a talk with Destiny
>After receiving mountains of shit from his own community, he finally goes through with it
>Gets totally BTOF
>"W-well I don't really k-know, Destiny that's a fair point I g-guess"
>walks back on all his points
>leaves after 30 minutes

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In the past you had to get certain metrics and apply for a partnership yeah. Things like superchat were a game changer because unsurprisingly the world is filled with plenty of rubes to fleece, so you can make good money as long as you say whatever your little niche fanbase wants to hear. And since everyone is miserable in our atomized society, as long as you identify an enemy for people to focus their enmity on, you can make a decent chunk of cash out of it. And given the utter mediocrity of most of these commentators, anyone can do it, so never give up hope Yea Forums.

Source: my ass

yo gib minotaurus

>i KnOw YoU aRe BuT wHaT aM i!!????


nice meme

>retard tranny doesn't understand survivorship bias
what a surprise

Yeah, why would you defend fat bearded guys with glasses

Lol nice fucking shop loser. Care to post the original?

Fucking grifters lmao

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>Ironically he called his site "Exclusively Games" because he hates when lefty journos like Kotaku and Polygon's articles have a political bias. But all of his content is politically biased just in the opposite direction. In fact his entire "critique" od MK11 is based on politics and ignores the core part of the game.
He started the site because of the politization of games media, and he himself is still talking about the politization in games media, but his site is actually just about games. He's not a contributor on the site. If you make political content on the site or try to have political discussions on the forums you get banned for off-topic shit.

>doesn't source his statistic either
Based tranny

kill yourself

Please anubis or inari


why would you defend a cosplay whore exploiting little boy's testosterone

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DesTiny is literally everything his literal communist fanbase hates. He just says what they want to hear.

>retard can't provide source so resorts to calling people trannies instead
Dropping out of college really made your family love you more user, 100%



Is this another election tourist thread?

nah destiny actually DOES want to fuck kids

only for the purpose of instilling frustration and anger, user

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It's been 4 years, I sure hope these darned tourists leave soon!

But he openly states he's a capitalist. Are you saying that his communist fans would want to hear the person they are following is a capitalist? Do you know what communism and capitalism are?

Pls nothing shitty

Today I will get slimed

got beat up by a tranny cause he ain't a real skreet nigga like me

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Slime or better yet queen slime and I can die happy

He's a faggot and I hate everything he and everyone else wants to do to video games, lefties included.
>guys im all for free expression
>but politics that aren't mine dont belong in this hobby
This goes for both sides of the aisle, fuck you if you actually have this kind of opinion.

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>Hes everything communists hate!

Then whats so bad about him? lmao


You know this only bumps the thread, right?

I'm listening to the guy right now, he's dope.
I'm hoping for 76. Let's see...

>This goes for both sides of the aisle, fuck you if you actually have this kind of opinion.
Here comes the centrist retards.

>Stop "politicizing" my games REEEEEEEEE

Yeah I agree this mentality is pretty fucking retarded

He doesn't care about any of the shit that he says. He goes for the popular "unpopular" opinion and rides it straight to the bank.

Oh is he the 'boner culture' retard? Christ that's embarrassing.

>why aren't you an extremist like me????
anticentrists are literally the worst lmao

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I'm not a centrist.
Him being disengious makes him worse.
Games can be political, I think people just didn't mind because they weren't as overt, or they just agreed with them.

>most politicians are lefties
>most mainstream news outlets are lefties
>most entertainment media are lefties
>most tech companies are lefties
how are we not controlled by lefties again? You could get lynched at college if you're outed as someone having conservative values. You can't even develop software without being smeared if you're conservatist like when Google banned Dissenter for absolutely no reason or CNN saying that Gab is social media for nazis. What happened with Adult Swim's Million Dollar Extreme? Lefties smeared it as comedy for the alt-right and Cartoon Network cancelled it.

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>This smelly turd on a plate is completely inedible and disgusting
>But this slice of pizza has a sardine on it.
>I guess both options are bad. Starvation it is!

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Now just imagine what will happen when they perfect the sex change surgery, to for example use mucosa skin instead of skin that still grow hair.
Oh wait this will never happen because it's transphobic to even start this research, because "all post ops are literally perfect and can't be questioned"

Are you saying you don't want this thread full of fun to be bumped?

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>This goes for both sides of the aisle
literally only one side is trying to cram in politics

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None of that is true lmao

Media and tech execs and politicians are center-right. They just co-op PC language because *gasp* black people and women are customers too.

You've been consuming too much "m-muh lame stream media" youtube personalities.

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>unironically thinking extremism is bad
Name one situation where extremism lead to a negative outcome to the world.

Imagine letting your son dress like that

That's it. These pantsu are going on your face.

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This is objectively false and you're being intenionally dishonest or you're blatantly ignoring other stuff. Politics is inherent in a lot of creative projects, there is nothing wrong with politics in games; if you disagree, don't buy but don't sit there and insist your side doesn't do politics in media but the other does.

If we are controlled by the left, how the fuck is Trump president?

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finally issues that matter...

gimme something weird

>you can be lynched
stopped reading there. Literally name one person who was hunted down and murdered by a mob on a college campus for just being right wing. Literally just one.

Lol, dude literally told his followers "bully thus bitch until she deletes her social media.

You two clearly only watched HIS side via his videos. There was more than "criticism". It was legitimate harassment towards Christine. Not just "criticism".
And Christine is a genuinely nice person wjo never attacks anyone. She didn't even rat Jeremy out. Other users did.
Jeremy is a shit person. He physically got man handheld by a guy in a dress and intellectually got manhandled by a vain midget. Dude needs to go away. Forever.

Even his own side hates him Metokur, Ralph, CRP don't like the guy.

Anyone that wouldn't fuck Asutofuro cute asshole is a fucking faggot prove me wrong

name one game in the current year that isnt apolitical or left leaning

>there is nothing wrong with politics in games
Stopped reading there. Politics is never okay anywhere.

at the end of the day the center is the truth. Center is freedom. Center is about the individual while both extremes are nothing but censorship, collectivism and authoritarian. Being an extremist is not having conviction it's being a retard.

Tons of videogames, movies, Tv shows, Music have been political over the years.

Its never been a problem for you until they started putting minorities in.

I can't think of a single game that is political and either strongly aligns with or opposes my opinions. Even WW2 games are just about grunts shooting nazis because they're the opposing team in a war, not "proud and free Americans trying to cleanse the earth of the oppression of national socialism".


This guy sucks and is one note, He's slightly better than Tim Pool because he's not as obsessed with himself.

I guarantee you love a ton of media that is political. You just don't recognize it because you're a retard with confirmation bias.

>most politicians are lefties
Not really. America is still very divided between Republicans and Democrats, both of which are largely run by corporations.
>most mainstream news outlets are lefties
Fox News is still probably the most influential news outlet. Alongside Breitbart and other right-wing centered websites.
>most entertainment media are lefties
Hollywood is a mixed bag honestly.
>most tech companies are lefties
They would be inclusive, considering they mainly find talent from all over.
>You could get lynched for having conservative values
Lol no. If anything, conservatives are usually sheltered asf in college.

Kingdom Come Deliverance
I wish I could agree but politics is life, I'm totally down if you want to say you don't want them shoved in your face but politics is how we live.

Yep certainly sounds like one of "us"


>tim pool

Remember when he got BTFOd by some random lady from twitter?

>Media and tech execs and politicians are center-right.

>Fox News is still probably the most influential news outlet.
>If anything, conservatives are usually sheltered asf in college.

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I want to cuddle him

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Okay, I enjoy movies like V for Vendetta. Show me the political messaging in a movie like that. I doubt you will find any.

Media are okay with operating at a loss, user; they know investors with vested interests will loan to them or buy them out or whatever.
Just the other day
>Vice Media Gets $250 Million in Debt Funding From [an investment consortium that includes billionaire George Soros]

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>give me an example
>t...tons of them
yea thats what i thought faggot
>Kingdom Come Deliverance
>historical accuracy is right wing
unironically slit your wrists


Imagine being so brainlet that your entire worldview is based on the equidistant-fallacy

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Sorry, meant to reply to

Go wild.

Is fucking Astolfos boipussy a grey area in being gay? I'm sure it's open to interpretation.

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>Oh god, I just realized I have zero evidence or reasoning to back up what I said! How should I respond now?? Think, dammit!!


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Historical accuracy is historical accuracy, but the way the guy presents himself is pretty political, man. I'm not sure why your first (You) is getting at.


>tfw the mass tranny suicides will be used to justify the Gun Ban Act of 2024

Attached: crash sadicoot.gif (300x300, 2.13M)

My feelings don't care about your facts. Libtard.

minotaurus please

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lol good one user

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>feelsguy edit

oh here we go now it's really gonna get good. lol

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KC wasn't historically accurate and it was definitely right wing propaganda. The idea that there weren't black people and arabs thriving all over medieval Europe through the modern times is simply untrue.

I can't go down that path, user. If I let it happen, if I do, I may never come back.

>you have no evidence!
says the guy with no evidence

this. I like him overall though.

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ok I saw it. What am I supposed to take away from that lmao

i remember when he got his shit punched by an sjw at a bar and then whined about it on vlogs for literal months
arent you /pol/tards always talking about being alphas and some shit? why do you get your asses beat by manlets?

Imagine samefagging this blatantly.

linked your post twice by accident. the political leaning of a dev does not make the game "right wing" he didnt put messages in his game he just refused to bend to the people complaining so they called him a nazi

>looks like girl
>smells like girl
>talks like girl
>takes dick like girl

Attached: 2lpagt.jpg (1125x1096, 120K)

Ratings for MSNBC and CNN have been divebombing ever since EVIL ORANGE MAN became the President of the United States of America. Maybe because they're a bunch of liars who aren't reporting truthfully on the stories that people want to hear about?

Found the election fag

ITT r/gamingcirclejerk incels



>Lays out argument

>'Nuh uh!"

Yes, equally valid levels of credibility here.

I never see you valiant free speech warriors bitching about politics critiquing the fucking stranglehold the military has on sports. Millions of Americans watch the NFL that openly fellates the military and it's just fucking crickets with you people. It's only vidya and movies for you because that's all your interested in, peak slacktivism. What a fantastic culture worth protecting.

>whined about it
Sure if you apply that kind of semantic slant it could maybe start to look like there's hypocrisy there.

rolling plz

Sure, but I fail to see how potions and stuff are historically accurate. It's realistic, but I'm not sure about accurate.

If "media techs and execs" were actually center right then they wouldn't go to all the effort that they choose to go to in order to appease SJWs. >I'm only doing it ironically doesn't count. Dumb libtard.

I agree, they suck but let's not get away from the other user's point about them being highly rated. You laughed at that like it wasn't true.

It's super gay and you belong on a cross with crows feasting on your faggot eyes.

Burn in Hell.

Fox was higher than CNN and MSNBC throughout all of the obama years too lmao

If you have 1 right wing channel, and 2 left wing channels, no shit lefty viewers are going to be split.

But ofcourse, CNN and MSNBC arent left at all. Theyre just establishment centrism.

>Yea Forums wants to fuck Astolfo, a character with a feminine boipussy
>doesn't want to fuck Protomagicalgirl, another person with a feminine boipussy
What's up with the cognitive dissonance Yea Forums?

Attached: PMG.jpg (1200x800, 133K)

Ratings have always been far higher on FOX. I know it creates massive cognitive dissonance in American conservatives because they want to believe that the media is against them, but that's the way it is.



>Lol no. If anything, conservatives are usually sheltered asf in college.

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2D remains superior to 3D in every facet.

This makes very little sense considering youtubers find examples to make videos about every single week. They wouldn't have any content otherwise.

They're not "appeasing SJWs"

They're appeasing women and black people, because they have wallets too, and there's a lot of them.

The fact that you think SJW is synonymous with blacks and womenz is really telling tho lmao


Lol, look at this fag.

can't wait for my ban

>we wuz europeans n sheeit
>in the one of the smallest most isolated countries in european history at the time the game takes place



>tho lmao
You're clearly not from here. Go back.

>CNN and MSNBC arent left at all

I didn't like him either until he started doing videos of him actually doing research on topics he talks about.

Or maybe its because PMG is just ugly.

Downward Thrust + muh lefty boogeyman

yOu'rE ClEaRlY NoT FrOm hErE. gO BaCk.

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He shits on communists all the time. What do you mean?

People who get beat up by trannies aren't saving anything


I've taken a few political courses at college and the only time I've ever witnessed someone walk out of a class or get triggered and butthurt, they were right-wing neckbeards and staceys who got offended when their sheltered, homogenous worldview was called out.

Really makes my noodle do a doodle.

Attached: MmX561PCelKnAza5zNhmFh5pUu8KzRZvEH-tzC702eo.png (463x517, 268K)

The inherent disconnect between their mind and reality.

You lost me on the moment you defended the thot

>Shilling corporations constantly.
>Shits on Bernie Sanders 24/7
>Only part of Trumps policy they agree with is foreign military intervention

wow sounds really leftist to me?

CNN is "neutral above all" which means they don't take a stand even when they should.
MSNBC is the media arm of the DNC, and the DNC would be a solidly right-wing party anywhere else in the first world than America.

Election tourist please leave

Based and redpilled, fellow gamers.

Some of these are nice

>CNN and MSNBC aren't left

in what fucking god damn world.

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>most tech companies are lefties
They're literally the number one industry against the organization of labour, brainlet.

Geez, you sound like a right up faggot.

>I should jump on this bandwagon and make thousands of a month for making these videos too.
Do it. I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars from retards on r/The_Donald and Yea Forums.

In a world that doesn't completely revolve around american politics.

Anything CNN says about foreign policy would be considered disgustingly right-wing imperialism in any other first world country.

American conservatives are so fuckin sheltered that they think the DNC and CNN are literally communists, when in reality, they're more right-wing that the conservative parties of Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, France etc etc.

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Laura Loomer was just banned from Facebook and Instagram, and supposedly the deep state is working hard to imprison Jacob Wohl for his investigations into Democrat corruption.

It makes me feel really good when the only response gamer bros can muster is calling me a nigger faggot or something.

It kinda just proves my point. Very validating.

there were definitely "potions" throughout history. it was just medicine made from combining herbs but a lot of people believed many herbs had "magical properties"

>Tire girl getting banned is on par with lynching

Lmao go make more suicide posts Laura.

hmm...was he not whining about it? mere complaining? soapboxing? lol, retard

>most mainstream news outlets are jewish
>most entertainment media are jewish
>most tech companies are jewish
alot of congress is jewish and hold dual citizenship with israel too

poorly too. he always stumbles over his words and misreads things

>gamer bros


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Right wingers are entirely focused on the social aspects of governing, which is why they bitch and moan incessantly about identity politics while embracing specifically white idpol. They simply cannot fathom that just because a company is "woke" and gives a few scraps of acknowledgement to gays and minorities, doesn't make them lefties. Ride share workers are staging a strike on the 8th specifically because these supposedly leftist corporations are shortchanging their employees and being generally anti-labor. If you're not economically left, you're just a centrist or conservative that doesn't think trannies and nigs should be stoned to death on the public square.

They don't perform like they do in KC:D.

I guarantee I've been on this board since before you could jerk your tiny penis.

Agreed. I'm not American and I remember CNN's support of the Iraq war was pretty insane. I think American right-wingers are so isolated that they have a skewed idea of what 'left-wing' actually is. The best thing to do is to just leave them to it, they are in the middle of a pretty big demographic shift at the moment so there's a lot of lashing out in different ways.

Been here since the 2016 election you fucking newfag.

Ebic reddit meme my dude

>Jacob Wohl
You mean that idiot zionist who tried to get some gay conservative to claim he was raped by Buttigieg? Seems like a real class act, glad you guys are following the Jussie Smollette approach to being a miserable human being.

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he's not very charismatic

why do you think all women and black people would act like sjws, and why do you think these companies think women and black people want sjw shit.


I think I covered all the possible responses.

>his understanding* of the world comes from youtube videos
*or should we say lack thereof

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>hehe small penis hehe
One has to wonder why you choose to come to Yea Forums instead of staying on resetera or reddit where you belong.

>admitting you came here because you heard about an epic place on the news during the election
oh you have got to be kidding me.

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Why are you asking the question if you already know the answer, dipshit? you know what you did, fuck off.

I dont doubt that

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He's also incredibly ugly.
Right wingers need to find some attractive white men to lead the charge.
Otherwise I won't be listening to their shit.
Ugly people shouldn't breed.

jesus christ little lefty, calm down.

Because it isn't SJW shit. Its just a black person in a video-game lol

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so because they added buffs to change up gameplay rather than making potions worthless ibuprofens that justifies adding a bunch of nogs and arabs in european knights armor?

>claims to be against sjw's
>looks and speaks just like them

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>google owned by jews
>every single media company in america owned by jews or their parent company is owned by jews
>facebook jews

but its totally not the jews.

Something I've noticed is that these "Centrists are bad" images have only been posted here in recent years. I remember Yea Forums generally been way more apolitical until recently.


>electionbaby calling anyone else a newfag
Someone could have started coming here last month and would still be less of a newfag than you.

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>10+ videos
You're kidding, right? It's probably in the hundreds by now.

Not him but it's scary to think in 3 years time that I'll have been using Yea Forums for longer than any 18 year old poster's entire life. I'm so bored of this election tourism bullshit, I used to think Yea Forums was bad in 2008 when the whole Anonymous is legion thing reached its maxim and Yea Forumstards spilled out everywhere. Right now I'd be happy just to go back to 2011. Never thought I'd fucking say that.

I'm from 2011 and I'm still a newfag myself.

Maybe one or two. What does it matter? If they're willing to shirk accuracy for gameplays sake then why not shirk accuracy for something that doesn't even change gameplay?

The Golden One should be the only right winger allowed to say anything. That guy at least has discipline and works hard to maintain his body, I can respect his dedication even if he's an egomaniac. If you're some goony, doughy bearded cunt with glasses and an unkempt beard, you deserve to be bullied like the good ol days. Hit the fucking gym and work on yourself before you bitch about others.

People used to only support meme candidates like Rand Paul, so there wasnt any reason to get that pissed off one way or the other

Everyone who responded to this post, including me, were trolled epicly.

>it's not the jews
C'mon, be serious here.
Okay tell you what, it's the freemasons too.

the corporations are merely pandering to the left in order to sell stuff, that doesnt mean they believe a word of what they say

Nike preaches social jusitice while having little asian children make their shoes for slave labour.
They very rarely get called out about it from the left tho

Too autistic, I can't stand him. If he starts a business where he can delegate articles/videos to more charismatic people, then maybe.


I never said they didn't like money. Of-course they do since they are all capitalists. They all align with lefties because that's what they think will make the most money. Only retards can't connect the dots, so don't think you're smart for stating the obvious.
when talking about control we're not talking about lefties controlling us with a remote control. You realize that, right? But about what we are allowed do do, what we are allowed to say like getting banned of social media for saying there are only 2 genders, that is a form of control primarily pushed by lefties.Trump won because lefties can't control people's will and also thanks to the alternative media that lefties are trying their hardest to purge.
>Not really. America is still very divided between Republicans and Democrats, both of which are largely run by corporations.
The people are divided because Americans are basically the only people in the whole world that's can't be swayed that easily and there's the constitution they can always use as a shield but corporations for the most part, even tho inherently capitalist, all they push for is a social justice agenda. And it has only gotten worse year after year.
>Fox News is still probably the most influential news outlet. Alongside Breitbart and other right-wing centered websites.
Fox News is literally the only relevant right wing outlet, so of-course they gonna hold some clout. Other than Fox there is nothing else because everything else has been smeared as conspiracy outlets, or racists, nazies, etc. by left wing media.
>Hollywood is a mixed bag honestly.
There is no mixbag. Hollywood likes money, they are greedy and there might be a conservatist producer here and there but unless you're a full blown lefty then you gonna have a hard time making it out there. Just look at the circle jerk during Oscars and other awards.

ran out of space

>responding seriously to such weak bait
simply epic for the win

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Astolfo isn't a mentally ill tranny

This poster isn't even trolling. Consider that for a moment.

yeah, no

>they rarely get called out by the left
They constantly get called out by the left. Liberals are the ones fine with labor exploitation as long as it is covered in flowery language.

return to reddit you nigger

>posting an image macro and a sentence
>a serious response.

Go back to r the donald. I know that /pol/niggers welcomed you in with open arms,telling you this whole site is a hug box fagbois like you
But they lied. We hate you like everyone else on the internet

Attached: 1555328199041.jpg (720x833, 27K)

>Astolfo isn't a mentally ill tranny
>is a boy
>dresses like a girl
>probably gets fucked in his boipussy on the regular

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makes me feel better about my hairline tbqh

Tranny and trap are two different things, I wouldn't expect a retard to know the difference though.

I wonder who has the real autism here

>d-d-damage control


Nah it is SJW shit
notice how nobody complains when japan makes a black character or a female character, because they dont force it in for political brownie points

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Not him but what do you think a tranny is? If you think it's a person who wears clothing associated with the opposite sex I can just go ahead and stop you right now, because that's not what a tranny is.

lol nice

>fat, balding, "redpilled" soiboi advertising
>400 replies even after multiple reports
hope you all die, unironically

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yeah, i did, i used language to convey appropriate meaning. stupid mong

Go dilate.

>That kissu
Now I just feel lonely

It has nothing to do that seen a have blatant double standards I'm sure

>I-I was merely pretending!

post discarded

also he's married retard



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The left people like to shit on does call out companies exploiting child labor to make your shoes cost 20% less. Like all the time. That's where right leaning people drone on about muh freedoms while enjoyong products and throwing the burden of dangerous working condition for children somewhere else.

Do you speak english?

Are you retarded? Why did you reply to me? Trannies want to mutilate themselves and become the opposite gender. Trap for the most part is a 2D thing, and is just a dude who looks convincingly like a girl, but didn't mutilate their genitals underneath.

I do remember all those "Doom Paul" images from 2012.

The 2016 elections have polarized everyone. I think Yea Forums has mostly been full of losers, but it was either losers who were fat loners who lived in their parent's basement and played shit like Warcraft while listening to Death Metal or it was loser weebs who watched anime, went to cons and socialized with other loser weebs their own age more.

The former ended up as right wing and posting on places like /r9k/ and /pol/ as a result of their isolation and the latter typically left wing and posting on places like Yea Forums, /cgl/ and /vg/ as a result of having friends which verge on the more 'SJW' side of things. The latter also ended up in the videogame industry, which is why videogames are 'politicized'. In reality, it's just the devs reflecting the lives they lead.

What doesn't help is that the 2016 elections brought a lot of people to /pol/ via fox news, twitter and reddit and these people see it as their mission to spread their ideology across all the boards once they get bored of /pol/ being an echo chamber.

let's roll out lads

>to convey appropriate meaning
"Calling attention to violence from the left" was the right wording, you double nigger.

>Conservative gamer bros are too stupid to apply their ideology consistently

Sounds about right

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>The left people like to shit on does call out companies exploiting child labor

untill they make some kind of WOKE ad that pissed of the right and then the left goes out and buys their shit like NIKE

>They would be inclusive, considering they mainly find talent from all over.
Their inclusivety has nothing to do with talent but with affirmative action. This has been exposed several times by ex-google employee James Damore and then again by employees from Microst and Twitter and Facebook... Just just do a search dude is everywhere. Even Jack Dorksy himself admitted it in the Joe Rogan podcast that this has become a major problem in the office to the point that conservatists need to hide or they are shunned out and eventually end up leaving because can't deal with the pressure.
>Lol no. If anything, conservatives are usually sheltered asf in college.
Sheltered my ass again. Professors in univerties have brainwashed kids to think right wing or conservative is code for nazi.

Both are the same thing, one is just more on the extreme than the other you fucking brainlet. It's like somebody is a driver, it could be your every day commuter or a person on the more extreme end that drives as a profession in racecars, but at the end of the day they are both just drivers. In that same vein traps and trannies are the SAME FUCKING THING. God. I shouldn't have to spell it out for fuckheads like you.

Are you a bit retarded?

Liberal is not Left

bohemia was literally one of the most isolated countries in europe. you absolutely would not see a black guy in armor and an invisible buff is not as jarring or immersion breaking in that situation for a game that touts historical accuracy. you far overestimate how many blacks were in europe at that time you couldve gone your whole life without ever meeting one. even if they did shirk that much, the sjws would just bitch that theres not enough and keep demanding changes until the game is unrecognizable so its better to just ignore them all together. none of this makes the game "right wing"

Anti-/pol/ drones are retards that are easy to bait. I wish hirokike didnt ban my isp so i can bait them with stonetoss comics

It's much simpler than that. Beard hides double chin.

>right wing

Attached: brainlet.jpg (266x300, 13K)

goblin or bust

>the left goes out and buys their shit

No. Regular people do. Because that's who advertisers are targeting. The most average.

did you think that meme arrowing yourself would epically own me? lmao

Why doesn't this guy shave? Does he really think that beard of his is going to get him laid?

It's literally incels: the board

It LITERALLY isn't the same thing. One has their genitals intact, the other doesn't. Trannies never pass, traps pass because it's a 2D anime/manga concept and is a fantasy. Go to bed.

He's married. He's never getting laid.

oh god weren't they pro hillary in 2016. i think they raided /pol/ a couple times

Nobody complains because weebs suck gook dick and racist weebs put Japan on this "based" pedestal like it's the holyland

>This has been exposed several times by ex-google employee James Damore

James "Im going to monotize my getting fired" Damore

James "Buy my Goolag shirt pls" Damore

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Amazing how even after spelling it out to you somehow you STILL can't understand. Go dilate your gash.

When a company makes a political statement, reactionaries on both sides need to jack themselves off.

>left wingers make fun of righties for engaging in idpol but their ranks are filled eith lgbt freaks and pocs

Just keep digging your hole deeper, kiddo.

>What doesn't help is that the 2016 elections brought a lot of people to /pol/ via fox news, twitter and reddit

These days I actually miss the times when Yea Forums was the largest board, and Yea Forums just had silly off-topic "Yea Forums culture" stuff like dubs and Rustled Jimmies.

Anyone who likes this piece of trash is a brained /pol/tard sexist who get's off on jerking his incel dick to harassing women on the internet. All this piece of human garbage does is send his legion of incels to harass people he doesn't like because of muh SJW boogeyman. Fuck him, fuck your worthless racist and sexist opinions, and fuck you OP for reminding me that he exists. I'm glad he got the shit kicked out of him, and I'm glad he got banned from the MTG. He deserves it and I wish he would have gotten beat more so he never shows his face anywhere again.

The only left leaning opinion predominately on r9k is wanting free shit. Everything else that tends to dominate the discourse is pol or pol-lite.

oh god please be good

>There are retards that thinks that Destiny is even worth listening to
Destiny is just a fucktard that knows how to manipulate the conversation around those that are unaware of his dumbass tricks. What amazes me is how people can watch him all the time and yet not pick up on his bullshit.

>Debates with Sargon
>Suddenly steers the debate into a sidetopic
>Demands proof
>"Well, I don't have it here but I can loo-"
>"No! If you got nothing you're wrong"

And yet when he's the one demanded to show proof in a topic he wasn't necessarily prepared for, he suddenly demands time to look shit up. And then we have his tendency to, instead of trying to counter an argument or find evidence against it, tries to pick apart and direct the conversation to something he can "debunk" before declaring the first argument to be false and wrong. He generally always goes on the offensive, dismissing his opponents attempts at unravelling any arguments he makes and then tries to act as if he's better than others. At least when Sargon debates, Sargon debates in such a way that he admits that he might be wrong and is open to listening. Destiny is not.

To basically sum it up, he doesn't argue and debate, he just relies on his opponents inexperience to knowingly do dumb bullcrap that really prove he's right but helps him "win" the debate.

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>Reactionaries on both sides

lmao this is like saying "communists on both sides" or "Anarcho Capitalists on both sides"

You're never gonna' be Astolfo, user. That slab of meaty leftovers you have down there is nothing like the real thing.

That had more to do that kapernick (fuck you in not spelling his name) was popular as a icon for young kids
He triggered old farts who cried over kneel to a fuckin flag. The young live off baby boomer tears like how pot became popular with teens in the 70s

he is quintessential Yea Forums
if Yea Forums were a person it would be quarterpounder.

Because a historical based story was the point.

Being gay or black doesn't mean you like idpol lmao

stop projecting

I make the roll

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>actually defending Sargon

Any monster is fine with me.

>company does thing
>me like/don't like
It's not a specific political belief system you mong, its people wanting to tell their social media friends they like thing.

I literally said traps > trannies, why are you calling me a tranny even? Braindead retard. Had to reply twice for your dumbass so here's a second (You).

I remember when saying any combination of 'Jimmies' and 'Rustle' could get you lynched on Yea Forums because the war between Yea Forums and Yea Forums was so vitriolic.

It does mean you're more inclined to like it

>not coddled by society
they kill themselves because they are mentally ill

user, at least try and counter what I actually said instead of resorting to your idol Destiny's tactics.


and they wouldn't have a leg to stand on if every western dev wasn't trying to go WOKE pol is on topic now tanks to heavy politicization of the industry you cant have the left without the right

>manipulate the conversation around those that are unaware of his dumbass tricks

Imagine being so retarded that you think deductive reasoning is a "trick" lol

>Debates with Sargon
>Suddenly steers the debate into a sidetopic

You mean he he brought up a point to disprove Carl "I might rape an MP" Benjamin's point?

>And yet when he's the one demanded to show proof in a topic he wasn't necessarily prepared for, he suddenly demands time to look shit up.

Imagine being so retarded that you think saying "I dont know let me look that up" isn't the most honest, reasonable thing to do in that situation.

Are you nobullshit? You're using equally retarded arguments

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got a link?

>Anti-/pol/ drones are retards that are easy to bait.
Stop pretending it's /pol/ that does this shit.
It's reddit. r/The_Donald and maybe some cucks from the Trump general.
/pol/ doesn't give a fuck about any of this.
So no one here is anti-/pol/ you dumb redditor.

I've never really been on Yea Forums, but I do remember that Yea Forums was obsessed with the Jimmies gorilla around 2012, to the point where people started making ironic "le monkey face" versions of it.

Yet again, the left proves itself the ideology of anti-Semitism by repeatedly using hateful dogwhistles like "zionist".

I suggest you keep doing that, it'll move the Jews to the right all the faster


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Sargons a retard, black people are poor because they are violent low IQ gorillas, and them not getting married is a result of that.

HAHA how fat you think this nigger is.

The literal God.

>It's not a specific political belief system you mong

"Reacitonary" doesn't mean "someone who reacts" or even "someone who reacts to politics"

It's a specific term coined to describe people on the center-right that react to progressive changes in society by becoming more right-leaning.

This is what the word means.


Literally both sides do this, you only notice the side you don't agree with because to you the other side is just "normal"

>So no one here is anti-/pol/

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You fucking retard, what proof could Sargon provide to prove that black people getting married would suddenly result in them not being poor? He saw a graph showing that people that are married are often wealthier than those who aren't. This doesn't mean if you suddenly get married you are somehow richer. Being married is often a result of having some wealth in the first place. Of course Destiny is going to say he has nothing, because in reality, he HAS NOTHING to back that stupid shit up.

>The only left leaning opinion predominately on r9k is wanting free shit.
How is wanting free shit left wing?
All my right wing friends are NEETS that get free money from being "disabled"

And being white doesn't?

The entire republican party is made up of white idpol. Idpol is a thought cancer that every group is vulnerable too. Especially retards like you and the other /pol/tards shitting up this board.

that you're wrong so deal with it


Politicalfags have an obsession with video games and I will never understand it.
Anytime something happens in the media both the right and left go after videos games, every fucking time.

Idpol is a dumpster fire as is. But rightys decide to IDPOL over the dumbest fuckin thing
>reeee Muslim kommmbaaatttt! woke jax! Muh tiddysa
>nu-shera is turning womyn gay!confirmed woke shit!
>every thing about captain marvel

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Give me something busty, come on!

>I have no argument so I'll post an anime character and quote a part of what you said.

you shouldn't care what the hero of a game is, because i don't care who i play as
as long as it's a white male*

Why dont you respond to an actualy rebuttle then you beta cuck?


/pol/ is great, the Trump general/r/The_Donald are shit.
Is it difficult for you to understand that?

>So no one here is anti-/pol/

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You put way too much effort into my bait. Still effective though.

That's just not true, it's a word used more for right-leaning people but if you werent retarded you would realize what I meant.

>muslim terror attacks are just part and parcel of living in a diverse multiculti city such as london
>now hand over your god given rights you fucking incels

Is this Ben "everyone I disagree with is an anti-Semite" Shapiro?

Just look at this shit. Google bans Dissenter. The creators teach people how to install manually. Now comes Mozilla with some new policies to block extensions from being installed manually....

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I'm not saying there were loads of black knights. I'm saying if historical accuracy was the basis but they shirk it in one manner, why not another? Seems odd.

>right wing = status quo
>left wing = change

your memes are outdated, tranny

That's not Idpol how how is complaining about useless woke shit in games and movies idpol?

His whole defense of aipac was laughable. More so when it came to Jews critique it
> those people are just self hating jews

>IDPOL is bad but not as bad as when righty does it!

The entire democrat party is made up of anti-white idpol. Idpol is a thought cancer that every group is vulnerable too. Especially retards like you and the other id/pol/tards shitting up this board.

You can't just make shit up user

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>Imagine being so retarded that you think deductive reasoning is a "trick" lol

It's not "Deductive reasoning" to ignore an argument and instead try and focus on smaller parts to find flaws and faults to then dismiss the argument as a whole.

>You mean he he brought up a point to disprove Carl
Destiny rarely brings up points at all, don't kid yourself here. I said what I said, as in ignoring the actual topic and argument and hand, in this case trans shit to instead steer the discussion towards a different direction before denying Sargon any time to find evidence for his claim.

>Imagine being so retarded that you think saying "I dont know let me look that up" isn't the most honest, reasonable thing to do in that situation.
That is my fucking point you stupid fucking nigger, the entire goddamn point is that he doesn't allow his opponents to look shit up after steering the discussion into something they cannot possibly have prepared for yet acts as if he's entitled time to look shit up.

Thanks for proving my point you moutbreather. Glad you agree with me.

I aint defending Sargon nor is it even the debate I had in mind when writing it, I'm pointing out why Destiny is a shitty debater.

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I'd lick PMGs brap hole and stuff my dick in there

video games

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>Implying the jews would ever align with the right OR left
If preschoolers were fighting would you pick sides? Of course not, you would simply watch.
The jews have nothing to gain by actually aligning with a side that isn't their own.

>It's a specific term coined to describe people on the center-right

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Over 150 Riot Employees Walk Out To Protest Forced Arbitration And Sexist Culture

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>The entire democrat party is made up of anti-white idpol.

A majority of the democratic part is white lmao

>republicans not cucked faggots
>/pol/tards shitting up the board

/pol/ doesn't shit up this board. Like any lefty, you just call anyone who isn't you a far right nazi.

Most people here are moderates, and moderates hate SJWs.

You have to understand, they believe everything is an identity. Therefore, everything is IDpol. Therefore, there can be no matters of principle we can agree on.

The ideology is built from the ground up to resist de-escalation.

Let the WOKE fuckers stew in their own shit maybe they will stop with the diversity hires after this

>anime character
Jesus christ are you literally 60 years old? Is this what a fucking magapede looks like? I always thought it was a bogeyman.

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How did this thread hit bump limit.

>imagine looking at a pic of seeing a old fart like bill oreily saying stupid,edgy shit and thinking someone is trying to take your metal onahole

>not even reading my post
one issue is gameplay mechanics, the other is story and setting

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>most people here are moderates
>we just want a white ethnostate
>want all minorities and Jews killed
>think women shouldn't have any freedoms
>but yes, we're totally moderates!
Big brain.

>try and focus on smaller parts to find flaws and faults to then dismiss the argument as a whole.

This is literally what deductive reasoning is.

>he doesn't allow his opponents to look shit up

Why are you lying?

Im arguing with a 15 year old arent I?

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He's American, he probably thinks believing in god is 'normal'. They're all like that.