I exist to make you suffer

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I swear to god, if I have to run out of stimpaks again, just to drink from an toilet bowl to make sure I have enough HP to survive... I'm gonna put you all into extinction.

>not taming cazadors and making them your pets

What game is this Oblivion?

>cripples your everything
nothin personell, kid

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with guns

>shit looks like i got to the strip at level 2 no problem this time, haha fuck deathclaws and fuck radscorpions!
>combat music starts
>*low HP heartbeat sound effect*
all before you turn around

skipping the deathclaws near Sloan is so incredibly easy

>youve been poisoned
>youve been poisoned
>youve been poisoned
>youve been poisoned
>youve been poisoned

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you exist to grant me the satisfaction of blowing your appendages off and taking potshots at you as you desperately attempt to crawl towards me at 1 mph.

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*shoots your wings out*
Nothing personnel

>what is Snakebite Tourniquet
>what is .45 SMG with Hollow Point

Surgical tubing is underrated as fuck. It and two pitchers makes any shit water clean and it's also a self apply antivenom

Cripple one of their wings. They are like giant flashing weak points

*moves FASTER*

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i exist to shoot your wings off

> Can spawn practically anywhere
> Aggros on everything
> Massive aoe bites
> Exists solely to annoy you and make things generally irritating

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Here's your solution OP.
Should've called it the Cazador Cooker

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sounds like ur bad at games

>want to replay the new vegas dlcs
>remember OWBs and it's obsession with cazadores, and energy weapons

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I had a fun time popping these fuckers from a mile away with this gun. It was a fun challenge, like a shooting gallery. This rifle was my standby for so long, it's seriously broken as fuck for the first half of the game.

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theres hardly any cazadores in owb and you dont have to use energy weapons but it'd be good of u to

and thats good
i like it when games have hard areas
just makes the game feel like an adventure for some reason

>Inb4 Fallout: New Vegas 2 will have Saint Mitchell who traveled around the continent slaughtering every cazador to the last egg.

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Based and 40mmpilled

Cazadores in OWB are all localized around one facility. The cazadores in HH, on the other hand...

>that exact moment they go from wandering around in circles to becoming aggro

How viable is an explosives build? That's one of the few things I've never tried. I've even done a no people killed run.

>mfw playing with Hokuto Shinken mod
Omae wa mou shindeiru

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>Heartless Perk
Wow so difficult

Grenade launchers are fun as fuck

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Really the only problem of OWB from a gameplay standpoint aside from stealth being impossible is that the vendor inventory refreshes sometime after the heat death of the universe so you can't rely on buying ammo or ammo creation supplies. There's plenty of guns to be found lying around. You just can't shoot them.

im kinda sad that fallout has been butchered like this
fallout 4 did some things right but it really missed some oppertunities

>You don't have to use energy weapons
You pretty much have to unless you want to sneak by fucking everything. Damage sponges out the ass and DT Fucks up the one good ballistic weapon you could get.

It's more viable in new vegas than any other fallout. The only problem is self damage, so you may want to pair it with melee or unarmed. Rush Mad Bomber perk at level 6.

Hmm... maybe also that one perk that increases your damage based on crippled limbs, because you're going to be crippled anyway and none of the self-healing perks heal any of your limbs for some fucking reason.

>start your game with a rape scene
Todd used to be hardcore.

pretty sure DT applies to ballistic as much as it does to energy

>end a franchise with franchise rape
Todd is still hardcore

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It's hard to start off (dynamite sucks) but in New Vegas it becomes very cost effective and sustainable with the 40mm grenade machine gun and the 25mm grenade launcher. Just save your expensive missiles/nukes for bosses and death claws.