What are some good vidya headphones?

what are some good vidya headphones?

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I use hd58x when I want open back
VModa m100 when closed back

Hey I make beats, take a listen

tfw your ears are constantly full of wax however often you clean them

Stop cleaning your ears with q tips. Your body is reacting by creating more wax to compensate.

Same. I used to get ear infections like mad as a kid even though I cleaned my ears daily. Sucks ass.

how do you "clean" your ears? go get them professionally washed out, it's feels amazing

koss ksc75

don't stick shit in your ears

I have a couple pairs of Sennheiser HE-1 for anime OSTs. I had a third pair but I left it out in the rain.

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several years ago when I was a kid my doctor put some plastic ring thing with a light in my ear and ripped all the wax out
that shit fucking hurt

I second this. Getting your ears flushed out is amazing. Crazier when you see the shit that comes out too.

sounds awful. that's not how they do it nowadays, don't worry

senheissers pc 360 if you can get them

that wasn't the case for me. the water they were squirting into my ears felt like it had thousands of pieces of tiny glass in it and it caused my ears to bleed. even gave me vertigo for a bit so i had to lay down for awhile before they could continue. i need to get them cleaned again and i fuckin dread it

>not the shitty "gaymin" versions, to clarify

dt770 are legendary, literally the best you can get sub-1k

Based senheisser poster

Had a pair of hd280s for years. Those cans were built like tanks

i went to get my ears cleaned twice in my live. once, it they were washed. they had this warm water and it felt weird, but also good. but the other time, i had to put this fucking medicine up my ears for like a week, and it sucked because i had to have my head tilted for a few minutes everytime, it would feel weird, and sometimes it would spill out, and that shit smelled horrible. then i went to the doctor hoping to get cleaned by the pressurized water, but instead, it was like a vacuum cleaner and that shit felt horrible. but it also worked.
tldr go to a good ear doctor.

I had blown out my eardrum by diving too deep and had built up an insane amount of wax. flushing them was super pleasant even though my ear was sore and painful

Audio-Technica ATH-M50x w/ upgraded ear pads is what I've been using for a few years now.
Incredible sound quality and no ear fatigue even after gaming for hours on end.

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>I had blown out my eardrum by diving too deep and had built up an insane amount of wax.
Are you my father?

I am. Stop posting and mow the fucking lawn.

You used to get ear infections because you cleaned daily, idiot. Wax is there for a reason, it protects your ears.

*snaps* :3

>watch an ear cleaning video for that weird sense of relief like with cyst extraction videos
>girl has a rock solid lump obstructing her hearing
>the "doctor" makes fun of her for not washing her ears
>somebody asks how to wash their ears
>she says don't put anything in your ears or you'll hurt it somehow
It's an actual catch-22. Don't tell me I need to go to a professional to clean my stupid ears, if they put ANYTHING near my ears they are breaking the rules.

And before someone says "water you dipshit haha!" she also said to not use water to avoid ear infections. She never fucking answered how to clean your ears.

I wish someone would make headphones like they do PCs.

Like, i've gone through $3000 of headphones in 5 years because I'm so rough.

If electrical component x is broken, let me just get a new X instead of buying a new headset. If the Headband or speaker is broken, let me buy a new headband or speaker.

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??? they do dude

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I fucking hate the earbud meme. When will they start making casual headphones that don't involve the ear canal shattering jew?

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But user, they are already like that.
Get a screwdriver and a soldering iron.
ps. You can get creative too, I replaced an old crumbing plastic headband pad with proper leather from a worn out belt and now its way more comfy and durable.

the wax protects them idiot stop fucking aggressively removing it or your body will produce more in self defence

Literally just get Koss.
The overpriced headphones meme needs to die.

>weird pressure buildup and static noise in my left ear whenever i hear certain notes or loud music suddenly goes quiet
whats wrong with my ear bros

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Ask a doctor, soon-to-be-deaf man.

Hmm. Normally when I'm in the shower I just use my pinky to get some of the gunk out.

What I used to do before I moved, and with some help, was use an ear cleaner that you'd have to lie down for since it would make the wax fizzle in your ear like there was some pop rocks in there and the liquefied wax would just flow out smooth.

but ive already had it for like 2 years and im not deaf yet
doctor appointments are expensive

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t. koss

>Tinnitus suddenly gets really loud for about 5 seconds before going back to normal volume

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go to the doctor you fucking retard, your hearing is worth the price

These sound MUCH better if you wear them a certain way. The original MX 400 and MX 370 were kino but are discontinued now.

>tfw realized I've had a slight tinnitus my entire life and never realized it until my twenties after thinking the noise was normal

fine but this shit better be worth not being able to upgrade my pc for a while longer

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>having to get tubes in your ears because of hearing problems
>listen to music and vidya too loud so now have tinnitus

Does anyone know of the Steelseries Arctis 3 Bluetooth hp's any good?

use a spray for cleaning out ears instead

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holy shit where do you live?

Tinnitus most likely
It's a sign of hearing loss but unless you blast yourself with high dbs on a daily basis you will be aight

>too afraid of buying headphones in case they’re shit and I lose money on them

Guess I’ll just stick with my apple earphones

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don't fall for the headphones meme, stick to speakers, yeah it sucks for voice chat but its that or go bald like i am
its fucking sore as hell

>everyone says cleaning your ears is bad for you
>stopped doing it
>now sometimes I randomly find big fucking balls of wax that are at the edge of my ear when I go to scratch or even have it rocket out if I sneeze

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what hellhole do you live in where you can't return a product you're unhappy with?
kek that's not normal

The hellhole of not wanting to deal with the hassle of shipping shit

>PC headphones
>all the oil from my hair (I wash it every two days) gets absorbed by the sponge at the top used for comfort
>everytime I lie the headphones down it leaves a mark because of the oil
Fuck my life.

I use Bobby pins and clean out my ears whenever they itch. Feels amazing and i get a small rush because i know im not supposed to do it

That's definitely normal. Your ear will naturally try to push out wax buildup from your ear.

>headphones make you bald meme
nigger that's not how hair works. hair will grow back if you irritate the scalp with rough headphones, you just have shitty genetics
local store? I live in a irrelevant small city but we still have a couple of giant electronic stores

It's been with me for 6 years, replaced headband once and pads twice. Also replaced the 3m cable with an aftermarket 1.5m one since it's plugged to a dac/amp next to my monitor.

seriously the 3.5mm apple ear pods. you can buy them for cheap at ebay or amazon.

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Good quality headphones for less than £100 recommendations?

>t was like a vacuum cleaner and that shit felt horrible

Do NOT let doctors do this to you. Listen up! When they do this shit to you it increases the chance of you ending up with Tinnitus!

I hate that "vacuum" bullshit doctors use for cleaning ears. I requested the warm water method and the doctor refused telling me that it's either the vacuum or nothing will get done. I was desperate and went with the vacuum, that shit fucked me up for 2-3 days with temporary tinnitus. However no doubt this crap can cause permanent hearing damage. That vacuum shit should be considered illegal given damaged ears can NEVER recover.

You guys know basic hygiene right? Right?

Phillips SHP9500
Status Audio CB-1
Superlux HD668B (replace pads)

>having it rocket out when you sneeze is normal

You can make more money eventually, but once your ears are damaged there is no real way to fix them.

i've had these for a year now but recently fell on the jack and it's slightly bent now. still works but if you move the cord slightly it will disconnect, also slides right out if anything pulls on it.

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for ears? I most certainly don't

Not him but I havent gotten to go to a dentist in 8 years and a doctor in 5 while working

America baby, Washington too which is SUPPOSED to be the most liberal state, idk

but muh sound quality.

I got big nigger ears anyway.

>or even have it rocket out if I sneeze
Honestly that sounds amazing, I bet it feels satisfying

Well... Yeah I guess that isn't so normal

Don't wash your hair that often. Once a week at most, and then give it at least a month to adjust oil production.

>less than £100

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You heard me sperg

I shower bi-daily (that means once every two days for you brainlets) Never wash face, only brush teeth once a day but use brushies to do what the flossing meme can't. Dentist ''ok''ed me. I never wash ears either, I shave my ass as I -HATE- shit and I want it to be easy to clean

so, 5 is normal, 1 is savage and 10 is mr. clean, how bad am I?

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Those black superluxe headphones. Just make sure you buy the separate ear cups that are in the Amazon recommendations

that sucks. I paid $17 for a blood pressure test and blood test for vitamins and such the other day here in Norway

Reminder that $1000 is mid tier nowadays. I'll stick with my HD650 that I got for $300 though

how do you shave your ass without it itching like crazy as it grows back? do you just trim it?

Wow, these really are much cheaper than they used to be. Thanks buddy.

every few years or so my right ear will get completely obstructed with wax and itll impact my hearing a feel weird
i just bought a syringe, took the needle out, filled it with warm water and blasted my ear with it
works every time lads, no need to go to the doctor

my £30 chink IEMs (£15 in the 11.11 sales) are better than any audiophile headphones I've owned the the past, honestly blows my mind.

as for wax, i dont use qtips, i just wash in the shower and towel dry.

i did wear earplugs to a concert once though, and they pushed the wax all the way down and blocked my ears. after 2 weeks of not hearing out one ear, i bought an ear syringe kit on amazon, and it worked wonders, it was VERY satisfying.

What fucking retarded zoomer meme is this?

I go blind with a double-blade and PLENTY of foam. stuff will get salmon-colored on the shower floor. when it gets prickly I'll just do it again.

protip: do this stuff in the midday, I asume you got activities (job/school/mandatory NEET community service) in the morning. In the night I game and skip it because I just want to sleep.

I have been considering hairsac killers but my doctor said that it's expensive and I told him I was planning to use bleack or hydro peroxide, he then told me that I will get hurt badly. Butthurt.

HD559. Decent cans for all around use

>Never wash face
>never wash ears either

FIlthiest most disgusting freak ever.

the wax is literally there to protect your eardrums and an absence of it causes your body to overcompensate in production; it's literally the same shit that causes your hair and skin to get more oily than normal when you wash them more often than you should

I use the V-Moda M100 just because it takes a normal 3.5 jack and you can swap them out.

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youre pushing it all back into your ear
qitps are just meant to clean the OUTER RIM of your ear hole

ok i trust you. my brother knows an ear doctor and he only uses the water method because he says its safer. so i truly believe the vacuum thing is dangerous

Yeah q tips are bad. Just flush your ears out with a bulb and warm water every once in a while

I shower, don't I? I got riverbed drought tier skin, I'm not a greaser.

that's the best-off, q-tipping deep can actually push the wax deeper in your ear where it can become an infection hazard. You can also damage your ear drum by smearing wax on it.

you absolute madlad. that sounds scary and too much work, I'll keep blasting my ass with the showerhead's beam mode and plan around that for every shit

they also last for less than a year, I had 3 in the packaging given to me as a gift like a year ago MAX and two of them aren't dead per se but they lose volume in one ear and the cord starts breaking, one of them the cord broke open and smells fuckin horrible
>just clean out the inside of the earbud with air or something
doesn't work, they are good headphones but they last very little time.

disgusting euros
in america we circumcise our ears so we never have a buildup of wax


>never wash your face
you definitely don't have a girlfriend.

stop being anti-christian. penises that are circumcised look better, and i would probably feel a lot worse if i didn't circumcise my son and my dad didn't circumcise me. we probably would have gotten bullied at school for all i know

The soundstage is decent.

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Just boil the water first, then leave covered until it's room temperature before you use it.

What kind of school did you go to, exactly?


You're supposed to use oil though

Yeah, you will bleed, buttocks are blood cushions. IDK about your pain tolerance but I use rubbing alcohol to close these tiny cuts. I fid it irritating but not painful, but hey, I tank wasp stings as ''irritating shock'' too. IDK if I'm normal.

actually I'm far too dry. I do pop zits and use disassembled razors for hardier bulbs.

meh, I can feel sex at a higher accuracy than you can. we get the full power orgasms, you guys get about half way there, notice how so many circumcised dude in porn barely get it up and when they do it's noodle shit? Yeah. Whatever man at least we both have dicks. better that than vags, or dilation stations.

>I do pop zits
you should never pop your zits. lightly scrub them with facial cleanser and warm water, then apply tea tree oil, do this a few times for a week or something and they will go away. You are hurting your skin when you pop zits.

I have these for a while now. Quality is pretty fucking good considering the technology. They're very mobile (I walk a lot) but probably the best thing is not having anything in your ear. Of course this can also be a bad thing. They're made for running/cycling and being aware of your situation but I wear them around the house constantly. Plus I wear them in bed (I've broken many earbuds and headphones in my sleep and also gotten zits and shit from wearing earbuds to many hours a day, which these don't give you. Maybe behind your ears if you're a dirty bastard.)
I am on my second pair though, because the silicone fell of on one side of the first one.

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I misused QTips for many years. It finally affected my hearing, and the doctor gave me a little squirty thing and some ear drops. A chunk of amber wax fell out of my ear. It was the size of an M&M. A PEANUT M&M.

isn't that a meme though? I got told if I desinfect properly it won't infect and thus scar. as scars are infected wounds that healed badly. How about cutting the zit clean off with a razor? I tried with dad's Kukri but it's just too clumsy.

based Lobot

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i have a pair of sony wh1000xm3

i love them, especially on air planes

That sounds annoying. I have actually considered it but my legs are kind of hairy so I'm afraid I'll end shaving more than it should. When I want to shave my body I usually do my crotch, armpits and nipples since those are the areas I deem they look the "dirtiest". I have even considering laser but my skin is sensitive so that's a no-go.


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>isn't that a meme though?
what? facial cleanser and tea tree oil? it works for me and I'm a fat fuck with greasy skin. You want your skin to reabsorb your own bad oils.

>tea tree oil
Dear god not one of these retard hippie dipshits, enjoy your tits mate.
Go to a doctor and get the Benzoyl Peroxide/Clindamycin topical combo.

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might just be shitty genetics. the hair grows out of my dad's ear like an actual pony tail, weird shit happens in spots like the ears.

Behold, the best ear cleaner ever.

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no I mean poppoing causing damage, I got told my parents and taught by school that won't happen unless you don't use a disinfectant. Can I just slather my mummified skin with vaseline to impregnate it?

Dude, you don't apply tea tree oil all your life, and it worked for me.
>topical combos
I'm good, don't need em, thanks though kiddo.

How the fuck are you cleaning them? If you're using Q-tips, you're doing it wrong. Use pic related.

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Don’t use a kukri for that. A regular dagger or Bowie knife will suffice. Save the kukri for large cysts.

thats your body

nothing u can do friend

That looks like a great way to keep pushing it in further and not do anything good. The best ear cleaning tools are tiny spoons or loops that actually have a chance of pulling clumps of wax out with their specific shape.

I have to shamefully admit I'd done that, hurt myself, used the fat side.

that looks like the barrel from a raygun.

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>only every four months

I legit thought Tinnitus was a normal thing until Baby Driver of all things told me it wasn't

I'm more sad I can't move my ears like a radar to direct what I want to hear. If you have a dog you know what I mean.

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Nice picture for ants.

Don't stick anything in your ear. All these devices are stupid. All you need is warm water and a bulb or syringe. Don't be scared to blast hard and a few times and everything will come out. If for some reason it is stuck use pic related to soften it but it really isnt necessary. Warm water should be enough

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realistically/feasibly speaking what microphone set-up its best for headphones?

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so did I, I got 0 hearing damage and my tinnitus is due my overactive nervous system. Can't be remedied, but Xanax does dampen it as Xanax dampens your nerves and muscles. I got a prescription of it for anxiety.

That thing is also god-tier for cleaning dirt from under your fingernails.

I try to use q-tips like pic related, scraping outwards.


Works on my body :^)

how the fuck are you going to remove oily/fatty substances with just warm water?

decent pair of headphones and modmic. cheap and better than most everything.


>not clipping so short no dirt can get there

nails are vestigial user.

got my ear waxes removed by my older sister

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forgot pic

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Not really, they're thinner than the q-tip's cotton and the point is very smooth and round so it's easy to scrape the wax out and doesn't hurt at all.

these are actually incredibly dangerous and should be avoided unless you make sure you don;t blast, exactly the opposite as this user states. I am specifically referring to the device and not the liquid.

Question, how do you feel about melee not being at EVO?

Exactly what I do and it works perfectly. Whenever I quit using qtips my ears get plugged. Had them flushed by a nurse and it felt like she was driving pic related into my head.

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What are some good earphones that don't go inside your ear canal? I hate those things, and i don't like over the ear headphones either. I find these types more comfortable but i can't find shit.

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Wish i would have taken a picture of what came out a few days ago. I woke up and couldnt hear out of one ear. Used that thing with warm water (no softening) and after a few squirts an almond sized piece came out

Do this but with tepid saltwater for your nose, tilt head. see how much crap floods out.

monks, airpods

Too bad my ears are an extremely erogenous zone for me and even just simply nibbling on them or breathing on them softly makes me rock fucking hard in less than a second; putting Q tips in my ears feels so fucking good it's better than sex. There's nothing you can do to stop me. Thankfully I don't get ear infections like that other faggot.

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I just use a q-tip but don't fucking shove it down in there to where I'll fuck shit up. I can see accidentally doing that as a kid but as an adult it's pretty easy to use them to clean your ears safely

Do you have gigantic ear canals? Qtips barely fit through straight for me.

It's interesting that there are two groups of people with these ear washing experiences. Every time I've had it done it was a really pleasant feeling.

>I can move my ears up and down a bit
> apparently everyone on my mother's side can
it's a small wiggle but it's something

>tfw I remember blowing on my girlfriends ears and having her shudder underneath me

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Sennheiser HD 6xx on massdrop. Identical to 650s in sound except with 3.5mm jack on default. Best headphones for $200. Insane soundstage.

Do you want to get earfucked?

>Yea Forums - otolaryngological hygiene

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That's your ears growing older and permanently losing a bit of the higher frequencies.

And it can't be stopped.

I think in ear headphones are way more comfortable than over ear ones but I don't know which ones I should get for stuff like hearing where foot steps are coming from etc

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I used to have a huge thing for rubbing my cock on one of my girlfriend's ears. That shit made me cum buckets in seconds, every time. I now also love earfucking sfm. What a time to be alive that that exists now.

>forget I have tinnitus for months
>this thread makes me remember it so now I'm hearing it again
thanks Yea Forums

How long do these fucking last per charge?
Will everyone in the vicinity hear your music when you use these?

Dangerous how? Blasting your ear drum out? Ive had mine flushed by drs multiple times and their instruments shoot water faster than the bulb. I had one dig in there and im pretty sure she damaged my ear permanently which is pretty shitty


Damn. Looks good nonetheless.

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I was spouting from memory but I may be wrong. I remember someone telling me not to use them, but hey if it works for you, that's cool.

>Not using a pocketknife

she seems to be enjoying that

yeah she's an earslut like the other user in here.

modmic is nice, i use it with this One of them is better than the other though. I don't remember if the direction or omnidirectional mic sounds better. Watch a comparison video.

HD650s, I've listened to friends 'audiophile' grade headphones and I still love these more.

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>superlux HD668B
>5 months
>Audio-technica ATH-M40X
>1 year and 3 months
superlux never again

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Is this a fetish video?

Just buy MMCX headphones. If the cable goes out (you stop hearing on one side), just replace the cable. It's that easy.

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>tfw even with thin as fuck frames i can't wear even the comfiest of headphones without fatigue after an hour
fuck being an eyelet, i need me some surgery

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headphones suck dick anyway, you'll get all hot and sweaty on your ears. Fellow eyelet here, I'll go to an ebin rollercoaster park in 3 weeks, how should I fasten my glasses? off is not an option, blurry motion sickness.

Can you recommend closed headphone that don't excessively squeeze on the top of your head? Every headset and headphones I've had fucked my hair up after like 1-2 hours of wearing them.

>oh boy, this solves all my problems
>the cable is expensive as fuck in my country, more than just a brand new headphone
aaa fuck

dont sit on your headphones fatty

contact lenses bitch

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How about decent affordable vidya speakers?

I went to six flags and mine stay on my face just fine
croakies would probably be a good idea though


Haha what is this, 1998?

>your ears are self cleaning, everything will be fine if you don't do anything!
worst meme said by people who never had any earwax problems
I blow out my ears monthly with a bulb syringe and warm water.

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you know they can fall off too, and that I have a Insurance limit?

I recommend AKG K712's for eurofag gamers.

I usually wear my speakers on my head/ears
Works pretty well. You can even mount a microphone on them.

what about music? is it decent?

Durable as fuck too.

They are punchy, accurate, wide sounding headphones. Made for enjoyment.

F. What country? amazon.com/Headphone-Extension-Yinyoo-Replacement-Copper-MM3-5/dp/B07DWCXJ9L These for example are only $20

Or I shouldn't say accurate, but good detail retrieval. Accurate is neutral which the K712's are not.

Thats a way to go deaf, i guess

I have always preferred earbuds that go into your ear since I want them to block the sound. I have tried Apple's earpods before and even if the sound quality is very good, they can't block outside sounds at all which is really annoying.


bullshit, I hear higher frequencies than anybody else I know constantly and hasn't changed.

I just turn down the volume

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I deal with extremely chronic ear problems, they feel like they have incredible pressure, and its made worse by wearing headphones often, and being a side sleeper.
Ive had vented headphones recommended to me but I dont think that solve the problem plus itd make using a microphone worse.

Ill give this syringe and hot water thing a shot, should there be anything else other than hot water? salt or something?

Same. I have to go every year or it gets so bad everything becomes muffled. Put a few drops of mineral oil in each ear in the week leading up to it, then get it flushed out with a water pick.

I flush my ears out every couple weeks with pic related and it seems to work pretty well.

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>he doesn't know how to use a soldering iron

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Just hot water, i think

Hey I just cleaned my earbuds yesterday, and they looked a lot like that. Except it was all inside the rubber, not on the outside touching my ear.
I only use them like once a week so I don't really notice they're dirty until it's bad

It's very gradual and it happens to everyone.
Every year your eyes lose sharpness and your ears lose more and more frequencies.

Buy frames that actually fit, lol

are theses are godly as people say they are for sound whoring?

You must smell like shit

>tfw earbud suddenly zap electricity on my ear
fuck that, only happens when it rains for some reason.

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>Tfw parents took me to a doctor when I was 13 due to being almost deaf
>Squirted water in both my ears
>The absolute joy on my face as a shit ton of wax came out
I really should go again, it's great.

>tfw one time I went on a new medication that made everything I heard sound slightly pitched down
I thought I was going insane

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>Used to have a pair of Etymotic Research earbuds
>Cheap ass plastic broke after half a year
I should have read the reviews for this pair.

I suddenly find myself very interested in learning about the weirdest side effects of medications.

For the price, takstar pro 80

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this is essentially what the doctor did when i went there for a clean, just high pressure water squirted in and tons of wax came out, it was uncomfortable but not really painful. i could hear much better after, was satisfying

I'm looking at a beyerdynamic DT 770 right now and there are different version there. One with 80 and one with 250 Ohm. Should I get the 250 one because it has more Ohms?

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