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post yfw you didn't buy into Scam Citizen

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Here come the shills!

Who outside of the Cult of Roberts ever believed it was coming out in the first place?

i bought a $200 ship. i still think it will be good, i don't care when it comes out, i don't even follow the development

Derek Smart was right

Nah DS is just mad he couldn't cash in on the fad

Your half-correct. Derek Smart is just mad because his more down to earth game was laughed at and ridiculed by the same crowd while Christ Roberts was rolling in cash for a game promised to be bigger than jesus. Also does not help the fact that there's an old rivalry between the two.

Derek smart literally thinks NMS and ED don't exist. Nigger aint right about anything.

Didn't they spend like $13k on an espresso machine and at least $10k on star trek sliding doors?

>more down to earth game
You mean mobile game on PC

Derek fuck off. Your game is dog shit of the highest caliber and was banned from steam for a reason.

>remember all the pc fatties who shat on No Man's Sky and said Star Citizen will be kino
>Scam Citizen still hasn't released and NMS has had a full redemption arc

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That's cheap for a security door.

I tried playing it since there was free to play for a bit. The game literally performed worse than Quantum Break(the best looking game on PC). Can't let devs get away with shit optimization like that.

At least it's something


But it's not even remotely a security door. They sectioned off one part of a room just so Chris Roberts can feel like he is in the future.

You can describe what's been released of scam citizen as "at least it's something" too user, doesn't make it not shit.

Just out of curiosity how hard would it be to pirate this shit with all the thousands of dollars worth of unlocks? I didn't look to see if someone had but the fact you can download a brand new car worth of virtual shit is hilarious to me

But it is a security door. It requires card access to open.

My old apartment has that for a main door. That does not mean it's a security door and it did not cost $13k.

That's how I feel about crowd funding stuff in general. I've backed a lot of stuff and I kind of just set it and forget it. Eventually it all shows up eventually, with a few exceptions. I tried 3.5 and it looks promising, if they can make it faster and cut out the tedium between waking up in your apartment and actually launching your ship. It feels like they really need to optimize and streamline a lot of stuff before they can start rolling out real content but they clearly have the resources to finish the game.

I have a spastic friend of mine screaming in my ear about how I should demand a refund on Star Citizen and he'll try to make me read some stupid thread on reddit but I can't be assed. It kind of worries me that he seems an order of magnitude more invested in the game's failure than I am in its success.

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Imagine being gullible enough to fall for one of video gaming's biggest scams.

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I put 120 bucks into it in like 2014. Feel free to have a giggle at my expense

But why?

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It looked cool and I had cash to burn. The idea of playing Tie Fighter but with friends seemed neat as fuck. I made a mistake!

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How is it a scam? I played the game. For $40.

That guy at the head got kicked out when he was working on freelancer because the scope was too large and they were running out of time. Microsoft saved the game.
You don't have microsoft this time to kick the door down and threaten anyone. This will be catastrophic for crowdfunding platforms.


Based iToddlers

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It’s online only bruh

I really doubt they’ll ever get there. And they will definitely never make the game that is in all the hardcore fans’ heads. And i still doubt the games economy won’t be broken as fuck because they sold hundreds of millions of dollars of virtual goods before it came out.

I think 10 years from now people will be like “the real star citizen was the friends we made along the way.” Kind of like UO and other early MMOs, except the game wasn’t Star Citizen it was waiting for Star Citizen and dreaming about what could be.

Except the vidya crowdfunding meme has already died.

This funding at this point is literally just a bunch of rich boomers buying virtual ships whenever they put them on the site. It has no bearing on the rest of the industry.

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didn't buy it because I realized they were having everyone VTOL everywhere, even on planets with atmosphere's.

also their ships are fucking ugly looking, not "deep space"/"ISS"/"Lunar Excursion Module"-enough; but also not "Space Shuttle" or "Mig-105" or "x-20 Dyna-Soar" enough.

also not enough autism with things like ship-startup/controls to make the amount of "detail" feel relevant

I didn't have money back then and by the time I did I forgot all about Scam Shitizen.

Poast you're face when you never regretted supporting our lord and savior Christ Roberts mad schemes. Space tech demo > whatever else you got.

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Might end up like Jodorowsky's Dune. Never finished but ends up having an impact on a bunch of games that haven't been made yet.

I really hope they at least finish Squadron 42 though. That was the part of Star Citizen that got me to pledge in the first place. I am not really that into MMOs but I miss Wing Commander.

>autistic space sim with reactor controls and having to actually manage delta-V

>How is it a scam? I played the demo. For $40.

Fixed that for ya desu

Demo has more gameplay than most console games released today.

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redemption is still possible

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well you're entitled to think that way, you blew $200 you fucking retard

I bought the cheapest ship possible and now I'm just waiting. In the meantime I also bought ED and really enjoy cruising around the galaxy until I get bored.

>flying around empty space with possibly a few other people at five frames per second
Honestly no, even console trash gives you better value than this literal scam


How is it that this game has now been in development past almost three generations of video cards, processors, and a generation of RAM and yet still runs like garbage on brand new equipment?

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>says I'm wrong
>can't give me even one example how
Seething scammed citizen

>Tie Fighter but with friends
It was called X-wing vs. Tie Fighter, and you faggots didn't buy it.
Though the real reason is it came a little too early to ride the online multiplayer wave. The internet wasn't ready for it.

Have sex

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welcome to 2010


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>i still think it will be good
You only think this because:
>i don't even follow the development
Shits fucked bro. Sorry about the 200 bones. If your Euro they have to refund you.

How the fuck is someone who spends money on Star Citizen going to tell me to have sex? Lmao seething faggot

>at one point there was 4-5 big budget space sims in development and not a single on of them turned out to be good

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>y-you're wrong!
>...h-have sex!

>Big budget
That was the mistake, the future is indie games. We have to go back to the golden age, shit gfx and lots of gameplay.

Dumb simulator of everything games.

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$200 is like the worst amount you can spend. You're in way too deep but you still have to know that when the game comes out you'll be cocksleeve of every whale that spent thousands.


I can see her bra.

People need to watch Sunk Cost Galaxy.

t. Pathetic beerboys

I tried it because it's free. It's the clunkiest, glitchiest piece of shit I've played in ages. It also runs like ass on my overpowered PC and has the worst menu system ever committed to a PC game. It feels like an early access game that was made for 1 million dollars in 6 months by three alcoholic Slovenians.

By big budget I mean not a clone of FTL or that 2d shmup thing that Yea Forums was shilling for a while

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everyone knows it's a scam why are they bothering

how many kickstarter games were there that turned out to be an actual success besides hollow knight and shovel knight

Same nigga
I'd demand a refund but I bought into it so long ago I don't care anymore
I dunno if I'm even going to bother playing it if it ever does release

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A good chunk of them actually do release, but they're rarely successful

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Release is end of next year no matter what because by Roberts own admission that's when the funds run out for the level of dev he has now.

He'll have to scale development cost to half what it is to keep going. He believes a "commercial" launch of Squadron 42 will get net a large boost in cash but that's pure delusion. The only people interested in playing an extremely buggy, laughably dull space movie have already bought the game.

The reality is donations have to taper off at some point. Unless it really is just a money laundering scheme So dev will need to scale appropriately. And if he can't even make a basic gameplay loop with 300 million dollars and eight years I don't see how he ever will.

Literally this.
The game looks worse and worse the more I see of it.
It's literally too ambitious and picked the worse engine for the job.
It's never coming out in the way they first said it would it will be bare simshit with nothing to do outside hubs so basically nms

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Well in 5 years it still basically looks the same as it did 5 years ago so that's hilarious that they're saying it'll be done in 18 months

FTL wasn't bad. I think kingdom come was some weird hybrid and it turned out excellent minus it's save system.

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Most of these successful kickstarter games had already been in development for a while and were seeking extra funds to expand the game.

They could make the current Stanton system fun if they ever finally put the work into making the economy function. Right now nothing but trade gets real cash and even then its high volumes of super capital intensive illegal goods.

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>company called "CLOUD IMPERIUM GAMES"
>renamed it to "CLOUD IMPERIUM" because NO GAMES
can't make this shit up

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there's this recent forbes article talking about incompetence and mismanagement of the project, expressing doubt it will ever be finished

This thread is going to be a nice read. Scam Citizen shills always come out of the woodwork.

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I can’t wait until they start posting screenshots of all the nothing you can do.
Fun fact: The devs only figured out about a year ago that you can save on performance costs by loading space into chunks instead of loading the entire system at once.

>The devs only figured out about a year ago that you can save on performance costs by loading space into chunks instead of loading the entire system at once.

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>female name
yea i'll wait for a real source

A lot of them but like anything, only a few were truly amazing or left a bigger impact. I'm still waiting to see who's going to be the third ____ Knight game on kickstarter to make it big.


Let it go, this is a ship that has been sinking for years now.

Should have went with Vapor Games Imperium

Isn’t the budget depleting super quickly?

fucking kek

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i never followed star citizen.

didn't they put out some kind of playable prototype or a beta of a second strictly related game? what was that even?

Lol kek

>Suppose the game does indeed release and shills were right all allong
>It's the most p2w garbage ever made
Whatever happens, it's going to be a shitshow.

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One of my non-hobbies is checking the Star Citizen subreddit to see how deluded they all are. I also like to check up on the Anthem and Fallout 76 subreddits from time to time. I wish I knew of other hugboxes to lurk for laughs.

I wonder if situations like this makes people see what it's like to be a shareholder, or people who found projects in generals.

>Release day
>Turns out they were not making a game, they were making
>"Welcome citizen, sorry for the delays but we were making the SPACE AGE, just for you"
>"Here are your keys and the deed to your real life actual planet that you paid for, be proud, STAR CITIZEN"

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Getting software to run well is not just a matter of throwing enough compute power at it, I'm assuming since this shit has gone through almost a decade of development that the existing codebase will be horribly out of date already even though it hasn't released. Same shit happened with Duke Nukem

>reddit and rich niggers will still cry IT'S COMING OUT Y..YOU'RE JUST POOR AND A HATER
lapping those tears up

It's pretty much guaranteed to be P2W if it's ever released. The single player game is going to be severely limited too to prevent people from having fun for free.

Back when it was launched, the only thought in my mind was "this sounds too good to be true".

So glad I didn't buy into it.

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It's like being a shareholder except they don't have a legal responsibility to do anything but the bare minimum. As long as they don't straight up imbezzle the funds you are shit out of luck with kickstarted wank like this.

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It really does make one wonder if one can blame publishers for acting the way they do.

>Welcome Batman

In a way, we can't. After all, ET happened.

I realized this was a disaster when they hired Gary Oldman instead of a no name actor for 100x less the price and his performance was utter dogshit pc the models look like shit.

erk mrt ws RIGHT!

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>people willingly gave money to absolute strangers with the promise of the creation of a premium game developed by literal whos


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every couple of months a scamcitizen video pops up in my suggestions feed and literally everythime its just a walking sim with ZERO game play.


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I like how all the Shitizens were excited about technology that has been in widespread use since Crash Bandicoot was being implemented.

OCS was THE biggest patch of last year.


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Strictly speaking it is two games. One is a persistent MMO, that is what people have been playing. It has dogfighting and FPS modules. It is threadbare and basic as fuck.

The other thing is a full single player campaign a la Wing Commander. It is currently deep in vaporware although they show off trailers every once in a while.

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Let's not forget there was an entire third game, a shooter called Squadron 42, that they blew millions on getting A-list actors to do mocap and was meant to be released years ago. The current estimate is Q2 2020

Nobody ever claimed it wasn't common in single player games, the point was that OCS had never been done in an open-world multiplayer game. It did exactly what it needed to do as well, turned SC from a 15fps slideshow into a 60+fps playable game.

The modules are pretty much irrelevant now, everything that's in them is also in the persistent MMO. Squadron 42 IS the second game mentions, it's half shooter and half space combat WC-style game.

I thought Squadron 42 was the single player campaign.

Damn they put a lot of work into Jim Carrey

It is, the confusing part is that there are 3-4 modules (fps, space flight, planetside, in ship exploration) of the game that are supposed to fit into each other seamlessly that have yet to be seen doing that all together

>the game as is has a couple small boring ships available and you have to pay $50-$100 or more for all the actually decent ones
was there any doubt?

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right now i can fly a ship around space, stop and get out, float to another ship and pilot it.

like, how any of you fuckers think this is bad is beyond me. you all deserve the noose.

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It's a really good game and people don't see the vision for what it is truly. It has the best flight model of any game ever. Everything runs really well. It really doesn't cost that much money to get involved. $500 dollars for an interstellar vacation isn't that much money in long term.

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>$500 dollars
try $20, retard

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fuk off nigga it's great: youtube.com/watch?v=UMa9h0bUE6c

Enjoy that coffee machine

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What will release first, Star Citizen or Bannerlord?

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I live for seeing these posts in every thread Scam Citizen is mentioned.

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Probably hopefully bannerlord

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EPIC SPACE BATTLE! youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7VA6oUM2gVhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7VA6oUM2ghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7VA6oUM2ghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7VA6oUM2ghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7VA6oUM2ghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7VA6oUM2ghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7VA6oUM2ghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7VA6oUM2g

To be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to get Star Citizen

Derek smart is a genius: youtu.be/gHZ-BdVm2Kw?t=138

>that link

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You say this as a joke, but in a way it's kind of true. If there's one thing CIG is truly and inexcusably horrible at, it's centralizing and clearly explaining information, and the game is overflowing with features and mechanics that make absolutely zero sense if you haven't religiously followed development and learned how they work from explanations in weekly videos, stuff other players have figured out in the community, and so on. There's also a shitload of workarounds that a new player would have a hard time figuring out, for example the fact that a lot of missions seem broken when you accept them but will then start working and pop up a destination marker 3-5 minutes later.

That and the flight model is garbage so it's not fun.

I still have a good deal of hope for it, as what I've played of it so far has been pretty fun. I'm mostly in it for flying a spaceship, and dogfighting and racing with it, and I really love how that much feels, not to mention there's an undeniable comfy feel to having your own ship to sail through the void in, with its own interior and such. I also heard they're working on more content for those interested in being pirates and stuff, and I'm moderately excited for whatever that might be.

Protip if you happen to have the game, turn off comstab. You'll have to learn to deal with blackout, but in return you get to dorifto like mad and actually stay at high speed in a fight.

All in all it's worth watching a few videos of at the very least, it's more fun for me than Yea Forums had me thinking it would be. My only gripe is the way your ship weapons apparently revert to default if you get shot down. I haven't bought any ship weapons yet anyway, but I really hope there's a reasonable way to replace those or perhaps they aren't too expensive.

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I feel sorry for them at this point. You might call them gullible, but every single one of them was excited about the project to give blind support. Now they are either disappointed, forcing themselves to never be this passionate about something again in the future, or they are buying into it even harder to not render their previous investments pointless.

how did the feature creep go from a single player AAA space game with freelancer 2 multiplayer to this shit

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The real trouble is going to be it will cause all faith in Kickstarter projects to take a huge nosedive. Star Citizen is a very big and well known project. When it goes under, everyone is going to know. And everyone is going to remember. Those that hadn't heard of it before, will now hear about it because it will be on the front page of every newspaper. Crowdfunding could very well die.

feels good

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I became kek

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>Crowdfunding could very well die.
Eh, that's a bit of a stretch. For every crowdfunding project that fails there are several that turned out okay at least.

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There have been so many failed projects at this point. I feel alot of the esteem for kickstarter has already been ruined by Tim Schafer and a few others.

>mfw i was right about this all along

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I like the flight model itself, but the fucked up weapon/shield balance and the broken fixed gun aim have totally ruined combat. If they can get the guns working right again I think atmospheric combat will turn out to be really fun.

I bought a 40 dollar package a few years ago and at this point I'm completely indifferent as to what happens to it

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Roberts found one of the oldest tricks in the book:
>If you keep promising shit, people will keep giving you money
That's how we've gone from a Freelancer spiritual successor to Eve Online (but with private servers) x Freelancer x Mass Effect x No Man's Sky.

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There have already been bigger failed projects on KS. A big chunk of the Forbes article that OP's article was based on is devoted to listing other failed crowdfunded projects and basically saying that SC will fail because they did.

i don't understand why shit like this still gets so many (You)s
it's literally just people taking a massive dump in the thread to post a reaction image and nothing else

It very much depends on how far along the project is when they decide to KS it.
Bottom line: don't invest in concept art and wonderful dreams. Only back it if there is already a working demo.
They need to prove they have their shit together first.

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I didn't give them any money, but I was still hoping for a true sequel to freelancer.

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western games lmao

lotta people hating on the tech demo without having played it, its buggy but its fun. certainly reason to be hopeful

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>people just wanted a new wing commander/privateer
>lead dev goes insane with feature bloat because people won't stop giving him money
>becomes such a joke he's not even pretending to be developing anymore he's just living like a rockstar
fucking kamiya

subverse will be the same
These games never come out

It's over 9 years or 10 in development and the progress has gone fucking nowhere. Female character models was the newest update...

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At least I wasted my money on 3D models of spaceships in a non-game and not on 2D .pngs of waifus in a mobile non-game.

>9 years or 10 in development
Jesus christ, has it been that long?

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Nah, 7 since kickstarter and 5-6 since development actually started. (And 3-4 since they started working on the current iteration of the game, everything before that was tech demo bullshit that's all been thrown away.)

Zero-effort trolling that stands a good chance of inspiring serious butthurt in SC's thin skinned backers.

>Let's do a bunch of cosmetic shit before the groundwork is finalized!
What an amazing case of mismanagement.

I dont understand how people can pay for unfinished stuff thats already famous for its whales alone.the worst is that these people will make fun of brainlets buying the newest ea scam while paying hundreds of dollars for a digital spaceship.something tells this is going to
end with a bang.

What? Do you think the people mocking you did? Neither is ok.

Never bought it and never will.

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>No constraints on devs is a good thing! They're free to do anything they want!
"The Enemy of Art Is the Absence of Limitations"
-Big G

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I keep waiting for the line to be crossed and the people funding this shit realize they are getting scammed but it never comes. Is it truly a Cult status at this point?

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cult status since at least 5 years ago

you just described modern gaming .

Give me an "O" for "Overfunded Kickstarter Project"

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It's just humans being stupid which means this kind of thing will never end.

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i recognize this but i'm bad with chinese names

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didnt they just release their bladerunner-esque planet and apparently its really good and everyone loves it? what the fuck went wrong now?

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>the game is overflowing with features and mechanics
Can we get a list?

>NMS has had a full redemption arc

you guys dont even play it so stfu

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>western game devs ever getting shit right

Should force all devs to only release 2D games for 5 years until they get their fucking shit together.

Also guilliotine people who make bloated web page ui.

but thats one city, which took them 9 years to make

they promised 100 galaxies, and they havent completed one (1)

you can make fun of a guy spending money on flour while he thinks its cocaine while paying cocaine prizes.

>tfw no contributed to 'crowdfunding' that wasn't state managed

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I hope you guys are prepared to see my next game destroying this vaporware and its shitty director. You better not miss it.

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I work in this shithole. What's an epic way to quit?

leak everything

Only thing Star Citizen has given gaming is some laughably awkward face tracking in a multiplayer environment. I can't think of any other game that has done that yet.

Opened the thread just to find this post

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Leak everything and then plant a bomb in the building.

This implies there's anything substantial to leak.

Then just plant the bomb and then take everyone hostage

They at least tried, Even if the games still pretty bad

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>i blew 200 bucks out of my ass for no gain

Well its a third party plug in so theoretically anyone else could just as easily as they did. It just seems like a really stupid thing to spend budget on when it adds literally nothing to the game. Surprised those vr chat things don't use it though.

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Systems nigga


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NoooOOOooo, I didn't have children just so I could blow all my money on Scam Citizen shit! I'm a genetic dead-end with no game in a collapsing country.

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Inm starting to doubt there's management at all. It's already hard to manage a single team, how can you manage multiple studios on different timezones which are aml composed of multiple teams. Keep in mind we're talking about a boomer that showed times and times again he can't direct a project for shit

>already got a sunk cost
>already got enjoyment.


literally just go play elite dangerous

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>th-they're accountable to us !$one
>it's different than publisher model!
At least you can get decision power when you buy enough shares. People treating it as "donating" can at least cope with this helplessnes

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What a laugh? Check this out


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>I'm gonna buy another ship, just because I can and I want to support the project.
Can't wait for the eventual suicide of one of those pathetic cultists.

>I'm gonna buy another ship, just because I can and I want to support the project.
These people really are dumber than a box of rocks.

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Part of me refuse to believe this guy is for real. Then again, 300 millions for jpgs.
imo next step will be "buy the source code to salvage it"

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is that fucking launchpad?

Imagine if instead of shitting on people who got taken advantage of we instead got mad that people were taken advantage of and if instead of posting reaction images we wanted justice and for the perpetrators of scams to be punished by the law.

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Those people woumd have been scammed by someone else. Why contain it? Let the project inflate more and more to the point it'll make national news when it crashes and launches CR straight to federal prison

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Let's hear those stories, what's the worst you've seen with this scam? My neighbor dropped SEVEN THOUSAND bucks on what amounts to pre-alpha concept art. His wife left him.

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>because by Roberts own admission that's when the funds run out for the level of dev he has now.

Can't wait for the fraud lawsuits when it turns out of their 300+ million maybe only a couple thousands have gotten into the actual game development and all the rest has been embezzled

Kingdom Come, Shadowrun's 3 games, and Wasteland 2 just to name a few.

SJWs will kill Star Citizen

>I don't care when it comes it
S-Should we tell him?

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cant wait for my great great grand child to play the most immersive space simulator, that is if he can find a working computer after the nuclear apocalypse.

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What if all of this is one of many publisher funded falseflags?

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>mfw X4 will either be fixed with updates or a new X game will be out before Scam Shitizen gets another update/module.

Even CCP have an algorithm that procedurally generates 1000's of solar systems with a click of a button with a randomly connected gate system between them all.
They're up to 8000 systems now or something I think.

my friend has bought ~$1000 of star citizen jpegs and got me a copy with a ship, i feel terrible for the lad.

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Just wanted to say that quote sucks

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But you can do all of that. You can hop on a ship, fly to a planet, get out, shoot some mercenaries or whatever...
It's not complete, by far tho. Bare minimum.

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God I love George of the Jungle. Still have it on VHS too. Maybe one day I'll track down Brendan Frasier and ask him to sign it for me.

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I remember warning my friends it was a scam all those years ago.
Worst part is one of my friends actually paid like $500 into it and still believes it's coming out

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elite dangerous is pretty good, i always reinstall it when i get the space sim itch, also space legs coming out next year

Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2

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What can i look to for my actual Freelancer 2 needs

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Forbes is evil and yellow journalism because the pointed out the fact that Chris Roberts has blown 300 million dollars and isn’t even close to delivering a product.

>the game is so bad it puts you in an existential cycle of death and repeat

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>tfw lost my vidya bro to star citizen

Oink oink paypiggy

>scam is an actual scam

I made an account and was about to buy a starter ship before I realized $45 buck was way too much for an early access game

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>the fucking title in that thumbnail

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Guys, can you even imagine how fucking freaked out the devs for this must be?

There are closet neckbeards out there who have dropped fucking FORTUNES on this game! FORTUNES! We're talking fucking FIFTY THOUSAND PLUS DOLLARS ON VIRTUAL SHIPS THAT WILL NEVER COME TO BE.

If the devs don't deliver I absolutely guarantee one of these sperglords is gonna snap and go hunting for their heads IRL.
What a fucking time to be alive, hahaha

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My dude, I've got a virtual bridge to sell you, if you can give me $200.

Darkest dungeon is fun.


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If I was one of the smaller names on the dev list I'd bail before being sunk with the ship.

This is basically the exact same psychology as a gambling addict.

See what happens to gambling addicts is, they start out as relatively normal people, until they lose a decent chunk of money in a game. Something inside them tells them that the best way to recoup that money is to gamble some more, which of course leads to them losing more money. As their losses grow, so too does their desperation. It's hard to walk away and accept that you've lost $1000 that you're not getting back, and it's 10 times harder to walk away and accept that you've lost $10,000 that you're not getting back. The more you've sunk the harder it is to quit. The only thought that gives them any peace of mind is the possibility that their big winning streak is just around the corner.

SC is in the same state right now. You've spent $20? "Eh, whatever". You've spent $20,000? "No, no! The game must be finished! It MUST! Maybe if I donate some more that'll give the devs a better chance of finishing it!"

This is why SC backers behave like deranged cultists. They're literally gambling addicts. They need help. A loved one needs to intervene before they max out all their credit cards, take out a second mortgage, and sell their car.

Unironically the project sounded as plausible as any other kikestarter meme project as it was first proposed

then they realised the money tap of promising more features

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>ED is good
Dad go back to your second job instead of shitposting.

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Tbf Forbes has been shit for at least a decade.

Blizzard and Bioware have cured me from Hypeitis. I never believed in this shit for a second and I'm keeping my money.

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>when the only space sim you were interested in was Elite and you enjoyed it immensely

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SC isn't a deliberate scam, it's just that Chris Roberts and his company don't know how to make a fucking game and they're incompetent and get sidetracked by feature creep and expensive conventions and fancy offices and hookers and cocaine.

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>And they will definitely never make the game that is in all the hardcore fans’ heads
That never happens with any game, though.

and embezzlement, don't forget that

Post that one SC forum screencap, you know the one.

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The saddest part is that it wasn't even a planned scam. They're just massively incompetent and money grubbing.

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