What is the best JRPG?

What is the best JRPG?

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Final Fantasy 10

Tales of Symphonia

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Chrono Trigger or FFX

>ENGULF not capitalized

Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest V or Romancing SaGa 2

Zoomers leave

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Is that motherfucking SSJ4 Gogeta? because it sure looks like it.

Best JRPG is 7th Dragon III, why? because fuck you, that's why.

>Romancing SaGa 2
hahaha you fucking retard

FFX came out in 2001

Suikoden 2 is the best JRPG
But Chrono Trigger would be a close second.

I absolutely hate FFX though, so ssing it posted in this thread makes me mad.
Don't @ umad me. The answer is yes.

>not knowing you're the zoomer


The Dragon Quest series in general is consistently amazing.

2.-Chrono trigger


I only played 2020 and I thought it was pretty boring due to how pitifully easy it was.

t. babbys first "I have good taste in RPG's" list


Xenoblade Chronicles followed by Chrono Trigger.

>2D games
>chip music
>no voice acting

There is no way these games are better if you're being honest.

Then make your party intentionally shitty, what are you? casual?

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Legend of Legaia

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.hack//g.u. and tales of the abyss

For Aesthetic: Chrono Trigger
For Gameplay: FF5
For Characters: Soul Nomad: Gig and the World Eaters

Remake never ever. They lost the source code.

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>strategy based combat
>comfy artstyles
>some of the best vidya music ever is chiptune
>"Damn I wish I could Read"
>Large amounts of content
>Stat optimization
>Item optimization
>Usually tons of extra optional content

It's okay that you were born in '04, but try to not be so apparent.

I played with Hacker, Destroyer and Trickster though

Ys Chronicles II

Octopath traveler is bretty gud

the one with the best story

90% of the suggestions ITT sounds like it came from someone who doesn't play a lot of JRPGs, so I'll suggest an actual contender.

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And another.

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See? you are picking broken ass classes.

who was I supposed to pick? I avoided the other 2 classes because they had heals and healing is for pussies

>no voice acting
Fulll voice acting was a mistake. It restricts the game's length and consume budget that can be used somewhere else. And most people just skip it if they read faster.
Partial voice acting for important parts like in Neverwinter Nights or Persona is the best choice.

>obscure weebshit
That'll be a yikes from dawg.

Pick healing classes but don't heal.

Hell no, this meme needs to die. Not only do the battles take fucking forever since you have a billion units to control, the balance sucks so you barely take damage and there nothing stopping you from simply healing up for free whenever you want. The mega drive version doesn't even have the route splits and character creation quiz that make Der Langrisser notable, it's just a subpar and forgettable srpg.

Deus Ex and VTMB wouldn't be the classics they are today if they didnt have full VA

>I'm the only one who played it therefore its better

>inb4 it's not a JRPG
The whole dev team is Japanese

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At that point I might as well wear a blindfold and take a shot any time a partymember takes damage. I am all for builds that are less viable than others but having to actively restrict yourself from your available options is where I draw the line since it just makes the game dumber

MH4U is a JRPG and it is the best JRPG there is, eat shit if you don't agree because you will only be lying to yourself, denying the truth.

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I know it's a hipster contrarian option but I don't even care, Live a Live
Very fond of Parasite Eve 1 and Suikoden 2 too but those games are majorly flawed and I'm being overly subjective if I were to call them the best

If you legitimately think these are obscure, never talk about JRPGs again.

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stop being intentionally dense

Oh god, have the Ao/Zero fan translations gotten too popular and now you have to pretend the pre-TitS games are good?

>implying TitS was good

Play 7th Dragon III code vfd, fagget, is the best RPG of the DS, fuck bravely default and it's retarded "do the same thing you just did 5+ times in a row" half of the game.

My favorites are Azure Dreams and Breath of Fire 3.

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Neither CT nor DQV come even remotely close to RS2's level outside of being better in terms of visuals.
Then again, SaGa games are on a tier of their own so whatever, it's good to see them mentioned anyway.
Eiyuu no Densetsu ain't obscure either.

Trails was never good.

DS > 2020 > 2020-II >>> VFD
7th Dragon is just a poor man's Etrian Odyssey anyway

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I played the demo already and it seemed even easier than the first and the writing went from ok to not even worth reading, does it get better later on? the Duelist class was super cool

Deus Ex would

>2020 > 2020-II
Wrong, 2020-II is the peak of the series.

Live-a-Live kicks ass.

My personal favorites are Final Fantasy VI/VII, Phantasy Star IV, Chrono Trigger, and SaGa Frontier. There's a ton that come close though.

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It was a letdown for me because it recycled so much from 2020
They literally copy and pasted multiple dungeons and bosses without changing a thing

What's your top 3? Let me guess, hipster bullshit, because you're too good to like what most people would classify as good.

>Emerald Dragon
There's a tiny chance you're based because it's a GOAT retro JRPG
But there's a huge chance you're just another LARPing retard who picked something that's unlocalized but praised by japanese boomers.

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Best probs Chrono Trigger or FFX but most underrated Golden Sun bar none

>Liking chibi models
yikes, having less chibi models makes VFD already better.

I like Etrian too but is ok to just take a break from it and play something that is more relaxed and comfy, the ost is specially good.

It's an action rpg. Get your labels straight pleb.

Golden sun is a bit overrated user.

Yes. A Japanese action RPG. Much like how things like Chrono Trigger are Japanese turn-based RPGs.

golden sun is putrid shit i'm not sure how anyone can enjoy

Ao no Kiseki

Live-a-Live and Parasite Eve 1 were made by the same dude IIRC

the goat

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>Golden Sun
This is some bizarre kind of bait

>Deus Ex would

Voice acting is an integral part of Deus Ex, not just for story, but also for gameplay purposes:

I always thought it was weird how jrpgs like Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, FF7/8/9, etc. had a major focus with lots of cutscenes and up-close shots of characters talking, yet no voice acting whatsoever.

>They literally copy and pasted multiple dungeons
Two Dungeons, everything else is new including Tokyo Tower, which has been rearranged coming from 2020.
>and bosses
There's three bosses coming from 2020, five if you want to stretch it and include the Niara cameo and Takehaya in the post game dungeon.
Those main bosses were also canonically raised from the dead by Formalhaut so it's not like they were just thrown in there, and having some of the old characters like Daigo and Neko is copypasting since the game is a sequel set two years after the first game, it's actually a good thing they kept some of the older characters relevant.
Meanwhile VFD not only has worse classes and lower difficulty, it reads like a bad fanfiction when it comes to what little it tries to tie to the 2020 games, if even LOOKS worse than the 2020 games.

Altough these games are fantastic this is the only response one will get from most people

JRPG is a genre, it doesn't just mean RPG that's from Japan. This shouldn't have to be explained a million times to Souls autists trying to be clever.

VFD's base theme was weaker than the PSP games
OST was still good though

>it doesn't just mean RPG that's from Japan
lets not start this again

Didn't know Deus Ex was a JRPG with 60+ hours of content and full paragraphs of text for dialog

>JRPG is a genre, it doesn't just mean RPG that's from Japan.
Nah, it does just mean RPG that's from Japan.

>but that's a stupid distinction to make in the first place!
Yep, that's right.

>Those main bosses were also canonically raised from the dead by Formalhaut so it's not like they were just thrown in there
We both know that was just an excuse to let them recycle those bosses
dunno why you're deflecting to VFD because I already ranked it lower

How is that even a question?

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JRPG isn't a genre, it's a distinction made in the 80s and early 90s to differentiate between Japanese and Western turnbased RPGs, Japanese and Western action RPGs and Japanese and Western action RPGs. All of which technically belong to the same genre (RPG) and subgenre (turnbased RPG, ARPG and SRPG) but vary in design philosophy because of culture. The distinction between WRPG and JRPG have existed since the fucking tabletop days.

Even though WRPG and JRPG were commonly used as far back as the late 80s, they didn't catch on as "genre descriptors" until retarded video game journalists forced it in the 00s.
The correct term for what you call "JRPG" is console RPG, light RPG or turnbased RPG.

strategy RPGs***, not action RPGs

>it doesn't just mean RPG that's from Japan

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>the correct term for something everyone uses is something only I use

Etrian Odyssey 3

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Don't be some gen-X faygola trying to score points with the /vr/ crowd.

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JRPG is not a genre. You could say "Japanese style RPG and most people would understand what you mean, but JRPG isn't and has never been a genre.

Deus Ex has quite a bit of dialogue though and there are pleny of JRPGs that are of similar length like Shadow hearts and Grandia 2. most JRPGs cap out at 45 hours and only garbage like Persona usually break that cap

I didn't want to start anything, I should have just ignored the soulsfag like usual but I fucked up, I'm sorry.

Why would someone want to do that, /vr/ as a whole is fine but the RPG threads are some of the most autistic ones around between both it and Yea Forums


Only right choice is also unironically the definition of SOUL
I also love FF12 international job system, but I'm probably a minority thinking its amazing

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Its gacha now

How come modern JRPGs rarely make it to anons favourites?

jrpg is indeed a genre, but arpgs were invented in japan and predate the dq/ff formula, while dq/ff took its systems from wrpgs.
using this knowledge, arpgs are the real jrpgs. skyrim, and of course dark souls is a jrpg, final fantasy, chrono trigger and whatever wizardy/ultima clone is not is not.

Because they are shit?

please, that shit is bottom of the barrel trash. Like FFXV levels of bad.

Because most people in here are in their late 20's/30's, as you grow older you're not going to be as impressionable as when you're younger, which is why most people post older games.
That and a massive dose of nostalgia.

The only objectively good choice, nice job user

That's just your opinion. Personally I think it's pretty golden.

>Personally I think it's pretty golden.

like Lemonade levels of golden?

It's bait. Every time. No one would argue in good faith that Dark Souls belongs in the same genre as Final Fantasy.


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1) Nostalgia
2) People are afraid of being called a bandwagoner and won't add a game to their favourites list until it's at least 5 years old
3) Cynicism and jade with age, I've noticed people criticize a lot of modern JRPGs for things that were still common and almost staples of older acclaimed JRPGs.
I love games like Lunar, Skies of Arcadia and Dark Cloud but I'll admit stuff like Dragon Quest 11 or Xenoblade 2 really quenched my thirst for something that I feel was missing in big budget JRPGs for the last decade or so.

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JRPG isn't a genre; both are JRPGs. How fucking thick are you? One's an ARPG and one's a turnbased RPG.

Am I really the first to mention Xenogears?

Yea Forums, you disappoint.

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Im still confused about that



beat me by the speed of the captcha

also, great minds think alike!

>Im still confused about that

it's something that is said in a song that plays in a boss fight against a golden alpaca.

Xenogears has awful gameplay and the rest is just a mish mash of anime tropes with a coat of edge and DUDE RELIGION LMAO

There is no best JRPG, which imo is evidence they are all mediocre. If I tried to name the best one I played on PS1, literally none of them stand out, I would have to list at least five games.

TWEWY for me.

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I'd put Apocalypse on my top 10

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nuff said

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It's not even the most DUDE RELIGION LMAO game mentioned in this thread
also it's basically pro-religion which isn't that common in JRPGs

>I have never played Xenogears

Why do JRPGs consistently have great soundtracks?
I'm asking as someone who hates 90% of JRPGs.

Still has the best love story and main couple of any jrpg

FE Awakening is my favorite SRPG but unironically.

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Because the devs want videogame music and not "atmospheric ambiance".

The way Xeno games treat religion and approach gnosticism is refreshing for JRPGs. Religion still plays a massive role but they always do something interesting with it.
You can tell the writer actually likes and knows his stuff about gnosticism and philosophy instead of being another jap who inserts abrahamic shit because it looks cool.

thank (you) ! Fei and Elly are the only couple that actually seem like a couple. they have their ups and downs, and take their time to work it out. I can't think of any other game that can do it without making it feel forced.

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Ripe with potential. I'm actually afraid of it getting remade, being popular, and getting warped beyond recognition by normie demands.

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Trails in the Sky trilogy has a romance that's almost but not quite as good as Xenogears.

reminder that Rose is a literal child murder and intentionally murders innocent bystanders and civilians to hide the truth.

And the game just writes it off like nothing.

literally lmaoing at all the shit taste in this thread
at least no one has said kiseki because that would be the bottom of the barrel

There is nothing interesting about it. The literal fucking church is one of the antagonist organisations and the final boss was going to be named Yahweh.


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>The literal fucking church is one of the antagonist organisations

The organization that Margie runs, the only one fit to be called a church, is the one that saves everyone.

Breath of fire 2 3 4
Chrono trigger

"Cut part of your dick off." - YHWH

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because the gameplay isn't exactly blood pumping, the music helps make it more exciting

They're not innocent. It sucks but just being exposed to the Moon Child puts them under some kind of spell that will make them zealots that serve and worship the Moon Child and work to bring about it's will.

After such a long time, she's just gotten good at it even though she hates it. It'd be a neat side story to explore her first encounter with that fact and how she dealt with it.

It's also not written off as nothing, just revealed at a point where a lot of even crazier stuff is also being revealed, and at that point the only way to deal with those issues is what the main storyline focuses on (Moon stuff). It's touched upon in certain conversations if you pay attention so it's not just ignored or anything.

You're only supporting my point, because you don't get to decide what is fit to be called a church

have any of you actually played chrono trigger? or are you just saying you have for gamer points.

its not that good, it was for its time but that was over 20 years ago.

t. zoomer who only plays waifutrash

>it was for its time
Im not a huge fan but it doesnt show its age at all, its the first time and last time ATB was ever done in an engaging way and the encounter design is just as fresh today as it was on launch

>its not that good
>it was [good]
You have to admit his argument is solid.

Nigga, the winglies had a monopoly on which souls ascends to heaven and which not. In that part you meet some of the ghosts that were murdered by Rose.
This is why you play the game by yourself instead of watching gameplays, retard.


and you do?

It would be if the second disc was finished and the gameplay wasn't bad.

>all these faggot casuals

if you say mother3, earthbound, chronotrigger, ff6, ff10, tales of symphonia, persona 5, or xenoblade chronicles 2 you are a faggot who belongs on reddit fullstop. Get your shitty entry level casual opinions out and actually play something that you wouldn't find on a "top 10 JRPGs you NEED to play!" list.

Only zoomers think Chrono Trigger is good enough to be the best JRPG of all time. It's not even the best of the 90s.
If somebody says Chrono Trigger is their favourite JRPG of all time, I just assume they don't play much older and modern RPGs.


>They're not innocent. It sucks but just being exposed to the Moon Child puts them under some kind of spell that will make them zealots that serve and worship the Moon Child and work to bring about it's will.

>didn't do anything wrong other than be there at the wrong time
>they not innocent

are you for fucking real?

>xenoblade chronicles 2
Seems like an odd example next to those other titles, Xenoblade Chronicles 1 is a lot more liked and usually on top 10s.

Like what, user?

Honestly currently replaying xenogears its not that great. It could have been a masterpiece if split into 2 games and given the proper amount of support, but the end product is clearly rushed and poorly written. Every character throughout the first half of the game is introduced, has an arc and that arc is immediately paid off, with that character largely having nothing to do after that. Rico is a prime example but emerelda is another. Billy also is part of Aquavy but after that only fires the saucer gun and can easily be removed from the story. Citan's betrayal reveal and redemption are done in 2 minutes when it should have taken 2-3 hours. Besides the story pacing there's no reason to gear up your characters because anything worth doing is done in gears with the only deathblow you really need being XX. Then there's every level being a long hallway with no life and made labryth and samey so you get lost.

Of any game I'd like to see remade, its Xenogears first and foremost, with the pre solaris area being one game stretched out and the post solaris area being a separate game also stretched out so ideas and events can unfold at a proper pace. Its still worth playing and it has fantastic ideas, they just were just too ambitious for the budget and the overall game suffers because the creator wouldn't remove certain sequences to make the overall experience better

Xenogears and Xenoblade 1 are overrated ones.
Nobody overrates Xenosaga, Xenoblade X or Xenoblade 2 enough for them to be "top 10 JRPGs"list-tier
Xenoblade X is underrated

I would probably say Valkyrie Profile 2, objectively. The start is a bit too slow but the overall story is amazing, the combat is extremely good with tons of depth, the post game is insane and offers tons of playtime if you're super autism, and even the music is a modern Sakuraba soundtrack that isn't 99% identical to all his other ones.

do you know if PCSX2 has gotten better at emulating it since the 1.0 release?

>Im not a huge fan but it doesnt show its age at all, its the first time and last time ATB was ever done in an engaging way
How did Chrono Trigger do ATB in 'an engaging way'?

>the encounter design is just as fresh today as it was on launch
You can mindlessly auto-attack your way through most evry encounter (save for a few enemies that are immune to physical attacks/elements).

>Xenoblade X is underrated
X is unironically the most technologically impressive JRPG ever made, and that was on outdated backwards hardware that didn't sell, shame about the dumpsterfire story and characters

I see a lot more people still shilling 2 than 1. Even 1 I'd squint at but at least then people would actually have to give effort to fuckin play it.

Suikoden 1-2, SMT2, the persona 2 duology, Wildarms, FFV, Xenogears and even Xenosaga 1 and 2 for the most part.

Really just anything good that isn't "funny youtube man told me to like it" shit

good point. They are innocent, my point was that she had no choice but to kill them, though. She's not killing them just to "hide the truth", which would imply she had a choice whether she could kill them or not. Her hand was forced, too.

Emeralda has an optional sidequest on disc 2 that does a lot more for her, and even gives her another combat form. Which adds a lot to the lore of Abel too. I think it's missed by a lot of people just rushing disc 2 after chair wars.

I'm not sure but I doubt it. You can use this to play it perfectly though, just replace the gdx in probably any other version of pcsx2 and select it in the options.

I should write a blog post somewhere so people can google how to make VP2 work and download this, instead of posting it in threads where people ask every few months. I uploaded that in 2011 just to share in threads

It wasn't even that good back in its time. There were much better games back then like Lufia II or Phantasy Star IV. Hell, I wouldn't even say Trigger was better than Tales of Phantasia.

>get your shitty entry level casual opinions out
>recommends Suikoden, Persona, Wild Arms, Xenogears, Final Fantasy
cool story bro

Enemy's actually move around in every fight rather than in set gimmick moments like FF4-6 and you can wait for enemyie to align themselves for special attacks. Its not much but it uses the system much more than any other game that does it, The way each aera has set encounters without any random encounters is also not something I think any other game has done exclusively like Chrono did.
I dont even like this game so Im not going to defend the actual combat, just that age isnt a part of the equation since what it does hasn't really been replicated outside of a few shitty indie clones nobody played

>I see a lot more people still shilling 2 than 1. Even 1 I'd squint at but at least then people would actually have to give effort to fuckin play it.
Really? Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but 1 seems to be way more loved from stuff like top 10 lists and jrpg youtubers.

People talk about 2 more but the consensus among these people is that 1 is still the GOAT.

Ys: Oath of Felghana

Grandia 2 a personal favorite, great battle system

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I've played through the game as a kid so I know abouthte lighthouse, it doesn't change the fact that she joins as some sort of super important piece of a puzzle to ascend humanity, and she's mentioned in about 1 dialog box after. Her sidequest is rushed like all other arcs because they clearly wanted to tell the player a lot more about ZeGOYIM but there was no budget/time to

Its a shame it devolved into AoE spam at the mid point and lost half the charm of the system

>Enemy's actually move around in every fight rather than in set gimmick moments like FF4-6 and you can wait for enemyie to align themselves for special attacks.
Except this is largely meaningless in CT, since your characters can't move nor can you freely target AOE's nor is there any friendly fire. It doesn't amount to any real added depth in combat.

The vast majority of abilities in CT are still 'target one enemy/ally' or 'target ALL enemies/allies'. Look for yourself:

>The way each aera has set encounters without any random encounters is also not something I think any other game has done exclusively like Chrono did.
Turn-based wrpgs had already been doing this years before Chrono Trigger. CT's implementation of it isn't that good since enemies are glued to a small zone and can't really chase your or anything beyond taking a few steps from their spot.

Forgot to mention that Enemies can technically move, but they do so extremely sporadically and are just motionless 99% of the time.

my argument isnt that these systems are good or even adequate, my argument is that it does these things better than other JRPGs at the time and now, I didnt bring up Wrpgs because even mediocre Wrpgs shit all over the best of Jrpgs

According to the longest running & only Review site that covers all forms of RPGs. These
> Best JRPGs of All Time
> 1. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Final Fantasy VI
> 4. Valkyrie Profile
> 5. Final Fantasy IX
> 6. Lunar: Eternal Blue
> 7. Phantasy Star IV: End of The Millennium
> 8. Chrono Cross
> 9. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
> 10. Persona 4 Golden
> 11. Final Fantasy X
> 12. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
> 13. NieR: Automata
> 14. Skies of Arcadia
> 15. Final Fantasy Tactics
> 16. Final Fantasy VII
> 17. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
> 18. Kingdom Hearts I & II
> 19. Shadow Hearts: Covenant
> 20. Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra

> 1. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Final Fantasy VI
Stopped reading there, what a fucking joke.

You're wrong on all accounts.
Not sure if it's even worth wasting time arguing about this given how you're the usual CT fan who pretends no other game before or after it used those designs, let alone use them better.
>I didnt bring up Wrpgs because even mediocre Wrpgs shit all over the best of Jrpgs
And here's the point where I stop caring completely.

>Xenosaga III over the first
>Lunar: EB over SSSC
>Symphony of the Night a RPG
Nice shity list you got there


Your taste in games is fine but you're still wrong. L2 is almost as good, but not quite. PSIV isn't even close.

I played those back when they were new. All three are favorites of mine, but I'd probably call Chrono Trigger the best overall.

>Golden sun is a bit overrated user.
Not him, but I disagree.
This board shits on it while constantly sucking off FFX, Mother 3 and other trash games.
I played the Golden Sun games last year and there is nothing so offensive about them to get the amount of negativity that they do on here.

I feel like making some sort of notable jrpg chart, but I don't know how to tell whether a game counts as a jrpg or not. Is there some objective rule I can follow?

Absolutely motherfucking pure based and redpilled Trumpkino
Every game you listed is pretty good (except for Libtard 3), but they're not really worthy of being called the best JRPG.

It came from Japan.

>I feel like making some sort of notable jrpg chart
Don't, we already have enough rubbish as it is and you already lack the minimum common sense required.

Phantasy Star IV

I feel like best RPG is more subjective than other genres. Maybe because subjective things like the characters and setting tend to matter more, or the fact that a lot of them play very similarly at their core. Compared to something like best platformers, there's always more disagreement.

I certainly hope you aren't trying to Imply it's OP. Why didn't the "mages" just cast themselves out of the dullest game in the history of JRPG? Seriously each level following the boy time traveler and his pals from across time as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sakaguchi vetoed the idea of a non-turn based combat system; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for Final Fantasty. The Chrono Trigger series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Secret of Mana series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the Story was good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the story was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "went back in time."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Takashi Tokita's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Chrono Trigger by Hironobu Sakaguchi. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Chrono Triggerr at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Final Tantasy." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Chrono Trigger" you are, in fact, trained to play Final Fantasy.

Attached: Chrono-trigger.jpg (978x650, 96K)

There's also a lot of different types of RPGs, so some people favor story-driven games vs. pure dungeon crawlers, etc.

Dragon Quest VIII.

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I genuinely thought this was a Barkely Gaiden quote before I realized this was multiple copypastas stitched together

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I hope Barkley 2 comes out someday

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Not a real thing

Tales of series for the characters
Dragon quest for the adventure

Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasy XI and Chronno trigger are some of my favorites

Yeah, it makes sense to divide RPGs like this somehow, with more subgenres like first person dungeon crawlers (blobbers if you like that term).

Persona 5 is the best JRPG to ever be created. It has brilliant writing, a perfect battle system, great characters and it's stylistic as hell. The music too is stunning

>Chrononono trigger

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That's a roguelike

>Legaia & Dragoon
My brothers. Everyone just defaults to FF but these two are the real JRPG gems of the PS1 era.

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he bit his tongue

It's definitely one of the best recently.

Dragon Quest 11

How is one supposed to choose a single best game from that list? They are so similar. Most of them have the same strengths and the same weaknesses.

Not chrono trigger thatgame is overhyped garbage

Not a bad list.

The negativity is only by smash fags.

Tales of Xillia

Not recently.
No JRPG has ever been this down to Earth, mature, stylistic, witty and relevant. Ever.

The Persona games are always so stylish. One of the best things about them. Even the menus look cool.


Uuh, you serious there hombre?

Back in my days trolling meant something

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dark cloud

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1. Valkyrie Profile
2. Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
3. Devil Survivor Overclocked

I have several rpgs that I love
1.FF 6 , 7 and 10
2.Shadow Hearts 1 and 2
4.Mass Effect 1 and 2
5.Xenoblade Chronicles 2
6.Legend of Dragoon
7.Grandia 2
8.Skies of Arcadia
9.Nier and Automata
10.Chrono Cross
And a lot more that I'm probably forgetting. List is in no particular order.

It's astounding that the sequel still holds up visually all these years despite coming out in 2002. I believe it was the first cel-shaded 3D anime style game. People complain about generic anime artstyles in JRPGs but it is a timeless artstyle, like it or not.

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>no FFIX

1. Persona 5 (best gameplay, and best balance on hard)
2. Chrono Trigger for inventiveness and creativity back in the day as well as the most memorable cast of characters in JRPG history (except Marle maybe)
3. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire

Brilliant writing? Did you skip the second and third palace's months? Or the hawaii trip? The stupid fight between Ryuji and Morgana before the fifth dungeon? Or did you just not notice the lack of character depth and the misuse of social links in Persona 5? Persona 5 is good in its story at best and this is the very reason it cannot surpass neither Persona 3, Persona 4 or Persona 2 IS and EP.

Btw, best JRPG is either Persona 3 FES or Persona 4 Golden. 3 has the better story and most impact, but 4 has the better pacing and polish.

Dark Cloud 1 is ass.
Haven't touched Dark Cloud 2 yet but i bought them at the same time + Rogue Galaxy because i was dumb and in the mood for JRPGs and apparently forgot why i don't like JRPGs

I'm aware of subgenres but I dunno what makes something some Castlevania games and Monster Hunter a jrpg or not.

For some reason I don't mentally put Pokemon in the same category as other RPGs. Pokemon series is definitely one of my favorites, but if somebody asked my favorite RPG series I probably wouldn't think to say it.

Yeah, it gets tricky. Especially now that "RPG elements" like leveling up are in so many games.

Good tastes & Based objective facts incoming:

1. Persona 4
2. Persona 3 FES
3. Digital Devil Saga (not separating them)
4. Final Fantasy 9
5. Valkyrie Profile

yea i had the same thought before posting it but then i was like fuck it, it's a jrpg

>already played all the games being listed ITT

Is it time to die? It seems there is nothing left to be enjoyed in this mortal coil.

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1. Skies of Arcadia
2. Xenosaga Episode III
3. Ao no Kiseki
4. Rance X
5. Lunar SSSC
6. Dark Chronicle
7. Terranigma
8. Xenoblade 2
9. Ys 4
10. Grandia 2

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For some reason 9 just didn't click with me ,not saying is a bad game but I just couldn't get into it. Also forgot to mention Persona 4 and 5.

anyone that ranks Persona and DDS over any other Megaten is a maximum plebeian

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Play Growlanser 4

You bastard, are you trying to drive him to despair with that garbage game?

I'll let you off with a warning this time, but you should try 9 again.

>battles take fucking forever since you have a billion units to control
Kill yourself pleb that's the best part. It feels like a real war

Lunar SSSC was my first RPG.

Get better fucking taste

No it just feels like a meaningless slog.

Ok fagget now tell me 1 (one) better SRPG than FE awakening

>inb4 older and shitter FE games and FF tactics from like 10 years ago.

Final Fantasy V for most fun
Xenoblade for best concept

Super Robot Wars Alpha 3.

It's not. Bad gameplay, story, and music

Don't do it guys, it's a trap. He'll ruin any threads about your favorite game if you do.

>best gameplay, and best balance on hard
Simplified press turn doesn't make for good gameplay, let alone a game so easy you can't die

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I like games like that in theory, but it's hard for me to get into. Like Dark Wizard for Sega CD seems awesome, but the battles go on forever.

Shit's 10+ years old and also on moonrunes user.

I always wanted to try SRW, fuck Japanese

Nah, it's great

Why? It doesn't need to be a srpg. Any piece of shit is better than Awakening since the game is utter garbage

Pokemon's in a weird spot because it by all means started as one of the most basic bitch JRPGs [and a shameless copy of Last Bible, at that] but because it was such, it let the normies get into the genre better than anything before it.

If I remember correctly, 1-3, Alpha Gaiden and J were fan-translated, Original Generations on GBA and Endless Frontier are localized, and Moon Dwellers onward come with English dialogue built in but you have to get the SEA version.

>Any piece of shit is better than Awakening since the game is utter garbage
Sounds like you couldn't name a single better SRPG, what a shame user, that you don't like it doesn't mean that it is bad it is actually great but you hate it because it is popular

Might as well look for the fan translations and play them, thanks user, there aren't enough SRPGs.

>it is actually great
lol no
>reliant on a large amount of random chance. Dual guard, dual attack, random enemy skills, all on top of already unreliable hit/evade/crit and many skills that have a random activation chance
>second seals resetting your level allowing infinite levels, even worse is your internal level can get high enough to only get 8 exp per kill on higher difficulties, meaning it isn't a good grind game either
>Weapon durability is negligible like usual due to the plethora of gold and weapons dropped
>children units either end up broken or worthless due to no scaling
>removed all the good kinds of staves from the series. no sleep, berserk, warp, etc
>many open maps with minimal terrain/choke points. once your units have gotten enough experience under their belts for them to overwhelm the enemies with pure stats and the very powerful pair up mechanic even on luantic and L+
>there's a major skill imbalance problem in the game, most are dogshit outside of OP ones like galeforce since it focuses on the most important element of gameplay and and shit like Vantage + Vengeance + Wrath
>no tactical skill, game is EP focused and all about tanking since 1-2 range is supreme
>only has two objectives, Rout the Enemy and Kill Commander, leading to repetitive gameplay. there's No defend, No Seize, No Arrive, nothing. And it's not like there's that many side objectives as well. Villages are few and far in between, there aren't too many meaningful drops or chests and recruitment is limited to run Chrom up and Talk
>on the rare occasion you'll get an indoor map, but which is also very open with enemies crammed into every nook and cranny
This isn't even the extent of Awakenings problems like no weight so higher tier weapons is outright superior to each other with no downsides at all. It's a terrible "tactics" game, anything is better than it.

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>reliant on a large amount of random chance.
not like if older games didn't had that shit too, come on is FE, RNG up the ass for everything.
>it isn't a good grind game either
Shit ain't Disgaea, Son.
>Weapon durability is negligible
Fuck durability, no one on their right mind likes it anyways
>children units either end up broken or worthless due to no scaling
Just don't use them bro they are 100% optional except for a few, which you can just not include anyways
>all that other shit I won't quote individually
Never said it was perfect, but is better than others, there is a reason why it sold much better than other entries and waifus aren't the only reason.

It wasn't the first game to have you battle using monsters, but the execution is pretty different. I wonder how much influence something like Last Bible actually had. Pokemon was in development from 1990 to 1996, and Last Bible came out in 1992 (though Megami Tensei came out before development started). The Megami Tensei system is different than Pokemon (monsters don't level up or anything, you're not expected to keep the same demons for long). Pokemon did enough unique to set itself apart I'd say. The multiplayer elements alone were brilliant.

>not like if older games didn't had that shit too, come on is FE, RNG up the ass for everything.
Kill yourself you casual retard. Other games didn't have a major focus on offensive skills and pair up and had ways to control rng to your liking. The game is rng up it's ass, not the other games.
>Shit ain't Disgaea, Son
Not only is Disgaea better, Awakening tries to act like one yet fails so hard at being a jrpg or a trpg and just ends up as being one of the worst games ever made.
>Fuck durability, no one on their right mind likes it anyways
lol casual
>Just don't use them bro they are 100% optional except for a few, which you can just not include anyways
Not an argument. Doesn't change they break the shitty game in half just like Robin, doesn't change they are the most worthless units in the game if gotten at lategame.
>Never said it was perfect, but is better than others
And it's not. Even other shitty FE games like 4 is better than this fucking garbage game. Get over yourself, you didn't defend or debunk anything.
>there is a reason why it sold much better than other entries
Yeah marketing. Because it sure as hell wasn't a good game

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>just ends up as being one of the worst games ever made.
Now you are just exaggerating, so in your opinion which is the best SRPG, TRPG whatever you want to call them.

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Kingdom Hearts 2.

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How about you try and defend your favourite garbage game instead of trying to deflect and shitpost

meh, it's alright. The story and character development is painfully lacking though, better off with Bravely Second or Default as they at least had more fun job classes, flexible battle system, and some character interaction even if it was one dimensional

Azure Dreams was real GOAT material. I always wanted a sequel with just more of everything.

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>FE awakening
>my favorite game
lel, I like it but it ain't my favorite game overall.

And you didn't mentioned any other SRPG because it is probably something shitty and/or worse than FE awakening.

is that trunks?

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No, is SSJ4 Gogeta.

anyone else ever play Energy Breaker? stuff was real weird, but fun

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>Legend of Dragoon
>sequel never ever
It hurts

>final fantasy 6
>octopath traveler
>dragon quest 5
which one should i play first lads?

YW3 > all the RPGs on this thread.

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Myra is one of my favorite protagonists. I thought the battle system was interesting but it really got trivialized by using items since you could use them rapid fire with minimal delay, and the energy distribution didn't work that well since you basically just prioritized stats at first and later you had enough energy to max everything.
Not a 'great' game but it matched my tastes so I enjoyed playing it.

Liking it at all is a sign of shit taste since it's a bad game. You know you have no defensive when you try to flip the topic of conversation. Continue eating shit you fucking retard and pretending it's good

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Based and Yokaipilled

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Final Fantasy 6 I'd say.

>still can't name 1 (one) game

>inb4 f-f-fuck you! FE awakening is shit because I said so, I-I won't post another game not because I can't find a better one but b-b-because I don't want to!!!

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I don't know about that (haven't played it), but ghost girls are nice.

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>wild arms 2
>breath of fire 3


Awakeningbabbies are so pathetic, see this is when you know it's a bad game.

>see this is when you know it's a bad game.
You're right that this game and the fanbase are terrible but there are good games with bad fanbases and bad games with good fanbases

>fanbase bad game bad unga bunga
ok retard

yeah, I really enjoyed the combat system and the attempt at something unique with the energy balancing, and the story was convoluted but also somehow gripped me. My only real critque outside of the energy balancing being kinda trivial and some battles just being tedious more than strategic, is that some parts are very obtuse on how to continue the story

Attached: energy breaker hospitalized.png (912x660, 192K)

And Awakening is a bad game with a bad fanbase.

Final fantasy 6 snes
Chrono trigger snes
Suikoden ps1
Suikoden 2 ps1
Suikoden tierkries nintendo ds
Final fantasy 7 ps1
Grandia 2 dreamcast
Suikoden 5 ps2
Lost oddessey xbox360
Final fantasy x ps2
Final fantasy xiii ps2

These are all of the JRPGs I have ever played all the way through to completion. I'd recommend these. But there are tons of other good ones.

Stay mad Awakeningbabby. There's a reason your trash game is shit on for killing FE and being one of worst experiences possible

I don't think I really understand all the praise Grandia 2 gets. I beat it on Steam like a year ago and besides the combat system it was pretty bland in every regard

Attached: grandia 2 ryudo.png (1280x720, 1.29M)

I like ryudo's attitude, I like the fight with melfice, I like the evil pope storyline, I like the idea of a giant sword spaceship and an ancient battle between gods that scars the landscape, I love the battle system, and the art and design looked great back on dreamcast when I first played it. Oh and the grandia theme is great.

Treasure Hunter G is also weird but good.

>There's a reason your trash game is shit on for killing FE
>for killing FE
>killing FE
Ah, you mean the thing that was on life support purely by smash bros and that without awakening would have died out for real? and now it is "killing" FE even when now that shit is making a shit load of money for jewtendo so new entries are 100% confirmed for years to come?

Ok, yeah, don't tell me, you are unironically gay and afraid of waifus and because of that you hate awakening.

You posted it.

Something I've come to realize is that JRPG recommendation are completely worthless. There are good games in the genre but there seems to be no clear association with popularity or people's other tastes, and most of the time JRPG fans don't even understand what they like about the games they recommend. I really don't know why I even bother.

oo yeah I have been wanting to play that one too

Just play Monster hunter
>inb4 MH is not an RPG
It is.

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Parasite Eve or Valkyria Chronicles

Yes it killed it thanks for confirming what everyone knows. Awakeningbabbies are so fucking obsessed, you are unable to admit it's a bad game since you don't have the mental capacity to tell bad from good. Just stop justifying your like for a bad game, it's pathetic

I think it was just too corny for my taste and the voice acting also got to me. I can see why it was a big deal at the time, but I guess I just never got sucked in. Also the final boss on the hard mode was a mistake. He gets to attack soo frequently it becomes a very long ordeal in order to kill him

Fire Emblem has to be bottom tier for SRPGs

Phantom Brave
Soul Nomad
Disgaea 1, Disgaea 4 and Disgaea 5
Fucking anything else, FE is garbage from a story, character and gameplay perspective, the only reason you think it's good is because you don't know shit about the genre.

It is but that's besides the point

Sure, it's corny, but it never crossed my tolerance into being too corny (for a JRPG).

Final Fantasy 7. That's a fact.

Sales, reviews and player scores tell otherwise user, I think that you are simply contrarian, the game is an extremely solid 9/10 whatever you or Yea Forums like it or not.

Numbers don't lie user and they are telling me that you are retarded.

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way to make people not take your shitpost seriously

Always knew Awakeningcancer have the same exact mindset as flies

>oh shit I'm feelin it, TAPION
>I feel like killin it, TAPION

>Soul Nomad
Good taste
>Disgaea 1, Disgaea 4 and Disgaea 5
>you don't know shit about the genre.
>but don't includes Disgaea 2


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Disgaea 2 is my personal favorite in the franchise but I think D4 and D5 are better from a gameplay perspective and D1 is legendary in it's own right. Every Disgaea game except D2 is miles better than Awakening or really any FE game though.

>completed over 100 srpgs
>favorite one is still a fire emblem game
How do I develop good taste?


Oh and by D2 I mean Disgaea D2 which everyone rightfully forgot about. Even DD2 isn't that bad but loses a ton of points for butchering the original Disgaea characters and a ton of other false promises.
It's okay to like Fire Emblem, just acknowledge that it's not that great of a series and a pretty boring SRPG full of archaic designs.

>Every Disgaea game is miles better than Awakening or really any FE game though.
I like da grindan game and huge ass ridiculous damage numbers too user but there is no deep on the battle system of Disgaea, literally LITERALLY all the games can be broken all the way to mid-late postgame using only 1 (one) mage, like hell she will get so ridiculously fucking overpowered that nothing will stop her, just get some characters to throw her around and she will fuck every map up, and by the time she get stopped you will have plenty of maps to quickly power leveling some characters to help her.

I always go for a Thief + Mage run and they do great.

How fucking pathetic

The problem is that the couple of Fire Emblem games I like seem like the best games in the genre, despite some flaws. Nothing can match FE level design. Few games can offer such a variety of tactical challenges while building off of simple intuitive game mechanics, nothing else does integration of story and gameplay mechanics as well, I even thing the atmosphere is top-notch within the genre. I keep coming back to improve my strategies and complete challenge runs so I've gotten a ridiculous amount of replay value out of FE. What specifically am I missing?

Disgaea's willingness to let players do challenges how they want is one of the reasons it's so good though, you also act like FE games can't be cheesed.
>"but there is no deep on the battle system of Disgaea"
>"just magic blast everything lol"
I mean if that's your style that's fine, but that's like saying you can beat every FE map by turtling, which you can. Just like you can hang back and blast magic you can also do complex team setups and abusing every mechanic and facility in the game to win. Plus your strategy falls of really hard by the time you hit postgame anyway.

Lmao just get more mage until you can beat everyone, is not a deep tactic or anything, since the deepest tactic there is on Disgaea is: reincarnate and get stupidly strong until everything you touch explodes.

Maybe get some taste. They are all barebones as fuck, don't have good level design half the time, piss easy, and have zero atmosphere. They are some of the worst in the genre.
>despite some flaws
Major flaws

>just reincarnate lol
Have you actually played a Disgaea game since like, the second one? Reincarnation becomes next to worthless come postgame in D3 and onwards, since now you need to focus on pirating, farming specialists, doing Class/Chara world and working on items. Just spamming magic will get you slapped in any Disgaea game released in the last 10 years, especially since there are bosses deisgned soely to fuck over people who lean on one skill, namely Pringer X, who locks you out of skills you've already used on him.
Shit, one man armying is inneffective even in Disgaea 1 unless you're using Majins. The only way to make one unit attain godmode is through a shitton of work.

Okay, I take it back, there actually is something wrong with liking FE since it creates posts like this where people pretend FE's level design is even close to engaging with how slow the gameplay is.
It's nice that you got some replay value out of FE but this argument can be applied to any SRPG that gives you access to varying units, I do reruns of Phantom Brave every few months because both the gameplay and story are excellent, meanwhile FE7's gameplay was putting me to sleep and I can't remember a single character that wasn't an MC.

>Pringer X
Whoa, shit don't you say the last fucking boss of the game will slap my shit? never seen it coming, truth is, user, that Disgaea is about autistic grinding and that's fine and fun but don't pretend that it takes any kind of deep thinking or tactics, any other SRPG is deeper including of course FE.

Zoomer trying too hard to fit in

Top 5:

Chrono Trigger
Xenoblade Chronicles
Dragon Quest V
Tales of Abyss



>last boss of the game
Pringer X isn't the last boss of ANY game though, that's Baal. The more you talk, the more it sounds like you've played next to no Disgaea and are trying to have a deep opinion on it. Do you even know what a Trapezahedron is? Sorry user but it really sounds like you're just bullshitting so you can try to make FE look a little less shit.

Attached: BAAL.webm (1280x720, 1.05M)

Tell user, who is the superboss of 4? not counting DLC?

Also you aren't negating that the game isn't deep come on user you sound like a Disgaea fanboy right now.

You're probably trolling and don't even like persona but P5 is one of, if not the best modern JRPG but it does lack in a few areas but they're not heavy flaws. But it's not the best of all time. Too many better games out there.

>"not counting DLC"
>not counting the boss that was a literal free update added to a game like a week after release
And I still call bullshit on that other user due to the fact that unless he did the most mind numbing grind imaginable, reaching Pringer X is next to impossible with solo mage(s).
>>Also you aren't negating that the game isn't deep
Because claiming Disgaea isn't deep is retarded since it's literally designed to have a metric shitton of facilities for the player to abuse and explore.
Here's a literal 30 minute guide on getting good items for postgame in D4 and you're sitting here trying to tell me Disgaea isn't deep?

Hurts even more knowing they had planned a sequel but it got dumped in the thrash for no reason

>Unga bunga fuck any tactics on this so called tactical RPG this grinding is "deep" because it takes a lot of time I need the grinding to do big number because there are no tactics so big number is all I really need unga
If grinding for stuff is a tactic then MH and any MMO is a SRPG.

I like both Disgaea and FE but don't go there believing that it is deeper than a standard ass SRPG because at least those need you to move your units correctly instead of just go and nuke whatever you find on the map with a big ass stat that you had to grind for.

Talking to you is like talking to the wall, I'm sure that you simply would shit on FE for whatever retarded reason you have, so have a good night.

how do you 'get taste'

>I don't have an actual argument so I'll just yell unga bunga
Whatever nerd.

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Play Langrisser

I've played them all except 3 since SSF kept crashing when I tried it. They're okay.
Now how do I 'get taste'?

I just told you. Play something good like Langrisser, Berwick Saga, or Yggdra Union

I replayed yggdra union recently. Hopefully someone makes a patch for gloria and blaze union. Is the berwick saga translation almost done?
How do I get taste though? Does it just magically appear once you've played everything or what?

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my nigs

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How bout a top 5
1. Lunar 2
2. Chrono Cross
3. FF8
4. Atelier Ayesha
5. Nier

Gungnir is peak SRPG. Most are too RNG heavy, allow grinding, and stats are WAY too important. But not in Gungnir. God I wish Dept Heaven wasn’t dead

>all this shit taste in this thread in a single thread

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When you stop liking and playing shitty games

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Based. God-tier gameplay. Meh story though

The World Ends With You
shame it never got the publicity i think it deserves

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Valkyrie Profile


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Have the PCE CD version of this and been playing it on and off. It's pretty comfy. The OST, VA and cutscenes are amazing like you'd expect from an 80's PC JRPG ported to the PC Engine. Same is true for Ys book 1 and 2, Ys III and Ys IV Dawn of Ys, Dragon Slayer Legend of Heroes 1 and 2 and Faxanadu. The real underrated gem is pic related, though.

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How possible is it to irreversibly fuck my play-through in this?

Almost impossible as long as you don't grind for hours.

don't quicksave in ANY final dungeon, always save before you go

alright Im going to try it, if I manage to fuck up I will make a very angry anonymous post about it probably 2 months from now

CAll me whatever you want but the rpgs that i really, really liked were
>Vagrant story
The setting is great, and once you understand how everything works, its addictive as shit. DOnt care how much grinding i did for weapons, because once i got the blade i needed, combined it with the other blade i had, get a even stronger weapon made of Damascus and test it, it was the best fucking feeling in the word. You feel like a god.

>Golden sun
Sure, walls of text but holy shit i enjoyed fights. Getting djinns are fun, same as discovering the new summons, new powers, and all that shit.

I dont have anything new to say than other people. Every walkthrough i do something different and every walktrhough i learn something new.